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tests: FILS SK and multiple realms

Signed-off-by: Jouni Malinen <>
Jouni Malinen 8 years ago
1 changed files with 90 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 90 0

+ 90 - 0

@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 # This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
 # See README for more details.
+import binascii
+import hashlib
 import logging
 logger = logging.getLogger()
 import time
@@ -199,3 +201,91 @@ def test_fils_sk_erp(dev, apdev):
     if "EVENT-ASSOC-REJECT" in ev:
         raise Exception("Association failed")
     hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
+def test_fils_sk_multiple_realms(dev, apdev):
+    """FILS SK and multiple realms"""
+    check_fils_capa(dev[0])
+    check_erp_capa(dev[0])
+    start_erp_as(apdev[1])
+    bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']
+    params = hostapd.wpa2_eap_params(ssid="fils")
+    params['wpa_key_mgmt'] = "FILS-SHA256"
+    params['auth_server_port'] = "18128"
+    params['erp_domain'] = ''
+    fils_realms = [ '', '', '',
+                    '', '', '',
+                    '', '',
+                    '',
+                    '', '', '',
+                    '', '', '',
+                    '', '' ]
+    params['fils_realm'] = fils_realms
+    params['fils_cache_id'] = "1234"
+    params['hessid'] = bssid
+    hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0]['ifname'], params)
+    dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid, freq=2412)
+    if "OK" not in dev[0].request("ANQP_GET " + bssid + " 275"):
+        raise Exception("ANQP_GET command failed")
+    ev = dev[0].wait_event(["GAS-QUERY-DONE"], timeout=10)
+    if ev is None:
+        raise Exception("GAS query timed out")
+    bss = dev[0].get_bss(bssid)
+    if 'fils_info' not in bss:
+        raise Exception("FILS Indication element information missing")
+    if bss['fils_info'] != '02b8':
+        raise Exception("Unexpected FILS Information: " + bss['fils_info'])
+    if 'fils_cache_id' not in bss:
+        raise Exception("FILS Cache Identifier missing")
+    if bss['fils_cache_id'] != '1234':
+        raise Exception("Unexpected FILS Cache Identifier: " + bss['fils_cache_id'])
+    if 'fils_realms' not in bss:
+        raise Exception("FILS Realm Identifiers missing")
+    expected = ''
+    count = 0
+    for realm in fils_realms:
+        hash = hashlib.sha256(realm.lower()).digest()
+        expected += binascii.hexlify(hash[0:2])
+        count += 1
+        if count == 7:
+            break
+    if bss['fils_realms'] != expected:
+        raise Exception("Unexpected FILS Realm Identifiers: " + bss['fils_realms'])
+    if 'anqp_fils_realm_info' not in bss:
+        raise Exception("FILS Realm Information ANQP-element not seen")
+    info = bss['anqp_fils_realm_info'];
+    expected = ''
+    for realm in fils_realms:
+        hash = hashlib.sha256(realm.lower()).digest()
+        expected += binascii.hexlify(hash[0:2])
+    if info != expected:
+        raise Exception("Unexpected FILS Realm Info ANQP-element: " + info)
+    dev[0].request("ERP_FLUSH")
+    id = dev[0].connect("fils", key_mgmt="FILS-SHA256",
+                        eap="PSK", identity="",
+                        password_hex="0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
+                        erp="1", scan_freq="2412")
+    dev[0].request("DISCONNECT")
+    dev[0].wait_disconnected()
+    dev[0].dump_monitor()
+    dev[0].select_network(id, freq=2412)
+    ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-EAP-STARTED",
+                            "EVENT-ASSOC-REJECT",
+                            "CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED"], timeout=10)
+    if ev is None:
+        raise Exception("Connection using FILS/ERP timed out")
+    if "CTRL-EVENT-EAP-STARTED" in ev:
+        raise Exception("Unexpected EAP exchange")
+    if "EVENT-ASSOC-REJECT" in ev:
+        raise Exception("Association failed")
+    hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)