Browse Source

tests: Add FST module tests

Signed-off-by: Jouni Malinen <>
Anton Nayshtut 10 years ago

+ 3 - 0

@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ CONFIG_SQLITE=y

+ 3 - 0

@@ -116,6 +116,9 @@ CFLAGS += -DALL_DH_GROUPS

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+# FST tests related classes
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.
+# This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
+# See README for more details.
+import logging
+import subprocess
+import os
+import signal
+import time
+import re
+import hostapd
+import wpaspy
+import utils
+from wpasupplicant import WpaSupplicant
+import fst_test_common
+logger = logging.getLogger()
+def parse_fst_iface_event(ev):
+    """Parses FST iface event that comes as a string, e.g.
+    "<3>FST-EVENT-IFACE attached ifname=wlan9 group=fstg0"
+    Returns a dictionary with parsed "event_type", "ifname", and "group"; or
+    None if not an FST event or can't be parsed."""
+    event = {}
+    if ev.find("FST-EVENT-IFACE") == -1:
+        return None
+    if ev.find("attached") != -1:
+        event['event_type'] = 'attached'
+    elif ev.find("detached") != -1:
+        event['event_type'] = 'detached'
+    else:
+        return None
+    f ="ifname=(\S+)", ev)
+    if f is not None:
+        event['ifname'] =
+    f ="group=(\S+)", ev)
+    if f is not None:
+        event['group'] =
+    return event
+def parse_fst_session_event(ev):
+    """Parses FST session event that comes as a string, e.g.
+    "<3>FST-EVENT-SESSION event_type=EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE session_id=0 reason=REASON_STT"
+    Returns a dictionary with parsed "type", "id", and "reason"; or None if not
+    a FST event or can't be parsed"""
+    event = {}
+    if ev.find("FST-EVENT-SESSION") == -1:
+        return None
+    event['new_state'] = '' # The field always exists in the dictionary
+    f ="event_type=(\S+)", ev)
+    if f is None:
+        return None
+    event['type'] =
+    f ="session_id=(\d+)", ev)
+    if f is not None:
+        event['id'] =
+    f ="old_state=(\S+)", ev)
+    if f is not None:
+        event['old_state'] =
+    f ="new_state=(\S+)", ev)
+    if f is not None:
+        event['new_state'] =
+    f ="reason=(\S+)", ev)
+    if f is not None:
+        event['reason'] =
+    return event
+def start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev):
+    """auxiliary function that creates two pairs of APs and STAs"""
+    ap1 = FstAP(apdev[0]['ifname'], 'fst_11a', 'a',
+                fst_test_common.fst_test_def_chan_a,
+                fst_test_common.fst_test_def_group,
+                fst_test_common.fst_test_def_prio_low,
+                fst_test_common.fst_test_def_llt)
+    ap1.start()
+    ap2 = FstAP(apdev[1]['ifname'], 'fst_11g', 'g',
+                fst_test_common.fst_test_def_chan_g,
+                fst_test_common.fst_test_def_group,
+                fst_test_common.fst_test_def_prio_high,
+                fst_test_common.fst_test_def_llt)
+    ap2.start()
+    sta1 = FstSTA('wlan5',
+                  fst_test_common.fst_test_def_group,
+                  fst_test_common.fst_test_def_prio_low,
+                  fst_test_common.fst_test_def_llt)
+    sta1.start()
+    sta2 = FstSTA('wlan6',
+                  fst_test_common.fst_test_def_group,
+                  fst_test_common.fst_test_def_prio_high,
+                  fst_test_common.fst_test_def_llt)
+    sta2.start()
+    return ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2
+def stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2):
+    sta1.stop()
+    sta2.stop()
+    ap1.stop()
+    ap2.stop()
+def connect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, dev1, dev2):
+    """Connects a pair of stations, each one to a separate AP"""
+    dev1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+    dev2.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_g)
+    dev1.connect(ap1, key_mgmt="NONE",
+                 scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+    dev2.connect(ap2, key_mgmt="NONE",
+                 scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_g)
+def disconnect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, dev1, dev2):
+    dev1.disconnect()
+    dev2.disconnect()
+def external_sta_connect(sta, ap, **kwargs):
+    """Connects the external station to the given AP"""
+    if not isinstance(sta, WpaSupplicant):
+        raise Exception("Bad STA object")
+    if not isinstance(ap, FstAP):
+        raise Exception("Bad AP object to connect to")
+    hap = ap.get_instance()
+    sta.connect(ap.get_ssid(), **kwargs)
+def disconnect_external_sta(sta, ap, check_disconnect=True):
+    """Disconnects the external station from the AP"""
+    if not isinstance(sta, WpaSupplicant):
+        raise Exception("Bad STA object")
+    if not isinstance(ap, FstAP):
+        raise Exception("Bad AP object to connect to")
+    sta.request("DISCONNECT")
+    if check_disconnect:
+        hap = ap.get_instance()
+        ev = hap.wait_event([ "AP-STA-DISCONNECTED" ], timeout=10)
+        if ev is None:
+            raise Exception("No disconnection event received from %s" % ap.get_ssid())
+# FstDevice class
+# This is the parent class for the AP (FstAP) and STA (FstSTA) that implements
+# FST functionality.
+class FstDevice:
+    def __init__(self, iface, fst_group, fst_pri, fst_llt=None):
+        self.iface = iface
+        self.fst_group = fst_group
+        self.fst_pri = fst_pri
+        self.fst_llt = fst_llt  # None llt means no llt parameter will be set
+        self.instance = None    # Hostapd/WpaSupplicant instance
+        self.peer_obj = None    # Peer object, must be a FstDevice child object
+        self.new_peer_addr = None # Peer MAC address for new session iface
+        self.old_peer_addr = None # Peer MAC address for old session iface
+        self.role = 'initiator' # Role: initiator/responder
+        s = self.grequest("FST-MANAGER TEST_REQUEST IS_SUPPORTED")
+        if not s.startswith('OK'):
+            raise utils.HwsimSkip("FST not supported")
+    def ifname(self):
+        return self.iface
+    def get_instance(self):
+        """Gets the Hostapd/WpaSupplicant instance"""
+        raise Exception("Virtual get_instance() called!")
+    def get_own_mac_address(self):
+        """Gets the device's own MAC address"""
+        raise Exception("Virtual get_own_mac_address() called!")
+    def get_new_peer_addr(self):
+        return self.new_peer_addr
+    def get_old_peer_addr(self):
+        return self.old_peer_addr
+    def get_actual_peer_addr(self):
+        """Gets the peer address. A connected AP/station address is returned."""
+        raise Exception("Virtual get_actual_peer_addr() called!")
+    def grequest(self, req):
+        """Send request on the global control interface"""
+        raise Exception, "Virtual grequest() called!"
+    def wait_gevent(self, events, timeout=None):
+        """Wait for a list of events on the global interface"""
+        raise Exception("Virtual wait_gevent() called!")
+    def request(self, req):
+        """Issue a request to the control interface"""
+        h = self.get_instance()
+        return h.request(req)
+    def wait_event(self, events, timeout=None):
+        """Wait for an event from the control interface"""
+        h = self.get_instance()
+        if timeout is not None:
+            return h.wait_event(events, timeout=timeout)
+        else:
+            return h.wait_event(events)
+    def set_old_peer_addr(self, peer_addr=None):
+        """Sets the peer address"""
+        if peer_addr is not None:
+            self.old_peer_addr = peer_addr
+        else:
+            self.old_peer_addr = self.get_actual_peer_addr()
+    def set_new_peer_addr(self, peer_addr=None):
+        """Sets the peer address"""
+        if peer_addr is not None:
+            self.new_peer_addr = peer_addr
+        else:
+            self.new_peer_addr = self.get_actual_peer_addr()
+    def add_peer(self, obj, old_peer_addr=None, new_peer_addr=None):
+        """Add peer for FST session(s). 'obj' is a FstDevice subclass object.
+        The method must be called before add_session().
+        If peer_addr is not specified, the address of the currently connected
+        station is used."""
+        if not isinstance(obj, FstDevice):
+            raise Exception("Peer must be a FstDevice object")
+        self.peer_obj = obj
+        self.set_old_peer_addr(old_peer_addr)
+        self.set_new_peer_addr(new_peer_addr)
+    def get_peer(self):
+        """Returns peer object"""
+        return self.peer_obj
+    def set_fst_parameters(self, group_id=None, pri=None, llt=None):
+        """Change/set new FST parameters. Can be used to start FST sessions with
+        different FST parameters than defined in the configuration file."""
+        if group_id is not None:
+            self.fst_group = group_id
+        if pri is not None:
+            self.fst_pri = pri
+        if llt is not None:
+            self.fst_llt = llt
+    def get_local_mbies(self, ifname=None):
+        if_name = ifname if ifname is not None else self.iface
+        return self.grequest("FST-MANAGER TEST_REQUEST GET_LOCAL_MBIES " + if_name)
+    def add_session(self):
+        """Adds an FST session. add_peer() must be called calling this
+        function"""
+        if self.peer_obj is None:
+            raise Exception("Peer wasn't added before starting session")
+        grp = ' ' + self.fst_group if self.fst_group != '' else ''
+        sid = self.grequest("FST-MANAGER SESSION_ADD" + grp)
+        sid = sid.strip()
+        if sid.startswith("FAIL"):
+            raise Exception("Cannot add FST session with groupid ==" + grp)
+        return sid
+    def set_session_param(self, params):
+        request = "FST-MANAGER SESSION_SET"
+        if params is not None and params != '':
+            request = request + ' ' + params
+        return self.grequest(request)
+    def configure_session(self, sid, new_iface, old_iface = None):
+        """Calls session_set for a number of parameters some of which are stored
+        in "self" while others are passed to this function explicitly. If
+        old_iface is None, current iface is used; if old_iface is an empty
+        string."""
+        oldiface = old_iface if old_iface is not None else self.iface
+        s = self.set_session_param(sid + ' old_ifname=' + oldiface)
+        if not s.startswith("OK"):
+            raise Exception("Cannot set FST session old_ifname: " + s)
+        if new_iface is not None:
+            s = self.set_session_param(sid + " new_ifname=" + new_iface)
+            if not s.startswith("OK"):
+                raise Exception("Cannot set FST session new_ifname:" + s)
+        if self.new_peer_addr is not None and self.new_peer_addr != '':
+            s = self.set_session_param(sid + " new_peer_addr=" + self.new_peer_addr)
+            if not s.startswith("OK"):
+                raise Exception("Cannot set FST session peer address:" + s + " (new)")
+        if self.old_peer_addr is not None and self.old_peer_addr != '':
+            s = self.set_session_param(sid + " old_peer_addr=" + self.old_peer_addr)
+            if not s.startswith("OK"):
+                raise Exception("Cannot set FST session peer address:" + s + " (old)")
+        if self.fst_llt is not None and self.fst_llt != '':
+            s = self.set_session_param(sid + " llt=" + self.fst_llt)
+            if not s.startswith("OK"):
+                raise Exception("Cannot set FST session llt:" + s)
+    def send_iface_attach_request(self, ifname, group, llt, priority):
+        request = "FST-ATTACH " + ifname + ' ' + group
+        if llt is not None:
+            request += " llt=" + llt
+        if priority is not None:
+            request += " priority=" + priority
+        res = self.grequest(request)
+        if not res.startswith("OK"):
+            raise Exception("Cannot attach FST iface: " + res)
+    def send_iface_detach_request(self, ifname):
+        res = self.grequest("FST-DETACH " + ifname)
+        if not res.startswith("OK"):
+            raise Exception("Cannot detach FST iface: " + res)
+    def send_session_setup_request(self, sid):
+        s = self.grequest("FST-MANAGER SESSION_INITIATE " + sid)
+        if not s.startswith('OK'):
+            raise Exception("Cannot send setup request: %s" % s)
+        return s
+    def send_session_setup_response(self, sid, response):
+        request = "FST-MANAGER SESSION_RESPOND " + sid + " " + response
+        s = self.grequest(request)
+        if not s.startswith('OK'):
+            raise Exception("Cannot send setup response: %s" % s)
+        return s
+    def send_test_session_setup_request(self, fsts_id,
+                                        additional_parameter = None):
+        request = "FST-MANAGER TEST_REQUEST SEND_SETUP_REQUEST " + fsts_id
+        if additional_parameter is not None:
+            request += " " + additional_parameter
+        s = self.grequest(request)
+        if not s.startswith('OK'):
+            raise Exception("Cannot send FST setup request: %s" % s)
+        return s
+    def send_test_session_setup_response(self, fsts_id,
+                                         response, additional_parameter = None):
+        request = "FST-MANAGER TEST_REQUEST SEND_SETUP_RESPONSE " + fsts_id + " " + response
+        if additional_parameter is not None:
+            request += " " + additional_parameter
+        s = self.grequest(request)
+        if not s.startswith('OK'):
+            raise Exception("Cannot send FST setup response: %s" % s)
+        return s
+    def send_test_ack_request(self, fsts_id):
+        s = self.grequest("FST-MANAGER TEST_REQUEST SEND_ACK_REQUEST " + fsts_id)
+        if not s.startswith('OK'):
+            raise Exception("Cannot send FST ack request: %s" % s)
+        return s
+    def send_test_ack_response(self, fsts_id):
+        s = self.grequest("FST-MANAGER TEST_REQUEST SEND_ACK_RESPONSE " + fsts_id)
+        if not s.startswith('OK'):
+            raise Exception("Cannot send FST ack response: %s" % s)
+        return s
+    def send_test_tear_down(self, fsts_id):
+        s = self.grequest("FST-MANAGER TEST_REQUEST SEND_TEAR_DOWN " + fsts_id)
+        if not s.startswith('OK'):
+            raise Exception("Cannot send FST tear down: %s" % s)
+        return s
+    def get_fsts_id_by_sid(self, sid):
+        s = self.grequest("FST-MANAGER TEST_REQUEST GET_FSTS_ID " + sid)
+        if s == ' ' or s.startswith('FAIL'):
+            raise Exception("Cannot get fsts_id for sid == " % sid)
+        return int(s)
+    def wait_for_iface_event(self, timeout):
+        while True:
+            ev = self.wait_gevent(["FST-EVENT-IFACE"], timeout)
+            if ev is None:
+                raise Exception("No FST-EVENT-IFACE received")
+            event = parse_fst_iface_event(ev)
+            if event is None:
+                # We can't parse so it's not our event, wait for next one
+                continue
+            return event
+    def wait_for_session_event(self, timeout, events_to_ignore=[],
+                               events_to_count=[]):
+        while True:
+            ev = self.wait_gevent(["FST-EVENT-SESSION"], timeout)
+            if ev is None:
+                raise Exception("No FST-EVENT-SESSION received")
+            event = parse_fst_session_event(ev)
+            if event is None:
+                # We can't parse so it's not our event, wait for next one
+                continue
+            if len(events_to_ignore) > 0:
+                if event['type'] in events_to_ignore:
+                    continue
+            elif len(events_to_count) > 0:
+                if not event['type'] in events_to_count:
+                    continue
+            return event
+    def initiate_session(self, sid, response="accept"):
+        """Initiates FST session with given session id 'sid'.
+        'response' is the session respond answer: "accept", "reject", or a
+        special "timeout" value to skip the response in order to test session
+        timeouts.
+        Returns: "OK" - session has been initiated, otherwise the reason for the
+        reset: REASON_REJECT, REASON_STT."""
+        strsid = ' ' + sid if sid != '' else ''
+        s = self.grequest("FST-MANAGER SESSION_INITIATE"+ strsid)
+        if not s.startswith('OK'):
+            raise Exception("Cannot initiate fst session: %s" % s)
+        ev = self.peer_obj.wait_gevent([ "FST-EVENT-SESSION" ], timeout=5)
+        if ev is None:
+            raise Exception("No FST-EVENT-SESSION received")
+        # We got FST event
+        event = parse_fst_session_event(ev)
+        if event == None:
+            raise Exception("Unrecognized FST event: " % ev)
+        if event['type'] != 'EVENT_FST_SETUP':
+            raise Exception("Expected FST_SETUP event, got: " + event['type'])
+        ev = self.peer_obj.wait_gevent(["FST-EVENT-SESSION"], timeout=5)
+        if ev is None:
+            raise Exception("No FST-EVENT-SESSION received")
+        event = parse_fst_session_event(ev)
+        if event == None:
+            raise Exception("Unrecognized FST event: " % ev)
+        if event['type'] != 'EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE':
+            raise Exception("Expected EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE event, got: " + event['type'])
+        if event['new_state'] != "SETUP_COMPLETION":
+            raise Exception("Expected new state SETUP_COMPLETION, got: " + event['new_state'])
+        if response == '':
+            return 'OK'
+        if response != "timeout":
+            s = self.peer_obj.grequest("FST-MANAGER SESSION_RESPOND "+ event['id'] + " " + response)  # Or reject
+            if not s.startswith('OK'):
+                raise Exception("Error session_respond: %s" % s)
+        # Wait for EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE events. We should get at least 2
+        # events. The 1st event will be EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE
+        # old_state=INITIAL new_state=SETUP_COMPLETED. The 2nd event will be
+        # either EVENT_FST_ESTABLISHED with the session id or
+        # EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE with new_state=INITIAL if the session was
+        # reset, the reason field will tell why.
+        result = ''
+        while result == '':
+            ev = self.wait_gevent(["FST-EVENT-SESSION"], timeout=5)
+            if ev is None:
+                break # No session event received
+            event = parse_fst_session_event(ev)
+            if event == None:
+                # We can't parse so it's not our event, wait for next one
+                continue
+            if event['type'] == 'EVENT_FST_ESTABLISHED':
+                result = "OK"
+                break
+            elif event['type'] == "EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE":
+                if event['new_state'] == "INITIAL":
+                    # Session was reset, the only reason to get back to initial
+                    # state.
+                    result = event['reason']
+                    break
+        if result == '':
+            raise Exception("No event for session respond")
+        return result
+    def transfer_session(self, sid):
+        """Transfers the session. 'sid' is the session id. 'hsta' is the
+        station-responder object.
+        Returns: REASON_SWITCH - the session has been transferred successfully
+        or a REASON_... reported by the reset event."""
+        if sid != '':
+            request += ' ' + sid
+        s = self.grequest(request)
+        if not s.startswith('OK'):
+            raise Exception("Cannot transfer fst session: %s" % s)
+        result = ''
+        while result == '':
+            ev = self.peer_obj.wait_gevent([ "FST-EVENT-SESSION" ], timeout=5)
+            if ev is None:
+                raise Exception("Missing session transfer event")
+            # We got FST event. We expect TRANSITION_CONFIRMED state and then
+            # INITIAL (reset) with the reason (e.g. "REASON_SWITCH").
+            # Right now we'll be waiting for the reset event and record the
+            # reason.
+            event = parse_fst_session_event(ev)
+            if event == None:
+                raise Exception("Unrecognized FST event: " % ev)
+            if event['new_state'] == 'INITIAL':
+                result = event['reason']
+        return result
+    def wait_for_tear_down(self):
+        ev = self.wait_gevent([ "FST-EVENT-SESSION" ], timeout=5)
+        if ev is None:
+            raise Exception("No FST-EVENT-SESSION received")
+        # We got FST event
+        event = parse_fst_session_event(ev)
+        if event == None:
+            raise Exception("Unrecognized FST event: " % ev)
+        if event['type'] != 'EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE':
+            raise Exception("Expected EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE event, got: " + event['type'])
+        if event['new_state'] != "INITIAL":
+            raise Exception("Expected new state INITIAL, got: " + event['new_state'])
+        if event['reason'] != 'REASON_TEARDOWN':
+            raise Exception("Expected reason REASON_TEARDOWN, got: " + event['reason'])
+    def teardown_session(self, sid):
+        """Tears down FST session with a given session id ('sid')"""
+        strsid = ' ' + sid if sid != '' else ''
+        s = self.grequest("FST-MANAGER SESSION_TEARDOWN" + strsid)
+        if not s.startswith('OK'):
+            raise Exception("Cannot tear down fst session: %s" % s)
+        self.peer_obj.wait_for_tear_down()
+    def remove_session(self, sid, wait_for_tear_down=True):
+        """Removes FST session with a given session id ('sid')"""
+        strsid = ' ' + sid if sid != '' else ''
+        s = self.grequest("FST-MANAGER SESSION_REMOVE" + strsid)
+        if not s.startswith('OK'):
+            raise Exception("Cannot remove fst session: %s" % s)
+        if wait_for_tear_down == True:
+            self.peer_obj.wait_for_tear_down()
+    def remove_all_sessions(self):
+        """Removes FST session with a given session id ('sid')"""
+        grp = ' ' + self.fst_group if self.fst_group != '' else ''
+        s = self.grequest("FST-MANAGER LIST_SESSIONS" + grp)
+        if not s.startswith('FAIL'):
+            for sid in s.splitlines():
+                sid = sid.strip()
+                if len(sid) != 0:
+                    self.remove_session(sid, wait_for_tear_down=False)
+# FstAP class
+class FstAP (FstDevice):
+    def __init__(self, iface, ssid, mode, chan, fst_group, fst_pri,
+                 fst_llt=None):
+        """If fst_group is empty, then FST parameters will not be set
+        If fst_llt is empty, the parameter will not be set and the default value
+        is expected to be configured."""
+        self.ssid = ssid
+        self.mode = mode
+        self.chan = chan
+        self.reg_ctrl = fst_test_common.HapdRegCtrl()
+        self.reg_ctrl.add_ap(iface, self.chan)
+        self.global_instance = hostapd.HostapdGlobal()
+        FstDevice.__init__(self, iface, fst_group, fst_pri, fst_llt)
+    def start(self):
+        """Starts AP the "standard" way as it was intended by hostapd tests.
+        This will work only when FST supports fully dynamically loading
+        parameters in hostapd."""
+        params = {}
+        params['ssid'] = self.ssid
+        params['hw_mode'] = self.mode
+        params['channel'] = self.chan
+        params['country_code'] = 'US'
+        self.hapd=hostapd.add_ap(self.iface, params)
+        if not
+            raise Exception("Could not ping FST hostapd")
+        self.reg_ctrl.start()
+        self.get_global_instance()
+        if len(self.fst_group) != 0:
+            self.send_iface_attach_request(self.iface, self.fst_group,
+                                           self.fst_llt, self.fst_pri)
+        return self.hapd
+    def stop(self):
+        """Removes the AP, To be used when dynamic fst APs are implemented in
+        hostapd."""
+        if len(self.fst_group) != 0:
+            self.remove_all_sessions()
+            self.send_iface_detach_request(self.iface)
+        self.reg_ctrl.stop()
+        del self.global_instance
+        self.global_instance = None
+    def get_instance(self):
+        """Return the Hostapd/WpaSupplicant instance"""
+        if self.instance is None:
+            self.instance = hostapd.Hostapd(self.iface)
+        return self.instance
+    def get_global_instance(self):
+        return self.global_instance
+    def get_own_mac_address(self):
+        """Gets the device's own MAC address"""
+        h = self.get_instance()
+        status = h.get_status()
+        return status['bssid[0]']
+    def get_actual_peer_addr(self):
+        """Gets the peer address. A connected station address is returned."""
+        # Use the device instance, the global control interface doesn't have
+        # station address
+        h = self.get_instance()
+        sta = h.get_sta(None)
+        if sta is None or 'addr' not in sta:
+            # Maybe station is not connected?
+            addr = None
+        else:
+            addr=sta['addr']
+        return addr
+    def grequest(self, req):
+        """Send request on the global control interface"""
+        logger.debug("FstAP::grequest: " + req)
+        h = self.get_global_instance()
+        return h.request(req)
+    def wait_gevent(self, events, timeout=None):
+        """Wait for a list of events on the global interface"""
+        h = self.get_global_instance()
+        if timeout is not None:
+            return h.wait_event(events, timeout=timeout)
+        else:
+            return h.wait_event(events)
+    def get_ssid(self):
+        return self.ssid
+# FstSTA class
+class FstSTA (FstDevice):
+    def __init__(self, iface, fst_group, fst_pri, fst_llt=None):
+        """If fst_group is empty, then FST parameters will not be set
+        If fst_llt is empty, the parameter will not be set and the default value
+        is expected to be configured."""
+        FstDevice.__init__(self, iface, fst_group, fst_pri, fst_llt)
+        self.connected = None # FstAP object the station is connected to
+    def start(self):
+        """Current implementation involves running another instance of
+        wpa_supplicant with fixed FST STAs configurations. When any type of
+        dynamic STA loading is implemented, rewrite the function similarly to
+        FstAP."""
+        h = self.get_instance()
+        h.interface_add(self.iface, drv_params="force_connect_cmd=1")
+        if not h.global_ping():
+            raise Exception("Could not ping FST wpa_supplicant")
+        if len(self.fst_group) != 0:
+            self.send_iface_attach_request(self.iface, self.fst_group,
+                                           self.fst_llt, self.fst_pri)
+        return None
+    def stop(self):
+        """Removes the STA. In a static (temporary) implementation does nothing,
+        the STA will be removed when the fst wpa_supplicant process is killed by
+        fstap.cleanup()."""
+        h = self.get_instance()
+        if len(self.fst_group) != 0:
+            self.remove_all_sessions()
+            self.send_iface_detach_request(self.iface)
+        h.interface_remove(self.iface)
+        h.close_ctrl()
+        del h
+        self.instance = None
+    def get_instance(self):
+        """Return the Hostapd/WpaSupplicant instance"""
+        if self.instance is None:
+             self.instance = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
+        return self.instance
+    def get_own_mac_address(self):
+        """Gets the device's own MAC address"""
+        h = self.get_instance()
+        status = h.get_status()
+        return status['address']
+    def get_actual_peer_addr(self):
+        """Gets the peer address. A connected station address is returned"""
+        h = self.get_instance()
+        status = h.get_status()
+        return status['bssid']
+    def grequest(self, req):
+        """Send request on the global control interface"""
+        logger.debug("FstSTA::grequest: " + req)
+        h = self.get_instance()
+        return h.global_request(req)
+    def wait_gevent(self, events, timeout=None):
+        """Wait for a list of events on the global interface"""
+        h = self.get_instance()
+        if timeout is not None:
+            return h.wait_global_event(events, timeout=timeout)
+        else:
+            return h.wait_global_event(events)
+    def scan(self, freq=None, no_wait=False, only_new=False):
+        """Issue Scan with given parameters. Returns the BSS dictionary for the
+        AP found (the 1st BSS found. TODO: What if the AP required is not the
+        1st in list?) or None if no BSS found. None call be also a result of
+        no_wait=True. Note, request("SCAN_RESULTS") can be used to get all the
+        results at once."""
+        h = self.get_instance()
+        h.scan(None, freq, no_wait, only_new)
+        r = h.get_bss('0')
+        return r
+    def connect(self, ap, **kwargs):
+        """Connects to the given AP"""
+        if not isinstance(ap, FstAP):
+            raise Exception("Bad AP object to connect to")
+        h = self.get_instance()
+        hap = ap.get_instance()
+        h.connect(ap.get_ssid(), **kwargs)
+        self.connected = ap
+    def connect_to_external_ap(self, ap, ssid, check_connection=True, **kwargs):
+        """Connects to the given external AP"""
+        if not isinstance(ap, hostapd.Hostapd):
+            raise Exception("Bad AP object to connect to")
+        h = self.get_instance()
+        h.connect(ssid, **kwargs)
+        self.connected = ap
+        if check_connection:
+            ev = ap.wait_event([ "AP-STA-CONNECTED" ], timeout=10)
+            if ev is None:
+                self.connected = None
+                raise Exception("No connection event received from %s" % ssid)
+    def disconnect(self, check_disconnect=True):
+        """Disconnects from the AP the station is currently connected to"""
+        if self.connected is not None:
+            h = self.get_instance()
+            h.request("DISCONNECT")
+            if check_disconnect:
+                hap = self.connected.get_instance()
+                ev = hap.wait_event([ "AP-STA-DISCONNECTED" ], timeout=10)
+                if ev is None:
+                    raise Exception("No disconnection event received from %s" % self.connected.get_ssid())
+            self.connected = None
+    def disconnect_from_external_ap(self, check_disconnect=True):
+        """Disconnects from the external AP the station is currently connected
+        to"""
+        if self.connected is not None:
+            h = self.get_instance()
+            h.request("DISCONNECT")
+            if check_disconnect:
+                hap = self.connected
+                ev = hap.wait_event([ "AP-STA-DISCONNECTED" ], timeout=10)
+                if ev is None:
+                    raise Exception("No disconnection event received from AP")
+            self.connected = None

+ 88 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# FST tests related definitions
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.
+# This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
+# See README for more details.
+import subprocess
+import logging
+import hostapd
+logger = logging.getLogger()
+fst_test_def_freq_g='2412' # Channel 1
+fst_test_def_freq_a='5180' # Channel 36
+class HapdRegCtrl:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.refcnt = 0
+        self.ifname = None
+        self.changed = False
+    def __del__(self):
+        if self.refcnt != 0 and self.changed == True:
+            self.restore_reg_domain()
+    def start(self):
+        if self.ifname != None:
+             hapd = hostapd.Hostapd(self.ifname)
+             self.changed = self.wait_hapd_reg_change(hapd)
+    def stop(self):
+        if self.changed == True:
+            self.restore_reg_domain()
+            self.changed = False
+    def add_ap(self, ifname, chan):
+        if self.changed == False and self.channel_may_require_reg_change(chan):
+             self.ifname = ifname
+    @staticmethod
+    def channel_may_require_reg_change(chan):
+        if int(chan) > 14:
+            return True
+        return False
+    @staticmethod
+    def wait_hapd_reg_change(hapd):
+        state = hapd.get_status_field("state")
+        if state != "COUNTRY_UPDATE":
+            state = hapd.get_status_field("state")
+            if state != "ENABLED":
+                raise Exception("Unexpected interface state - expected COUNTRY_UPDATE")
+            else:
+                logger.debug("fst hostapd: regulatory domain already set")
+                return True
+        logger.debug("fst hostapd: waiting for regulatory domain to be set...")
+        ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-ENABLED"], timeout=10)
+        if not ev:
+            raise Exception("AP setup timed out")
+        logger.debug("fst hostapd: regulatory domain set")
+        state = hapd.get_status_field("state")
+        if state != "ENABLED":
+            raise Exception("Unexpected interface state - expected ENABLED")
+        logger.debug("fst hostapd: regulatory domain ready")
+        return True
+    @staticmethod
+    def restore_reg_domain():
+        logger.debug("fst hostapd: waiting for regulatory domain to be restored...")
+        res =['iw', 'reg', 'set', fst_test_def_reg_domain])
+        if res != 0:
+            raise Exception("Cannot restore regulatory domain")
+        logger.debug("fst hostapd: regulatory domain ready")

+ 22 - 0

@@ -21,6 +21,28 @@ def mac2tuple(mac):
 class HostapdGlobal:
     def __init__(self):
         self.ctrl = wpaspy.Ctrl(hapd_global)
+        self.mon = wpaspy.Ctrl(hapd_global)
+        self.mon.attach()
+    def request(self, cmd):
+        return self.ctrl.request(cmd)
+    def wait_event(self, events, timeout):
+        start = os.times()[4]
+        while True:
+            while self.mon.pending():
+                ev = self.mon.recv()
+                logger.debug("(global): " + ev)
+                for event in events:
+                    if event in ev:
+                        return ev
+            now = os.times()[4]
+            remaining = start + timeout - now
+            if remaining <= 0:
+                break
+            if not self.mon.pending(timeout=remaining):
+                break
+        return None
     def add(self, ifname):
         res = self.ctrl.request("ADD " + ifname + " " + hapd_ctrl)

+ 4 - 0

@@ -487,6 +487,10 @@ def main():
             wt = Wlantest()
             rename_log(args.logdir, 'hwsim0.pcapng', name, wt)
             rename_log(args.logdir, 'hwsim0', name, wt)
+            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.logdir, 'fst-wpa_supplicant')):
+                rename_log(args.logdir, 'fst-wpa_supplicant', name, None)
+            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.logdir, 'fst-hostapd')):
+                rename_log(args.logdir, 'fst-hostapd', name, None)
         end =
         diff = end - start

+ 2 - 1

@@ -100,7 +100,8 @@ else
-test -f /proc/modules && sudo modprobe mac80211_hwsim radios=6 channels=$NUM_CH support_p2p_device=0
+test -f /proc/modules && sudo modprobe mac80211_hwsim radios=7 channels=$NUM_CH support_p2p_device=0
 sudo ifconfig hwsim0 up
 sudo $WLANTEST -i hwsim0 -n $LOGDIR/hwsim0.pcapng -c -dt -L $LOGDIR/hwsim0 &
 for i in 0 1 2; do

+ 528 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+# FST configuration tests
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.
+# This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
+# See README for more details.
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger()
+import subprocess
+import time
+import os
+import signal
+import hostapd
+import wpasupplicant
+import utils
+import fst_test_common
+class FstLauncherConfig:
+    """FstLauncherConfig class represents configuration to be used for
+    FST config tests related hostapd/wpa_supplicant instances"""
+    def __init__(self, iface, fst_group, fst_pri, fst_llt=None):
+        self.iface = iface
+        self.fst_group = fst_group
+        self.fst_pri = fst_pri
+        self.fst_llt = fst_llt # None llt means no llt parameter will be set
+    def ifname(self):
+        return self.iface
+    def is_ap(self):
+        """Returns True if the configuration is for AP, otherwise - False"""
+        raise Exception("Virtual is_ap() called!")
+    def to_file(self, pathname):
+        """Creates configuration file to be used by FST config tests related
+        hostapd/wpa_supplicant instances"""
+        raise Exception("Virtual to_file() called!")
+class FstLauncherConfigAP(FstLauncherConfig):
+    """FstLauncherConfigAP class represents configuration to be used for
+    FST config tests related hostapd instance"""
+    def __init__(self, iface, ssid, mode, chan, fst_group, fst_pri,
+                 fst_llt=None):
+        self.ssid = ssid
+        self.mode = mode
+        self.chan = chan
+        FstLauncherConfig.__init__(self, iface, fst_group, fst_pri, fst_llt)
+    def is_ap(self):
+        return True
+    def get_channel(self):
+        return self.chan
+    def to_file(self, pathname):
+        """Creates configuration file to be used by FST config tests related
+        hostapd instance"""
+        with open(pathname, "w") as f:
+            f.write("country_code=US\n"
+                    "interface=%s\n"
+                    "ctrl_interface=/var/run/hostapd\n"
+                    "ssid=%s\n"
+                    "channel=%s\n"
+                    "hw_mode=%s\n"
+                    "ieee80211n=1\n" % (self.iface, self.ssid, self.chan,
+                                        self.mode))
+            if len(self.fst_group) != 0:
+                f.write("fst_group_id=%s\n"
+                        "fst_priority=%s\n" % (self.fst_group, self.fst_pri))
+                if self.fst_llt is not None:
+                    f.write("fst_llt=%s\n" % self.fst_llt)
+        with open(pathname, "r") as f:
+            logger.debug("wrote hostapd config file %s:\n%s" % (pathname,
+class FstLauncherConfigSTA(FstLauncherConfig):
+    """FstLauncherConfig class represents configuration to be used for
+    FST config tests related wpa_supplicant instance"""
+    def __init__(self, iface, fst_group, fst_pri, fst_llt=None):
+        FstLauncherConfig.__init__(self, iface, fst_group, fst_pri, fst_llt)
+    def is_ap(self):
+        return False
+    def to_file(self, pathname):
+        """Creates configuration file to be used by FST config tests related
+        wpa_supplicant instance"""
+        with open(pathname, "w") as f:
+            f.write("ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant\n"
+                "p2p_no_group_iface=1\n")
+            if len(self.fst_group) != 0:
+                f.write("fst_group_id=%s\n"
+                    "fst_priority=%s\n" % (self.fst_group, self.fst_pri))
+                if self.fst_llt is not None:
+                    f.write("fst_llt=%s\n" % self.fst_llt)
+        with open(pathname, "r") as f:
+            logger.debug("wrote wpa_supplicant config file %s:\n%s" % (pathname,
+class FstLauncher:
+    """FstLauncher class is responsible for launching and cleaning up of FST
+    config tests related hostapd/wpa_supplicant instances"""
+    def __init__(self, logpath):
+        self.logger = logging.getLogger()
+        self.fst_logpath = logpath
+        self.cfgs_to_run = []
+        self.hapd_fst_global = '/var/run/hostapd-fst-global'
+        self.wsup_fst_global = '/tmp/fststa'
+        self.nof_aps = 0
+        self.nof_stas = 0
+        self.reg_ctrl = fst_test_common.HapdRegCtrl()
+        self.test_is_supported()
+    def __del__(self):
+        self.cleanup()
+    @staticmethod
+    def test_is_supported():
+        h = hostapd.HostapdGlobal()
+        resp = h.request("FST-MANAGER TEST_REQUEST IS_SUPPORTED")
+        if not resp.startswith("OK"):
+            raise utils.HwsimSkip("FST not supported")
+        w = wpasupplicant.WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
+        resp = w.global_request("FST-MANAGER TEST_REQUEST IS_SUPPORTED")
+        if not resp.startswith("OK"):
+            raise utils.HwsimSkip("FST not supported")
+    def get_cfg_pathname(self, cfg):
+        """Returns pathname of ifname based configuration file"""
+        return self.fst_logpath +'/'+ cfg.ifname() + '.conf'
+    def add_cfg(self, cfg):
+        """Adds configuration to be used for launching hostapd/wpa_supplicant
+        instances"""
+        if cfg not in self.cfgs_to_run:
+            self.cfgs_to_run.append(cfg)
+        if cfg.is_ap() == True:
+            self.nof_aps += 1
+        else:
+            self.nof_stas += 1
+    def remove_cfg(self, cfg):
+        """Removes configuration previously added with add_cfg"""
+        if cfg in self.cfgs_to_run:
+            self.cfgs_to_run.remove(cfg)
+        if cfg.is_ap() == True:
+            self.nof_aps -= 1
+        else:
+            self.nof_stas -= 1
+        config_file = self.get_cfg_pathname(cfg);
+        if os.path.exists(config_file):
+            os.remove(config_file)
+    def run_hostapd(self):
+        """Lauches hostapd with interfaces configured according to
+        FstLauncherConfigAP configurations added"""
+        if self.nof_aps == 0:
+            raise Exception("No FST APs to start")
+        pidfile = self.fst_logpath + '/' + ''
+        mylogfile = self.fst_logpath + '/' + 'fst-hostapd'
+        cmd = [ '../../hostapd/hostapd', '-B', '-ddd',
+                '-P', pidfile, '-f', mylogfile, '-g', self.hapd_fst_global]
+        for i in range(0, len(self.cfgs_to_run)):
+            cfg = self.cfgs_to_run[i]
+            if cfg.is_ap() == True:
+                cfgfile = self.get_cfg_pathname(cfg)
+                cfg.to_file(cfgfile)
+                cmd.append(cfgfile)
+                self.reg_ctrl.add_ap(cfg.ifname(), cfg.get_channel())
+        self.logger.debug("Starting fst hostapd: " + ' '.join(cmd))
+        res =
+        self.logger.debug("fst hostapd start result: %d" % res)
+        if res == 0:
+            self.reg_ctrl.start()
+        return res
+    def run_wpa_supplicant(self):
+        """Lauches wpa_supplicant with interfaces configured according to
+        FstLauncherConfigSTA configurations added"""
+        if self.nof_stas == 0:
+            raise Exception("No FST STAs to start")
+        pidfile = self.fst_logpath + '/' + ''
+        mylogfile = self.fst_logpath + '/' + 'fst-wpa_supplicant'
+        cmd = [ '../../wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant', '-B', '-ddd',
+                '-P' + pidfile, '-f', mylogfile, '-g', self.wsup_fst_global ]
+        sta_no = 0
+        for i in range(0, len(self.cfgs_to_run)):
+            cfg = self.cfgs_to_run[i]
+            if cfg.is_ap() == False:
+                cfgfile = self.get_cfg_pathname(cfg)
+                cfg.to_file(cfgfile)
+                cmd.append('-c' + cfgfile)
+                cmd.append('-i' + cfg.ifname())
+                cmd.append('-Dnl80211')
+                if sta_no != self.nof_stas -1:
+                    cmd.append('-N')    # Next station configuration
+                sta_no += 1
+        self.logger.debug("Starting fst supplicant: " + ' '.join(cmd))
+        res =
+        self.logger.debug("fst supplicant start result: %d" % res)
+        return res
+    def cleanup(self):
+        """Terminates hostapd/wpa_supplicant processes previously launched with
+        run_hostapd/run_wpa_supplicant"""
+        pidfile = self.fst_logpath + '/' + ''
+        self.kill_pid(pidfile)
+        pidfile = self.fst_logpath + '/' + ''
+        self.kill_pid(pidfile)
+        self.reg_ctrl.stop()
+        while len(self.cfgs_to_run) != 0:
+            cfg = self.cfgs_to_run[0]
+            self.remove_cfg(cfg)
+    def kill_pid(self, pidfile):
+        """Kills process by PID file"""
+        if not os.path.exists(pidfile):
+            return
+        pid = -1
+        try:
+            pf = file(pidfile, 'r')
+            pid = int(
+            pf.close()
+            self.logger.debug("kill_pid %s --> pid %d" % (pidfile, pid))
+            os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
+            for i in range(10):
+                try:
+                    # Poll the pid (Is the process still existing?)
+                    os.kill(pid, 0)
+                except OSError:
+                    # No, already done
+                    break
+                # Wait and check again
+                time.sleep(1)
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.logger.debug("Didn't stop the pid=%d. Was it stopped already? (%s)" % (pid, str(e)))
+def parse_ies(iehex, el=-1):
+    """Parses the information elements hex string 'iehex' in format
+    "0a0b0c0d0e0f". If no 'el' defined just checks the IE string for integrity.
+    If 'el' is defined returns the list of hex values of the specific IE (or
+    empty list if the element is not in the string."""
+    iel = [iehex[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(iehex), 2)]
+    for i in range(0, len(iel)):
+         iel[i] = int(iel[i], 16)
+    # Sanity check
+    i = 0
+    res = []
+    while i < len(iel):
+        logger.debug("IE found: %x" % iel[i])
+        if el != -1 and el == iel[i]:
+            res = iel[i + 2:i + 2 + iel[i + 1]]
+        i += 2 + iel[i + 1]
+    if i != len(iel):
+        logger.error("Bad IE string: " + iehex)
+        res = []
+    return res
+def scan_and_get_bss(dev, frq):
+    """Issues a scan on given device on given frequency, returns the bss info
+    dictionary ('ssid','ie','flags', etc.) or None. Note, the function
+    implies there is only one AP on the given channel. If not a case,
+    the function must be changed to call dev.get_bss() till the AP with the
+    [b]ssid that we need is found"""
+    dev.scan(freq=frq)
+    return dev.get_bss('0')
+# AP configuration tests
+def run_test_ap_configuration(apdev, test_params,
+                              fst_group = fst_test_common.fst_test_def_group,
+                              fst_pri = fst_test_common.fst_test_def_prio_high,
+                              fst_llt = fst_test_common.fst_test_def_llt):
+    """Runs FST hostapd where the 1st AP configuration is fixed, the 2nd fst
+    configuration is provided by the parameters. Returns the result of the run:
+    0 - no errors discovered, an error otherwise. The function is used for
+    simplek "bad configuration" tests."""
+    logdir = test_params['logdir']
+    fst_launcher = FstLauncher(logdir)
+    ap1 = FstLauncherConfigAP(apdev[0]['ifname'], 'fst_goodconf', 'a',
+                              fst_test_common.fst_test_def_chan_a,
+                              fst_test_common.fst_test_def_group,
+                              fst_test_common.fst_test_def_prio_low,
+                              fst_test_common.fst_test_def_llt)
+    ap2 = FstLauncherConfigAP(apdev[1]['ifname'], 'fst_badconf', 'b',
+                              fst_test_common.fst_test_def_chan_g, fst_group,
+                              fst_pri, fst_llt)
+    fst_launcher.add_cfg(ap1)
+    fst_launcher.add_cfg(ap2)
+    res = fst_launcher.run_hostapd()
+    return res
+def run_test_sta_configuration(test_params,
+                               fst_group = fst_test_common.fst_test_def_group,
+                               fst_pri = fst_test_common.fst_test_def_prio_high,
+                               fst_llt = fst_test_common.fst_test_def_llt):
+    """Runs FST wpa_supplicant where the 1st STA configuration is fixed, the
+    2nd fst configuration is provided by the parameters. Returns the result of
+    the run: 0 - no errors discovered, an error otherwise. The function is used
+    for simple "bad configuration" tests."""
+    logdir = test_params['logdir']
+    fst_launcher = FstLauncher(logdir)
+    sta1 = FstLauncherConfigSTA('wlan5',
+                                fst_test_common.fst_test_def_group,
+                                fst_test_common.fst_test_def_prio_low,
+                                fst_test_common.fst_test_def_llt)
+    sta2 = FstLauncherConfigSTA('wlan6', fst_group, fst_pri, fst_llt)
+    fst_launcher.add_cfg(sta1)
+    fst_launcher.add_cfg(sta2)
+    res = fst_launcher.run_wpa_supplicant()
+    return res
+def test_fst_ap_config_llt_neg(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP configuration negative LLT"""
+    res = run_test_ap_configuration(apdev, test_params, fst_llt = '-1')
+    if res == 0:
+        raise Exception("hostapd started with a negative llt")
+def test_fst_ap_config_llt_zero(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP configuration zero LLT"""
+    res = run_test_ap_configuration(apdev, test_params, fst_llt = '0')
+    if res == 0:
+        raise Exception("hostapd started with a zero llt")
+def test_fst_ap_config_llt_too_big(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP configuration LLT is too big"""
+    res = run_test_ap_configuration(apdev, test_params,
+                                    fst_llt = '4294967296') #0x100000000
+    if res == 0:
+        raise Exception("hostapd started with llt that is too big")
+def test_fst_ap_config_llt_nan(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP configuration LLT is not a number"""
+    res = run_test_ap_configuration(apdev, test_params, fst_llt = 'nan')
+    if res == 0:
+        raise Exception("hostapd started with llt not a number")
+def test_fst_ap_config_pri_neg(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP configuration Priority negative"""
+    res = run_test_ap_configuration(apdev, test_params, fst_pri = '-1')
+    if res == 0:
+        raise Exception("hostapd started with a negative fst priority")
+def test_fst_ap_config_pri_zero(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP configuration Priority zero"""
+    res = run_test_ap_configuration(apdev, test_params, fst_pri = '0')
+    if res == 0:
+        raise Exception("hostapd started with a zero fst priority")
+def test_fst_ap_config_pri_large(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP configuration Priority too large"""
+    res = run_test_ap_configuration(apdev, test_params, fst_pri = '256')
+    if res == 0:
+        raise Exception("hostapd started with too large fst priority")
+def test_fst_ap_config_pri_nan(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP configuration Priority not a number"""
+    res = run_test_ap_configuration(apdev, test_params, fst_pri = 'nan')
+    if res == 0:
+        raise Exception("hostapd started with fst priority not a number")
+def test_fst_ap_config_group_len(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP configuration Group max length"""
+    res = run_test_ap_configuration(apdev, test_params,
+                                    fst_group = 'fstg5678abcd34567')
+    if res == 0:
+        raise Exception("hostapd started with fst_group length too big")
+def test_fst_ap_config_good(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP configuration good parameters"""
+    res = run_test_ap_configuration(apdev, test_params)
+    if res != 0:
+        raise Exception("hostapd didn't start with valid config parameters")
+def test_fst_ap_config_default(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP configuration default parameters"""
+    res = run_test_ap_configuration(apdev, test_params, fst_llt = None)
+    if res != 0:
+        raise Exception("hostapd didn't start with valid config parameters")
+# STA configuration tests
+def test_fst_sta_config_llt_neg(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA configuration negative LLT"""
+    res = run_test_sta_configuration(test_params, fst_llt = '-1')
+    if res == 0:
+        raise Exception("wpa_supplicant started with a negative llt")
+def test_fst_sta_config_llt_zero(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA configuration zero LLT"""
+    res = run_test_sta_configuration(test_params, fst_llt = '0')
+    if res == 0:
+        raise Exception("wpa_supplicant started with a zero llt")
+def test_fst_sta_config_llt_large(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA configuration LLT is too large"""
+    res = run_test_sta_configuration(test_params,
+                                     fst_llt = '4294967296') #0x100000000
+    if res == 0:
+        raise Exception("wpa_supplicant started with llt that is too large")
+def test_fst_sta_config_llt_nan(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA configuration LLT is not a number"""
+    res = run_test_sta_configuration(test_params, fst_llt = 'nan')
+    if res == 0:
+        raise Exception("wpa_supplicant started with llt not a number")
+def test_fst_sta_config_pri_neg(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA configuration Priority negative"""
+    res = run_test_sta_configuration(test_params, fst_pri = '-1')
+    if res == 0:
+        raise Exception("wpa_supplicant started with a negative fst priority")
+def test_fst_sta_config_pri_zero(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA configuration Priority zero"""
+    res = run_test_sta_configuration(test_params, fst_pri = '0')
+    if res == 0:
+        raise Exception("wpa_supplicant started with a zero fst priority")
+def test_fst_sta_config_pri_big(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA configuration Priority too large"""
+    res = run_test_sta_configuration(test_params, fst_pri = '256')
+    if res == 0:
+        raise Exception("wpa_supplicant started with too large fst priority")
+def test_fst_sta_config_pri_nan(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA configuration Priority not a number"""
+    res = run_test_sta_configuration(test_params, fst_pri = 'nan')
+    if res == 0:
+        raise Exception("wpa_supplicant started with fst priority not a number")
+def test_fst_sta_config_group_len(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA configuration Group max length"""
+    res = run_test_sta_configuration(test_params,
+                                     fst_group = 'fstg5678abcd34567')
+    if res == 0:
+        raise Exception("wpa_supplicant started with fst_group length too big")
+def test_fst_sta_config_good(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA configuration good parameters"""
+    res = run_test_sta_configuration(test_params)
+    if res != 0:
+        raise Exception("wpa_supplicant didn't start with valid config parameters")
+def test_fst_sta_config_default(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA configuration default parameters"""
+    res = run_test_sta_configuration(test_params, fst_llt = None)
+    if res != 0:
+        raise Exception("wpa_supplicant didn't start with valid config parameters")
+def test_fst_scan_mb(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST scan valid MB IE presence with normal start"""
+    logdir = test_params['logdir']
+    # Test valid MB IE in scan results
+    fst_launcher = FstLauncher(logdir)
+    ap1 = FstLauncherConfigAP(apdev[0]['ifname'], 'fst_11a', 'a',
+                              fst_test_common.fst_test_def_chan_a,
+                              fst_test_common.fst_test_def_group,
+                              fst_test_common.fst_test_def_prio_high)
+    ap2 = FstLauncherConfigAP(apdev[1]['ifname'], 'fst_11g', 'b',
+                              fst_test_common.fst_test_def_chan_g,
+                              fst_test_common.fst_test_def_group,
+                              fst_test_common.fst_test_def_prio_low)
+    fst_launcher.add_cfg(ap1)
+    fst_launcher.add_cfg(ap2)
+    res = fst_launcher.run_hostapd()
+    if res != 0:
+        raise Exception("hostapd didn't start properly")
+    try:
+        mbie1=[]
+        flags1 = ''
+        mbie2=[]
+        flags2 = ''
+        # Scan 1st AP
+        vals1 = scan_and_get_bss(dev[0], fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+        if vals1 != None:
+            if 'ie' in vals1:
+                mbie1 = parse_ies(vals1['ie'], 0x9e)
+            if 'flags' in vals1:
+                flags1 = vals1['flags']
+        # Scan 2nd AP
+        vals2 = scan_and_get_bss(dev[2], fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_g)
+        if vals2 != None:
+            if 'ie' in vals2:
+                mbie2 = parse_ies(vals2['ie'],0x9e)
+            if 'flags' in vals2:
+                flags2 = vals2['flags']
+    finally:
+         fst_launcher.cleanup()
+    if len(mbie1) == 0:
+        raise Exception("No MB IE created by 1st AP")
+    if len(mbie2) == 0:
+        raise Exception("No MB IE created by 2nd AP")
+def test_fst_scan_nomb(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST scan no MB IE presence with 1 AP start"""
+    logdir = test_params['logdir']
+    # Test valid MB IE in scan results
+    fst_launcher = FstLauncher(logdir)
+    ap1 = FstLauncherConfigAP(apdev[0]['ifname'], 'fst_11a', 'a',
+                              fst_test_common.fst_test_def_chan_a,
+                              fst_test_common.fst_test_def_group,
+                              fst_test_common.fst_test_def_prio_high)
+    fst_launcher.add_cfg(ap1)
+    res = fst_launcher.run_hostapd()
+    if res != 0:
+        raise Exception("Hostapd didn't start properly")
+    try:
+        time.sleep(2)
+        mbie1=[]
+        flags1 = ''
+        vals1 = scan_and_get_bss(dev[0], fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+        if vals1 != None:
+            if 'ie' in vals1:
+                mbie1 = parse_ies(vals1['ie'], 0x9e)
+            if 'flags' in vals1:
+                flags1 = vals1['flags']
+    finally:
+        fst_launcher.cleanup()
+    if len(mbie1) != 0:
+        raise Exception("MB IE exists with 1 AP")

+ 1664 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1664 @@
+# FST functionality tests
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.
+# This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
+# See README for more details.
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger()
+import subprocess
+import time
+import os
+import hwsim_utils
+from hwsim import HWSimRadio
+import hostapd
+import fst_test_common
+import fst_module_aux
+#enum - bad parameter types
+bad_param_none = 0
+bad_param_session_add_no_params = 1
+bad_param_group_id = 2
+bad_param_session_set_no_params = 3
+bad_param_session_set_unknown_param = 4
+bad_param_session_id = 5
+bad_param_old_iface = 6
+bad_param_new_iface = 7
+bad_param_negative_llt = 8
+bad_param_zero_llt = 9
+bad_param_llt_too_big = 10
+bad_param_llt_nan = 11
+bad_param_peer_addr = 12
+bad_param_session_initiate_no_params = 13
+bad_param_session_initiate_bad_session_id = 14
+bad_param_session_initiate_with_no_new_iface_set = 15
+bad_param_session_initiate_with_bad_peer_addr_set = 16
+bad_param_session_initiate_request_with_bad_stie = 17
+bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_reject = 18
+bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_bad_stie = 19
+bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_zero_llt = 20
+bad_param_session_initiate_stt_no_response = 21
+bad_param_session_initiate_concurrent_setup_request = 22
+bad_param_session_transfer_no_params = 23
+bad_param_session_transfer_bad_session_id = 24
+bad_param_session_transfer_setup_skipped = 25
+bad_param_session_teardown_no_params = 26
+bad_param_session_teardown_bad_session_id = 27
+bad_param_session_teardown_setup_skipped = 28
+bad_param_session_teardown_bad_fsts_id = 29
+bad_param_names = ("None",
+                   "No params passed to session add",
+                   "Group ID",
+                   "No params passed to session set",
+                   "Unknown param passed to session set",
+                   "Session ID",
+                   "Old interface name",
+                   "New interface name",
+                   "Negative LLT",
+                   "Zero LLT",
+                   "LLT too big",
+                   "LLT is not a number",
+                   "Peer address",
+                   "No params passed to session initiate",
+                   "Session ID",
+                   "No new_iface was set",
+                   "Peer address",
+                   "Request with bad st ie",
+                   "Response with reject",
+                   "Response with bad st ie",
+                   "Response with zero llt",
+                   "No response, STT",
+                   "Concurrent setup request",
+                   "No params passed to session transfer",
+                   "Session ID",
+                   "Session setup skipped",
+                   "No params passed to session teardown",
+                   "Bad session",
+                   "Session setup skipped",
+                   "Bad fsts_id")
+def fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_type, start_on_ap,
+                      peer_addr = None):
+    """This function makes the necessary preparations and the adds and sets a
+    session using either correct or incorrect parameters depending on the value
+    of bad_param_type. If the call ends as expected (with session being
+    successfully added and set in case of correct parameters or with the
+    expected exception in case of incorrect parameters), the function silently
+    exits. Otherwise, it throws an exception thus failing the test."""
+    ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+    bad_parameter_detected = False
+    exception_already_raised = False
+    try:
+        fst_module_aux.connect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        if start_on_ap:
+            initiator = ap1
+            responder = sta1
+            new_iface = ap2.ifname()
+            new_peer_addr = ap2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+        else:
+            initiator = sta1
+            responder = ap1
+            new_iface = sta2.ifname()
+            new_peer_addr = sta2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+        initiator.add_peer(responder, peer_addr, new_peer_addr)
+        group_id = None
+        if bad_param_type == bad_param_group_id:
+            group_id = '-1'
+        elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_add_no_params:
+            group_id = ''
+        initiator.set_fst_parameters(group_id=group_id)
+        sid = initiator.add_session()
+        if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_set_no_params:
+            res = initiator.set_session_param(None)
+            if not res.startswith("OK"):
+                raise Exception("Session set operation failed")
+        elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_set_unknown_param:
+            res = initiator.set_session_param("bad_param=1")
+            if not res.startswith("OK"):
+                raise Exception("Session set operation failed")
+        else:
+            if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_with_no_new_iface_set:
+                new_iface = None
+            elif bad_param_type == bad_param_new_iface:
+                new_iface = 'wlan12'
+            old_iface = None if bad_param_type != bad_param_old_iface else 'wlan12'
+            llt = None
+            if bad_param_type == bad_param_negative_llt:
+                llt = '-1'
+            elif bad_param_type == bad_param_zero_llt:
+                llt = '0'
+            elif bad_param_type == bad_param_llt_too_big:
+                llt = '4294967296'    #0x100000000
+            elif bad_param_type == bad_param_llt_nan:
+                llt = 'nan'
+            elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_id:
+                sid = '-1'
+            initiator.set_fst_parameters(llt=llt)
+            initiator.configure_session(sid, new_iface, old_iface)
+    except Exception, e:
+        if e.args[0].startswith("Cannot add FST session with groupid"):
+            if bad_param_type == bad_param_group_id or bad_param_type == bad_param_session_add_no_params:
+                bad_parameter_detected = True
+        elif e.args[0].startswith("Cannot set FST session new_ifname:"):
+            if bad_param_type == bad_param_new_iface:
+                bad_parameter_detected = True
+        elif e.args[0].startswith("Session set operation failed"):
+            if (bad_param_type == bad_param_session_set_no_params or
+                bad_param_type == bad_param_session_set_unknown_param):
+                bad_parameter_detected = True
+        elif e.args[0].startswith("Cannot set FST session old_ifname:"):
+            if (bad_param_type == bad_param_old_iface or
+                bad_param_type == bad_param_session_id or
+                bad_param_type == bad_param_session_set_no_params):
+                bad_parameter_detected = True
+        elif e.args[0].startswith("Cannot set FST session llt:"):
+            if (bad_param_type == bad_param_negative_llt or
+                bad_param_type == bad_param_llt_too_big or
+                bad_param_type == bad_param_llt_nan):
+                bad_parameter_detected = True
+        elif e.args[0].startswith("Cannot set FST session peer address:"):
+            if bad_param_type == bad_param_peer_addr:
+                bad_parameter_detected = True
+        if not bad_parameter_detected:
+            # The exception was unexpected
+            exception_already_raised = True
+            raise
+    finally:
+        fst_module_aux.disconnect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        if not exception_already_raised:
+            if bad_parameter_detected:
+      "Success. Bad parameter was detected (%s)" % bad_param_names[bad_param_type])
+            else:
+                if bad_param_type == bad_param_none or bad_param_type == bad_param_zero_llt:
+          "Success. Session added and set")
+                else:
+                    exception_text = ""
+                    if bad_param_type == bad_param_peer_addr:
+                        exception_text = "Failure. Bad parameter was not detected (Peer address == %s)" % ap1.get_new_peer_addr()
+                    else:
+                        exception_text = "Failure. Bad parameter was not detected (%s)" % bad_param_names[bad_param_type]
+                    raise Exception(exception_text)
+        else:
+            print "Failure. Unexpected exception"
+def fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_type, init_on_ap):
+    """This function makes the necessary preparations and then adds, sets and
+    initiates a session using either correct or incorrect parameters at each
+    stage depending on the value of bad_param_type. If the call ends as expected
+    (with session being successfully added, set and initiated in case of correct
+    parameters or with the expected exception in case of incorrect parameters),
+    the function silently exits. Otherwise it throws an exception thus failing
+    the test."""
+    ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+    bad_parameter_detected = False
+    exception_already_raised = False
+    try:
+        fst_module_aux.connect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        # This call makes sure FstHostapd singleton object is created and, as a
+        # result, the global control interface is registered (this is done from
+        # the constructor).
+        ap1.get_global_instance()
+        if init_on_ap:
+            initiator = ap1
+            responder = sta1
+            new_iface = ap2.ifname() if bad_param_type != bad_param_session_initiate_with_no_new_iface_set else None
+            new_peer_addr = ap2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+            resp_newif = sta2.ifname()
+        else:
+            initiator = sta1
+            responder = ap1
+            new_iface = sta2.ifname() if bad_param_type != bad_param_session_initiate_with_no_new_iface_set else None
+            new_peer_addr = sta2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+            resp_newif = ap2.ifname()
+        peeraddr = None if bad_param_type != bad_param_session_initiate_with_bad_peer_addr_set else '10:DE:AD:DE:AD:11'
+        initiator.add_peer(responder, peeraddr, new_peer_addr)
+        if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_zero_llt:
+            initiator.set_fst_parameters(llt='0')
+        sid = initiator.add_session()
+        initiator.configure_session(sid, new_iface)
+        if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_no_params:
+            sid = ''
+        elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_bad_session_id:
+            sid = '-1'
+        if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_request_with_bad_stie:
+            actual_fsts_id = initiator.get_fsts_id_by_sid(sid)
+            initiator.send_test_session_setup_request(str(actual_fsts_id), "bad_new_band")
+            responder.wait_for_session_event(5)
+        elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_reject:
+            initiator.send_session_setup_request(sid)
+            initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+            setup_event = responder.wait_for_session_event(5, [],
+                                                           ['EVENT_FST_SETUP'])
+            if not 'id' in setup_event:
+                raise Exception("No session id in FST setup event")
+            responder.send_session_setup_response(str(setup_event['id']),
+                                                  "reject")
+            event = initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+            if event['new_state'] != "INITIAL" or event['reason'] != "REASON_REJECT":
+                raise Exception("Response with reject not handled as expected")
+            bad_parameter_detected = True
+        elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_bad_stie:
+            initiator.send_session_setup_request(sid)
+            initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+            responder.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ['EVENT_FST_SETUP'])
+            actual_fsts_id = initiator.get_fsts_id_by_sid(sid)
+            responder.send_test_session_setup_response(str(actual_fsts_id),
+                                                       "accept", "bad_new_band")
+            event = initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+            if event['new_state'] != "INITIAL" or event['reason'] != "REASON_ERROR_PARAMS":
+                raise Exception("Response with bad STIE not handled as expected")
+            bad_parameter_detected = True
+        elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_zero_llt:
+            initiator.initiate_session(sid, "accept")
+            event = initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+            if event['new_state'] != "TRANSITION_DONE":
+                raise Exception("Response reception for a session with llt=0 not handled as expected")
+            bad_parameter_detected = True
+        elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_stt_no_response:
+            initiator.send_session_setup_request(sid)
+            initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+            responder.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ['EVENT_FST_SETUP'])
+            event = initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+            if event['new_state'] != "INITIAL" or event['reason'] != "REASON_STT":
+                raise Exception("No response scenario not handled as expected")
+            bad_parameter_detected = True
+        elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_concurrent_setup_request:
+            responder.add_peer(initiator)
+            resp_sid = responder.add_session()
+            responder.configure_session(resp_sid, resp_newif)
+            initiator.send_session_setup_request(sid)
+            actual_fsts_id = initiator.get_fsts_id_by_sid(sid)
+            responder.send_test_session_setup_request(str(actual_fsts_id))
+            event = initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+            initiator_addr = initiator.get_own_mac_address()
+            responder_addr = responder.get_own_mac_address()
+            if initiator_addr < responder_addr:
+                event = initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+                if event['new_state'] != "INITIAL" or event['reason'] != "REASON_SETUP":
+                    raise Exception("Concurrent setup scenario not handled as expected")
+                event = initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SETUP"])
+                # The incoming setup request received by the initiator has
+                # priority over the one sent previously by the initiator itself
+                # because the initiator's MAC address is numerically lower than
+                # the one of the responder. Thus, the initiator should generate
+                # an FST_SETUP event.
+            else:
+                event = initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+                if event['new_state'] != "INITIAL" or event['reason'] != "REASON_STT":
+                    raise Exception("Concurrent setup scenario not handled as expected")
+                # The incoming setup request was dropped at the initiator
+                # because its MAC address is numerically bigger than the one of
+                # the responder. Thus, the initiator continue to wait for a
+                # setup response until the STT event fires.
+            bad_parameter_detected = True
+        else:
+            initiator.initiate_session(sid, "accept")
+    except Exception, e:
+        if e.args[0].startswith("Cannot initiate fst session"):
+            if bad_param_type != bad_param_none:
+                bad_parameter_detected = True
+        elif e.args[0].startswith("No FST-EVENT-SESSION received"):
+            if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_request_with_bad_stie:
+                bad_parameter_detected = True
+        if not bad_parameter_detected:
+            #The exception was unexpected
+            exception_already_raised = True
+            raise
+    finally:
+        fst_module_aux.disconnect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        if not exception_already_raised:
+            if bad_parameter_detected:
+      "Success. Bad parameter was detected (%s)" % bad_param_names[bad_param_type])
+            else:
+                if bad_param_type == bad_param_none:
+          "Success. Session initiated")
+                else:
+                    raise Exception("Failure. Bad parameter was not detected (%s)" % bad_param_names[bad_param_type])
+        else:
+            print "Failure. Unexpected exception"
+def fst_transfer_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_type, init_on_ap):
+    """This function makes the necessary preparations and then adds, sets,
+    initiates and attempts to transfer a session using either correct or
+    incorrect parameters at each stage depending on the value of bad_param_type.
+    If the call ends as expected the function silently exits. Otherwise, it
+    throws an exception thus failing the test."""
+    ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+    bad_parameter_detected = False
+    exception_already_raised = False
+    try:
+        fst_module_aux.connect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        # This call makes sure FstHostapd singleton object is created and, as a
+        # result, the global control interface is registered (this is done from
+        # the constructor).
+        ap1.get_global_instance()
+        if init_on_ap:
+            initiator = ap1
+            responder = sta1
+            new_iface = ap2.ifname()
+            new_peer_addr = ap2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+        else:
+            initiator = sta1
+            responder = ap1
+            new_iface = sta2.ifname()
+            new_peer_addr = sta2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+        initiator.add_peer(responder, new_peer_addr = new_peer_addr)
+        sid = initiator.add_session()
+        initiator.configure_session(sid, new_iface)
+        if bad_param_type != bad_param_session_transfer_setup_skipped:
+            initiator.initiate_session(sid, "accept")
+        if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_transfer_no_params:
+            sid = ''
+        elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_transfer_bad_session_id:
+            sid = '-1'
+        initiator.transfer_session(sid)
+    except Exception, e:
+        if e.args[0].startswith("Cannot transfer fst session"):
+            if bad_param_type != bad_param_none:
+                bad_parameter_detected = True
+        if not bad_parameter_detected:
+            # The exception was unexpected
+            exception_already_raised = True
+            raise
+    finally:
+        fst_module_aux.disconnect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        if not exception_already_raised:
+            if bad_parameter_detected:
+      "Success. Bad parameter was detected (%s)" % bad_param_names[bad_param_type])
+            else:
+                if bad_param_type == bad_param_none:
+          "Success. Session transferred")
+                else:
+                    raise Exception("Failure. Bad parameter was not detected (%s)" % bad_param_names[bad_param_type])
+        else:
+            print "Failure. Unexpected exception"
+def fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_type, init_on_ap):
+    """This function makes the necessary preparations and then adds, sets, and
+    initiates a session. It then issues a tear down command using either
+    correct or incorrect parameters at each stage. If the call ends as expected,
+    the function silently exits. Otherwise, it throws an exception thus failing
+    the test."""
+    ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+    bad_parameter_detected = False
+    exception_already_raised = False
+    try:
+        fst_module_aux.connect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        # This call makes sure FstHostapd singleton object is created and, as a
+        # result, the global control interface is registered (this is done from
+        # the constructor).
+        ap1.get_global_instance()
+        if init_on_ap:
+            initiator = ap1
+            responder = sta1
+            new_iface = ap2.ifname()
+            new_peer_addr = ap2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+        else:
+            initiator = sta1
+            responder = ap1
+            new_iface = sta2.ifname()
+            new_peer_addr = sta2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+        initiator.add_peer(responder, new_peer_addr = new_peer_addr)
+        sid = initiator.add_session()
+        initiator.configure_session(sid, new_iface)
+        if bad_param_type != bad_param_session_teardown_setup_skipped:
+            initiator.initiate_session(sid, "accept")
+        if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_teardown_bad_fsts_id:
+            initiator.send_test_tear_down('-1')
+            responder.wait_for_session_event(5)
+        else:
+            if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_teardown_no_params:
+                sid = ''
+            elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_teardown_bad_session_id:
+                sid = '-1'
+            initiator.teardown_session(sid)
+    except Exception, e:
+        if e.args[0].startswith("Cannot tear down fst session"):
+            if (bad_param_type == bad_param_session_teardown_no_params or
+                bad_param_type == bad_param_session_teardown_bad_session_id or
+                bad_param_type == bad_param_session_teardown_setup_skipped):
+                bad_parameter_detected = True
+        elif e.args[0].startswith("No FST-EVENT-SESSION received"):
+            if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_teardown_bad_fsts_id:
+                bad_parameter_detected = True
+        if not bad_parameter_detected:
+            # The exception was unexpected
+            exception_already_raised = True
+            raise
+    finally:
+        fst_module_aux.disconnect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        if not exception_already_raised:
+            if bad_parameter_detected:
+      "Success. Bad parameter was detected (%s)" % bad_param_names[bad_param_type])
+            else:
+                if bad_param_type == bad_param_none:
+          "Success. Session torn down")
+                else:
+                    raise Exception("Failure. Bad parameter was not detected (%s)" % bad_param_names[bad_param_type])
+        else:
+            print "Failure. Unexpected exception"
+#enum - remove session scenarios
+remove_scenario_no_params = 0
+remove_scenario_bad_session_id = 1
+remove_scenario_non_established_session = 2
+remove_scenario_established_session = 3
+remove_scenario_names = ("No params",
+                         "Bad session id",
+                         "Remove non-established session",
+                         "Remove established session")
+def fst_remove_session(apdev, test_params, remove_session_scenario, init_on_ap):
+    """This function attempts to remove a session at various stages of its
+    formation, depending on the value of remove_session_scenario. If the call
+    ends as expected, the function silently exits. Otherwise, it throws an
+    exception thus failing the test."""
+    ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+    bad_parameter_detected = False
+    exception_already_raised = False
+    try:
+        fst_module_aux.connect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        # This call makes sure FstHostapd singleton object is created and, as a
+        # result, the global control interface is registered (this is done from
+        # the constructor).
+        ap1.get_global_instance()
+        if init_on_ap:
+            initiator = ap1
+            responder = sta1
+            new_iface = ap2.ifname()
+            new_peer_addr = ap2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+        else:
+            initiator = sta1
+            responder = ap1
+            new_iface = sta2.ifname()
+            new_peer_addr = sta2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+        initiator.add_peer(responder, new_peer_addr = new_peer_addr)
+        sid = initiator.add_session()
+        initiator.configure_session(sid, new_iface)
+        if remove_session_scenario != remove_scenario_no_params:
+            if remove_session_scenario != remove_scenario_non_established_session:
+                initiator.initiate_session(sid, "accept")
+        if remove_session_scenario == remove_scenario_no_params:
+            sid = ''
+        elif remove_session_scenario == remove_scenario_bad_session_id:
+            sid = '-1'
+        initiator.remove_session(sid)
+    except Exception, e:
+        if e.args[0].startswith("Cannot remove fst session"):
+            if (remove_session_scenario == remove_scenario_no_params or
+                remove_session_scenario == remove_scenario_bad_session_id):
+                bad_parameter_detected = True
+        elif e.args[0].startswith("No FST-EVENT-SESSION received"):
+            if remove_session_scenario == remove_scenario_non_established_session:
+                bad_parameter_detected = True
+        if not bad_parameter_detected:
+            #The exception was unexpected
+            exception_already_raised = True
+            raise
+    finally:
+        fst_module_aux.disconnect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        if not exception_already_raised:
+            if bad_parameter_detected:
+      "Success. Remove scenario ended as expected (%s)" % remove_scenario_names[remove_session_scenario])
+            else:
+                if remove_session_scenario == remove_scenario_established_session:
+          "Success. Session removed")
+                else:
+                    raise Exception("Failure. Remove scenario ended in an unexpected way (%s)" % remove_scenario_names[remove_session_scenario])
+        else:
+            print "Failure. Unexpected exception"
+#enum - frame types
+frame_type_session_request = 0
+frame_type_session_response = 1
+frame_type_ack_request = 2
+frame_type_ack_response = 3
+frame_type_tear_down = 4
+frame_type_names = ("Session request",
+                    "Session Response",
+                    "Ack request",
+                    "Ack response",
+                    "Tear down")
+def fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type, send_from_ap, additional_param = ''):
+    """This function creates two pairs of APs and stations, makes them connect
+    and then causes one side to send an unexpected FST frame of the specified
+    type to the other. The other side should then identify and ignore the
+    frame."""
+    ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+    exception_already_raised = False
+    frame_receive_timeout = False
+    try:
+        fst_module_aux.connect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        # This call makes sure FstHostapd singleton object is created and, as a
+        # result, the global control interface is registered (this is done from
+        # the constructor).
+        ap1.get_global_instance()
+        if send_from_ap:
+            sender = ap1
+            receiver = sta1
+            new_iface = ap2.ifname()
+            new_peer_addr = ap2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+        else:
+            sender = sta1
+            receiver = ap1
+            new_iface = sta2.ifname()
+            new_peer_addr = sta2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+        sender.add_peer(receiver, new_peer_addr = new_peer_addr)
+        sid=sender.add_session()
+        sender.configure_session(sid, new_iface)
+        if frame_type == frame_type_session_request:
+            sender.send_session_setup_request(sid)
+            event = receiver.wait_for_session_event(5)
+            if event['type'] != 'EVENT_FST_SETUP':
+                raise Exception("Unexpected indication: " + event['type'])
+        elif frame_type == frame_type_session_response:
+            #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+            sender.send_test_session_setup_response('0', additional_param)
+            receiver.wait_for_session_event(5)
+        elif frame_type == frame_type_ack_request:
+            #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+            sender.send_test_ack_request('0')
+            receiver.wait_for_session_event(5)
+        elif frame_type == frame_type_ack_response:
+            #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+            sender.send_test_ack_response('0')
+            receiver.wait_for_session_event(5)
+        elif frame_type == frame_type_tear_down:
+            #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+            sender.send_test_tear_down('0')
+            receiver.wait_for_session_event(5)
+    except Exception, e:
+        if e.args[0].startswith("No FST-EVENT-SESSION received"):
+            if frame_type != frame_type_session_request:
+                frame_receive_timeout = True
+        else:
+            exception_already_raised = True
+            raise
+    finally:
+        fst_module_aux.disconnect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        if not exception_already_raised:
+            if frame_receive_timeout:
+      "Success. Frame was ignored (%s)" % frame_type_names[frame_type])
+            else:
+                if frame_type == frame_type_session_request:
+          "Success. Frame received, session created")
+                else:
+                    raise Exception("Failure. Frame was not ignored (%s)" % frame_type_names[frame_type])
+        else:
+            print "Failure. Unexpected exception"
+#enum - bad session transfer scenarios
+bad_scenario_none = 0
+bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_set_up = 1
+bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_init_side = 2
+bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_resp_side = 3
+bad_scenario_ack_req_bad_fsts_id = 4
+bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_set_up = 5
+bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_init_side = 6
+bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_resp_side = 7
+bad_scenario_ack_resp_no_ack_req = 8
+bad_scenario_ack_resp_bad_fsts_id = 9
+bad_scenario_names = ("None",
+                      "Ack request received before the session was set up",
+                      "Ack request received on the initiator side before session was established",
+                      "Ack request received on the responder side before session was established",
+                      "Ack request received with bad fsts_id",
+                      "Ack response received before the session was set up",
+                      "Ack response received on the initiator side before session was established",
+                      "Ack response received on the responder side before session was established",
+                      "Ack response received before ack request was sent",
+                      "Ack response received with bad fsts_id")
+def fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params, bad_scenario_type, init_on_ap):
+    """This function makes the necessary preparations and then adds and sets a
+    session. It then initiates and it unless instructed otherwise) and attempts
+    to send one of the frames involved in the session transfer protocol,
+    skipping or distorting one of the stages according to the value of
+    bad_scenario_type parameter."""
+    ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+    bad_parameter_detected = False
+    exception_already_raised = False
+    try:
+        fst_module_aux.connect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        # This call makes sure FstHostapd singleton object is created and, as a
+        # result, the global control interface is registered (this is done from
+        # the constructor).
+        ap1.get_global_instance()
+        if init_on_ap:
+            initiator = ap1
+            responder = sta1
+            new_iface = ap2.ifname()
+            new_peer_addr = ap2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+        else:
+            initiator = sta1
+            responder = ap1
+            new_iface = sta2.ifname()
+            new_peer_addr = sta2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+        initiator.add_peer(responder, new_peer_addr = new_peer_addr)
+        sid = initiator.add_session()
+        initiator.configure_session(sid, new_iface)
+        if (bad_scenario_type != bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_set_up and
+            bad_scenario_type != bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_set_up):
+            if (bad_scenario_type != bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_init_side and
+                bad_scenario_type != bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_init_side and
+                bad_scenario_type != bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_resp_side and
+                bad_scenario_type != bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_resp_side):
+                response =  "accept"
+            else:
+                response = ''
+            initiator.initiate_session(sid, response)
+        if bad_scenario_type == bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_set_up:
+            #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+            responder.send_test_ack_request('0')
+            initiator.wait_for_session_event(5)
+            # We want to send the unexpected frame to the side that already has
+            # a session created
+        elif bad_scenario_type == bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_set_up:
+            #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+            responder.send_test_ack_response('0')
+            initiator.wait_for_session_event(5)
+            # We want to send the unexpected frame to the side that already has
+            # a session created
+        elif bad_scenario_type == bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_init_side:
+            #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+            initiator.send_test_ack_request('0')
+            responder.wait_for_session_event(5, ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+        elif bad_scenario_type == bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_resp_side:
+            #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+            responder.send_test_ack_request('0')
+            initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+        elif bad_scenario_type == bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_init_side:
+            #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+            initiator.send_test_ack_response('0')
+            responder.wait_for_session_event(5, ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+        elif bad_scenario_type == bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_resp_side:
+            #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+            responder.send_test_ack_response('0')
+            initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+        elif bad_scenario_type == bad_scenario_ack_req_bad_fsts_id:
+            initiator.send_test_ack_request('-1')
+            responder.wait_for_session_event(5, ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+        elif bad_scenario_type == bad_scenario_ack_resp_bad_fsts_id:
+            initiator.send_test_ack_response('-1')
+            responder.wait_for_session_event(5, ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+        elif bad_scenario_type == bad_scenario_ack_resp_no_ack_req:
+            actual_fsts_id = initiator.get_fsts_id_by_sid(sid)
+            initiator.send_test_ack_response(str(actual_fsts_id))
+            responder.wait_for_session_event(5, ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+        else:
+            raise Exception("Unknown bad scenario identifier")
+    except Exception, e:
+        if e.args[0].startswith("No FST-EVENT-SESSION received"):
+            bad_parameter_detected = True
+        if not bad_parameter_detected:
+            # The exception was unexpected
+            exception_already_raised = True
+            raise
+    finally:
+        fst_module_aux.disconnect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+        if not exception_already_raised:
+            if bad_parameter_detected:
+      "Success. Bad scenario was handled correctly (%s)" % bad_scenario_names[bad_scenario_type])
+            else:
+                raise Exception("Failure. Bad scenario was handled incorrectly (%s)" % bad_scenario_names[bad_scenario_type])
+        else:
+            print "Failure. Unexpected exception"
+def test_fst_sta_connect_to_non_fst_ap(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA connecting to non-FST AP"""
+    ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+    with HWSimRadio() as (radio, iface):
+        non_fst_ap = hostapd.add_ap(iface, { "ssid": "non_fst_11g" })
+        try:
+            orig_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+            orig_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+            vals = sta2.scan()
+            freq = vals['freq']
+            sta2.connect_to_external_ap(non_fst_ap, ssid="non_fst_11g",
+                                        key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=freq)
+            time.sleep(2)
+            res_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+            res_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+            if (orig_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                orig_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                not res_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                not res_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL")):
+                raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs have not been removed on the stations")
+        except Exception, e:
+            raise
+        finally:
+            sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+            fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_sta_connect_to_fst_ap(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA connecting to FST AP"""
+    ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+    try:
+        orig_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+        vals = sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+        sta1.connect(ap1, key_mgmt="NONE",
+                     scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+        time.sleep(2)
+        res_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+        if res_sta2_mbies == orig_sta2_mbies:
+            raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs have not been updated")
+    except Exception, e:
+        raise
+    finally:
+        sta1.disconnect()
+        fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_ap_connect_to_fst_sta(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP connecting to FST STA"""
+    ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+    try:
+        orig_ap_mbies = ap1.get_local_mbies()
+        vals = sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+        sta1.connect(ap1, key_mgmt="NONE",
+                     scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+        time.sleep(2)
+        res_ap_mbies = ap1.get_local_mbies()
+        if res_ap_mbies != orig_ap_mbies:
+            raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs have been unexpectedly updated on the AP")
+    except Exception, e:
+        raise
+    finally:
+        sta1.disconnect()
+        fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_ap_connect_to_non_fst_sta(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP connecting to non-FST STA"""
+    ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+    try:
+        orig_ap_mbies = ap2.get_local_mbies()
+        vals = dev[0].scan(None, fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_g)
+        fst_module_aux.external_sta_connect(dev[0], ap2, key_mgmt="NONE",
+                                            scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_g)
+        time.sleep(2)
+        res_ap_mbies = ap2.get_local_mbies()
+        if res_ap_mbies != orig_ap_mbies:
+            raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs have been unexpectedly updated on the AP")
+    except Exception, e:
+        raise
+    finally:
+        fst_module_aux.disconnect_external_sta(dev[0], ap2)
+        fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_second_sta_connect_to_non_fst_ap(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA 2nd connecting to non-FST AP"""
+    fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+    with HWSimRadio() as (radio, iface):
+        non_fst_ap = hostapd.add_ap(iface, { "ssid": "non_fst_11g" })
+        try:
+            vals = sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+            sta1.connect(fst_ap1, key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+            time.sleep(2)
+            orig_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+            orig_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+            vals = sta2.scan()
+            freq = vals['freq']
+            sta2.connect_to_external_ap(non_fst_ap, ssid="non_fst_11g", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=freq)
+            time.sleep(2)
+            res_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+            res_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+            if (orig_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                orig_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                not res_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                not res_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL")):
+                raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs have not been removed on the stations")
+        except Exception, e:
+            raise
+        finally:
+            sta1.disconnect()
+            sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+            fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_second_sta_connect_to_fst_ap(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA 2nd connecting to FST AP"""
+    fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+    with HWSimRadio() as (radio, iface):
+        non_fst_ap = hostapd.add_ap(iface, { "ssid": "non_fst_11g" })
+        try:
+            vals = sta2.scan()
+            freq = vals['freq']
+            sta2.connect_to_external_ap(non_fst_ap, ssid="non_fst_11g", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=freq)
+            time.sleep(2)
+            orig_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+            orig_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+            vals = sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+            sta1.connect(fst_ap1, key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+            time.sleep(2)
+            res_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+            res_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+            if (not orig_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                not orig_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                not res_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                not res_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL")):
+                raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs should have stayed non-present on the stations")
+        except Exception, e:
+            raise
+        finally:
+            sta1.disconnect()
+            sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+            fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_disconnect_1_of_2_stas_from_non_fst_ap(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST disconnect 1 of 2 STAs from non-FST AP"""
+    fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+    with HWSimRadio() as (radio, iface):
+        non_fst_ap = hostapd.add_ap(iface, { "ssid": "non_fst_11g" })
+        try:
+            vals = sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+            sta1.connect(fst_ap1, key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+            vals = sta2.scan()
+            freq = vals['freq']
+            sta2.connect_to_external_ap(non_fst_ap, ssid="non_fst_11g", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=freq)
+            time.sleep(2)
+            orig_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+            orig_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+            sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+            time.sleep(2)
+            res_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+            res_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+            if (not orig_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                not orig_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                res_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                res_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL")):
+                raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs haven't reappeared on the stations")
+        except Exception, e:
+            raise
+        finally:
+            sta1.disconnect()
+            sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+            fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_disconnect_1_of_2_stas_from_fst_ap(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST disconnect 1 of 2 STAs from FST AP"""
+    fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+    with HWSimRadio() as (radio, iface):
+        non_fst_ap = hostapd.add_ap(iface, { "ssid": "non_fst_11g" })
+        try:
+            vals = sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+            sta1.connect(fst_ap1, key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+            vals = sta2.scan()
+            freq = vals['freq']
+            sta2.connect_to_external_ap(non_fst_ap, ssid="non_fst_11g", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=freq)
+            time.sleep(2)
+            orig_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+            orig_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+            sta1.disconnect()
+            time.sleep(2)
+            res_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+            res_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+            if (not orig_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                not orig_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                not res_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                not res_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL")):
+                raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs should have stayed non-present on the stations")
+        except Exception, e:
+            raise
+        finally:
+            sta1.disconnect()
+            sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+            fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_disconnect_2_of_2_stas_from_non_fst_ap(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST disconnect 2 of 2 STAs from non-FST AP"""
+    fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+    with HWSimRadio() as (radio, iface):
+        non_fst_ap = hostapd.add_ap(iface, { "ssid": "non_fst_11g" })
+        try:
+            vals = sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+            sta1.connect(fst_ap1, key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+            vals = sta2.scan()
+            freq = vals['freq']
+            sta2.connect_to_external_ap(non_fst_ap, ssid="non_fst_11g", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=freq)
+            time.sleep(2)
+            sta1.disconnect()
+            time.sleep(2)
+            orig_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+            orig_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+            sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+            time.sleep(2)
+            res_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+            res_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+            if (not orig_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                not orig_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                res_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                res_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL")):
+                raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs haven't reappeared on the stations")
+        except Exception, e:
+            raise
+        finally:
+            sta1.disconnect()
+            sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+            fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_disconnect_2_of_2_stas_from_fst_ap(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST disconnect 2 of 2 STAs from FST AP"""
+    fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+    with HWSimRadio() as (radio, iface):
+        non_fst_ap = hostapd.add_ap(iface, { "ssid": "non_fst_11g"})
+        try:
+            vals = sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+            sta1.connect(fst_ap1, key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+            vals = sta2.scan()
+            freq = vals['freq']
+            sta2.connect_to_external_ap(non_fst_ap, ssid="non_fst_11g", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=freq)
+            time.sleep(2)
+            sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+            time.sleep(2)
+            orig_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+            orig_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+            sta1.disconnect()
+            time.sleep(2)
+            res_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+            res_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+            if (orig_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                orig_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                res_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+                res_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL")):
+                raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs should have stayed present on both stations")
+            # Mandatory part of Multi-band element is 24 bytes = 48 hex chars
+            basic_sta1_mbies = res_sta1_mbies[0:48] + res_sta1_mbies[60:108]
+            basic_sta2_mbies = res_sta2_mbies[0:48] + res_sta2_mbies[60:108]
+            if (basic_sta1_mbies != basic_sta2_mbies):
+                raise Exception("Failure. Basic MB IEs should have become identical on both stations")
+            addr_sta1_str = sta1.get_own_mac_address().replace(":", "")
+            addr_sta2_str = sta2.get_own_mac_address().replace(":", "")
+            # Mandatory part of Multi-band element is followed by STA MAC Address field (6 bytes = 12 hex chars)
+            addr_sta1_mbie1 = res_sta1_mbies[48:60]
+            addr_sta1_mbie2 = res_sta1_mbies[108:120]
+            addr_sta2_mbie1 = res_sta2_mbies[48:60]
+            addr_sta2_mbie2 = res_sta2_mbies[108:120]
+            if (addr_sta1_mbie1 != addr_sta1_mbie2 or
+                addr_sta1_mbie1 != addr_sta2_str or
+                addr_sta2_mbie1 != addr_sta2_mbie2 or
+                addr_sta2_mbie1 != addr_sta1_str):
+                raise Exception("Failure. STA Address in MB IEs should have been same as the other STA's")
+        except Exception, e:
+            raise
+        finally:
+            sta1.disconnect()
+            sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+            fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_disconnect_non_fst_sta(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST disconnect non-FST STA"""
+    ap1, ap2, fst_sta1, fst_sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+    external_sta_connected = False
+    try:
+        vals = fst_sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+        fst_sta1.connect(ap1, key_mgmt="NONE",
+                         scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+        vals = dev[0].scan(None, fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_g)
+        fst_module_aux.external_sta_connect(dev[0], ap2, key_mgmt="NONE",
+                                            scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_g)
+        external_sta_connected = True
+        time.sleep(2)
+        fst_sta1.disconnect()
+        time.sleep(2)
+        orig_ap_mbies = ap2.get_local_mbies()
+        fst_module_aux.disconnect_external_sta(dev[0], ap2)
+        external_sta_connected = False
+        time.sleep(2)
+        res_ap_mbies = ap2.get_local_mbies()
+        if res_ap_mbies != orig_ap_mbies:
+            raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs have been unexpectedly updated on the AP")
+    except Exception, e:
+        raise
+    finally:
+        fst_sta1.disconnect()
+        if external_sta_connected:
+            fst_module_aux.disconnect_external_sta(dev[0], ap2)
+        fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, fst_sta1, fst_sta2)
+def test_fst_disconnect_fst_sta(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST disconnect FST STA"""
+    ap1, ap2, fst_sta1, fst_sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+    external_sta_connected = False;
+    try:
+        vals = fst_sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+        fst_sta1.connect(ap1, key_mgmt="NONE",
+                         scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+        vals = dev[0].scan(None, fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_g)
+        fst_module_aux.external_sta_connect(dev[0], ap2, key_mgmt="NONE",
+                                            scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_g)
+        external_sta_connected = True
+        time.sleep(2)
+        fst_module_aux.disconnect_external_sta(dev[0], ap2)
+        external_sta_connected = False
+        time.sleep(2)
+        orig_ap_mbies = ap2.get_local_mbies()
+        fst_sta1.disconnect()
+        time.sleep(2)
+        res_ap_mbies = ap2.get_local_mbies()
+        if res_ap_mbies != orig_ap_mbies:
+            raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs have been unexpectedly updated on the AP")
+    except Exception, e:
+        raise
+    finally:
+        fst_sta1.disconnect()
+        if external_sta_connected:
+            fst_module_aux.disconnect_external_sta(dev[0], ap2)
+        fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, fst_sta1, fst_sta2)
+def test_fst_dynamic_iface_attach(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST dynamic interface attach"""
+    ap1 = fst_module_aux.FstAP(apdev[0]['ifname'], 'fst_11a', 'a',
+                               fst_test_common.fst_test_def_chan_a,
+                               fst_test_common.fst_test_def_group,
+                               fst_test_common.fst_test_def_prio_low,
+                               fst_test_common.fst_test_def_llt)
+    ap1.start()
+    ap2 = fst_module_aux.FstAP(apdev[1]['ifname'], 'fst_11g', 'b',
+                               fst_test_common.fst_test_def_chan_g,
+                               '', '', '')
+    ap2.start()
+    sta1 = fst_module_aux.FstSTA('wlan5',
+                                 fst_module_aux.fst_test_common.fst_test_def_group,
+                                 fst_test_common.fst_test_def_prio_low,
+                                 fst_test_common.fst_test_def_llt)
+    sta1.start()
+    sta2 = fst_module_aux.FstSTA('wlan6', '', '', '')
+    sta2.start()
+    try:
+        orig_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+        orig_ap2_mbies = ap2.get_local_mbies()
+        sta2.send_iface_attach_request(sta2.ifname(),
+                                       fst_module_aux.fst_test_common.fst_test_def_group,
+                                       '52', '27')
+        event = sta2.wait_for_iface_event(5)
+        if event['event_type'] != 'attached':
+            raise Exception("Failure. Iface was not properly attached")
+        ap2.send_iface_attach_request(ap2.ifname(),
+                                      fst_module_aux.fst_test_common.fst_test_def_group,
+                                      '102', '77')
+        event = ap2.wait_for_iface_event(5)
+        if event['event_type'] != 'attached':
+            raise Exception("Failure. Iface was not properly attached")
+        time.sleep(2)
+        res_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+        res_ap2_mbies = ap2.get_local_mbies()
+        sta2.send_iface_detach_request(sta2.ifname())
+        event = sta2.wait_for_iface_event(5)
+        if event['event_type'] != 'detached':
+            raise Exception("Failure. Iface was not properly detached")
+        ap2.send_iface_detach_request(ap2.ifname())
+        event = ap2.wait_for_iface_event(5)
+        if event['event_type'] != 'detached':
+            raise Exception("Failure. Iface was not properly detached")
+        if (not orig_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+            not orig_ap2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+            res_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+            res_ap2_mbies.startswith("FAIL")):
+            raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs should have appeared on the station and on the AP")
+    except Exception, e:
+        raise
+    finally:
+        ap1.stop()
+        ap2.stop()
+        sta1.stop()
+        sta2.stop()
+# AP side FST module tests
+def test_fst_ap_start_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP start session"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_none, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_no_add_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP start session - no add params"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_session_add_no_params, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_bad_group_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP start session - bad group id"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_group_id, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_no_set_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP start session - no set params"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_session_set_no_params, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_set_unknown_param(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP start session - set unknown param"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_session_set_unknown_param,
+                      True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_bad_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP start session - bad session id"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_session_id, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_bad_new_iface(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP start session - bad new iface"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_new_iface, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_bad_old_iface(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP start session - bad old iface"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_old_iface, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_negative_llt(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP start session - negative llt"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_negative_llt, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_zero_llt(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP start session - zero llt"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_zero_llt, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_llt_too_big(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP start session - llt too large"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_llt_too_big, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_invalid_peer_addr(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP start session - invalid peer address"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_peer_addr, True,
+                      'GG:GG:GG:GG:GG:GG')
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_multicast_peer_addr(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP start session - multicast peer address"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_peer_addr, True,
+                      '01:00:11:22:33:44')
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_broadcast_peer_addr(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP start session - broadcast peer address"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_peer_addr, True,
+                      'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF')
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP initiate session"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_none, True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_no_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP initiate session - no params"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_initiate_no_params, True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_invalid_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP initiate session - invalid session id"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_initiate_bad_session_id, True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_no_new_iface(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP initiate session - no new iface"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_initiate_with_no_new_iface_set, True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_bad_peer_addr(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP initiate session - bad peer address"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_initiate_with_bad_peer_addr_set,
+                         True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_request_with_bad_stie(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP initiate session - request with bad stie"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_initiate_request_with_bad_stie, True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_response_with_reject(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP initiate session - response with reject"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_reject, True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_response_with_bad_stie(dev, apdev,
+                                                        test_params):
+    """FST AP initiate session - response with bad stie"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_bad_stie,
+                         True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_response_with_zero_llt(dev, apdev,
+                                                        test_params):
+    """FST AP initiate session - zero llt"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_zero_llt,
+                         True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_stt_no_response(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP initiate session - stt no response"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_initiate_stt_no_response, True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_concurrent_setup_request(dev, apdev,
+                                                          test_params):
+    """FST AP initiate session - concurrent setup request"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_initiate_concurrent_setup_request,
+                         True)
+def test_fst_ap_session_request_with_no_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP session request with no session"""
+    fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_session_request,
+                              True)
+def test_fst_ap_session_response_accept_with_no_session(dev, apdev,
+                                                        test_params):
+    """FST AP session response accept with no session"""
+    fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_session_response,
+                              True, "accept")
+def test_fst_ap_session_response_reject_with_no_session(dev, apdev,
+                                                        test_params):
+    """FST AP session response reject with no session"""
+    fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_session_response,
+                              True, "reject")
+def test_fst_ap_ack_request_with_no_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP ack request with no session"""
+    fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_ack_request, True)
+def test_fst_ap_ack_response_with_no_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP ack response with no session"""
+    fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_ack_response, True)
+def test_fst_ap_tear_down_response_with_no_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP tear down response with no session"""
+    fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_tear_down, True)
+def test_fst_ap_transfer_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP transfer session"""
+    fst_transfer_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_none, True)
+def test_fst_ap_transfer_session_no_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP transfer session - no params"""
+    fst_transfer_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_transfer_no_params, True)
+def test_fst_ap_transfer_session_bad_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP transfer session - bad session id"""
+    fst_transfer_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_transfer_bad_session_id, True)
+def test_fst_ap_transfer_session_setup_skipped(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP transfer session - setup skipped"""
+    fst_transfer_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_transfer_setup_skipped, True)
+def test_fst_ap_ack_request_with_session_not_set_up(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP ack request with session not set up"""
+    fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+                     bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_set_up, True)
+def test_fst_ap_ack_request_with_session_not_established_init_side(dev, apdev,
+                                                                   test_params):
+    """FST AP ack request with session not established init side"""
+    fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+                     bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_init_side,
+                     True)
+def test_fst_ap_ack_request_with_session_not_established_resp_side(dev, apdev,
+                                                                   test_params):
+    """FST AP ack request with session not established resp side"""
+    fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+                     bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_resp_side,
+                     True)
+def test_fst_ap_ack_request_with_bad_fsts_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP ack request with bad fsts id"""
+    fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params, bad_scenario_ack_req_bad_fsts_id, True)
+def test_fst_ap_ack_response_with_session_not_set_up(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP ack response with session not set up"""
+    fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+                     bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_set_up, True)
+def test_fst_ap_ack_response_with_session_not_established_init_side(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP ack response with session not established init side"""
+    fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+                     bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_init_side,
+                     True)
+def test_fst_ap_ack_response_with_session_not_established_resp_side(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP ack response with session not established resp side"""
+    fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+                     bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_resp_side,
+                     True)
+def test_fst_ap_ack_response_with_no_ack_request(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP ack response with no ack request"""
+    fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params, bad_scenario_ack_resp_no_ack_req, True)
+def test_fst_ap_tear_down_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP tear down session"""
+    fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_none, True)
+def test_fst_ap_tear_down_session_no_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP tear down session - no params"""
+    fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params,
+                          bad_param_session_teardown_no_params, True)
+def test_fst_ap_tear_down_session_bad_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP tear down session - bad session id"""
+    fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params,
+                          bad_param_session_teardown_bad_session_id, True)
+def test_fst_ap_tear_down_session_setup_skipped(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP tear down session - setup skipped"""
+    fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params,
+                          bad_param_session_teardown_setup_skipped, True)
+def test_fst_ap_tear_down_session_bad_fsts_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP tear down session - bad fsts id"""
+    fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params,
+                          bad_param_session_teardown_bad_fsts_id, True)
+def test_fst_ap_remove_session_not_established(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP remove session - not established"""
+    fst_remove_session(apdev, test_params,
+                       remove_scenario_non_established_session, True)
+def test_fst_ap_remove_session_established(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP remove session - established"""
+    fst_remove_session(apdev, test_params,
+                       remove_scenario_established_session, True)
+def test_fst_ap_remove_session_no_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP remove session - no params"""
+    fst_remove_session(apdev, test_params, remove_scenario_no_params, True)
+def test_fst_ap_remove_session_bad_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST AP remove session - bad session id"""
+    fst_remove_session(apdev, test_params, remove_scenario_bad_session_id, True)
+# STA side FST module tests
+def test_fst_sta_start_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA start session"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_none, False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_no_add_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA start session - no add params"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_session_add_no_params,
+                      False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_bad_group_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA start session - bad group id"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_group_id, False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_no_set_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA start session - no set params"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_session_set_no_params,
+                      False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_set_unknown_param(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA start session - set unknown param"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_session_set_unknown_param,
+                      False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_bad_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA start session - bad session id"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_session_id, False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_bad_new_iface(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA start session - bad new iface"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_new_iface, False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_bad_old_iface(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA start session - bad old iface"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_old_iface, False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_negative_llt(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA start session - negative llt"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_negative_llt, False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_zero_llt(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA start session - zero llt"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_zero_llt, False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_llt_too_big(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA start session - llt too large"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_llt_too_big, False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_invalid_peer_addr(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA start session - invalid peer address"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_peer_addr, False,
+                      'GG:GG:GG:GG:GG:GG')
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_multicast_peer_addr(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA start session - multicast peer address"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_peer_addr, False,
+                      '11:00:11:22:33:44')
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_broadcast_peer_addr(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA start session - broadcast peer addr"""
+    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_peer_addr, False,
+                      'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF')
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA initiate session"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_none, False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_no_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA initiate session - no params"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_initiate_no_params, False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_invalid_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA initiate session - invalid session id"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_initiate_bad_session_id, False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_no_new_iface(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA initiate session - no new iface"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_initiate_with_no_new_iface_set,
+                         False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_bad_peer_addr(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA initiate session - bad peer address"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_initiate_with_bad_peer_addr_set,
+                         False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_request_with_bad_stie(dev, apdev,
+                                                        test_params):
+    """FST STA initiate session - request with bad stie"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_initiate_request_with_bad_stie,
+                         False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_response_with_reject(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA initiate session - response with reject"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_reject, False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_response_with_bad_stie(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA initiate session - response with bad stie"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_bad_stie,
+                         False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_response_with_zero_llt(dev, apdev,
+                                                         test_params):
+    """FST STA initiate session - response with zero llt"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_zero_llt,
+                         False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_stt_no_response(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA initiate session - stt no response"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_initiate_stt_no_response, False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_concurrent_setup_request(dev, apdev,
+                                                           test_params):
+    """FST STA initiate session - concurrent setup request"""
+    fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_initiate_concurrent_setup_request,
+                         False)
+def test_fst_sta_session_request_with_no_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA session request with no session"""
+    fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_session_request,
+                              False)
+def test_fst_sta_session_response_accept_with_no_session(dev, apdev,
+                                                         test_params):
+    """FST STA session response accept with no session"""
+    fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_session_response,
+                              False, "accept")
+def test_fst_sta_session_response_reject_with_no_session(dev, apdev,
+                                                         test_params):
+    """FST STA session response reject with no session"""
+    fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_session_response,
+                              False, "reject")
+def test_fst_sta_ack_request_with_no_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA ack request with no session"""
+    fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_ack_request, False)
+def test_fst_sta_ack_response_with_no_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA ack response with no session"""
+    fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_ack_response,
+                              False)
+def test_fst_sta_tear_down_response_with_no_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA tear down response with no session"""
+    fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_tear_down, False)
+def test_fst_sta_transfer_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA transfer session"""
+    fst_transfer_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_none, False)
+def test_fst_sta_transfer_session_no_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA transfer session - no params"""
+    fst_transfer_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_transfer_no_params, False)
+def test_fst_sta_transfer_session_bad_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA transfer session - bad session id"""
+    fst_transfer_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_transfer_bad_session_id, False)
+def test_fst_sta_transfer_session_setup_skipped(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA transfer session - setup skipped"""
+    fst_transfer_session(apdev, test_params,
+                         bad_param_session_transfer_setup_skipped, False)
+def test_fst_sta_ack_request_with_session_not_set_up(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA ack request with session not set up"""
+    fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+                     bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_set_up, False)
+def test_fst_sta_ack_request_with_session_not_established_init_side(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA ack request with session not established init side"""
+    fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+                     bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_init_side,
+                     False)
+def test_fst_sta_ack_request_with_session_not_established_resp_side(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA ack request with session not established resp side"""
+    fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+                     bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_resp_side,
+                     False)
+def test_fst_sta_ack_request_with_bad_fsts_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA ack request with bad fsts id"""
+    fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params, bad_scenario_ack_req_bad_fsts_id,
+                     False)
+def test_fst_sta_ack_response_with_session_not_set_up(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA ack response with session not set up"""
+    fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+                     bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_set_up, False)
+def test_fst_sta_ack_response_with_session_not_established_init_side(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA ack response with session not established init side"""
+    fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+                     bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_init_side,
+                     False)
+def test_fst_sta_ack_response_with_session_not_established_resp_side(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA ack response with session not established resp side"""
+    fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+                     bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_resp_side,
+                     False)
+def test_fst_sta_ack_response_with_no_ack_request(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA ack response with no ack request"""
+    fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params, bad_scenario_ack_resp_no_ack_req,
+                     False)
+def test_fst_sta_tear_down_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA tear down session"""
+    fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_none, False)
+def test_fst_sta_tear_down_session_no_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA tear down session - no params"""
+    fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params,
+                          bad_param_session_teardown_no_params, False)
+def test_fst_sta_tear_down_session_bad_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA tear down session - bad session id"""
+    fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params,
+                          bad_param_session_teardown_bad_session_id, False)
+def test_fst_sta_tear_down_session_setup_skipped(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA tear down session - setup skipped"""
+    fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params,
+                          bad_param_session_teardown_setup_skipped, False)
+def test_fst_sta_tear_down_session_bad_fsts_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA tear down session - bad fsts id"""
+    fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params,
+                          bad_param_session_teardown_bad_fsts_id, False)
+def test_fst_sta_remove_session_not_established(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA tear down session - not established"""
+    fst_remove_session(apdev, test_params,
+                       remove_scenario_non_established_session, False)
+def test_fst_sta_remove_session_established(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA remove session - established"""
+    fst_remove_session(apdev, test_params,
+                       remove_scenario_established_session, False)
+def test_fst_sta_remove_session_no_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA remove session - no params"""
+    fst_remove_session(apdev, test_params, remove_scenario_no_params, False)
+def test_fst_sta_remove_session_bad_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+    """FST STA remove session - bad session id"""
+    fst_remove_session(apdev, test_params, remove_scenario_bad_session_id,
+                       False)

+ 1 - 1

@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ kvm \
 	-fsdev local,security_model=none,id=fsdev-logs,path="$LOGDIR",writeout=immediate \
 	-device virtio-9p-pci,id=fs-logs,fsdev=fsdev-logs,mount_tag=logshare \
 	-monitor null -serial stdio -serial file:$LOGDIR/console \
-	-append "mac80211_hwsim.support_p2p_device=0 mac80211_hwsim.channels=$CHANNELS mac80211_hwsim.radios=6 init=$CMD testdir=$TESTDIR timewarp=$TIMEWARP console=$KVMOUT root=/dev/root rootflags=trans=virtio,version=9p2000.u ro rootfstype=9p EPATH=$EPATH ARGS=$RUN_TEST_ARGS"
+	-append "mac80211_hwsim.support_p2p_device=0 mac80211_hwsim.channels=$CHANNELS mac80211_hwsim.radios=7 init=$CMD testdir=$TESTDIR timewarp=$TIMEWARP console=$KVMOUT root=/dev/root rootflags=trans=virtio,version=9p2000.u ro rootfstype=9p EPATH=$EPATH ARGS=$RUN_TEST_ARGS"
 if [ $CODECOV = "yes" ]; then
     echo "Preparing code coverage reports"