readme.txt 986 B

  1. // ChangeLog
  2. // 1.0 - 1.1 modified to solve transmition between ch341 and ch341
  3. // 1.1 - 1.2 Support high Linux kernel
  4. Instructions
  5. Note: 1.Please run followed executable programs as root privilege
  6. 2.Current Driver support versions of linux kernel range from 2.6.25 to 3.13.x
  7. 3.Current Driver support 32bits and 64bits linux systems
  8. Usage:
  9. (load or unload linux driver of CH34x)
  10. //compile
  11. #make
  12. //load ch34x chips driver
  13. #make load
  14. //unload ch34x chips driver
  15. #make unload
  16. // Depending on the system in wich you are compiling you may need to do some of the procedures bellow to avoid hickups:
  17. // First uninstall brltty (if you are blind **DO NOT DO THIS**) brltty helps peoples who can´t see to do things on system.
  18. // After compiling **sign the module** (needed in systems with secure boot enabled):
  19. #kmodsign sha512 /var/lib/shim-signed/mok/MOK.priv /var/lib/shim-signed/mok/MOK.der ./ch34x.ko
  20. // Then load the module
  21. // 1.2 - 1.3 Fix some bugs