#!/bin/bash # http://reprap.org/wiki/SimulAVR # (because I can't get the official SimulAVR at savannah to build a working executable) # Stop on errors set -e if [ ! -f .prereq ];then ./prerequise.sh;fi source avr-file-names TIME_START=$(date +%s) echo "Downloading sources..." wget -c http://wareck.free.fr/cross_compilation/avr_toolchain/simulavr.tar.xz tar xfJ simulavr.tar.xz # Make simulavr echo "Making simulavr in $NAME_SIMULAVR..." cd $NAME_SIMULAVR/ git checkout traumflug cp ../pack/simulavr_patch1.patch . cp ../pack/simulavr_patch2.patch . patch -p1 < simulavr_patch1.patch patch -p1 < simulavr_patch2.patch ./bootstrap ./configure --enable-tcl --prefix=$PREFIX make sudo make install-strip cd .. TIME_END=$(date +%s) TIME_RUN=$(($TIME_END - $TIME_START)) echo "" echo "Done in $TIME_RUN seconds" exit 0