README.txt 74 KB

  1. This is a multi-threaded multi-pool FPGA and ASIC miner for bitcoin.
  2. This code is provided entirely free of charge by it's programmers.
  3. If you wish to support it, simply mine at
  4. This code is licensed under the GPLv3. This means that the source to any
  5. modifications you make to this code MUST be provided by law if you distribute
  6. modified binaries. See COPYING for details.
  7. Search below for the following headings for details about mining
  10. If building from git
  11. If building on Ubuntu
  12. Basic *nix build instructions
  13. Building on Windows10
  14. Building on MacOS
  15. Usage instructions
  18. LINUX
  19. OSX
  20. Advanced USB options
  23. QUOTAS
  25. FAQ
  26. GIT TREE:
  29. ---
  31. Single pool:
  32. cgminer -o stratum+tcp://pool:port -u username -p password
  33. Multiple pools:
  34. cgminer -o stratum+tcp://pool1:port -u pool1username -p pool1password -o stratum+tcp://pool2:port -u pool2usernmae -p pool2password
  35. Single pool with a standard http proxy:
  36. cgminer -o "http:proxy:port|stratum+tcp://pool:port" -u username -p password
  37. Single pool with a socks5 proxy:
  38. cgminer -o "socks5:proxy:port|stratum+tcp://pool:port" -u username -p password
  39. Single pool with stratum protocol support:
  40. cgminer -o stratum+tcp://pool:port -u username -p password
  41. Solo mining to local bitcoind:
  42. cgminer -o http://localhost:8332 -u username -p password --btc-address 15qSxP1SQcUX3o4nhkfdbgyoWEFMomJ4rZ
  43. The list of proxy types are:
  44. http: standard http 1.1 proxy
  45. http0: http 1.0 proxy
  46. socks4: socks4 proxy
  47. socks5: socks5 proxy
  48. socks4a: socks4a proxy
  49. socks5h: socks5 proxy using a hostname
  50. If you compile cgminer with a version of CURL before 7.19.4 then some of the above will
  51. not be available. All are available since CURL version 7.19.4
  52. If you specify the --socks-proxy option to cgminer, it will only be applied to all pools
  53. that don't specify their own proxy setting like above
  54. After saving configuration from the menu, you do not need to give cgminer any
  55. arguments and it will load your configuration.
  56. Any configuration file may also contain a single
  57. "include" : "filename"
  58. to recursively include another configuration file.
  59. Writing the configuration will save all settings from all files in the output.
  60. ---
  63. Mandatory:
  64. pkg-config
  65. libtool
  66. Optional:
  67. curl dev library
  68. (libcurl4-openssl-dev - Must tell configure --disable-libcurl otherwise
  69. it will attempt to compile it in)
  70. curses dev library
  71. (libncurses5-dev or libpdcurses on WIN32 for text user interface)
  72. libusb-1 dev library (libusb-1.0-0-dev)
  73. (This is only required for USB device support)
  74. libudev dev library (libudev-dev)
  75. (This is only required for USB device support and is linux only)
  76. uthash dev (uthash-dev)
  77. Will use a copy included with the source if unavailable.
  78. libjansson dev (libjansson-dev)
  79. Will use a copy included with the source if unavailable.
  80. If building from git:
  81. git (of course)
  82. autoconf
  83. automake
  84. If building on Ubuntu:
  85. sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool \
  86. pkg-config libcurl4-openssl-dev libudev-dev \
  87. libusb-1.0-0-dev libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev git
  88. CGMiner specific configuration options:
  89. --enable-ants1 Compile support for Antminer S1 Bitmain (default
  90. disabled)
  91. --enable-ants2 Compile support for Antminer S2 Bitmain (default
  92. disabled)
  93. --enable-avalon Compile support for Avalon (default disabled)
  94. --enable-avalon2 Compile support for Avalon2/3 (default disabled)
  95. --enable-avalon4 Compile support for Avalon4/4.1/6 (default disabled)
  96. --enable-avalon7 Compile support for Avalon7 (default disabled)
  97. --enable-avalon8 Compile support for Avalon8 (default disabled)
  98. --enable-bab Compile support for BlackArrow Bitfury (default
  99. disabled)
  100. --enable-bflsc Compile support for BFL ASICs (default disabled)
  101. --enable-bitforce Compile support for BitForce FPGAs (default
  102. disabled)
  103. --enable-bitfury Compile support for BitFury ASICs (default disabled)
  104. --enable-bitmine_A1 Compile support for A1 ASICs (default
  105. disabled)
  106. --enable-blockerupter Compile support for ASICMINER BlockErupter Tube/Prisma
  107. (default disabled)
  108. --enable-cointerra Compile support for Cointerra ASICs (default disabled)
  109. --enable-drillbit Compile support for Drillbit BitFury ASICs (default
  110. disabled)
  111. --enable-gekko Compile support for GekkoScience (default disabled)
  112. --enable-hashfast Compile support for Hashfast (default disabled)
  113. --enable-icarus Compile support for Icarus (default disabled)
  114. --enable-klondike Compile support for Klondike (default disabled)
  115. --enable-knc Compile support for KnC miners (default disabled)
  116. --enable-minion Compile support for Minion BlackArrow ASIC (default
  117. disabled)
  118. --enable-modminer Compile support for ModMiner FPGAs(default disabled)
  119. --enable-sp10 Compile support for Spondoolies SP10 (default
  120. disabled)
  121. --enable-sp30 Compile support for Spondoolies SP30 (default
  122. disabled)
  123. --disable-libcurl Disable building with libcurl for GBT support
  124. --enable-libsystemd Compile support for system watchdog and status
  125. notifications (default disabled)
  126. --without-curses Compile support for curses TUI (default enabled)
  127. --with-system-libusb Compile against dynamic system libusb (default use
  128. included static libusb)
  129. --with-system-jansson Compile against dynamic system jansson (default use
  130. included static jansson)
  131. Basic *nix build instructions:
  132. To actually build:
  133. ./ # only needed if building from git repo
  134. CFLAGS="-O2 -Wall -march=native -fcommon" ./configure <options>
  135. make
  136. No installation is necessary. You may run cgminer from the build
  137. directory directly, but you may do make install if you wish to install
  138. cgminer to a system location or location you specified.
  139. Building on Windows10:
  140. see windows-build.txt
  141. Building on MacOS
  142. see mac-build.txt
  143. ---
  144. Usage instructions: Run "cgminer --help" to see options:
  145. Usage: cgminer [-DdElmpPQqUsTouOchnV]
  146. Options for both config file and command line:
  147. --anu-freq <arg> Set AntminerU1/2 frequency in MHz, range 125-500 (default: 250.0)
  148. --api-allow <arg> Allow API access only to the given list of [G:]IP[/Prefix] addresses[/subnets]
  149. --api-description <arg> Description placed in the API status header, default: cgminer version
  150. --api-groups <arg> API one letter groups G:cmd:cmd[,P:cmd:*...] defining the cmds a groups can use
  151. --api-listen Enable API, default: disabled
  152. --api-mcast Enable API Multicast listener, default: disabled
  153. --api-mcast-addr <arg> API Multicast listen address
  154. --api-mcast-code <arg> Code expected in the API Multicast message, don't use '-'
  155. --api-mcast-des <arg> Description appended to the API Multicast reply, default: ''
  156. --api-mcast-port <arg> API Multicast listen port (default: 4028)
  157. --api-network Allow API (if enabled) to listen on/for any address, default: only
  158. --api-port <arg> Port number of miner API (default: 4028)
  159. --au3-freq <arg> Set AntminerU3 frequency in MHz, range 100-250 (default: 225.0)
  160. --au3-volt <arg> Set AntminerU3 voltage in mv, range 725-850, 0 to not set (default: 775)
  161. --avalon-auto Adjust avalon overclock frequency dynamically for best hashrate
  162. --avalon-cutoff <arg> Set avalon overheat cut off temperature (default: 60)
  163. --avalon-fan <arg> Set fanspeed percentage for avalon, single value or range (default: 20-100)
  164. --avalon-freq <arg> Set frequency range for avalon-auto, single value or range
  165. --avalon-options <arg> Set avalon options baud:miners:asic:timeout:freq:tech
  166. --avalon-temp <arg> Set avalon target temperature (default: 50)
  167. --avalon2-freq Set frequency range for Avalon2, single value or range
  168. --avalon2-voltage Set Avalon2 core voltage, in millivolts
  169. --avalon2-fan Set Avalon2 target fan speed
  170. --avalon2-cutoff <arg> Set Avalon2 overheat cut off temperature (default: 88)
  171. --avalon2-fixed-speed Set Avalon2 fan to fixed speed
  172. --avalon4-automatic-voltage Automatic adjust voltage base on module DH
  173. --avalon4-voltage Set Avalon4 core voltage, in millivolts, step: 125
  174. --avalon4-freq Set frequency for Avalon4, 1 to 3 values, example: 445:385:370
  175. --avalon4-fan Set Avalon4 target fan speed range
  176. --avalon4-temp <arg> Set Avalon4 target temperature (default: 42)
  177. --avalon4-cutoff <arg> Set Avalon4 overheat cut off temperature (default: 65)
  178. --avalon4-polling-delay <arg> Set Avalon4 polling delay value (ms) (default: 20)
  179. --avalon4-ntime-offset <arg> Set Avalon4 MM ntime rolling max offset (default: 4)
  180. --avalon4-aucspeed <arg> Set Avalon4 AUC IIC bus speed (default: 400000)
  181. --avalon4-aucxdelay <arg> Set Avalon4 AUC IIC xfer read delay, 4800 ~= 1ms (default: 9600)
  182. --avalon4-miningmode <arg> Set Avalon4 mining mode(0:custom, 1:eco, 2:normal, 3:turbo (default: 0)
  183. --avalon4-freezesafe Make Avalon4 running as a radiator when stratum server failed
  184. --avalon4-ntcb <arg> Set Avalon4 MM NTC B value (default: 3450)
  185. --avalon4-freq-min <arg> Set minimum frequency for Avalon4 (default: 100)
  186. --avalon4-freq-max <arg> Set maximum frequency for Avalon4 (default: 1000)
  187. --avalon4-noncecheck-off Disable A3218 inside nonce check function
  188. --avalon4-smart-speed <arg> Set smart speed, range 0-3. 0 means Disable (default: 2)
  189. --avalon4-speed-bingo <arg> Set A3218 speed bingo for smart speed mode 1 (default: 255)
  190. --avalon4-speed-error <arg> Set A3218 speed error for smart speed mode 1 (default: 3)
  191. --avalon4-least-pll <arg> Set least pll check threshold for smart speed mode 2 (default: 768)
  192. --avalon4-most-pll <arg> Set most pll check threshold for smart speed mode 2 (default: 256)
  193. --avalon7-voltage Set Avalon7 default core voltage, in millivolts, step: 78
  194. --avalon7-voltage-level Set Avalon7 default level of core voltage, range:[0, 15], step: 1
  195. --avalon7-voltage-offset Set Avalon7 default offset of core voltage, range:[-2, 1], step: 1
  196. --avalon7-freq Set Avalon7 default frequency, range:[24, 1404], step: 12, example: 500
  197. --avalon7-freq-sel <arg> Set Avalon7 default frequency select, range:[0, 5], step: 1, example: 3 (default: 0)
  198. --avalon7-fan Set Avalon7 target fan speed, range:[0, 100], step: 1, example: 0-100
  199. --avalon7-temp <arg> Set Avalon7 target temperature, range:[0, 100] (default: 99)
  200. --avalon7-polling-delay <arg> Set Avalon7 polling delay value (ms) (default: 20)
  201. --avalon7-aucspeed <arg> Set AUC3 IIC bus speed (default: 400000)
  202. --avalon7-aucxdelay <arg> Set AUC3 IIC xfer read delay, 4800 ~= 1ms (default: 19200)
  203. --avalon7-smart-speed <arg> Set Avalon7 smart speed, range 0-1. 0 means Disable (default: 1)
  204. --avalon7-th-pass <arg> Set A3212 th pass value (default: 162)
  205. --avalon7-th-fail <arg> Set A3212 th fail value (default: 10921)
  206. --avalon7-th-init <arg> Set A3212 th init value (default: 32767)
  207. --avalon7-th-ms <arg> Set A3212 th ms value (default: 1)
  208. --avalon7-th-timeout <arg> Set A3212 th timeout value (default: 0)
  209. --avalon7-iic-detect Enable Avalon7 detect through iic controller
  210. --avalon7-freqadj-time <arg> Set Avalon7 check interval when run in AVA7_FREQ_TEMPADJ_MODE (default: 60)
  211. --avalon7-delta-temp <arg> Set Avalon7 delta temperature when reset freq in AVA7_FREQ_TEMPADJ_MODE (default: 0)
  212. --avalon7-delta-freq <arg> Set Avalon7 delta freq when adjust freq in AVA7_FREQ_TEMPADJ_MODE (default: 100)
  213. --avalon7-freqadj-temp <arg> Set Avalon7 check temperature when run into AVA7_FREQ_TEMPADJ_MODE (default: 104)
  214. --avalon7-nonce-mask <arg> Set A3212 nonce mask, range 24-32. (default: 31)
  215. --no-avalon7-asic-debug Disable A3212 debug.
  216. --avalon8-voltage-level Set Avalon8 default level of core voltage, range:[0, 15], step: 1
  217. --avalon8-voltage-level-offset Set Avalon8 default offset of core voltage level, range:[-2, 1], step: 1
  218. --avalon8-freq Set Avalon8 default frequency, range:[25, 1200], step: 25, example: 800
  219. --avalon8-freq-sel <arg> Set Avalon8 default frequency select, range:[0, 3], step: 1, example: 3 (default: 3)
  220. --avalon8-fan Set Avalon8 target fan speed, range:[0, 100], step: 1, example: 0-100
  221. --avalon8-temp <arg> Set Avalon8 target temperature, range:[0, 100] (default: 90)
  222. --avalon8-polling-delay <arg> Set Avalon8 polling delay value (ms) (default: 20)
  223. --avalon8-aucspeed <arg> Set AUC3 IIC bus speed (default: 400000)
  224. --avalon8-aucxdelay <arg> Set AUC3 IIC xfer read delay, 4800 ~= 1ms (default: 19200)
  225. --avalon8-smart-speed <arg> Set Avalon8 smart speed, range 0-1. 0 means Disable (default: 1)
  226. --avalon8-th-pass <arg> Set A3210 th pass value (default: -1)
  227. --avalon8-th-fail <arg> Set A3210 th fail value (default: -1)
  228. --avalon8-th-init <arg> Set A3210 th init value (default: 32767)
  229. --avalon8-th-ms <arg> Set A3210 th ms value (default: 5)
  230. --avalon8-th-timeout <arg> Set A3210 th timeout value (default: 4294967295)
  231. --avalon8-th-add <arg> Set A3210 th add value (default: 1)
  232. --avalon8-iic-detect Enable Avalon8 detect through iic controller
  233. --avalon8-nonce-mask <arg> Set A3210 nonce mask, range 24-32. (default: -1)
  234. --avalon8-nonce-check <arg> Set A3210 nonce check, range 0-1. (default: 1)
  235. --avalon8-roll-enable <arg> Set A3210 roll enable, range 0-1. (default: 1)
  236. --avalon8-mux-l2h <arg> Set Avalon8 mux l2h, range 0-2. (default: 0)
  237. --avalon8-mux-h2l <arg> Set Avalon8 mux h2l, range 0-1. (default: 1)
  238. --avalon8-h2ltime0-spd <arg> Set Avalon8 h2ltime0 spd, range 0-255. (default: 3)
  239. --avalon8-spdlow <arg> Set Avalon8 spdlow, range 0-3. (default: -1)
  240. --avalon8-spdhigh <arg> Set Avalon8 spdhigh, range 0-3. (default: 3)
  241. --avalon8-cinfo-asic Set Avalon8 cinfo asic index, range:[0, 25], step: 1
  242. --avalon8-pid-p <arg> Set Avalon8 pid-p, range 0-9999. (default: 2)
  243. --avalon8-pid-i <arg> Set Avalon8 pid-i, range 0-9999. (default: 5)
  244. --avalon8-pid-d <arg> Set Avalon8 pid-d, range 0-9999. (default: 0)
  245. --avalon9-voltage-level Set Avalon9 default level of core voltage, range:[0, 15], step: 1
  246. --avalon9-voltage-level-offset Set Avalon9 default offset of core voltage level, range:[-2, 1], step: 1
  247. --avalon9-freq Set Avalon9 default frequency, range:[25, 1200], step: 25, example: 800
  248. --avalon9-freq-sel <arg> Set Avalon9 default frequency select, range:[0, 7], step: 1, example: 7 (default: 7)
  249. --avalon9-fan Set Avalon9 target fan speed, range:[0, 100], step: 1, example: 0-100
  250. --avalon9-temp <arg> Set Avalon9 target temperature, range:[0, 100] (default: 93)
  251. --avalon9-polling-delay <arg> Set Avalon9 polling delay value (ms) (default: 20)
  252. --avalon9-aucspeed <arg> Set AUC3 IIC bus speed (default: 400000)
  253. --avalon9-aucxdelay <arg> Set AUC3 IIC xfer read delay, 4800 ~= 1ms (default: 24000)
  254. --avalon9-smart-speed <arg> Set Avalon9 smart speed, range 0-1. 0 means Disable (default: 1)
  255. --avalon9-th-pass <arg> Set A3206 th pass value (default: 8)
  256. --avalon9-th-fail <arg> Set A3206 th fail value (default: 1000)
  257. --avalon9-th-init <arg> Set A3206 th init value (default: 32767)
  258. --avalon9-th-ms <arg> Set A3206 th ms value (default: 2)
  259. --avalon9-th-timeout <arg> Set A3206 th timeout value (default: 1550000)
  260. --avalon9-th-add <arg> Set A3206 th add value (default: 0)
  261. --avalon9-th-mssel <arg> Set A3206 th mssel value (default: 0)
  262. --avalon9-lv2-th-add <arg> Set A3206 lv2 th add value (default: 0)
  263. --avalon9-lv2-th-ms <arg> Set A3206 lv2 th ms value (default: 0)
  264. --avalon9-lv3-th-add <arg> Set A3206 lv3 th add value (default: 0)
  265. --avalon9-lv3-th-ms <arg> Set A3206 lv3 th ms value (default: 0)
  266. --avalon9-lv4-th-add <arg> Set A3206 lv4 th add value (default: 0)
  267. --avalon9-lv4-th-ms <arg> Set A3206 lv4 th ms value (default: 0)
  268. --avalon9-lv5-th-add <arg> Set A3206 lv5 th add value (default: 0)
  269. --avalon9-lv5-th-ms <arg> Set A3206 lv5 th ms value (default: 0)
  270. --avalon9-lv6-th-add <arg> Set A3206 lv6 th add value (default: 0)
  271. --avalon9-lv6-th-ms <arg> Set A3206 lv6 th ms value (default: 0)
  272. --avalon9-lv7-th-add <arg> Set A3206 lv7 th add value (default: 0)
  273. --avalon9-lv7-th-ms <arg> Set A3206 lv7 th ms value (default: 0)
  274. --avalon9-iic-detect Enable Avalon9 detect through iic controller
  275. --avalon9-nonce-mask <arg> Set A3206 nonce mask, range 24-32. (default: 24)
  276. --avalon9-nonce-check <arg> Set A3206 nonce check, range 0-1. (default: 1)
  277. --avalon9-roll-enable <arg> Set A3206 roll enable, range 0-1. (default: 1)
  278. --avalon9-mux-l2h <arg> Set Avalon9 mux l2h, range 0-2. (default: 0)
  279. --avalon9-mux-h2l <arg> Set Avalon9 mux h2l, range 0-1. (default: 1)
  280. --avalon9-h2ltime0-spd <arg> Set Avalon9 h2ltime0 spd, range 0-255. (default: 3)
  281. --avalon9-spdlow <arg> Set Avalon9 spdlow, range 0-7. (default: 0)
  282. --avalon9-spdhigh <arg> Set Avalon9 spdhigh, range 0-7. (default: 7)
  283. --avalon9-tbase <arg> Set Avalon9 tbase and use (0-8) bits, range 0-255. (default: 0)
  284. --avalon9-pid-p <arg> Set Avalon9 pid-p, range 0-9999. (default: 1)
  285. --avalon9-pid-i <arg> Set Avalon9 pid-i, range 0-9999. (default: 5)
  286. --avalon9-pid-d <arg> Set Avalon9 pid-d, range 0-9999. (default: 0)
  287. --avalon9-adjust-volt-info Set Avalon9 adjust volt info, range 0-9999
  288. --avalonlc3-voltage-level Set Avalonlc3 default level of core voltage, range:[0, 31], step: 1
  289. --avalonlc3-voltage-level-offset Set Avalonlc3 default offset of core voltage level, range:[-2, 1], step: 1
  290. --avalonlc3-freq Set Avalonlc3 default frequency, range:[25, 1200], step: 25, example: 800
  291. --avalonlc3-freq-sel <arg> Set Avalonlc3 default frequency select, range:[0, 4], step: 1, example: 3 (default: 3)
  292. --avalonlc3-fan Set Avalonlc3 target fan speed, range:[0, 100], step: 1, example: 0-100
  293. --avalonlc3-temp <arg> Set Avalonlc3 target temperature, range:[0, 100] (default: 90)
  294. --avalonlc3-polling-delay <arg> Set Avalonlc3 polling delay value (ms) (default: 20)
  295. --avalonlc3-aucspeed <arg> Set AUC3 IIC bus speed (default: 400000)
  296. --avalonlc3-aucxdelay <arg> Set AUC3 IIC xfer read delay, 4800 ~= 1ms (default: 19200)
  297. --avalonlc3-smart-speed <arg> Set Avalonlc3 smart speed, range 0-1. 0 means Disable (default: 1)
  298. --avalonlc3-th-pass <arg> Set A3210M th pass value (default: 200)
  299. --avalonlc3-th-fail <arg> Set A3210M th fail value (default: 7000)
  300. --avalonlc3-th-init <arg> Set A3210M th init value (default: 32767)
  301. --avalonlc3-th-ms <arg> Set A3210M th ms value (default: 5)
  302. --avalonlc3-th-timeout <arg> Set A3210M th timeout value (default: 16000)
  303. --avalonlc3-th-add <arg> Set A3210M th add value (default: 1)
  304. --avalonlc3-iic-detect Enable Avalonlc3 detect through iic controller
  305. --avalonlc3-nonce-mask <arg> Set A3210M nonce mask, range 24-32. (default: 27)
  306. --avalonlc3-nonce-check <arg> Set A3210M nonce check, range 0-1. (default: 1)
  307. --avalonlc3-roll-enable <arg> Set A3210M roll enable, range 0-1. (default: 1)
  308. --avalonlc3-mux-l2h <arg> Set Avalonlc3 mux l2h, range 0-2. (default: 0)
  309. --avalonlc3-mux-h2l <arg> Set Avalonlc3 mux h2l, range 0-1. (default: 1)
  310. --avalonlc3-h2ltime0-spd <arg> Set Avalonlc3 h2ltime0 spd, range 0-255. (default: 3)
  311. --avalonlc3-spdlow <arg> Set Avalonlc3 spdlow, range 0-3. (default: 2)
  312. --avalonlc3-spdhigh <arg> Set Avalonlc3 spdhigh, range 0-3. (default: 3)
  313. --avalonlc3-tbase <arg> Set Avalonlc3 tbase and use (0-8) bits, range 0-255. (default: 0)
  314. --avalonlc3-cinfo-asic Set Avalonlc3 cinfo asic index, range:[0, 25], step: 1
  315. --avalonlc3-pid-p <arg> Set Avalonlc3 pid-p, range 0-9999. (default: 2)
  316. --avalonlc3-pid-i <arg> Set Avalonlc3 pid-i, range 0-9999. (default: 5)
  317. --avalonlc3-pid-d <arg> Set Avalonlc3 pid-d, range 0-9999. (default: 0)
  318. --bab-options <arg> Set BaB options max:def:min:up:down:hz:delay:trf
  319. --balance Change multipool strategy from failover to even share balance
  320. --benchfile <arg> Run cgminer in benchmark mode using a work file - produces no shares
  321. --benchfile-display Display each benchfile nonce found
  322. --benchmark Run cgminer in benchmark mode - produces no shares
  323. --bet-clk <arg> Set clockspeed of ASICMINER Tube/Prisma to (arg+1)*10MHz (default: 23)
  324. --bfl-range Use nonce range on bitforce devices if supported
  325. --bflsc-overheat <arg> Set overheat temperature where BFLSC devices throttle, 0 to disable (default: 85)
  326. --bitburner-fury-voltage <arg> Set BitBurner Fury core voltage, in millivolts
  327. --bitburner-fury-options <arg> Override avalon-options for BitBurner Fury boards baud:miners:asic:timeout:freq
  328. --bitburner-voltage <arg> Set BitBurner (Avalon) core voltage, in millivolts
  329. --bitmain-auto Adjust bitmain overclock frequency dynamically for best hashrate
  330. --bitmain-cutoff <arg> Set bitmain overheat cut off temperature
  331. --bitmain-fan <arg> Set fanspeed percentage for bitmain, single value or range (default: 20-100)
  332. --bitmain-freq <arg> Set bitmain freq options timeout:freq:regdata
  333. --bitmain-hwerror Set bitmain device detect hardware error
  334. --bitmain-options <arg> Set bitmain options baud:miners:asic:timeout:freq:regdata
  335. --bitmain-temp <arg> Set bitmain target temperature
  336. --bitmain-workdelay <arg> Set bitmain work delay (ms) 0-100
  337. --bitmain-voltage <arg> Set bitmain voltage - S2/S3 only
  338. --bitmain-dev <arg> Set bitmain device - S2 only
  339. --bitmainbeeper Set bitmain beeper ringing
  340. --bitmaintempoverctrl Set bitmain stop runing when temprerature is over 80 degree Celsius
  341. --block-check Run a block difficulty check of the binary then exit
  342. --bxf-bits <arg> Set max BXF/HXF bits for overclocking (default: 54)
  343. --bxf-temp-target <arg> Set target temperature for BXF/HXF devices (default: 82)
  344. --bxm-bits <arg> Set BXM bits for overclocking (default: 54)
  345. --btc-address <arg> Set bitcoin target address when solo mining to bitcoind
  346. --btc-sig <arg> Set signature to add to coinbase when solo mining (optional)
  347. --compac-freq <arg> Set GekkoScience Compac frequency in MHz, range 100-500 (default: 150.0)
  348. --compact Use compact display without per device statistics
  349. --debug|-D Enable debug output
  350. --decode Decode 2nd pool stratum coinbase transactions (1st must be bitcoind) and exit
  351. --disable-rejecting Automatically disable pools that continually reject shares
  352. --dragonmint-t1-options <arg> Dragonmint T1 options ref_clk_khz:sys_clk_khz:spi_clk_khz:override_chip_num
  353. --T1efficient Tune Dragonmint T1 per chain voltage and frequency for optimal efficiency
  354. --T1noauto Disable Dragonmint T1 per chain auto voltage and frequency tuning
  355. --T1performance Tune Dragonmint T1 per chain voltage and frequency for maximum performance
  356. --T1fantarget <arg> Throttle T1 frequency to keep fan less than target fan speed (default: 100)
  357. --T1Pll1 <arg> Set PLL Clock 1 in Dragonmint T1 broad 1 chip (-1: 1000MHz, >0:Lookup PLL table) (default: 1332)
  358. --T1Pll2 <arg> Set PLL Clock 2 in Dragonmint T1 broad 1 chip (-1: 1000MHz, >0:Lookup PLL table) (default: 1332)
  359. --T1Pll3 <arg> Set PLL Clock 3 in Dragonmint T1 broad 1 chip (-1: 1000MHz, >0:Lookup PLL table) (default: 1332)
  360. --T1Pll4 <arg> Set PLL Clock 4 in Dragonmint T1 broad 1 chip (-1: 1000MHz, >0:Lookup PLL table) (default: 1332)
  361. --T1Pll5 <arg> Set PLL Clock 5 in Dragonmint T1 broad 1 chip (-1: 1000MHz, >0:Lookup PLL table) (default: 1332)
  362. --T1Pll6 <arg> Set PLL Clock 6 in Dragonmint T1 broad 1 chip (-1: 1000MHz, >0:Lookup PLL table) (default: 1332)
  363. --T1Pll7 <arg> Set PLL Clock 7 in Dragonmint T1 broad 1 chip (-1: 1000MHz, >0:Lookup PLL table) (default: 1332)
  364. --T1Pll8 <arg> Set PLL Clock 8 in Dragonmint T1 broad 1 chip (-1: 1000MHz, >0:Lookup PLL table) (default: 1332)
  365. --T1Volt1 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set voltage 1 - VID overrides if set (390-425) (default: 404)
  366. --T1Volt2 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set voltage 2 - VID overrides if set (390-425) (default: 404)
  367. --T1Volt3 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set voltage 3 - VID overrides if set (390-425) (default: 404)
  368. --T1Volt4 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set voltage 4 - VID overrides if set (390-425) (default: 404)
  369. --T1Volt5 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set voltage 5 - VID overrides if set (390-425) (default: 404)
  370. --T1Volt6 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set voltage 6 - VID overrides if set (390-425) (default: 404)
  371. --T1Volt7 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set voltage 7 - VID overrides if set (390-425) (default: 404)
  372. --T1Volt8 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set voltage 8 - VID overrides if set (390-425) (default: 404)
  373. --T1VID1 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set VID 1 in noauto - Overrides voltage if set (1-31) (default: 0)
  374. --T1VID2 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set VID 2 in noauto - Overrides voltage if set (1-31) (default: 0)
  375. --T1VID3 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set VID 3 in noauto - Overrides voltage if set (1-31) (default: 0)
  376. --T1VID4 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set VID 4 in noauto - Overrides voltage if set (1-31) (default: 0)
  377. --T1VID5 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set VID 5 in noauto - Overrides voltage if set (1-31) (default: 0)
  378. --T1VID6 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set VID 6 in noauto - Overrides voltage if set (1-31) (default: 0)
  379. --T1VID7 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set VID 7 in noauto - Overrides voltage if set (1-31) (default: 0)
  380. --T1VID8 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set VID 8 in noauto - Overrides voltage if set (1-31) (default: 0)
  381. --drillbit-options <arg> Set drillbit options <int|ext>:clock[:clock_divider][:voltage]
  382. --expiry|-E <arg> Upper bound on how many seconds after getting work we consider a share from it stale (default: 120)
  383. --failover-only Don't leak work to backup pools when primary pool is lagging
  384. --fix-protocol Do not redirect to stratum protocol from GBT
  385. --gekko-2pac-detect Detect GekkoScience 2Pac BM1384
  386. --gekko-2pac-freq <arg> Set GekkoScience 2Pac BM1384 frequency in MHz, range 6.25-500 (default 100.0)
  387. --gekko-bauddiv Set GekkoScience BM1387 baud divider {0: auto, 1: 1.5M, 7: 375K, 13: 214K, 25: 115K}
  388. --gekko-compac-detect Detect GekkoScience Compac BM1384
  389. --gekko-compac-freq <arg> Set GekkoScience Compac BM1384 frequency in MHz, range 6.25-500 (default 150.0)
  390. --gekko-compacf-detect Detect GekkoScience CompacF BM1397
  391. --gekko-compacf-freq <arg> Set GekkoScience CompacF BM1397 frequency in MHz, range 100-800 (default 200.0)
  392. --gekko-r909-detect Detect GekkoScience Terminus R909 BM1397
  393. --gekko-r909-freq <arg> Set GekkoScience Terminus R909 BM1397 frequency in MHz, range 100-800 (default 450.0)
  394. --gekko-lowboost GekkoScience NewPac/R606 AsicBoost - 2 midstate
  395. --gekko-newpac-detect Detect GekkoScience NewPac BM1387
  396. --gekko-newpac-freq Set GekkoScience NewPac BM1387 frequency in MHz, range 50-900
  397. --gekko-noboost Disable GekkoScience NewPac/R606/CompacF/R909 AsicBoost
  398. --gekko-r606-detect Detect GekkoScience Terminus BM1387
  399. --gekko-r606-freq Set GekkoScience Terminus R606 frequency in MHz, range 50-900
  400. --gekko-serial Detect GekkoScience Device by Serial Number
  401. --gekko-start-freq Ramp start frequency MHz 25-500
  402. --gekko-step-delay Ramp step interval range 1-600
  403. --gekko-terminus-detect Detect GekkoScience Terminus BM1384
  404. --gekko-terminus-freq <arg> Set GekkoScience Terminus BM1384 frequency in MHz, range 6.25-500 (default 150.0)
  405. --gekko-tune-down Set GekkoScience miner minimum hash quality, range 0-100
  406. --gekko-tune-up Set GekkoScience miner ramping hash threshold, range 0-99
  407. --gekko-wait-factor Set GekkoScience miner task send wait factor, range 0.01-2.00
  408. --hfa-hash-clock <arg> Set hashfast clock speed (default: 550)
  409. --hfa-fail-drop <arg> Set how many MHz to drop clockspeed each failure on an overlocked hashfast device (default: 10)
  410. --hfa-fan <arg> Set fanspeed percentage for hashfast, single value or range (default: 10-85)
  411. --hfa-name <arg> Set a unique name for a single hashfast device specified with --usb or the first device found
  412. --hfa-noshed Disable hashfast dynamic core disabling feature
  413. --hfa-options <arg> Set hashfast options name:clock (comma separated)
  414. --hfa-temp-overheat <arg> Set the hashfast overheat throttling temperature (default: 95)
  415. --hfa-temp-target <arg> Set the hashfast target temperature (0 to disable) (default: 88)
  416. --hro-freq Set the hashratio clock frequency (default: 280)
  417. --hotplug <arg> Seconds between hotplug checks (0 means never check)
  418. --klondike-options <arg> Set klondike options clock:temptarget
  419. --load-balance Change multipool strategy from failover to quota based balance
  420. --log|-l <arg> Interval in seconds between log output (default: 5)
  421. --lowmem Minimise caching of shares for low memory applications
  422. --mac-yield Allow yield on old macs (default dont)
  423. --minion-chipreport <arg> Seconds to report chip 5min hashrate, range 0-100 (default: 0=disabled)
  424. --minion-freq <arg> Set minion chip frequencies in MHz, single value or comma list, range 100-1400 (default: 1200)
  425. --minion-freqchange Millisecond total time to do frequency changes (default: 1000)
  426. --minion-freqpercent Percentage to use when starting up a chip (default: 70%)
  427. --minion-idlecount Report when IdleCount is >0 or changes
  428. --minion-ledcount Turn off led when more than this many chips below the ledlimit (default: 0)
  429. --minion-ledlimit Turn off led when chips GHs are below this (default: 90)
  430. --minion-noautofreq Disable automatic frequency adjustment
  431. --minion-overheat Enable directly halting any chip when the status exceeds 100C
  432. --minion-spidelay Add a delay in microseconds after each SPI I/O
  433. --minion-spireset SPI regular reset: iNNN for I/O count or sNNN for seconds - 0 means none
  434. --minion-spisleep Sleep time in milliseconds when doing an SPI reset
  435. --minion-temp <arg> Set minion chip temperature threshold, single value or comma list, range 120-160 (default: 135C)
  436. --monitor|-m <arg> Use custom pipe cmd for output messages
  437. --nfu-bits <arg> Set nanofury bits for overclocking, range 32-63 (default: 50)
  438. --net-delay Impose small delays in networking to not overload slow routers
  439. --no-submit-stale Don't submit shares if they are detected as stale
  440. --osm-led-mode <arg> Set LED mode for OneStringMiner devices (default: 4)
  441. --pass|-p <arg> Password for bitcoin JSON-RPC server
  442. --per-device-stats Force verbose mode and output per-device statistics
  443. --protocol-dump|-P Verbose dump of protocol-level activities
  444. --queue|-Q <arg> Minimum number of work items to have queued (0+) (default: 1)
  445. --quiet|-q Disable logging output, display status and errors
  446. --quota|-U <arg> quota;URL combination for server with load-balance strategy quotas
  447. --real-quiet Disable all output
  448. --rock-freq <arg> Set RockMiner frequency in MHz, range 200-400 (default: 270)
  449. --rotate <arg> Change multipool strategy from failover to regularly rotate at N minutes (default: 0)
  450. --round-robin Change multipool strategy from failover to round robin on failure
  451. --scan-time|-s <arg> Upper bound on time spent scanning current work, in seconds (default: -1)
  452. --sched-start <arg> Set a time of day in HH:MM to start mining (a once off without a stop time)
  453. --sched-stop <arg> Set a time of day in HH:MM to stop mining (will quit without a start time)
  454. --sharelog <arg> Append share log to file
  455. --shares <arg> Quit after mining N shares (default: unlimited)
  456. --socks-proxy <arg> Set socks4 proxy (host:port)
  457. --suggest-diff <arg> Suggest miner difficulty for pool to user (default: none)
  458. --syslog Use system log for output messages (default: standard error)
  459. --temp-cutoff <arg> Temperature where a device will be automatically disabled, one value or comma separated list (default: 95)
  460. --text-only|-T Disable ncurses formatted screen output
  461. --url|-o <arg> URL for bitcoin JSON-RPC server
  462. --usb <arg> USB device selection
  463. --user|-u <arg> Username for bitcoin JSON-RPC server
  464. --userpass|-O <arg> Username:Password pair for bitcoin JSON-RPC server
  465. --verbose Log verbose output to stderr as well as status output
  466. --widescreen Use extra wide display without toggling
  467. --worktime Display extra work time debug information
  468. Options for command line only:
  469. --config|-c <arg> Load a JSON-format configuration file
  470. See example.conf for an example configuration.
  471. --default-config <arg> Specify the filename of the default config file
  472. Loaded at start and used when saving without a name.
  473. --help|-h Print this message
  474. --ndevs|-n Display all USB devices and exit
  475. --version|-V Display version and exit
  476. Silent USB device (ASIC and FPGA) options:
  477. --icarus-options <arg> Set specific FPGA board configurations - one set of values for all or comma separated
  478. --icarus-timing <arg> Set how the Icarus timing is calculated - one setting/value for all or comma separated
  479. --usb-dump (See FPGA-README)
  480. See FGPA-README or ASIC-README for more information regarding these.
  481. ASIC only options:
  482. --anu-freq <arg> Set AntminerU1/2 frequency in MHz, range 125-500 (default: 250.0)
  483. --au3-freq <arg> Set AntminerU3 frequency in MHz, range 100-250 (default: 225.0)
  484. --au3-volt <arg> Set AntminerU3 voltage in mv, range 725-850, 0 to not set (default: 750)
  485. --avalon-auto Adjust avalon overclock frequency dynamically for best hashrate
  486. --avalon-cutoff <arg> Set avalon overheat cut off temperature (default: 60)
  487. --avalon-fan <arg> Set fanspeed percentage for avalon, single value or range (default: 20-100)
  488. --avalon-freq <arg> Set frequency range for avalon-auto, single value or range
  489. --avalon-options <arg> Set avalon options baud:miners:asic:timeout:freq:tech
  490. --avalon-temp <arg> Set avalon target temperature (default: 50)
  491. --avalon2-freq Set frequency range for Avalon2, single value or range
  492. --avalon2-voltage Set Avalon2 core voltage, in millivolts
  493. --avalon2-fan Set Avalon2 target fan speed
  494. --avalon2-cutoff <arg> Set Avalon2 overheat cut off temperature (default: 88)
  495. --avalon2-fixed-speed Set Avalon2 fan to fixed speed
  496. --avalon4-automatic-voltage Automatic adjust voltage base on module DH
  497. --avalon4-voltage Set Avalon4 core voltage, in millivolts, step: 125
  498. --avalon4-freq Set frequency for Avalon4, 1 to 3 values, example: 445:385:370
  499. --avalon4-fan Set Avalon4 target fan speed range
  500. --avalon4-temp <arg> Set Avalon4 target temperature (default: 42)
  501. --avalon4-cutoff <arg> Set Avalon4 overheat cut off temperature (default: 65)
  502. --avalon4-polling-delay <arg> Set Avalon4 polling delay value (ms) (default: 20)
  503. --avalon4-ntime-offset <arg> Set Avalon4 MM ntime rolling max offset (default: 4)
  504. --avalon4-aucspeed <arg> Set Avalon4 AUC IIC bus speed (default: 400000)
  505. --avalon4-aucxdelay <arg> Set Avalon4 AUC IIC xfer read delay, 4800 ~= 1ms (default: 9600)
  506. --avalon7-voltage Set Avalon7 default core voltage, in millivolts, step: 78
  507. --avalon7-voltage-level Set Avalon7 default level of core voltage, range:[0, 15], step: 1
  508. --avalon7-voltage-offset Set Avalon7 default offset of core voltage, range:[-2, 1], step: 1
  509. --avalon7-freq Set Avalon7 default frequency, range:[24, 1404], step: 12, example: 500
  510. --avalon7-freq-sel <arg> Set Avalon7 default frequency select, range:[0, 5], step: 1, example: 3 (default: 0)
  511. --avalon7-fan Set Avalon7 target fan speed, range:[0, 100], step: 1, example: 0-100
  512. --avalon7-temp <arg> Set Avalon7 target temperature, range:[0, 100] (default: 99)
  513. --avalon7-polling-delay <arg> Set Avalon7 polling delay value (ms) (default: 20)
  514. --avalon7-aucspeed <arg> Set AUC3 IIC bus speed (default: 400000)
  515. --avalon7-aucxdelay <arg> Set AUC3 IIC xfer read delay, 4800 ~= 1ms (default: 19200)
  516. --avalon7-smart-speed <arg> Set Avalon7 smart speed, range 0-1. 0 means Disable (default: 1)
  517. --avalon7-th-pass <arg> Set A3212 th pass value (default: 162)
  518. --avalon7-th-fail <arg> Set A3212 th fail value (default: 10921)
  519. --avalon7-th-init <arg> Set A3212 th init value (default: 32767)
  520. --avalon7-th-ms <arg> Set A3212 th ms value (default: 1)
  521. --avalon7-th-timeout <arg> Set A3212 th timeout value (default: 0)
  522. --avalon7-iic-detect Enable Avalon7 detect through iic controller
  523. --avalon7-freqadj-time <arg> Set Avalon7 check interval when run in AVA7_FREQ_TEMPADJ_MODE (default: 60)
  524. --avalon7-delta-temp <arg> Set Avalon7 delta temperature when reset freq in AVA7_FREQ_TEMPADJ_MODE (default: 0)
  525. --avalon7-delta-freq <arg> Set Avalon7 delta freq when adjust freq in AVA7_FREQ_TEMPADJ_MODE (default: 100)
  526. --avalon7-freqadj-temp <arg> Set Avalon7 check temperature when run into AVA7_FREQ_TEMPADJ_MODE (default: 104)
  527. --avalon7-nonce-mask <arg> Set A3212 nonce mask, range 24-32. (default: 31)
  528. --no-avalon7-asic-debug Disable A3212 debug.
  529. --avalon8-voltage-level Set Avalon8 default level of core voltage, range:[0, 15], step: 1
  530. --avalon8-voltage-level-offset Set Avalon8 default offset of core voltage level, range:[-2, 1], step: 1
  531. --avalon8-freq Set Avalon8 default frequency, range:[25, 1200], step: 25, example: 800
  532. --avalon8-freq-sel <arg> Set Avalon8 default frequency select, range:[0, 3], step: 1, example: 3 (default: 3)
  533. --avalon8-fan Set Avalon8 target fan speed, range:[0, 100], step: 1, example: 0-100
  534. --avalon8-temp <arg> Set Avalon8 target temperature, range:[0, 100] (default: 90)
  535. --avalon8-polling-delay <arg> Set Avalon8 polling delay value (ms) (default: 20)
  536. --avalon8-aucspeed <arg> Set AUC3 IIC bus speed (default: 400000)
  537. --avalon8-aucxdelay <arg> Set AUC3 IIC xfer read delay, 4800 ~= 1ms (default: 19200)
  538. --avalon8-smart-speed <arg> Set Avalon8 smart speed, range 0-1. 0 means Disable (default: 1)
  539. --avalon8-th-pass <arg> Set A3210 th pass value (default: -1)
  540. --avalon8-th-fail <arg> Set A3210 th fail value (default: -1)
  541. --avalon8-th-init <arg> Set A3210 th init value (default: 32767)
  542. --avalon8-th-ms <arg> Set A3210 th ms value (default: 5)
  543. --avalon8-th-timeout <arg> Set A3210 th timeout value (default: 4294967295)
  544. --avalon8-th-add <arg> Set A3210 th add value (default: 1)
  545. --avalon8-iic-detect Enable Avalon8 detect through iic controller
  546. --avalon8-nonce-mask <arg> Set A3210 nonce mask, range 24-32. (default: -1)
  547. --avalon8-nonce-check <arg> Set A3210 nonce check, range 0-1. (default: 1)
  548. --avalon8-roll-enable <arg> Set A3210 roll enable, range 0-1. (default: 1)
  549. --avalon8-mux-l2h <arg> Set Avalon8 mux l2h, range 0-2. (default: 0)
  550. --avalon8-mux-h2l <arg> Set Avalon8 mux h2l, range 0-1. (default: 1)
  551. --avalon8-h2ltime0-spd <arg> Set Avalon8 h2ltime0 spd, range 0-255. (default: 3)
  552. --avalon8-spdlow <arg> Set Avalon8 spdlow, range 0-3. (default: -1)
  553. --avalon8-spdhigh <arg> Set Avalon8 spdhigh, range 0-3. (default: 3)
  554. --avalon8-cinfo-asic Set Avalon8 cinfo asic index, range:[0, 25], step: 1
  555. --avalon8-pid-p <arg> Set Avalon8 pid-p, range 0-9999. (default: 2)
  556. --avalon8-pid-i <arg> Set Avalon8 pid-i, range 0-9999. (default: 5)
  557. --avalon8-pid-d <arg> Set Avalon8 pid-d, range 0-9999. (default: 0)
  558. --avalon9-voltage-level Set Avalon9 default level of core voltage, range:[0, 15], step: 1
  559. --avalon9-voltage-level-offset Set Avalon9 default offset of core voltage level, range:[-2, 1], step: 1
  560. --avalon9-freq Set Avalon9 default frequency, range:[25, 1200], step: 25, example: 800
  561. --avalon9-freq-sel <arg> Set Avalon9 default frequency select, range:[0, 7], step: 1, example: 7 (default: 7)
  562. --avalon9-fan Set Avalon9 target fan speed, range:[0, 100], step: 1, example: 0-100
  563. --avalon9-temp <arg> Set Avalon9 target temperature, range:[0, 100] (default: 93)
  564. --avalon9-polling-delay <arg> Set Avalon9 polling delay value (ms) (default: 20)
  565. --avalon9-aucspeed <arg> Set AUC3 IIC bus speed (default: 400000)
  566. --avalon9-aucxdelay <arg> Set AUC3 IIC xfer read delay, 4800 ~= 1ms (default: 24000)
  567. --avalon9-smart-speed <arg> Set Avalon9 smart speed, range 0-1. 0 means Disable (default: 1)
  568. --avalon9-th-pass <arg> Set A3206 th pass value (default: 8)
  569. --avalon9-th-fail <arg> Set A3206 th fail value (default: 1000)
  570. --avalon9-th-init <arg> Set A3206 th init value (default: 32767)
  571. --avalon9-th-ms <arg> Set A3206 th ms value (default: 2)
  572. --avalon9-th-timeout <arg> Set A3206 th timeout value (default: 1550000)
  573. --avalon9-th-add <arg> Set A3206 th add value (default: 0)
  574. --avalon9-th-mssel <arg> Set A3206 th mssel value (default: 0)
  575. --avalon9-lv2-th-add <arg> Set A3206 lv2 th add value (default: 0)
  576. --avalon9-lv2-th-ms <arg> Set A3206 lv2 th ms value (default: 0)
  577. --avalon9-lv3-th-add <arg> Set A3206 lv3 th add value (default: 0)
  578. --avalon9-lv3-th-ms <arg> Set A3206 lv3 th ms value (default: 0)
  579. --avalon9-lv4-th-add <arg> Set A3206 lv4 th add value (default: 0)
  580. --avalon9-lv4-th-ms <arg> Set A3206 lv4 th ms value (default: 0)
  581. --avalon9-lv5-th-add <arg> Set A3206 lv5 th add value (default: 0)
  582. --avalon9-lv5-th-ms <arg> Set A3206 lv5 th ms value (default: 0)
  583. --avalon9-lv6-th-add <arg> Set A3206 lv6 th add value (default: 0)
  584. --avalon9-lv6-th-ms <arg> Set A3206 lv6 th ms value (default: 0)
  585. --avalon9-lv7-th-add <arg> Set A3206 lv7 th add value (default: 0)
  586. --avalon9-lv7-th-ms <arg> Set A3206 lv7 th ms value (default: 0)
  587. --avalon9-iic-detect Enable Avalon9 detect through iic controller
  588. --avalon9-nonce-mask <arg> Set A3206 nonce mask, range 24-32. (default: 24)
  589. --avalon9-nonce-check <arg> Set A3206 nonce check, range 0-1. (default: 1)
  590. --avalon9-roll-enable <arg> Set A3206 roll enable, range 0-1. (default: 1)
  591. --avalon9-mux-l2h <arg> Set Avalon9 mux l2h, range 0-2. (default: 0)
  592. --avalon9-mux-h2l <arg> Set Avalon9 mux h2l, range 0-1. (default: 1)
  593. --avalon9-h2ltime0-spd <arg> Set Avalon9 h2ltime0 spd, range 0-255. (default: 3)
  594. --avalon9-spdlow <arg> Set Avalon9 spdlow, range 0-7. (default: 0)
  595. --avalon9-spdhigh <arg> Set Avalon9 spdhigh, range 0-7. (default: 7)
  596. --avalon9-tbase <arg> Set Avalon9 tbase and use (0-8) bits, range 0-255. (default: 0)
  597. --avalon9-pid-p <arg> Set Avalon9 pid-p, range 0-9999. (default: 1)
  598. --avalon9-pid-i <arg> Set Avalon9 pid-i, range 0-9999. (default: 5)
  599. --avalon9-pid-d <arg> Set Avalon9 pid-d, range 0-9999. (default: 0)
  600. --avalon9-adjust-volt-info Set Avalon9 adjust volt info, range 0-9999
  601. --avalonlc3-voltage-level Set Avalonlc3 default level of core voltage, range:[0, 31], step: 1
  602. --avalonlc3-voltage-level-offset Set Avalonlc3 default offset of core voltage level, range:[-2, 1], step: 1
  603. --avalonlc3-freq Set Avalonlc3 default frequency, range:[25, 1200], step: 25, example: 800
  604. --avalonlc3-freq-sel <arg> Set Avalonlc3 default frequency select, range:[0, 4], step: 1, example: 3 (default: 3)
  605. --avalonlc3-fan Set Avalonlc3 target fan speed, range:[0, 100], step: 1, example: 0-100
  606. --avalonlc3-temp <arg> Set Avalonlc3 target temperature, range:[0, 100] (default: 90)
  607. --avalonlc3-polling-delay <arg> Set Avalonlc3 polling delay value (ms) (default: 20)
  608. --avalonlc3-aucspeed <arg> Set AUC3 IIC bus speed (default: 400000)
  609. --avalonlc3-aucxdelay <arg> Set AUC3 IIC xfer read delay, 4800 ~= 1ms (default: 19200)
  610. --avalonlc3-smart-speed <arg> Set Avalonlc3 smart speed, range 0-1. 0 means Disable (default: 1)
  611. --avalonlc3-th-pass <arg> Set A3210M th pass value (default: 200)
  612. --avalonlc3-th-fail <arg> Set A3210M th fail value (default: 7000)
  613. --avalonlc3-th-init <arg> Set A3210M th init value (default: 32767)
  614. --avalonlc3-th-ms <arg> Set A3210M th ms value (default: 5)
  615. --avalonlc3-th-timeout <arg> Set A3210M th timeout value (default: 16000)
  616. --avalonlc3-th-add <arg> Set A3210M th add value (default: 1)
  617. --avalonlc3-iic-detect Enable Avalonlc3 detect through iic controller
  618. --avalonlc3-nonce-mask <arg> Set A3210M nonce mask, range 24-32. (default: 27)
  619. --avalonlc3-nonce-check <arg> Set A3210M nonce check, range 0-1. (default: 1)
  620. --avalonlc3-roll-enable <arg> Set A3210M roll enable, range 0-1. (default: 1)
  621. --avalonlc3-mux-l2h <arg> Set Avalonlc3 mux l2h, range 0-2. (default: 0)
  622. --avalonlc3-mux-h2l <arg> Set Avalonlc3 mux h2l, range 0-1. (default: 1)
  623. --avalonlc3-h2ltime0-spd <arg> Set Avalonlc3 h2ltime0 spd, range 0-255. (default: 3)
  624. --avalonlc3-spdlow <arg> Set Avalonlc3 spdlow, range 0-3. (default: 2)
  625. --avalonlc3-spdhigh <arg> Set Avalonlc3 spdhigh, range 0-3. (default: 3)
  626. --avalonlc3-tbase <arg> Set Avalonlc3 tbase and use (0-8) bits, range 0-255. (default: 0)
  627. --avalonlc3-cinfo-asic Set Avalonlc3 cinfo asic index, range:[0, 25], step: 1
  628. --avalonlc3-pid-p <arg> Set Avalonlc3 pid-p, range 0-9999. (default: 2)
  629. --avalonlc3-pid-i <arg> Set Avalonlc3 pid-i, range 0-9999. (default: 5)
  630. --avalonlc3-pid-d <arg> Set Avalonlc3 pid-d, range 0-9999. (default: 0)
  631. --bab-options <arg> Set BaB options max:def:min:up:down:hz:delay:trf
  632. --bflsc-overheat <arg> Set overheat temperature where BFLSC devices throttle, 0 to disable (default: 90)
  633. --bitburner-fury-options <arg> Override avalon-options for BitBurner Fury boards baud:miners:asic:timeout:freq
  634. --bitburner-fury-voltage <arg> Set BitBurner Fury core voltage, in millivolts
  635. --bitburner-voltage <arg> Set BitBurner (Avalon) core voltage, in millivolts
  636. --bitmine-a1-options <ref_clk>:<sys_clk>:<spi_clk>:<max_chip>
  637. --bxf-temp-target <arg> Set target temperature for BXF devices (default: 82)
  638. --bxm-bits <arg> Set BXM bits for overclocking (default: 50)
  639. --compac-freq <arg> Set GekkoScience Compac frequency in MHz, range 100-500 (default: 150.0)
  640. --dragonmint-t1-options <arg> Dragonmint T1 options ref_clk_khz:sys_clk_khz:spi_clk_khz:override_chip_num
  641. --T1efficient Tune Dragonmint T1 per chain voltage and frequency for optimal efficiency
  642. --T1noauto Disable Dragonmint T1 per chain auto voltage and frequency tuning
  643. --T1performance Tune Dragonmint T1 per chain voltage and frequency for maximum performance
  644. --T1fantarget <arg> Throttle T1 frequency to keep fan less than target fan speed (default: 100)
  645. --T1Pll1 <arg> Set PLL Clock 1 in Dragonmint T1 broad 1 chip (-1: 1000MHz, >0:Lookup PLL table) (default: 1332)
  646. --T1Pll2 <arg> Set PLL Clock 2 in Dragonmint T1 broad 1 chip (-1: 1000MHz, >0:Lookup PLL table) (default: 1332)
  647. --T1Pll3 <arg> Set PLL Clock 3 in Dragonmint T1 broad 1 chip (-1: 1000MHz, >0:Lookup PLL table) (default: 1332)
  648. --T1Pll4 <arg> Set PLL Clock 4 in Dragonmint T1 broad 1 chip (-1: 1000MHz, >0:Lookup PLL table) (default: 1332)
  649. --T1Pll5 <arg> Set PLL Clock 5 in Dragonmint T1 broad 1 chip (-1: 1000MHz, >0:Lookup PLL table) (default: 1332)
  650. --T1Pll6 <arg> Set PLL Clock 6 in Dragonmint T1 broad 1 chip (-1: 1000MHz, >0:Lookup PLL table) (default: 1332)
  651. --T1Pll7 <arg> Set PLL Clock 7 in Dragonmint T1 broad 1 chip (-1: 1000MHz, >0:Lookup PLL table) (default: 1332)
  652. --T1Pll8 <arg> Set PLL Clock 8 in Dragonmint T1 broad 1 chip (-1: 1000MHz, >0:Lookup PLL table) (default: 1332)
  653. --T1Volt1 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set voltage 1 - VID overrides if set (390-425) (default: 404)
  654. --T1Volt2 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set voltage 2 - VID overrides if set (390-425) (default: 404)
  655. --T1Volt3 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set voltage 3 - VID overrides if set (390-425) (default: 404)
  656. --T1Volt4 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set voltage 4 - VID overrides if set (390-425) (default: 404)
  657. --T1Volt5 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set voltage 5 - VID overrides if set (390-425) (default: 404)
  658. --T1Volt6 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set voltage 6 - VID overrides if set (390-425) (default: 404)
  659. --T1Volt7 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set voltage 7 - VID overrides if set (390-425) (default: 404)
  660. --T1Volt8 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set voltage 8 - VID overrides if set (390-425) (default: 404)
  661. --T1VID1 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set VID 1 in noauto - Overrides voltage if set (1-31) (default: 0)
  662. --T1VID2 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set VID 2 in noauto - Overrides voltage if set (1-31) (default: 0)
  663. --T1VID3 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set VID 3 in noauto - Overrides voltage if set (1-31) (default: 0)
  664. --T1VID4 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set VID 4 in noauto - Overrides voltage if set (1-31) (default: 0)
  665. --T1VID5 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set VID 5 in noauto - Overrides voltage if set (1-31) (default: 0)
  666. --T1VID6 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set VID 6 in noauto - Overrides voltage if set (1-31) (default: 0)
  667. --T1VID7 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set VID 7 in noauto - Overrides voltage if set (1-31) (default: 0)
  668. --T1VID8 <arg> Dragonmint T1 set VID 8 in noauto - Overrides voltage if set (1-31) (default: 0)
  669. --hfa-hash-clock <arg> Set hashfast clock speed (default: 550)
  670. --hfa-fail-drop <arg> Set how many MHz to drop clockspeed each failure on an overlocked hashfast device (default: 10)
  671. --hfa-fan <arg> Set fanspeed percentage for hashfast, single value or range (default: 10-85)
  672. --hfa-name <arg> Set a unique name for a single hashfast device specified with --usb or the first device found
  673. --hfa-noshed Disable hashfast dynamic core disabling feature
  674. --hfa-temp-overheat <arg> Set the hashfast overheat throttling temperature (default: 95)
  675. --hfa-temp-target <arg> Set the hashfast target temperature (0 to disable) (default: 88)
  676. --hro-freq Set the hashratio clock frequency (default: 280)
  677. --klondike-options <arg> Set klondike options clock:temptarget
  678. --rock-freq <arg> Set RockMiner frequency in MHz, range 125-500 (default: 270)
  679. See ASIC-README for more information regarding these.
  680. FPGA only options:
  681. --bfl-range Use nonce range on bitforce devices if supported
  682. See FGPA-README for more information regarding this.
  683. Cgminer should automatically find all of your Avalon ASIC, BFL ASIC, BitForce
  684. FPGAs, Icarus bitstream FPGAs, Klondike ASIC, ASICMINER usb block erupters,
  685. KnC ASICs, BaB ASICs, Hashfast ASICs, ModMiner FPGAs, BPMC/BGMC BF1 USB ASICs,
  686. Bi*fury USB ASICs, Onestring miner USB ASICs, Hexfury USB ASICs, Nanofury USB
  687. ASICs, Antminer U1/U2/U2+ U3 USB ASICs, Cointerra devices, BFx2 USB ASICs,
  688. Rockminer R-Box/RK-Box/T1 USB ASICs, Avalon2/3/4 USB ASICs and Hashratio USB
  689. ASICs.
  690. ---
  692. WINDOWS:
  693. On windows, the direct USB support requires the installation of a WinUSB
  694. driver (NOT the ftdi_sio driver), and attaching it to the chosen USB device.
  695. When configuring your device, plug it in and wait for windows to attempt to
  696. install a driver on its own. It may think it has succeeded or failed but wait
  697. for it to finish regardless.
  698. If the driver doesn't allow mining, cgminer will get a "USB init," error message
  699. i.e. one of:
  700. open device failed, err %d, you need to install a WinUSB driver for the device
  701. or
  702. claim interface %d failed, err %d
  703. This means you need to associate your device with the WinUSB driver.
  704. The best solution for this is to use a tool called Zadig to set the driver:
  706. They've moved the latest versions to:
  708. This allows you set the driver for the device to be WinUSB which is
  709. required to make it work if you're having problems.
  710. With Zadig, you will need to run it as administrator and if your device is
  711. plugged in but you cannot see it, use the Menu: Options -> List All Devices
  712. and you should be able to see the device in the drop down list as something
  713. like: "CompacF Bitcoin Miner"
  714. Choose the install or replace driver option and select WinUSB.
  715. When you first switch a device over to WinUSB with Zadig and it shows that
  716. correctly on the left of the Zadig window, but it still gives permission
  717. errors, you may need to unplug the USB miner and then plug it back in. Some
  718. users may need to reboot at this point.
  719. LINUX:
  720. The short version:
  721. sudo cp 01-cgminer.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
  722. The long version:
  723. On linux, the direct USB support requires no drivers at all. However due to
  724. permissions issues, you may not be able to mine directly on the devices as a
  725. regular user without giving the user access to the device or by mining as
  726. root (administrator). In order to give your regular user access, you can make
  727. him a member of the plugdev group with the following commands:
  728. sudo usermod -G plugdev -a `whoami`
  729. If your distribution does not have the plugdev group you can create it with:
  730. sudo groupadd plugdev
  731. In order for the USB devices to instantly be owned by the plugdev group and
  732. accessible by anyone from the plugdev group you can copy the file
  733. "01-cgminer.rules" from the cgminer archive into the /etc/udev/rules.d
  734. directory with the following command:
  735. sudo cp 01-cgminer.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
  736. After this you can either manually restart udev and re-login, or more easily
  737. just reboot.
  738. OSX:
  739. On OSX, like Linux, no drivers need to be installed. However some devices
  740. like the bitfury USB sticks automatically load a driver thinking they're a
  741. modem and the driver needs to be unloaded for cgminer to work:
  742. sudo kextunload -b
  743. sudo kextunload -b
  744. If you are running an old Mac and desktop performance is noticeably affected,
  745. adding the --mac-yield option may help, but also may slow down mining.
  746. There may be a limit to the number of USB devices that you are allowed to start.
  747. The following set of commands, followed by a reboot will increase that:
  748. sudo su
  749. touch /etc/sysctl.conf
  750. echo kern.sysv.semume=100 >> /etc/sysctl.conf
  751. chown root:wheel /etc/sysctl.conf
  752. chmod 0644 /etc/sysctl.conf
  753. Some devices need superuser access to mine on them so cgminer may need to
  754. be started with sudo
  755. i.e.:
  756. sudo cgminer <insert commands here>
  757. There is a hidden option in cgminer to dump out a lot of information
  758. about USB that will help the developers to assist you if you are having
  759. problems:
  760. --usb-dump 0
  761. It will only help if you have a working USB mining device
  762. ---
  763. Advanced USB options:
  764. The --usb option can restrict how many USB devices are found:
  765. --usb 1:2,1:3,1:4,1:*
  766. or
  767. --usb BAS:1,BFL:1,MMQ:0,ICA:0,KLN:0
  768. or
  769. --usb :10
  770. You can only use one of the above 3
  771. The first version
  772. --usb 1:2,1:3,1:4,1:*
  773. allows you to select which devices to mine on with a list of USB
  774. bus_number:device_address
  775. All other USB devices will be ignored
  776. Hotplug will also only look at the devices matching the list specified and
  777. find nothing new if they are all in use
  778. You can specify just the USB bus_number to find all devices like 1:*
  779. which means any devices on USB bus_number 1
  780. This is useful if you unplug a device then plug it back in the same port,
  781. it usually reappears with the same bus_number but a different device_address
  782. You can see the list of all USB devices on linux with 'sudo lsusb'
  783. Cgminer will list the recognised USB devices
  784. with the '-n' option or the
  785. '--usb-dump 0' option
  786. The '--usb-dump N' option with a value of N greater than 0 will dump a lot
  787. of details about each recognised USB device
  788. If you wish to see all USB devices, include the --usb-list-all option
  789. The second version
  790. --usb BAS:1,BFL:1,MMQ:0,ICA:0,KLN:0
  791. allows you to specify how many devices to choose based on each device
  792. driver cgminer has - the current USB drivers are:
  793. AVA, BAS, BFL, BF1, DRB, HFA, ICA, KLN and MMQ.
  794. N.B. you can only specify which device driver to limit, not the type of
  795. each device, e.g. with BAS:n you can limit how many BFL ASIC devices will
  796. be checked, but you cannot limit the number of each type of BFL ASIC
  797. Also note that the MMQ count is the number of MMQ backplanes you have
  798. not the number of MMQ FPGAs
  799. The third version
  800. --usb :10
  801. means only use a maximum of 10 devices of any supported USB devices
  802. Once cgminer has 10 devices it will not configure any more and hotplug will
  803. not scan for any more
  804. If one of the 10 devices stops working, hotplug - if enabled, as is default
  805. - will scan normally again until it has 10 devices
  806. --usb :0 will disable all USB I/O other than to initialise libusb
  807. ---
  809. The following options are available while running with a single keypress:
  810. [U]SB management [P]ool management [S]ettings [D]isplay options [Q]uit
  811. U gives you:
  812. [S]ummary of device information
  813. [E]nable device
  814. [D]isable device
  815. [U]nplug to allow hotplug restart
  816. [R]eset device USB
  817. [L]ist all known devices
  818. [B]lacklist current device from current instance of cgminer
  819. [W]hitelist previously blacklisted device
  820. [H]otplug interval (0 to disable)
  821. P gives you:
  822. Current pool management strategy: Failover
  823. [F]ailover only disabled
  824. [A]dd pool [R]emove pool [D]isable pool [E]nable pool
  825. [C]hange management strategy [S]witch pool [I]nformation
  826. S gives you:
  827. [Q]ueue: 1
  828. [S]cantime: 60
  829. [E]xpiry: 120
  830. [W]rite config file
  831. [C]gminer restart
  832. D gives you:
  833. [N]ormal [C]lear [S]ilent mode (disable all output)
  834. [D]ebug:off
  835. [P]er-device:off
  836. [Q]uiet:off
  837. [V]erbose:off
  838. [R]PC debug:off
  839. [W]orkTime details:off
  840. co[M]pact: off
  841. [T]oggle status switching:enabled
  842. [Z]ero statistics
  843. [L]og interval:5
  844. Q quits the application.
  845. The running log shows output like this:
  846. [2013-11-09 11:04:41] Accepted 01b3bde7 Diff 150/128 AVA 1 pool 0
  847. [2013-11-09 11:04:49] Accepted 015df995 Diff 187/128 AVA 1 pool 0
  848. [2013-11-09 11:04:50] Accepted 01163b68 Diff 236/128 AVA 1 pool 0
  849. [2013-11-09 11:04:53] Accepted 9f745840 Diff 411/128 BAS 1 pool 0
  850. The 8 byte hex value are the 1st nonzero bytes of the share being submitted to
  851. the pool. The 2 diff values are the actual difficulty target that share reached
  852. followed by the difficulty target the pool is currently asking for.
  853. ---
  854. Also many issues and FAQs are covered in the forum thread
  855. dedicated to this program,
  857. DISPLAY:
  858. The display is roughly split into two portions, the top status window and the
  859. bottom scrolling log window.
  861. The status window is split into overall status and per device status.
  862. Overall status:
  863. The output line shows the following:
  864. (5s):1.398T (1m):1.322T (5m):1.305T (15m):1.309T (avg):1.317Th/s
  865. These are exponentially decaying average hashrates over 5s/1m/5m/15m and an
  866. average since the start.
  867. Followed by:
  868. A:290391 R:5101 HW:145 WU:37610.4/m
  869. Each column is as follows:
  870. A: The total difficulty of Accepted shares
  871. R: The total difficulty of Rejected shares
  872. HW: The number of HardWare errors
  873. WU: The Work Utility defined as the number of diff1 shares work / minute
  874. (accepted or rejected).
  875. alternating with:
  876. ST: 22 SS: 0 NB: 2 LW: 356090 GF: 0 RF: 0
  877. ST is STaged work items (ready to use).
  878. SS is Stale Shares discarded (detected and not submitted so don't count as rejects)
  879. NB is New Blocks detected on the network
  880. LW is Locally generated Work items
  881. GF is Getwork Fail Occasions (server slow to provide work)
  882. RF is Remote Fail occasions (server slow to accept work)
  883. Followed by:
  884. Connected to diff 3.45K with stratum as user Kano
  885. The diff shown is the current vardiff requested by the pool currently being
  886. mined at.
  887. Followed by:
  888. Block: b1a8c743... Diff:19T Started: [00:14:27.666] Best share: 1.18M
  889. This shows a short stretch about the current block, when the new block started,
  890. and the all time best difficulty share you've found since starting cgminer
  891. this time.
  892. Per device status:
  893. 0: GSF 100nnnnn: 400.00MHz 85C 13% 0.79V | 263.5G / 263.7Gh/s WU:18901.8/m
  894. Each column is as follows:
  895. Temperature (if supported)
  896. Fanspeed (if supported)
  897. Voltage (if supported)
  898. A 5 second exponentially decaying average hash rate
  899. An all time average hash rate
  900. The work utility defined as the number of diff1 shares work / minute
  901. alternating with
  902. 0: GSF 100nnnnn: 400.00MHz 86C 13% 0.80V | A:290348 R:1067 HW:88
  903. The total difficulty of accepted shares
  904. The total difficulty of rejected shares
  905. The number of hardware erorrs
  907. All running information is shown here, usually share submission results and
  908. block update notifications, along with device messages and warnings.
  909. [2021-09-27 11:59:04.397] Accepted 1397768d Diff 3.35K/727 GSF 0 pool 0
  910. [2021-09-27 12:59:05.397] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 702417
  911. ---
  914. A number of different strategies for dealing with multipool setups are
  915. available. Each has their advantages and disadvantages so multiple strategies
  916. are available by user choice, as per the following list:
  917. FAILOVER:
  918. The default strategy is failover. This means that if you input a number of
  919. pools, it will try to use them as a priority list, moving away from the 1st
  920. to the 2nd, 2nd to 3rd and so on. If any of the earlier pools recover, it will
  921. move back to the higher priority ones.
  923. This strategy only moves from one pool to the next when the current one falls
  924. idle and makes no attempt to move otherwise.
  925. ROTATE:
  926. This strategy moves at user-defined intervals from one active pool to the next,
  927. skipping pools that are idle.
  929. This strategy sends work to all the pools on a quota basis. By default, all
  930. pools are allocated equal quotas unless specified with --quota. This
  931. apportioning of work is based on work handed out, not shares returned so is
  932. independent of difficulty targets or rejected shares. While a pool is disabled
  933. or dead, its quota is dropped until it is re-enabled. Quotas are forward
  934. looking, so if the quota is changed on the fly, it only affects future work.
  935. If all pools are set to zero quota or all pools with quota are dead, it will
  936. fall back to a failover mode. See quota below for more information.
  937. The failover-only flag has special meaning in combination with load-balance
  938. mode and it will distribute quota back to priority pool 0 from any pools that
  939. are unable to provide work for any reason so as to maintain quota ratios
  940. between the rest of the pools.
  941. BALANCE:
  942. This strategy monitors the amount of difficulty 1 shares solved for each pool
  943. and uses it to try to end up doing the same amount of work for all pools.
  944. ---
  945. QUOTAS
  946. The load-balance multipool strategy works off a quota based scheduler. The
  947. quotas handed out by default are equal, but the user is allowed to specify any
  948. arbitrary ratio of quotas. For example, if all the quota values add up to 100,
  949. each quota value will be a percentage, but if 2 pools are specified and pool0
  950. is given a quota of 1 and pool1 is given a quota of 9, pool0 will get 10% of
  951. the work and pool1 will get 90%. Quotas can be changed on the fly by the API,
  952. and do not act retrospectively. Setting a quota to zero will effectively
  953. disable that pool unless all other pools are disabled or dead. In that
  954. scenario, load-balance falls back to regular failover priority-based strategy.
  955. While a pool is dead, it loses its quota and no attempt is made to catch up
  956. when it comes back to life.
  957. To specify quotas on the command line, pools should be specified with a
  958. semicolon separated --quota(or -U) entry instead of --url. Pools specified with
  959. --url are given a nominal quota value of 1 and entries can be mixed.
  960. For example:
  961. --url poola:porta -u usernamea -p passa --quota "2;poolb:portb" -u usernameb -p passb
  962. Will give poola 1/3 of the work and poolb 2/3 of the work.
  963. Writing configuration files with quotas is likewise supported. To use the above
  964. quotas in a configuration file they would be specified thus:
  965. "pools" : [
  966. {
  967. "url" : "poola:porta",
  968. "user" : "usernamea",
  969. "pass" : "passa"
  970. },
  971. {
  972. "quota" : "2;poolb:portb",
  973. "user" : "usernameb",
  974. "pass" : "passb"
  975. }
  976. ]
  977. ---
  979. Solo mining doesn't currently work
  980. ---
  981. LOGGING
  982. cgminer will log to stderr if it detects stderr is being redirected to a file.
  983. To enable logging simply add 2>logfile.txt to your command line and logfile.txt
  984. will contain the logged output at the log level you specify (normal, verbose,
  985. debug etc.)
  986. In other words if you would normally use:
  987. ./cgminer -o xxx -u yyy -p zzz
  988. if you use
  989. ./cgminer -o xxx -u yyy -p zzz 2>logfile.txt
  990. it will log to a file called logfile.txt and otherwise work the same.
  991. There is also the -m option on linux which will spawn a command of your choice
  992. and pipe the output directly to that command.
  993. The WorkTime details 'debug' option adds details on the end of each line
  994. displayed for Accepted or Rejected work done. An example would be:
  995. <-00000059.ed4834a3 M:X D:1.0 G:17:02:38:0.405 C:1.855 (2.995) W:3.440 (0.000) S:0.461 R:17:02:47
  996. The first 2 hex codes are the previous block hash, the rest are reported in
  997. seconds unless stated otherwise:
  998. The previous hash is followed by the getwork mode used M:X where X is one of
  999. P:Pool, T:Test Pool, L:LP or B:Benchmark,
  1000. then D:d.ddd is the difficulty required to get a share from the work,
  1001. then G:hh:mm:ss:n.nnn, which is when the getwork or LP was sent to the pool and
  1002. the n.nnn is how long it took to reply,
  1003. followed by 'O' on it's own if it is an original getwork, or 'C:n.nnn' if it was
  1004. a clone with n.nnn stating how long after the work was recieved that it was cloned,
  1005. (m.mmm) is how long from when the original work was received until work started,
  1006. W:n.nnn is how long the work took to process until it was ready to submit,
  1007. (m.mmm) is how long from ready to submit to actually doing the submit, this is
  1008. usually 0.000 unless there was a problem with submitting the work,
  1009. S:n.nnn is how long it took to submit the completed work and await the reply,
  1010. R:hh:mm:ss is the actual time the work submit reply was received
  1011. If you start cgminer with the --sharelog option, you can get detailed
  1012. information for each share found. The argument to the option may be "-" for
  1013. standard output (not advisable with the ncurses UI), any valid positive number
  1014. for that file descriptor, or a filename.
  1015. To log share data to a file named "share.log", you can use either:
  1016. ./cgminer --sharelog 50 -o xxx -u yyy -p zzz 50>share.log
  1017. ./cgminer --sharelog share.log -o xxx -u yyy -p zzz
  1018. For every share found, data will be logged in a CSV (Comma Separated Value)
  1019. format:
  1020. timestamp,disposition,target,pool,dev,thr,sharehash,sharedata
  1021. For example (this is wrapped, but it's all on one line for real):
  1022. 1335313090,reject,
  1023. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000,
  1024. http://localhost:8337,ASC0,0,
  1025. 6f983c918f3299b58febf95ec4d0c7094ed634bc13754553ec34fc3800000000,
  1026. 00000001a0980aff4ce4a96d53f4b89a2d5f0e765c978640fe24372a000001c5
  1027. 000000004a4366808f81d44f26df3d69d7dc4b3473385930462d9ab707b50498
  1028. f681634a4f1f63d01a0cd43fb338000000000080000000000000000000000000
  1029. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080020000
  1030. ---
  1032. The --benchmark option hashes a single fixed work item over and over and does
  1033. not submit shares to any pools.
  1034. The --benchfile <arg> option hashes the work given in the file <arg> supplied.
  1035. The format of the work file is:
  1036. version,merkleroot,prevhash,diffbits,noncetime
  1037. Any empty line or any line starting with '#' or '/' is ignored.
  1038. When it reaches the end of the file it continues back at the top.
  1039. The format of the data items matches the byte ordering and format of the
  1040. the bitcoind getblock RPC output.
  1041. An example file containing bitcoin block #1 would be:
  1042. # Block 1
  1043. 1,0e3e2357e806b6cdb1f70b54c3a3a17b6714ee1f0e68bebb44a74b1efd512098,00000000001
  1044. 9d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f,1d00ffff,1231469665
  1045. However, the work data should be one line without the linebreak in the middle
  1046. If you use --benchfile <arg>, then --benchfile-display will output a log line,
  1047. for each nonce found, showing the nonce value in decimal and hex and the work
  1048. used to find it in hex.
  1049. ---
  1050. RPC API
  1051. For RPC API details see the API-README file
  1052. ---
  1053. FAQ
  1054. Q: Help, I've started cgminer and everything reads zero!?
  1055. A: Welcome to bitcoin mining. Your computer by itself cannot mine bitcoin no
  1056. matter how powerful it is. You have to purchase dedicated mining hardware
  1057. called ASICs to plug into your computer. See Q regarding ASICs below.
  1058. Q: I have multiple USB stick devices but I can't get them all to work at once?
  1059. A: Very few USB hubs deliver the promised power required to run as many devices
  1060. as they fit if all of them draw power from USB.
  1061. Q: I've plugged my devices into my USB hub but nothing shows up?
  1062. A: RPis and Windows have incomplete or non-standard USB3 support so they may
  1063. never work. It may be possible to get a USB3 hub to work by plugging it into
  1064. a USB2 hub. When choosing a hub, USB2 hubs are preferable whenever possible
  1065. due to better support all round.
  1066. Q: Can I mine on servers from different networks (eg xxxcoin and bitcoin) at
  1067. the same time?
  1068. A: No, cgminer keeps a database of the block it's working on to ensure it does
  1069. not work on stale blocks, and having different blocks from two networks would
  1070. make it invalidate the work from each other.
  1071. Q: Can I configure cgminer to mine with different login credentials or pools
  1072. for each separate device?
  1073. A: No.
  1074. Q: Can I put multiple pools in the config file?
  1075. A: Yes, check the example.conf file. Alternatively, set up everything either on
  1076. the command line or via the menu after startup and choose settings->write
  1077. config file and the file will be loaded one each startup.
  1078. Q: The build fails with gcc is unable to build a binary.
  1079. A: Remove the "-march=native" component of your CFLAGS as your version of gcc
  1080. does not support it. Also -O2 is capital o 2, not zero 2.
  1081. Q: Work keeps going to my backup pool even though my primary pool hasn't
  1082. failed?
  1083. A: Cgminer checks for conditions where the primary pool is lagging and will
  1084. pass some work to the backup servers under those conditions. The reason for
  1085. doing this is to try its absolute best to keep the devices working on something
  1086. useful and not risk idle periods. You can disable this behaviour with the
  1087. option --failover-only.
  1088. Q: Is this a virus?
  1089. A: Cgminer is being packaged with other trojan scripts and some antivirus
  1090. software is falsely accusing cgminer.exe as being the actual virus, rather
  1091. than whatever it is being packaged with. If you installed cgminer yourself,
  1092. then you do not have a virus on your computer. Complain to your antivirus
  1093. software company. They seem to be flagging even source code now from cgminer
  1094. as viruses, even though text source files can't do anything by themself.
  1095. Q: Can you modify the display to include more of one thing in the output and
  1096. less of another, or can you change the quiet mode or can you add yet another
  1097. output mode?
  1098. A: Everyone will always have their own view of what's important to monitor.
  1099. The defaults are very sane and I have very little interest in changing this
  1100. any further. There is far more detail in the API output than can be reasonably
  1101. displayed on the small console window, and using an external interface such
  1102. as miner.php is much more useful for setups with many devices.
  1103. Q: What are the best parameters to pass for X pool/hardware/device.
  1104. A: Virtually always, the DEFAULT parameters give the best results. Most user
  1105. defined settings lead to worse performance.
  1106. Q: What happened to CPU and GPU mining?
  1107. A: Their efficiency makes them irrelevant in the bitcoin mining world today
  1108. and the author has no interest in supporting alternative coins that are better
  1109. mined by these devices.
  1110. Q: GUI version?
  1111. A: No. The RPC interface makes it possible for someone else to write one
  1112. though, and miner.php can create web page access to the RPC API
  1113. Q: I'm having an issue. What debugging information should I provide?
  1114. A: Start cgminer with your regular commands and add -D -T --verbose and provide
  1115. the full startup output and a summary of your hardware and operating system.
  1116. Q: Why don't you provide win64 builds?
  1117. A: Win32 builds work everywhere.
  1118. Q: Is it faster to mine on windows or linux?
  1119. A: It makes no difference in terms of performance. It comes down to choice of
  1120. operating system for their various features and your comfort level. However
  1121. linux is the primary development platform and is virtually guaranteed to be
  1122. more stable.
  1123. Q: My network gets slower and slower and then dies for a minute?
  1124. A; Try the --net-delay option if you are on a GBT server. This does nothing
  1125. with stratum mining.
  1126. Q: I run PHP on windows to access the API with the example miner.php. Why does
  1127. it fail when php is installed properly but I only get errors about Sockets not
  1128. working in the logs?
  1129. A:
  1130. Q: What is an ASIC?
  1131. A: They are Application Specify Integrated Circuit devices and provide the
  1132. highest performance per unit power due to being dedicated to only one purpose.
  1133. They are the only meaningful way to mine bitcoin today.
  1134. Q: What is stratum and how do I use it?
  1135. A: Stratum is a protocol designed for pooled mining in such a way as to
  1136. minimise the amount of network communications, yet scale to hardware of any
  1137. speed. With versions of cgminer 2.8.0+, if a pool has stratum support, cgminer
  1138. will automatically detect it and switch to the support as advertised if it can.
  1139. The advantages of stratum to the miner are no
  1140. delays in getting more work for the miner, less rejects across block changes,
  1141. and far less network communications for the same amount of mining hashrate. If
  1142. you do NOT wish cgminer to automatically switch to stratum protocol even if it
  1143. is detected, add the --fix-protocol option.
  1144. Q: Why don't the statistics add up: Accepted, Rejected, Stale, Hardware Errors,
  1145. Diff1 Work, etc. when mining greater than 1 difficulty shares?
  1146. A: As an example, if you look at 'Difficulty Accepted' in the RPC API, the number
  1147. of difficulty shares accepted does not usually exactly equal the amount of work
  1148. done to find them. If you are mining at 8 difficulty, then you would expect on
  1149. average to find one 8 difficulty share, per 8 single difficulty shares found.
  1150. However, the number is actually random and converges over time, it is an average,
  1151. not an exact value, thus you may find more or less than the expected average.
  1152. Q: My keyboard input momentarily pauses or repeats keys every so often on
  1153. windows while mining?
  1154. A: The USB implementation on windows can be very flaky on some hardware and
  1155. every time cgminer looks for new hardware to hotplug it it can cause these
  1156. sorts of problems. You can disable hotplug with:
  1157. --hotplug 0
  1158. Q: What is a PGA?
  1159. A: Cgminer supports 3 FPGAs: BitForce, Icarus and ModMiner.
  1160. They are Field-Programmable Gate Arrays that have been programmed to do Bitcoin
  1161. mining. Since the acronym needs to be only 3 characters, the "Field-" part has
  1162. been skipped.
  1163. Q: What should my Work Utility (WU) be?
  1164. A: Work utility is the product of hashrate * luck and only stabilises over a
  1165. very long period of time. Assuming all your work is valid work, bitcoin mining
  1166. should produce a work utility of approximately 1 per 71.6MH. This means at
  1167. 5GH you should have a WU of 5000 / 71.6 or ~ 69. You cannot make your machine
  1168. do "better WU" than this - it is luck related. However you can make it much
  1169. worse if your machine produces a lot of hardware errors producing invalid work.
  1170. Q: What should I build in for a generic distribution binary?
  1171. A: There are a number of drivers that expect to be used on dedicated standalone
  1172. hardware. That said, the drivers that are designed to work generically with
  1173. USB on any hardware are the following:
  1174. --enable-avalon
  1175. --enable-avalon2
  1176. --enable-avalon4
  1177. --enable-avalon7
  1178. --enable-avalon8
  1179. --enable-bflsc
  1180. --enable-bitfury
  1181. --enable-cointerra
  1182. --enable-drillbit
  1183. --enable-gekko
  1184. --enable-hashfast
  1185. --enable-hashratio
  1186. --enable-icarus
  1187. --enable-klondike
  1188. Q: How do I use the --decode function to decode a pool's coinbase?
  1189. A: You need to have a bitcoind with server functionality and pass it the
  1190. credentials as the first pool in your config, and pass the pool's address that
  1191. you wish to decode as the second pool configured. Note the bitcoind NEEDS the
  1192. http:// prefix.
  1193. e.g.:
  1194. ./cgminer -o http://localhost:8332 -u user -p pass -o -u cgminer --decode
  1195. ---
  1196. This code is provided entirely free of charge by the programmers.
  1197. If you wish to support it, simply mine at