/* * Part of Very Secure FTPd * Licence: GPL v2 * Author: Chris Evans * str.c * * Generic string handling functions. The fact that a string is implemented * internally using a buffer is not exposed in the API. If you can't see * the buffers, you can't handle them in a screwed way. Or so goes the * theory, anyway... */ /* Anti-lamer measures deployed, sir! */ #define PRIVATE_HANDS_OFF_p_buf p_buf #define PRIVATE_HANDS_OFF_len len #define PRIVATE_HANDS_OFF_alloc_bytes alloc_bytes #include "str.h" /* Ick. Its for die() */ #include "utility.h" #include "sysutil.h" /* File local functions */ static void str_split_text_common(struct mystr* p_src, struct mystr* p_rhs, const char* p_text, int is_reverse); static int str_equal_internal(const char* p_buf1, unsigned int buf1_len, const char* p_buf2, unsigned int buf2_len); /* Private functions */ static void s_setbuf(struct mystr* p_str, char* p_newbuf) { if (p_str->p_buf != 0) { bug("p_buf not NULL when setting it"); } p_str->p_buf = p_newbuf; } void private_str_alloc_memchunk(struct mystr* p_str, const char* p_src, unsigned int len) { /* Make sure this will fit in the buffer */ unsigned int buf_needed; if (len + 1 < len) { bug("integer overflow"); } buf_needed = len + 1; if (buf_needed > p_str->alloc_bytes) { str_free(p_str); s_setbuf(p_str, vsf_sysutil_malloc(buf_needed)); p_str->alloc_bytes = buf_needed; } vsf_sysutil_memcpy(p_str->p_buf, p_src, len); p_str->p_buf[len] = '\0'; p_str->len = len; } void private_str_append_memchunk(struct mystr* p_str, const char* p_src, unsigned int len) { unsigned int buf_needed; if (len + p_str->len < len) { bug("integer overflow"); } buf_needed = len + p_str->len; if (buf_needed + 1 < buf_needed) { bug("integer overflow"); } buf_needed++; if (buf_needed > p_str->alloc_bytes) { p_str->p_buf = vsf_sysutil_realloc(p_str->p_buf, buf_needed); p_str->alloc_bytes = buf_needed; } vsf_sysutil_memcpy(p_str->p_buf + p_str->len, p_src, len); p_str->p_buf[p_str->len + len] = '\0'; p_str->len += len; } /* Public functions */ void str_alloc_text(struct mystr* p_str, const char* p_src) { unsigned int len = vsf_sysutil_strlen(p_src); private_str_alloc_memchunk(p_str, p_src, len); } void str_copy(struct mystr* p_dest, const struct mystr* p_src) { private_str_alloc_memchunk(p_dest, p_src->p_buf, p_src->len); } const char* str_strdup(const struct mystr* p_str) { return vsf_sysutil_strdup(str_getbuf(p_str)); } void str_alloc_alt_term(struct mystr* p_str, const char* p_src, char term) { const char* p_search = p_src; unsigned int len = 0; while (*p_search != term) { p_search++; len++; if (len == 0) { bug("integer overflow"); } } private_str_alloc_memchunk(p_str, p_src, len); } void str_alloc_ulong(struct mystr* p_str, unsigned long the_long) { str_alloc_text(p_str, vsf_sysutil_ulong_to_str(the_long)); } void str_alloc_filesize_t(struct mystr* p_str, filesize_t the_filesize) { str_alloc_text(p_str, vsf_sysutil_filesize_t_to_str(the_filesize)); } void str_free(struct mystr* p_str) { if (p_str->p_buf != 0) { vsf_sysutil_free(p_str->p_buf); } p_str->p_buf = 0; p_str->len = 0; p_str->alloc_bytes = 0; } void str_empty(struct mystr* p_str) { /* Ensure a buffer is allocated. */ (void) str_getbuf(p_str); str_trunc(p_str, 0); } void str_trunc(struct mystr* p_str, unsigned int trunc_len) { if (trunc_len >= p_str->alloc_bytes) { bug("trunc_len not smaller than alloc_bytes in str_trunc"); } p_str->len = trunc_len; p_str->p_buf[p_str->len] = '\0'; } void str_reserve(struct mystr* p_str, unsigned int res_len) { /* Reserve space for the trailing zero as well. */ res_len++; if (res_len == 0) { bug("integer overflow"); } if (res_len > p_str->alloc_bytes) { p_str->p_buf = vsf_sysutil_realloc(p_str->p_buf, res_len); p_str->alloc_bytes = res_len; } p_str->p_buf[res_len - 1] = '\0'; } int str_isempty(const struct mystr* p_str) { return (p_str->len == 0); } unsigned int str_getlen(const struct mystr* p_str) { return p_str->len; } const char* str_getbuf(const struct mystr* p_str) { if (p_str->p_buf == 0) { if (p_str->len != 0 || p_str->alloc_bytes != 0) { bug("p_buf NULL and len or alloc_bytes != 0 in str_getbuf"); } private_str_alloc_memchunk((struct mystr*)p_str, 0, 0); } return p_str->p_buf; } int str_strcmp(const struct mystr* p_str1, const struct mystr* p_str2) { return str_equal_internal(p_str1->p_buf, p_str1->len, p_str2->p_buf, p_str2->len); } static int str_equal_internal(const char* p_buf1, unsigned int buf1_len, const char* p_buf2, unsigned int buf2_len) { int retval; unsigned int minlen = buf1_len; if (buf2_len < minlen) { minlen = buf2_len; } retval = vsf_sysutil_memcmp(p_buf1, p_buf2, minlen); if (retval != 0 || buf1_len == buf2_len) { return retval; } /* Strings equal but lengths differ. The greater one, then, is the longer */ return (int) (buf1_len - buf2_len); } int str_equal(const struct mystr* p_str1, const struct mystr* p_str2) { return (str_strcmp(p_str1, p_str2) == 0); } int str_equal_text(const struct mystr* p_str, const char* p_text) { unsigned int cmplen = vsf_sysutil_strlen(p_text); return (str_equal_internal(p_str->p_buf, p_str->len, p_text, cmplen) == 0); } void str_append_str(struct mystr* p_str, const struct mystr* p_other) { private_str_append_memchunk(p_str, p_other->p_buf, p_other->len); } void str_append_text(struct mystr* p_str, const char* p_src) { unsigned int len = vsf_sysutil_strlen(p_src); private_str_append_memchunk(p_str, p_src, len); } void str_append_char(struct mystr* p_str, char the_char) { private_str_append_memchunk(p_str, &the_char, sizeof(the_char)); } void str_append_ulong(struct mystr* p_str, unsigned long the_ulong) { str_append_text(p_str, vsf_sysutil_ulong_to_str(the_ulong)); } void str_append_filesize_t(struct mystr* p_str, filesize_t the_filesize) { str_append_text(p_str, vsf_sysutil_filesize_t_to_str(the_filesize)); } void str_append_double(struct mystr* p_str, double the_double) { str_append_text(p_str, vsf_sysutil_double_to_str(the_double)); } void str_upper(struct mystr* p_str) { unsigned int i; for (i=0; i < p_str->len; i++) { p_str->p_buf[i] = (char) vsf_sysutil_toupper(p_str->p_buf[i]); } } void str_rpad(struct mystr* p_str, const unsigned int min_width) { unsigned int to_pad; if (p_str->len >= min_width) { return; } to_pad = min_width - p_str->len; while (to_pad--) { str_append_char(p_str, ' '); } } void str_lpad(struct mystr* p_str, const unsigned int min_width) { static struct mystr s_tmp_str; unsigned int to_pad; if (p_str->len >= min_width) { return; } to_pad = min_width - p_str->len; str_empty(&s_tmp_str); while (to_pad--) { str_append_char(&s_tmp_str, ' '); } str_append_str(&s_tmp_str, p_str); str_copy(p_str, &s_tmp_str); } void str_replace_char(struct mystr* p_str, char from, char to) { unsigned int i; for (i=0; i < p_str->len; i++) { if (p_str->p_buf[i] == from) { p_str->p_buf[i] = to; } } } void str_replace_text(struct mystr* p_str, const char* p_from, const char* p_to) { static struct mystr s_lhs_chunk_str; static struct mystr s_rhs_chunk_str; unsigned int lhs_len; str_copy(&s_lhs_chunk_str, p_str); str_free(p_str); do { lhs_len = str_getlen(&s_lhs_chunk_str); str_split_text(&s_lhs_chunk_str, &s_rhs_chunk_str, p_from); /* Copy lhs to destination */ str_append_str(p_str, &s_lhs_chunk_str); /* If this was a 'hit', append the 'to' text */ if (str_getlen(&s_lhs_chunk_str) < lhs_len) { str_append_text(p_str, p_to); } /* Current rhs becomes new lhs */ str_copy(&s_lhs_chunk_str, &s_rhs_chunk_str); } while (!str_isempty(&s_lhs_chunk_str)); } void str_split_char(struct mystr* p_src, struct mystr* p_rhs, char c) { /* Just use str_split_text */ char ministr[2]; ministr[0] = c; ministr[1] = '\0'; str_split_text(p_src, p_rhs, ministr); } void str_split_char_reverse(struct mystr* p_src, struct mystr* p_rhs, char c) { /* Just use str_split_text_reverse */ char ministr[2]; ministr[0] = c; ministr[1] = '\0'; str_split_text_reverse(p_src, p_rhs, ministr); } void str_split_text(struct mystr* p_src, struct mystr* p_rhs, const char* p_text) { str_split_text_common(p_src, p_rhs, p_text, 0); } void str_split_text_reverse(struct mystr* p_src, struct mystr* p_rhs, const char* p_text) { str_split_text_common(p_src, p_rhs, p_text, 1); } static void str_split_text_common(struct mystr* p_src, struct mystr* p_rhs, const char* p_text, int is_reverse) { struct str_locate_result locate_result; unsigned int indexx; unsigned int search_len = vsf_sysutil_strlen(p_text); if (is_reverse) { locate_result = str_locate_text_reverse(p_src, p_text); } else { locate_result = str_locate_text(p_src, p_text); } /* Not found? */ if (!locate_result.found) { str_empty(p_rhs); return; } indexx = locate_result.index; if (indexx + search_len > p_src->len) { bug("indexx invalid in str_split_text"); } /* Build rhs */ private_str_alloc_memchunk(p_rhs, p_src->p_buf + indexx + search_len, p_src->len - indexx - search_len); /* Build lhs */ str_trunc(p_src, indexx); } struct str_locate_result str_locate_str(const struct mystr* p_str, const struct mystr* p_look_str) { return str_locate_text(p_str, str_getbuf(p_look_str)); } struct str_locate_result str_locate_str_reverse(const struct mystr* p_str, const struct mystr* p_look_str) { return str_locate_text_reverse(p_str, str_getbuf(p_look_str)); } struct str_locate_result str_locate_char(const struct mystr* p_str, char look_char) { char look_str[2]; look_str[0] = look_char; look_str[1] = '\0'; return str_locate_text(p_str, look_str); } struct str_locate_result str_locate_chars(const struct mystr* p_str, const char* p_chars) { struct str_locate_result retval; unsigned int num_chars = vsf_sysutil_strlen(p_chars); unsigned int i = 0; retval.found = 0; retval.char_found = 0; retval.index = 0; for (; i < p_str->len; ++i) { unsigned int j = 0; char this_char = p_str->p_buf[i]; for (; j < num_chars; ++j) { if (p_chars[j] == this_char) { retval.found = 1; retval.index = i; retval.char_found = p_chars[j]; return retval; } } } return retval; } struct str_locate_result str_locate_text(const struct mystr* p_str, const char* p_text) { struct str_locate_result retval; unsigned int i; unsigned int text_len = vsf_sysutil_strlen(p_text); retval.found = 0; retval.char_found = 0; retval.index = 0; if (text_len == 0 || text_len > p_str->len) { /* Not found */ return retval; } for (i=0; i <= (p_str->len - text_len); i++) { if (vsf_sysutil_memcmp(p_str->p_buf + i, p_text, text_len) == 0) { retval.found = 1; retval.index = i; return retval; } } /* Not found */ return retval; } struct str_locate_result str_locate_text_reverse(const struct mystr* p_str, const char* p_text) { struct str_locate_result retval; unsigned int i; unsigned int text_len = vsf_sysutil_strlen(p_text); retval.found = 0; retval.char_found = 0; retval.index = 0; if (text_len == 0 || text_len > p_str->len) { return retval; } i = p_str->len - text_len; /* Want to go through loop once even if i==0 */ while (1) { if (vsf_sysutil_memcmp(p_str->p_buf + i, p_text, text_len) == 0) { retval.found = 1; retval.index = i; return retval; } if (i == 0) { break; } i--; } /* Not found */ return retval; } void str_left(const struct mystr* p_str, struct mystr* p_out, unsigned int chars) { if (chars > p_str->len) { bug("chars invalid in str_left"); } private_str_alloc_memchunk(p_out, p_str->p_buf, chars); } void str_right(const struct mystr* p_str, struct mystr* p_out, unsigned int chars) { unsigned int indexx = p_str->len - chars; if (chars > p_str->len) { bug("chars invalid in str_right"); } private_str_alloc_memchunk(p_out, p_str->p_buf + indexx, chars); } void str_mid_to_end(const struct mystr* p_str, struct mystr* p_out, unsigned int indexx) { if (indexx > p_str->len) { bug("invalid indexx in str_mid_to_end"); } private_str_alloc_memchunk(p_out, p_str->p_buf + indexx, p_str->len - indexx); } char str_get_char_at(const struct mystr* p_str, const unsigned int indexx) { if (indexx >= p_str->len) { bug("bad indexx in str_get_char_at"); } return p_str->p_buf[indexx]; } int str_contains_space(const struct mystr* p_str) { unsigned int i; for (i=0; i < p_str->len; i++) { if (vsf_sysutil_isspace(p_str->p_buf[i])) { return 1; } } return 0; } int str_all_space(const struct mystr* p_str) { unsigned int i; for (i=0; i < p_str->len; i++) { if (!vsf_sysutil_isspace(p_str->p_buf[i])) { return 0; } } return 1; } int str_contains_unprintable(const struct mystr* p_str) { unsigned int i; for (i=0; i < p_str->len; i++) { if (!vsf_sysutil_isprint(p_str->p_buf[i])) { return 1; } } return 0; } int str_atoi(const struct mystr* p_str) { return vsf_sysutil_atoi(str_getbuf(p_str)); } filesize_t str_a_to_filesize_t(const struct mystr* p_str) { return vsf_sysutil_a_to_filesize_t(str_getbuf(p_str)); } unsigned int str_octal_to_uint(const struct mystr* p_str) { return vsf_sysutil_octal_to_uint(str_getbuf(p_str)); } int str_getline(const struct mystr* p_str, struct mystr* p_line_str, unsigned int* p_pos) { unsigned int start_pos = *p_pos; unsigned int curr_pos = start_pos; unsigned int buf_len = str_getlen(p_str); const char* p_buf = str_getbuf(p_str); unsigned int out_len; if (start_pos > buf_len) { bug("p_pos out of range in str_getline"); } str_empty(p_line_str); if (start_pos == buf_len) { return 0; } while (curr_pos < buf_len && p_buf[curr_pos] != '\n') { curr_pos++; if (curr_pos == 0) { bug("integer overflow"); } } out_len = curr_pos - start_pos; /* If we ended on a \n - skip it */ if (curr_pos < buf_len && p_buf[curr_pos] == '\n') { curr_pos++; if (curr_pos == 0) { bug("integer overflow"); } } private_str_alloc_memchunk(p_line_str, p_buf + start_pos, out_len); *p_pos = curr_pos; return 1; } int str_contains_line(const struct mystr* p_str, const struct mystr* p_line_str) { static struct mystr s_curr_line_str; unsigned int pos = 0; while (str_getline(p_str, &s_curr_line_str, &pos)) { if (str_equal(&s_curr_line_str, p_line_str)) { return 1; } } return 0; } void str_replace_unprintable(struct mystr* p_str, char new_char) { unsigned int i; for (i=0; i < p_str->len; i++) { if (!vsf_sysutil_isprint(p_str->p_buf[i])) { p_str->p_buf[i] = new_char; } } }