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tests: EAP-SIM with external GSM auth and replacing SIM

These test cases verify that EAP-SIM with external GSM auth supports the
use case of replacing the SIM. The first test case does this incorrectly
by not clearing the pseudonym identity (anonymous_identity in the
network profile) while the second one clears that and shows successful

Signed-off-by: Jouni Malinen <>
Jouni Malinen 9 years ago
2 changed files with 210 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 3 0
  2. 207 0

+ 3 - 0

@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
 232010000000000 90dca4eda45b53cf0f12d7c9c3bc6a89 cb9cccc4b9258e6dca4760379fb82581 61df 000000000000
+# Modified version of the previous to allow testing with replaced SIM.
+232010000000009 a0dca4eda45b53cf0f12d7c9c3bc6a89 cb9cccc4b9258e6dca4760379fb82581 61df 000000000000
 # These values are from Test Set 19 which has the AMF separation bit set to 1
 # and as such, is suitable for EAP-AKA' test.
 555444333222111 5122250214c33e723a5dd523fc145fc0 981d464c7c52eb6e5036234984ad0bcf c3ab 16f3b3f70fc1

+ 207 - 0

@@ -479,6 +479,213 @@ def _test_ap_wpa2_eap_sim_ext(dev, apdev):
     if ev is None:
         raise Exception("EAP failure not reported")
+def test_ap_wpa2_eap_sim_ext_replace_sim(dev, apdev):
+    """EAP-SIM with external GSM auth and replacing SIM without clearing pseudonym id"""
+    try:
+        _test_ap_wpa2_eap_sim_ext_replace_sim(dev, apdev)
+    finally:
+        dev[0].request("SET external_sim 0")
+def _test_ap_wpa2_eap_sim_ext_replace_sim(dev, apdev):
+    check_hlr_auc_gw_support()
+    params = hostapd.wpa2_eap_params(ssid="test-wpa2-eap")
+    hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0]['ifname'], params)
+    dev[0].request("SET external_sim 1")
+    id = dev[0].connect("test-wpa2-eap", eap="SIM", key_mgmt="WPA-EAP",
+                        identity="1232010000000000",
+                        wait_connect=False, scan_freq="2412")
+    ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-REQ-SIM"], timeout=15)
+    if ev is None:
+        raise Exception("Wait for external SIM processing request timed out")
+    p = ev.split(':', 2)
+    if p[1] != "GSM-AUTH":
+        raise Exception("Unexpected CTRL-REQ-SIM type")
+    rid = p[0].split('-')[3]
+    rand = p[2].split(' ')[0]
+    res = subprocess.check_output(["../../hostapd/hlr_auc_gw",
+                                   "-m",
+                                   "auth_serv/hlr_auc_gw.milenage_db",
+                                   "GSM-AUTH-REQ 232010000000000 " + rand])
+    if "GSM-AUTH-RESP" not in res:
+        raise Exception("Unexpected hlr_auc_gw response")
+    resp = res.split(' ')[2].rstrip()
+    dev[0].request("CTRL-RSP-SIM-" + rid + ":GSM-AUTH:" + resp)
+    dev[0].wait_connected(timeout=15)
+    dev[0].request("DISCONNECT")
+    dev[0].wait_disconnected()
+    # Replace SIM, but forget to drop the previous pseudonym identity
+    dev[0].set_network_quoted(id, "identity", "1232010000000009")
+    dev[0].select_network(id, freq="2412")
+    ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-REQ-SIM"], timeout=15)
+    if ev is None:
+        raise Exception("Wait for external SIM processing request timed out")
+    p = ev.split(':', 2)
+    if p[1] != "GSM-AUTH":
+        raise Exception("Unexpected CTRL-REQ-SIM type")
+    rid = p[0].split('-')[3]
+    rand = p[2].split(' ')[0]
+    res = subprocess.check_output(["../../hostapd/hlr_auc_gw",
+                                   "-m",
+                                   "auth_serv/hlr_auc_gw.milenage_db",
+                                   "GSM-AUTH-REQ 232010000000009 " + rand])
+    if "GSM-AUTH-RESP" not in res:
+        raise Exception("Unexpected hlr_auc_gw response")
+    resp = res.split(' ')[2].rstrip()
+    dev[0].request("CTRL-RSP-SIM-" + rid + ":GSM-AUTH:" + resp)
+    ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-EAP-FAILURE"], timeout=15)
+    if ev is None:
+        raise Exception("EAP-Failure not reported")
+    dev[0].request("DISCONNECT")
+    dev[0].wait_disconnected()
+def test_ap_wpa2_eap_sim_ext_replace_sim2(dev, apdev):
+    """EAP-SIM with external GSM auth and replacing SIM and clearing pseudonym identity"""
+    try:
+        _test_ap_wpa2_eap_sim_ext_replace_sim2(dev, apdev)
+    finally:
+        dev[0].request("SET external_sim 0")
+def _test_ap_wpa2_eap_sim_ext_replace_sim2(dev, apdev):
+    check_hlr_auc_gw_support()
+    params = hostapd.wpa2_eap_params(ssid="test-wpa2-eap")
+    hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0]['ifname'], params)
+    dev[0].request("SET external_sim 1")
+    id = dev[0].connect("test-wpa2-eap", eap="SIM", key_mgmt="WPA-EAP",
+                        identity="1232010000000000",
+                        wait_connect=False, scan_freq="2412")
+    ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-REQ-SIM"], timeout=15)
+    if ev is None:
+        raise Exception("Wait for external SIM processing request timed out")
+    p = ev.split(':', 2)
+    if p[1] != "GSM-AUTH":
+        raise Exception("Unexpected CTRL-REQ-SIM type")
+    rid = p[0].split('-')[3]
+    rand = p[2].split(' ')[0]
+    res = subprocess.check_output(["../../hostapd/hlr_auc_gw",
+                                   "-m",
+                                   "auth_serv/hlr_auc_gw.milenage_db",
+                                   "GSM-AUTH-REQ 232010000000000 " + rand])
+    if "GSM-AUTH-RESP" not in res:
+        raise Exception("Unexpected hlr_auc_gw response")
+    resp = res.split(' ')[2].rstrip()
+    dev[0].request("CTRL-RSP-SIM-" + rid + ":GSM-AUTH:" + resp)
+    dev[0].wait_connected(timeout=15)
+    dev[0].request("DISCONNECT")
+    dev[0].wait_disconnected()
+    # Replace SIM and drop the previous pseudonym identity
+    dev[0].set_network_quoted(id, "identity", "1232010000000009")
+    dev[0].set_network(id, "anonymous_identity", "NULL")
+    dev[0].select_network(id, freq="2412")
+    ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-REQ-SIM"], timeout=15)
+    if ev is None:
+        raise Exception("Wait for external SIM processing request timed out")
+    p = ev.split(':', 2)
+    if p[1] != "GSM-AUTH":
+        raise Exception("Unexpected CTRL-REQ-SIM type")
+    rid = p[0].split('-')[3]
+    rand = p[2].split(' ')[0]
+    res = subprocess.check_output(["../../hostapd/hlr_auc_gw",
+                                   "-m",
+                                   "auth_serv/hlr_auc_gw.milenage_db",
+                                   "GSM-AUTH-REQ 232010000000009 " + rand])
+    if "GSM-AUTH-RESP" not in res:
+        raise Exception("Unexpected hlr_auc_gw response")
+    resp = res.split(' ')[2].rstrip()
+    dev[0].request("CTRL-RSP-SIM-" + rid + ":GSM-AUTH:" + resp)
+    dev[0].wait_connected()
+    dev[0].request("DISCONNECT")
+    dev[0].wait_disconnected()
+def test_ap_wpa2_eap_sim_ext_replace_sim3(dev, apdev):
+    """EAP-SIM with external GSM auth, replacing SIM, and no identity in config"""
+    try:
+        _test_ap_wpa2_eap_sim_ext_replace_sim3(dev, apdev)
+    finally:
+        dev[0].request("SET external_sim 0")
+def _test_ap_wpa2_eap_sim_ext_replace_sim3(dev, apdev):
+    check_hlr_auc_gw_support()
+    params = hostapd.wpa2_eap_params(ssid="test-wpa2-eap")
+    hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0]['ifname'], params)
+    dev[0].request("SET external_sim 1")
+    id = dev[0].connect("test-wpa2-eap", eap="SIM", key_mgmt="WPA-EAP",
+                        wait_connect=False, scan_freq="2412")
+    ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-REQ-IDENTITY"])
+    if ev is None:
+        raise Exception("Request for identity timed out")
+    rid = ev.split(':')[0].split('-')[-1]
+    dev[0].request("CTRL-RSP-IDENTITY-" + rid + ":1232010000000000")
+    ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-REQ-SIM"], timeout=15)
+    if ev is None:
+        raise Exception("Wait for external SIM processing request timed out")
+    p = ev.split(':', 2)
+    if p[1] != "GSM-AUTH":
+        raise Exception("Unexpected CTRL-REQ-SIM type")
+    rid = p[0].split('-')[3]
+    rand = p[2].split(' ')[0]
+    res = subprocess.check_output(["../../hostapd/hlr_auc_gw",
+                                   "-m",
+                                   "auth_serv/hlr_auc_gw.milenage_db",
+                                   "GSM-AUTH-REQ 232010000000000 " + rand])
+    if "GSM-AUTH-RESP" not in res:
+        raise Exception("Unexpected hlr_auc_gw response")
+    resp = res.split(' ')[2].rstrip()
+    dev[0].request("CTRL-RSP-SIM-" + rid + ":GSM-AUTH:" + resp)
+    dev[0].wait_connected(timeout=15)
+    dev[0].request("DISCONNECT")
+    dev[0].wait_disconnected()
+    # Replace SIM and drop the previous permanent and pseudonym identities
+    dev[0].set_network(id, "identity", "NULL")
+    dev[0].set_network(id, "anonymous_identity", "NULL")
+    dev[0].select_network(id, freq="2412")
+    ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-REQ-IDENTITY"])
+    if ev is None:
+        raise Exception("Request for identity timed out")
+    rid = ev.split(':')[0].split('-')[-1]
+    dev[0].request("CTRL-RSP-IDENTITY-" + rid + ":1232010000000009")
+    ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-REQ-SIM"], timeout=15)
+    if ev is None:
+        raise Exception("Wait for external SIM processing request timed out")
+    p = ev.split(':', 2)
+    if p[1] != "GSM-AUTH":
+        raise Exception("Unexpected CTRL-REQ-SIM type")
+    rid = p[0].split('-')[3]
+    rand = p[2].split(' ')[0]
+    res = subprocess.check_output(["../../hostapd/hlr_auc_gw",
+                                   "-m",
+                                   "auth_serv/hlr_auc_gw.milenage_db",
+                                   "GSM-AUTH-REQ 232010000000009 " + rand])
+    if "GSM-AUTH-RESP" not in res:
+        raise Exception("Unexpected hlr_auc_gw response")
+    resp = res.split(' ')[2].rstrip()
+    dev[0].request("CTRL-RSP-SIM-" + rid + ":GSM-AUTH:" + resp)
+    dev[0].wait_connected()
+    dev[0].request("DISCONNECT")
+    dev[0].wait_disconnected()
 def test_ap_wpa2_eap_sim_oom(dev, apdev):
     """EAP-SIM and OOM"""
     params = hostapd.wpa2_eap_params(ssid="test-wpa2-eap")