@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ WpaGui::WpaGui(QWidget *parent, const char *, Qt::WFlags)
connect(fileSaveConfigAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
+ connect(actionWPS, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(wpsDialog()));
connect(fileExitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(quit()));
connect(networkAddAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
@@ -86,6 +87,10 @@ WpaGui::WpaGui(QWidget *parent, const char *, Qt::WFlags)
connect(scanNetworkButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(scan()));
connect(networkList, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem *)),
this, SLOT(editListedNetwork()));
+ connect(wpaguiTab, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this,
+ SLOT(tabChanged(int)));
+ connect(wpsPbcButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(wpsPbc()));
+ connect(wpsPinButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(wpsGeneratePin()));
eh = NULL;
scanres = NULL;
@@ -340,6 +345,16 @@ int WpaGui::openCtrlConnection(const char *ifname)
+ len = sizeof(buf) - 1;
+ if (wpa_ctrl_request(ctrl_conn, "GET_CAPABILITY eap", 18, buf, &len,
+ NULL) >= 0) {
+ buf[len] = '\0';
+ QString res(buf);
+ QStringList types = res.split(QChar(' '));
+ actionWPS->setEnabled(types.contains("WSC"));
+ }
return 0;
@@ -599,6 +614,14 @@ void WpaGui::disconnect()
char reply[10];
size_t reply_len = sizeof(reply);
ctrlRequest("DISCONNECT", reply, &reply_len);
+ if (wpsRunning)
+ wpsStatusText->setText("Stopped");
+ else
+ wpsStatusText->setText("");
+ wpsPinEdit->setEnabled(false);
+ wpsInstructions->setText("");
+ wpsRunning = false;
@@ -738,6 +761,48 @@ void WpaGui::processMsg(char *msg)
showTrayMessage(QSystemTrayIcon::Information, 3,
"Connection to network established.");
QTimer::singleShot(5 * 1000, this, SLOT(showTrayStatus()));
+ if (wpsRunning) {
+ wpsStatusText->setText("Connected to the network");
+ wpsPinEdit->setEnabled(false);
+ wpsInstructions->setText("");
+ wpsRunning = false;
+ }
+ } else if (str_match(pos, WPS_EVENT_AP_AVAILABLE_PBC)) {
+ showTrayMessage(QSystemTrayIcon::Information, 3,
+ "Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) AP\n"
+ "in active PBC mode found.");
+ wpsStatusText->setText("WPS AP in active PBC mode found");
+ wpaguiTab->setCurrentWidget(wpsTab);
+ wpsInstructions->setText("Press the PBC button on the screen "
+ "to start registration");
+ } else if (str_match(pos, WPS_EVENT_AP_AVAILABLE_PIN)) {
+ showTrayMessage(QSystemTrayIcon::Information, 3,
+ "Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) AP\n"
+ " in active PIN mode found.");
+ wpsStatusText->setText("WPS AP with recently selected "
+ "registrar");
+ wpaguiTab->setCurrentWidget(wpsTab);
+ } else if (str_match(pos, WPS_EVENT_AP_AVAILABLE)) {
+ showTrayMessage(QSystemTrayIcon::Information, 3,
+ "Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)\n"
+ "AP detected.");
+ wpsStatusText->setText("WPS AP detected");
+ wpaguiTab->setCurrentWidget(wpsTab);
+ } else if (str_match(pos, WPS_EVENT_OVERLAP)) {
+ showTrayMessage(QSystemTrayIcon::Information, 3,
+ "Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)\n"
+ "PBC mode overlap detected.");
+ wpsStatusText->setText("PBC mode overlap detected");
+ wpsInstructions->setText("More than one AP is currently in "
+ "active WPS PBC mode. Wait couple of "
+ "minutes and try again");
+ wpaguiTab->setCurrentWidget(wpsTab);
+ } else if (str_match(pos, WPS_EVENT_CRED_RECEIVED)) {
+ wpsStatusText->setText("Network configuration received");
+ wpaguiTab->setCurrentWidget(wpsTab);
+ } else if (str_match(pos, WPA_EVENT_EAP_METHOD)) {
+ if (strstr(pos, "(WSC)"))
+ wpsStatusText->setText("Registration started");
@@ -804,6 +869,14 @@ void WpaGui::selectNetwork( const QString &sel )
cmd.prepend("SELECT_NETWORK ");
ctrlRequest(cmd.toAscii().constData(), reply, &reply_len);
+ if (wpsRunning)
+ wpsStatusText->setText("Stopped");
+ else
+ wpsStatusText->setText("");
+ wpsPinEdit->setEnabled(false);
+ wpsInstructions->setText("");
+ wpsRunning = false;
@@ -1275,3 +1348,64 @@ void WpaGui::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
+void WpaGui::wpsDialog()
+ wpaguiTab->setCurrentWidget(wpsTab);
+void WpaGui::tabChanged(int index)
+ if (index != 2)
+ return;
+ if (wpsRunning)
+ return;
+ /* TODO: Update WPS status based on latest scan results and
+ * availability of WPS APs */
+void WpaGui::wpsPbc()
+ char reply[20];
+ size_t reply_len = sizeof(reply);
+ if (ctrlRequest("WPS_PBC", reply, &reply_len) < 0)
+ return;
+ wpsPinEdit->setEnabled(false);
+ if (wpsStatusText->text().compare("WPS AP in active PBC mode found")) {
+ wpsInstructions->setText("Press the push button on the AP to "
+ "start the PBC mode.");
+ } else {
+ wpsInstructions->setText("If you have not yet done so, press "
+ "the push button on the AP to start "
+ "the PBC mode.");
+ }
+ wpsStatusText->setText("Waiting for Registrar");
+ wpsRunning = true;
+void WpaGui::wpsGeneratePin()
+ char reply[20];
+ size_t reply_len = sizeof(reply) - 1;
+ if (ctrlRequest("WPS_PIN any", reply, &reply_len) < 0)
+ return;
+ reply[reply_len] = '\0';
+ wpsPinEdit->setText(reply);
+ wpsPinEdit->setEnabled(true);
+ wpsInstructions->setText("Enter the generated PIN into the Registrar "
+ "(either the internal one in the AP or an "
+ "external one).");
+ wpsStatusText->setText("Waiting for Registrar");
+ wpsRunning = true;