@@ -1766,6 +1766,127 @@ def test_dpp_qr_code_hostapd_init(dev, apdev):
+def test_dpp_test_vector_p_256(dev, apdev):
+ """DPP P-256 test vector (mutual auth)"""
+ check_dpp_capab(dev[0])
+ check_dpp_capab(dev[1])
+ # Responder bootstrapping key
+ priv = "54ce181a98525f217216f59b245f60e9df30ac7f6b26c939418cfc3c42d1afa0"
+ addr = dev[0].own_addr().replace(':', '')
+ cmd = "DPP_BOOTSTRAP_GEN type=qrcode chan=81/11 mac=" + addr + " key=30310201010420" + priv + "a00a06082a8648ce3d030107"
+ res = dev[0].request(cmd)
+ if "FAIL" in res:
+ raise Exception("Failed to generate bootstrapping info")
+ id0 = int(res)
+ uri0 = dev[0].request("DPP_BOOTSTRAP_GET_URI %d" % id0)
+ # Responder protocol keypair override
+ priv = "f798ed2e19286f6a6efe210b1863badb99af2a14b497634dbfd2a97394fb5aa5"
+ dev[0].set("dpp_protocol_key_override",
+ "30310201010420" + priv + "a00a06082a8648ce3d030107")
+ dev[0].set("dpp_nonce_override", "3d0cfb011ca916d796f7029ff0b43393")
+ # Initiator bootstrapping key
+ priv = "15b2a83c5a0a38b61f2aa8200ee4994b8afdc01c58507d10d0a38f7eedf051bb"
+ cmd = "DPP_BOOTSTRAP_GEN type=qrcode key=30310201010420" + priv + "a00a06082a8648ce3d030107"
+ res = dev[1].request(cmd)
+ if "FAIL" in res:
+ raise Exception("Failed to generate bootstrapping info")
+ id1 = int(res)
+ uri1 = dev[1].request("DPP_BOOTSTRAP_GET_URI %d" % id1)
+ # Initiator protocol keypair override
+ priv = "a87de9afbb406c96e5f79a3df895ecac3ad406f95da66314c8cb3165e0c61783"
+ dev[1].set("dpp_protocol_key_override",
+ "30310201010420" + priv + "a00a06082a8648ce3d030107")
+ dev[1].set("dpp_nonce_override", "13f4602a16daeb69712263b9c46cba31")
+ res = dev[1].request("DPP_QR_CODE " + uri0)
+ if "FAIL" in res:
+ raise Exception("Failed to parse QR Code URI")
+ id1peer = int(res)
+ res = dev[0].request("DPP_QR_CODE " + uri1)
+ if "FAIL" in res:
+ raise Exception("Failed to parse QR Code URI")
+ id0peer = int(res)
+ cmd = "DPP_LISTEN 2462 qr=mutual"
+ if "OK" not in dev[0].request(cmd):
+ raise Exception("Failed to start listen operation")
+ cmd = "DPP_AUTH_INIT peer=%d own=%d neg_freq=2412" % (id1peer, id1)
+ if "OK" not in dev[1].request(cmd):
+ raise Exception("Failed to initiate operation")
+ ev = dev[1].wait_event(["DPP-AUTH-SUCCESS"], timeout=5)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("DPP authentication did not succeed (Initiator)")
+ ev = dev[0].wait_event(["DPP-AUTH-SUCCESS"], timeout=5)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("DPP authentication did not succeed (Responder)")
+def test_dpp_test_vector_p_256_b(dev, apdev):
+ """DPP P-256 test vector (Responder-only auth)"""
+ check_dpp_capab(dev[0])
+ check_dpp_capab(dev[1])
+ # Responder bootstrapping key
+ priv = "54ce181a98525f217216f59b245f60e9df30ac7f6b26c939418cfc3c42d1afa0"
+ addr = dev[0].own_addr().replace(':', '')
+ cmd = "DPP_BOOTSTRAP_GEN type=qrcode chan=81/11 mac=" + addr + " key=30310201010420" + priv + "a00a06082a8648ce3d030107"
+ res = dev[0].request(cmd)
+ if "FAIL" in res:
+ raise Exception("Failed to generate bootstrapping info")
+ id0 = int(res)
+ uri0 = dev[0].request("DPP_BOOTSTRAP_GET_URI %d" % id0)
+ # Responder protocol keypair override
+ priv = "f798ed2e19286f6a6efe210b1863badb99af2a14b497634dbfd2a97394fb5aa5"
+ dev[0].set("dpp_protocol_key_override",
+ "30310201010420" + priv + "a00a06082a8648ce3d030107")
+ dev[0].set("dpp_nonce_override", "3d0cfb011ca916d796f7029ff0b43393")
+ # Initiator bootstrapping key
+ priv = "15b2a83c5a0a38b61f2aa8200ee4994b8afdc01c58507d10d0a38f7eedf051bb"
+ cmd = "DPP_BOOTSTRAP_GEN type=qrcode key=30310201010420" + priv + "a00a06082a8648ce3d030107"
+ res = dev[1].request(cmd)
+ if "FAIL" in res:
+ raise Exception("Failed to generate bootstrapping info")
+ id1 = int(res)
+ uri1 = dev[1].request("DPP_BOOTSTRAP_GET_URI %d" % id1)
+ # Initiator protocol keypair override
+ priv = "a87de9afbb406c96e5f79a3df895ecac3ad406f95da66314c8cb3165e0c61783"
+ dev[1].set("dpp_protocol_key_override",
+ "30310201010420" + priv + "a00a06082a8648ce3d030107")
+ dev[1].set("dpp_nonce_override", "13f4602a16daeb69712263b9c46cba31")
+ res = dev[1].request("DPP_QR_CODE " + uri0)
+ if "FAIL" in res:
+ raise Exception("Failed to parse QR Code URI")
+ id1peer = int(res)
+ cmd = "DPP_LISTEN 2462"
+ if "OK" not in dev[0].request(cmd):
+ raise Exception("Failed to start listen operation")
+ cmd = "DPP_AUTH_INIT peer=%d own=%d neg_freq=2412" % (id1peer, id1)
+ if "OK" not in dev[1].request(cmd):
+ raise Exception("Failed to initiate operation")
+ ev = dev[1].wait_event(["DPP-AUTH-SUCCESS"], timeout=5)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("DPP authentication did not succeed (Initiator)")
+ ev = dev[0].wait_event(["DPP-AUTH-SUCCESS"], timeout=5)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("DPP authentication did not succeed (Responder)")
def test_dpp_pkex(dev, apdev):
"""DPP and PKEX"""
run_dpp_pkex(dev, apdev)