@@ -335,3 +335,55 @@ def test_ieee8021x_set_conf(dev, apdev):
raise Exception("EAP authentication did not succeed")
hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
+def test_ieee8021x_auth_awhile(dev, apdev):
+ """IEEE 802.1X and EAPOL Authenticator aWhile handling"""
+ params = hostapd.radius_params()
+ params["ssid"] = "ieee8021x-open"
+ params["ieee8021x"] = "1"
+ params['auth_server_port'] = "18129"
+ hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0]['ifname'], params)
+ bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']
+ addr0 = dev[0].own_addr()
+ params = {}
+ params['ssid'] = 'as'
+ params['beacon_int'] = '2000'
+ params['radius_server_clients'] = 'auth_serv/radius_clients.conf'
+ params['radius_server_auth_port'] = '18129'
+ params['eap_server'] = '1'
+ params['eap_user_file'] = 'auth_serv/eap_user.conf'
+ params['ca_cert'] = 'auth_serv/ca.pem'
+ params['server_cert'] = 'auth_serv/server.pem'
+ params['private_key'] = 'auth_serv/server.key'
+ hapd1 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1]['ifname'], params)
+ dev[0].connect("ieee8021x-open", key_mgmt="IEEE8021X", eapol_flags="0",
+ eap="PSK", identity="psk.user@example.com",
+ password_hex="0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
+ scan_freq="2412")
+ hapd1.disable()
+ if "OK" not in hapd.request("EAPOL_SET %s serverTimeout 1" % addr0):
+ raise Exception("Failed to set serverTimeout")
+ hapd.request("EAPOL_REAUTH " + dev[0].own_addr())
+ ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-EAP-STARTED"], timeout=5)
+ for i in range(40):
+ mib = hapd.get_sta(addr0, info="eapol")
+ val = int(mib['aWhile'])
+ if val > 0:
+ break
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if val == 0:
+ raise Exception("aWhile did not increase")
+ hapd.dump_monitor()
+ for i in range(40):
+ mib = hapd.get_sta(addr0, info="eapol")
+ val = int(mib['aWhile'])
+ if val < 5:
+ break
+ time.sleep(1)
+ ev = hapd.wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-EAP-PROPOSED"], timeout=10)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Authentication restart not seen")