@@ -0,0 +1,1664 @@
+# FST functionality tests
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.
+# This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
+# See README for more details.
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger()
+import subprocess
+import time
+import os
+import hwsim_utils
+from hwsim import HWSimRadio
+import hostapd
+import fst_test_common
+import fst_module_aux
+#enum - bad parameter types
+bad_param_none = 0
+bad_param_session_add_no_params = 1
+bad_param_group_id = 2
+bad_param_session_set_no_params = 3
+bad_param_session_set_unknown_param = 4
+bad_param_session_id = 5
+bad_param_old_iface = 6
+bad_param_new_iface = 7
+bad_param_negative_llt = 8
+bad_param_zero_llt = 9
+bad_param_llt_too_big = 10
+bad_param_llt_nan = 11
+bad_param_peer_addr = 12
+bad_param_session_initiate_no_params = 13
+bad_param_session_initiate_bad_session_id = 14
+bad_param_session_initiate_with_no_new_iface_set = 15
+bad_param_session_initiate_with_bad_peer_addr_set = 16
+bad_param_session_initiate_request_with_bad_stie = 17
+bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_reject = 18
+bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_bad_stie = 19
+bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_zero_llt = 20
+bad_param_session_initiate_stt_no_response = 21
+bad_param_session_initiate_concurrent_setup_request = 22
+bad_param_session_transfer_no_params = 23
+bad_param_session_transfer_bad_session_id = 24
+bad_param_session_transfer_setup_skipped = 25
+bad_param_session_teardown_no_params = 26
+bad_param_session_teardown_bad_session_id = 27
+bad_param_session_teardown_setup_skipped = 28
+bad_param_session_teardown_bad_fsts_id = 29
+bad_param_names = ("None",
+ "No params passed to session add",
+ "Group ID",
+ "No params passed to session set",
+ "Unknown param passed to session set",
+ "Session ID",
+ "Old interface name",
+ "New interface name",
+ "Negative LLT",
+ "Zero LLT",
+ "LLT too big",
+ "LLT is not a number",
+ "Peer address",
+ "No params passed to session initiate",
+ "Session ID",
+ "No new_iface was set",
+ "Peer address",
+ "Request with bad st ie",
+ "Response with reject",
+ "Response with bad st ie",
+ "Response with zero llt",
+ "No response, STT",
+ "Concurrent setup request",
+ "No params passed to session transfer",
+ "Session ID",
+ "Session setup skipped",
+ "No params passed to session teardown",
+ "Bad session",
+ "Session setup skipped",
+ "Bad fsts_id")
+def fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_type, start_on_ap,
+ peer_addr = None):
+ """This function makes the necessary preparations and the adds and sets a
+ session using either correct or incorrect parameters depending on the value
+ of bad_param_type. If the call ends as expected (with session being
+ successfully added and set in case of correct parameters or with the
+ expected exception in case of incorrect parameters), the function silently
+ exits. Otherwise, it throws an exception thus failing the test."""
+ ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+ bad_parameter_detected = False
+ exception_already_raised = False
+ try:
+ fst_module_aux.connect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ if start_on_ap:
+ initiator = ap1
+ responder = sta1
+ new_iface = ap2.ifname()
+ new_peer_addr = ap2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+ else:
+ initiator = sta1
+ responder = ap1
+ new_iface = sta2.ifname()
+ new_peer_addr = sta2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+ initiator.add_peer(responder, peer_addr, new_peer_addr)
+ group_id = None
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_group_id:
+ group_id = '-1'
+ elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_add_no_params:
+ group_id = ''
+ initiator.set_fst_parameters(group_id=group_id)
+ sid = initiator.add_session()
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_set_no_params:
+ res = initiator.set_session_param(None)
+ if not res.startswith("OK"):
+ raise Exception("Session set operation failed")
+ elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_set_unknown_param:
+ res = initiator.set_session_param("bad_param=1")
+ if not res.startswith("OK"):
+ raise Exception("Session set operation failed")
+ else:
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_with_no_new_iface_set:
+ new_iface = None
+ elif bad_param_type == bad_param_new_iface:
+ new_iface = 'wlan12'
+ old_iface = None if bad_param_type != bad_param_old_iface else 'wlan12'
+ llt = None
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_negative_llt:
+ llt = '-1'
+ elif bad_param_type == bad_param_zero_llt:
+ llt = '0'
+ elif bad_param_type == bad_param_llt_too_big:
+ llt = '4294967296' #0x100000000
+ elif bad_param_type == bad_param_llt_nan:
+ llt = 'nan'
+ elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_id:
+ sid = '-1'
+ initiator.set_fst_parameters(llt=llt)
+ initiator.configure_session(sid, new_iface, old_iface)
+ except Exception, e:
+ if e.args[0].startswith("Cannot add FST session with groupid"):
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_group_id or bad_param_type == bad_param_session_add_no_params:
+ bad_parameter_detected = True
+ elif e.args[0].startswith("Cannot set FST session new_ifname:"):
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_new_iface:
+ bad_parameter_detected = True
+ elif e.args[0].startswith("Session set operation failed"):
+ if (bad_param_type == bad_param_session_set_no_params or
+ bad_param_type == bad_param_session_set_unknown_param):
+ bad_parameter_detected = True
+ elif e.args[0].startswith("Cannot set FST session old_ifname:"):
+ if (bad_param_type == bad_param_old_iface or
+ bad_param_type == bad_param_session_id or
+ bad_param_type == bad_param_session_set_no_params):
+ bad_parameter_detected = True
+ elif e.args[0].startswith("Cannot set FST session llt:"):
+ if (bad_param_type == bad_param_negative_llt or
+ bad_param_type == bad_param_llt_too_big or
+ bad_param_type == bad_param_llt_nan):
+ bad_parameter_detected = True
+ elif e.args[0].startswith("Cannot set FST session peer address:"):
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_peer_addr:
+ bad_parameter_detected = True
+ if not bad_parameter_detected:
+ # The exception was unexpected
+ logger.info(e)
+ exception_already_raised = True
+ raise
+ finally:
+ fst_module_aux.disconnect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ if not exception_already_raised:
+ if bad_parameter_detected:
+ logger.info("Success. Bad parameter was detected (%s)" % bad_param_names[bad_param_type])
+ else:
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_none or bad_param_type == bad_param_zero_llt:
+ logger.info("Success. Session added and set")
+ else:
+ exception_text = ""
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_peer_addr:
+ exception_text = "Failure. Bad parameter was not detected (Peer address == %s)" % ap1.get_new_peer_addr()
+ else:
+ exception_text = "Failure. Bad parameter was not detected (%s)" % bad_param_names[bad_param_type]
+ raise Exception(exception_text)
+ else:
+ print "Failure. Unexpected exception"
+def fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_type, init_on_ap):
+ """This function makes the necessary preparations and then adds, sets and
+ initiates a session using either correct or incorrect parameters at each
+ stage depending on the value of bad_param_type. If the call ends as expected
+ (with session being successfully added, set and initiated in case of correct
+ parameters or with the expected exception in case of incorrect parameters),
+ the function silently exits. Otherwise it throws an exception thus failing
+ the test."""
+ ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+ bad_parameter_detected = False
+ exception_already_raised = False
+ try:
+ fst_module_aux.connect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ # This call makes sure FstHostapd singleton object is created and, as a
+ # result, the global control interface is registered (this is done from
+ # the constructor).
+ ap1.get_global_instance()
+ if init_on_ap:
+ initiator = ap1
+ responder = sta1
+ new_iface = ap2.ifname() if bad_param_type != bad_param_session_initiate_with_no_new_iface_set else None
+ new_peer_addr = ap2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+ resp_newif = sta2.ifname()
+ else:
+ initiator = sta1
+ responder = ap1
+ new_iface = sta2.ifname() if bad_param_type != bad_param_session_initiate_with_no_new_iface_set else None
+ new_peer_addr = sta2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+ resp_newif = ap2.ifname()
+ peeraddr = None if bad_param_type != bad_param_session_initiate_with_bad_peer_addr_set else '10:DE:AD:DE:AD:11'
+ initiator.add_peer(responder, peeraddr, new_peer_addr)
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_zero_llt:
+ initiator.set_fst_parameters(llt='0')
+ sid = initiator.add_session()
+ initiator.configure_session(sid, new_iface)
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_no_params:
+ sid = ''
+ elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_bad_session_id:
+ sid = '-1'
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_request_with_bad_stie:
+ actual_fsts_id = initiator.get_fsts_id_by_sid(sid)
+ initiator.send_test_session_setup_request(str(actual_fsts_id), "bad_new_band")
+ responder.wait_for_session_event(5)
+ elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_reject:
+ initiator.send_session_setup_request(sid)
+ initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+ setup_event = responder.wait_for_session_event(5, [],
+ if not 'id' in setup_event:
+ raise Exception("No session id in FST setup event")
+ responder.send_session_setup_response(str(setup_event['id']),
+ "reject")
+ event = initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+ if event['new_state'] != "INITIAL" or event['reason'] != "REASON_REJECT":
+ raise Exception("Response with reject not handled as expected")
+ bad_parameter_detected = True
+ elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_bad_stie:
+ initiator.send_session_setup_request(sid)
+ initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+ responder.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ['EVENT_FST_SETUP'])
+ actual_fsts_id = initiator.get_fsts_id_by_sid(sid)
+ responder.send_test_session_setup_response(str(actual_fsts_id),
+ "accept", "bad_new_band")
+ event = initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+ if event['new_state'] != "INITIAL" or event['reason'] != "REASON_ERROR_PARAMS":
+ raise Exception("Response with bad STIE not handled as expected")
+ bad_parameter_detected = True
+ elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_zero_llt:
+ initiator.initiate_session(sid, "accept")
+ event = initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+ if event['new_state'] != "TRANSITION_DONE":
+ raise Exception("Response reception for a session with llt=0 not handled as expected")
+ bad_parameter_detected = True
+ elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_stt_no_response:
+ initiator.send_session_setup_request(sid)
+ initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+ responder.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ['EVENT_FST_SETUP'])
+ event = initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+ if event['new_state'] != "INITIAL" or event['reason'] != "REASON_STT":
+ raise Exception("No response scenario not handled as expected")
+ bad_parameter_detected = True
+ elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_concurrent_setup_request:
+ responder.add_peer(initiator)
+ resp_sid = responder.add_session()
+ responder.configure_session(resp_sid, resp_newif)
+ initiator.send_session_setup_request(sid)
+ actual_fsts_id = initiator.get_fsts_id_by_sid(sid)
+ responder.send_test_session_setup_request(str(actual_fsts_id))
+ event = initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+ initiator_addr = initiator.get_own_mac_address()
+ responder_addr = responder.get_own_mac_address()
+ if initiator_addr < responder_addr:
+ event = initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+ if event['new_state'] != "INITIAL" or event['reason'] != "REASON_SETUP":
+ raise Exception("Concurrent setup scenario not handled as expected")
+ event = initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SETUP"])
+ # The incoming setup request received by the initiator has
+ # priority over the one sent previously by the initiator itself
+ # because the initiator's MAC address is numerically lower than
+ # the one of the responder. Thus, the initiator should generate
+ # an FST_SETUP event.
+ else:
+ event = initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, [], ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+ if event['new_state'] != "INITIAL" or event['reason'] != "REASON_STT":
+ raise Exception("Concurrent setup scenario not handled as expected")
+ # The incoming setup request was dropped at the initiator
+ # because its MAC address is numerically bigger than the one of
+ # the responder. Thus, the initiator continue to wait for a
+ # setup response until the STT event fires.
+ bad_parameter_detected = True
+ else:
+ initiator.initiate_session(sid, "accept")
+ except Exception, e:
+ if e.args[0].startswith("Cannot initiate fst session"):
+ if bad_param_type != bad_param_none:
+ bad_parameter_detected = True
+ elif e.args[0].startswith("No FST-EVENT-SESSION received"):
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_initiate_request_with_bad_stie:
+ bad_parameter_detected = True
+ if not bad_parameter_detected:
+ #The exception was unexpected
+ logger.info(e)
+ exception_already_raised = True
+ raise
+ finally:
+ fst_module_aux.disconnect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ if not exception_already_raised:
+ if bad_parameter_detected:
+ logger.info("Success. Bad parameter was detected (%s)" % bad_param_names[bad_param_type])
+ else:
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_none:
+ logger.info("Success. Session initiated")
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Failure. Bad parameter was not detected (%s)" % bad_param_names[bad_param_type])
+ else:
+ print "Failure. Unexpected exception"
+def fst_transfer_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_type, init_on_ap):
+ """This function makes the necessary preparations and then adds, sets,
+ initiates and attempts to transfer a session using either correct or
+ incorrect parameters at each stage depending on the value of bad_param_type.
+ If the call ends as expected the function silently exits. Otherwise, it
+ throws an exception thus failing the test."""
+ ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+ bad_parameter_detected = False
+ exception_already_raised = False
+ try:
+ fst_module_aux.connect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ # This call makes sure FstHostapd singleton object is created and, as a
+ # result, the global control interface is registered (this is done from
+ # the constructor).
+ ap1.get_global_instance()
+ if init_on_ap:
+ initiator = ap1
+ responder = sta1
+ new_iface = ap2.ifname()
+ new_peer_addr = ap2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+ else:
+ initiator = sta1
+ responder = ap1
+ new_iface = sta2.ifname()
+ new_peer_addr = sta2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+ initiator.add_peer(responder, new_peer_addr = new_peer_addr)
+ sid = initiator.add_session()
+ initiator.configure_session(sid, new_iface)
+ if bad_param_type != bad_param_session_transfer_setup_skipped:
+ initiator.initiate_session(sid, "accept")
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_transfer_no_params:
+ sid = ''
+ elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_transfer_bad_session_id:
+ sid = '-1'
+ initiator.transfer_session(sid)
+ except Exception, e:
+ if e.args[0].startswith("Cannot transfer fst session"):
+ if bad_param_type != bad_param_none:
+ bad_parameter_detected = True
+ if not bad_parameter_detected:
+ # The exception was unexpected
+ logger.info(e)
+ exception_already_raised = True
+ raise
+ finally:
+ fst_module_aux.disconnect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ if not exception_already_raised:
+ if bad_parameter_detected:
+ logger.info("Success. Bad parameter was detected (%s)" % bad_param_names[bad_param_type])
+ else:
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_none:
+ logger.info("Success. Session transferred")
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Failure. Bad parameter was not detected (%s)" % bad_param_names[bad_param_type])
+ else:
+ print "Failure. Unexpected exception"
+def fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_type, init_on_ap):
+ """This function makes the necessary preparations and then adds, sets, and
+ initiates a session. It then issues a tear down command using either
+ correct or incorrect parameters at each stage. If the call ends as expected,
+ the function silently exits. Otherwise, it throws an exception thus failing
+ the test."""
+ ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+ bad_parameter_detected = False
+ exception_already_raised = False
+ try:
+ fst_module_aux.connect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ # This call makes sure FstHostapd singleton object is created and, as a
+ # result, the global control interface is registered (this is done from
+ # the constructor).
+ ap1.get_global_instance()
+ if init_on_ap:
+ initiator = ap1
+ responder = sta1
+ new_iface = ap2.ifname()
+ new_peer_addr = ap2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+ else:
+ initiator = sta1
+ responder = ap1
+ new_iface = sta2.ifname()
+ new_peer_addr = sta2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+ initiator.add_peer(responder, new_peer_addr = new_peer_addr)
+ sid = initiator.add_session()
+ initiator.configure_session(sid, new_iface)
+ if bad_param_type != bad_param_session_teardown_setup_skipped:
+ initiator.initiate_session(sid, "accept")
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_teardown_bad_fsts_id:
+ initiator.send_test_tear_down('-1')
+ responder.wait_for_session_event(5)
+ else:
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_teardown_no_params:
+ sid = ''
+ elif bad_param_type == bad_param_session_teardown_bad_session_id:
+ sid = '-1'
+ initiator.teardown_session(sid)
+ except Exception, e:
+ if e.args[0].startswith("Cannot tear down fst session"):
+ if (bad_param_type == bad_param_session_teardown_no_params or
+ bad_param_type == bad_param_session_teardown_bad_session_id or
+ bad_param_type == bad_param_session_teardown_setup_skipped):
+ bad_parameter_detected = True
+ elif e.args[0].startswith("No FST-EVENT-SESSION received"):
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_session_teardown_bad_fsts_id:
+ bad_parameter_detected = True
+ if not bad_parameter_detected:
+ # The exception was unexpected
+ logger.info(e)
+ exception_already_raised = True
+ raise
+ finally:
+ fst_module_aux.disconnect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ if not exception_already_raised:
+ if bad_parameter_detected:
+ logger.info("Success. Bad parameter was detected (%s)" % bad_param_names[bad_param_type])
+ else:
+ if bad_param_type == bad_param_none:
+ logger.info("Success. Session torn down")
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Failure. Bad parameter was not detected (%s)" % bad_param_names[bad_param_type])
+ else:
+ print "Failure. Unexpected exception"
+#enum - remove session scenarios
+remove_scenario_no_params = 0
+remove_scenario_bad_session_id = 1
+remove_scenario_non_established_session = 2
+remove_scenario_established_session = 3
+remove_scenario_names = ("No params",
+ "Bad session id",
+ "Remove non-established session",
+ "Remove established session")
+def fst_remove_session(apdev, test_params, remove_session_scenario, init_on_ap):
+ """This function attempts to remove a session at various stages of its
+ formation, depending on the value of remove_session_scenario. If the call
+ ends as expected, the function silently exits. Otherwise, it throws an
+ exception thus failing the test."""
+ ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+ bad_parameter_detected = False
+ exception_already_raised = False
+ try:
+ fst_module_aux.connect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ # This call makes sure FstHostapd singleton object is created and, as a
+ # result, the global control interface is registered (this is done from
+ # the constructor).
+ ap1.get_global_instance()
+ if init_on_ap:
+ initiator = ap1
+ responder = sta1
+ new_iface = ap2.ifname()
+ new_peer_addr = ap2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+ else:
+ initiator = sta1
+ responder = ap1
+ new_iface = sta2.ifname()
+ new_peer_addr = sta2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+ initiator.add_peer(responder, new_peer_addr = new_peer_addr)
+ sid = initiator.add_session()
+ initiator.configure_session(sid, new_iface)
+ if remove_session_scenario != remove_scenario_no_params:
+ if remove_session_scenario != remove_scenario_non_established_session:
+ initiator.initiate_session(sid, "accept")
+ if remove_session_scenario == remove_scenario_no_params:
+ sid = ''
+ elif remove_session_scenario == remove_scenario_bad_session_id:
+ sid = '-1'
+ initiator.remove_session(sid)
+ except Exception, e:
+ if e.args[0].startswith("Cannot remove fst session"):
+ if (remove_session_scenario == remove_scenario_no_params or
+ remove_session_scenario == remove_scenario_bad_session_id):
+ bad_parameter_detected = True
+ elif e.args[0].startswith("No FST-EVENT-SESSION received"):
+ if remove_session_scenario == remove_scenario_non_established_session:
+ bad_parameter_detected = True
+ if not bad_parameter_detected:
+ #The exception was unexpected
+ logger.info(e)
+ exception_already_raised = True
+ raise
+ finally:
+ fst_module_aux.disconnect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ if not exception_already_raised:
+ if bad_parameter_detected:
+ logger.info("Success. Remove scenario ended as expected (%s)" % remove_scenario_names[remove_session_scenario])
+ else:
+ if remove_session_scenario == remove_scenario_established_session:
+ logger.info("Success. Session removed")
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Failure. Remove scenario ended in an unexpected way (%s)" % remove_scenario_names[remove_session_scenario])
+ else:
+ print "Failure. Unexpected exception"
+#enum - frame types
+frame_type_session_request = 0
+frame_type_session_response = 1
+frame_type_ack_request = 2
+frame_type_ack_response = 3
+frame_type_tear_down = 4
+frame_type_names = ("Session request",
+ "Session Response",
+ "Ack request",
+ "Ack response",
+ "Tear down")
+def fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type, send_from_ap, additional_param = ''):
+ """This function creates two pairs of APs and stations, makes them connect
+ and then causes one side to send an unexpected FST frame of the specified
+ type to the other. The other side should then identify and ignore the
+ frame."""
+ ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+ exception_already_raised = False
+ frame_receive_timeout = False
+ try:
+ fst_module_aux.connect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ # This call makes sure FstHostapd singleton object is created and, as a
+ # result, the global control interface is registered (this is done from
+ # the constructor).
+ ap1.get_global_instance()
+ if send_from_ap:
+ sender = ap1
+ receiver = sta1
+ new_iface = ap2.ifname()
+ new_peer_addr = ap2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+ else:
+ sender = sta1
+ receiver = ap1
+ new_iface = sta2.ifname()
+ new_peer_addr = sta2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+ sender.add_peer(receiver, new_peer_addr = new_peer_addr)
+ sid=sender.add_session()
+ sender.configure_session(sid, new_iface)
+ if frame_type == frame_type_session_request:
+ sender.send_session_setup_request(sid)
+ event = receiver.wait_for_session_event(5)
+ if event['type'] != 'EVENT_FST_SETUP':
+ raise Exception("Unexpected indication: " + event['type'])
+ elif frame_type == frame_type_session_response:
+ #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+ sender.send_test_session_setup_response('0', additional_param)
+ receiver.wait_for_session_event(5)
+ elif frame_type == frame_type_ack_request:
+ #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+ sender.send_test_ack_request('0')
+ receiver.wait_for_session_event(5)
+ elif frame_type == frame_type_ack_response:
+ #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+ sender.send_test_ack_response('0')
+ receiver.wait_for_session_event(5)
+ elif frame_type == frame_type_tear_down:
+ #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+ sender.send_test_tear_down('0')
+ receiver.wait_for_session_event(5)
+ except Exception, e:
+ if e.args[0].startswith("No FST-EVENT-SESSION received"):
+ if frame_type != frame_type_session_request:
+ frame_receive_timeout = True
+ else:
+ logger.info(e)
+ exception_already_raised = True
+ raise
+ finally:
+ fst_module_aux.disconnect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ if not exception_already_raised:
+ if frame_receive_timeout:
+ logger.info("Success. Frame was ignored (%s)" % frame_type_names[frame_type])
+ else:
+ if frame_type == frame_type_session_request:
+ logger.info("Success. Frame received, session created")
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Failure. Frame was not ignored (%s)" % frame_type_names[frame_type])
+ else:
+ print "Failure. Unexpected exception"
+#enum - bad session transfer scenarios
+bad_scenario_none = 0
+bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_set_up = 1
+bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_init_side = 2
+bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_resp_side = 3
+bad_scenario_ack_req_bad_fsts_id = 4
+bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_set_up = 5
+bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_init_side = 6
+bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_resp_side = 7
+bad_scenario_ack_resp_no_ack_req = 8
+bad_scenario_ack_resp_bad_fsts_id = 9
+bad_scenario_names = ("None",
+ "Ack request received before the session was set up",
+ "Ack request received on the initiator side before session was established",
+ "Ack request received on the responder side before session was established",
+ "Ack request received with bad fsts_id",
+ "Ack response received before the session was set up",
+ "Ack response received on the initiator side before session was established",
+ "Ack response received on the responder side before session was established",
+ "Ack response received before ack request was sent",
+ "Ack response received with bad fsts_id")
+def fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params, bad_scenario_type, init_on_ap):
+ """This function makes the necessary preparations and then adds and sets a
+ session. It then initiates and it unless instructed otherwise) and attempts
+ to send one of the frames involved in the session transfer protocol,
+ skipping or distorting one of the stages according to the value of
+ bad_scenario_type parameter."""
+ ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+ bad_parameter_detected = False
+ exception_already_raised = False
+ try:
+ fst_module_aux.connect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ # This call makes sure FstHostapd singleton object is created and, as a
+ # result, the global control interface is registered (this is done from
+ # the constructor).
+ ap1.get_global_instance()
+ if init_on_ap:
+ initiator = ap1
+ responder = sta1
+ new_iface = ap2.ifname()
+ new_peer_addr = ap2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+ else:
+ initiator = sta1
+ responder = ap1
+ new_iface = sta2.ifname()
+ new_peer_addr = sta2.get_actual_peer_addr()
+ initiator.add_peer(responder, new_peer_addr = new_peer_addr)
+ sid = initiator.add_session()
+ initiator.configure_session(sid, new_iface)
+ if (bad_scenario_type != bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_set_up and
+ bad_scenario_type != bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_set_up):
+ if (bad_scenario_type != bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_init_side and
+ bad_scenario_type != bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_init_side and
+ bad_scenario_type != bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_resp_side and
+ bad_scenario_type != bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_resp_side):
+ response = "accept"
+ else:
+ response = ''
+ initiator.initiate_session(sid, response)
+ if bad_scenario_type == bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_set_up:
+ #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+ responder.send_test_ack_request('0')
+ initiator.wait_for_session_event(5)
+ # We want to send the unexpected frame to the side that already has
+ # a session created
+ elif bad_scenario_type == bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_set_up:
+ #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+ responder.send_test_ack_response('0')
+ initiator.wait_for_session_event(5)
+ # We want to send the unexpected frame to the side that already has
+ # a session created
+ elif bad_scenario_type == bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_init_side:
+ #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+ initiator.send_test_ack_request('0')
+ responder.wait_for_session_event(5, ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+ elif bad_scenario_type == bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_resp_side:
+ #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+ responder.send_test_ack_request('0')
+ initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+ elif bad_scenario_type == bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_init_side:
+ #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+ initiator.send_test_ack_response('0')
+ responder.wait_for_session_event(5, ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+ elif bad_scenario_type == bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_resp_side:
+ #fsts_id doesn't matter, no actual session exists
+ responder.send_test_ack_response('0')
+ initiator.wait_for_session_event(5, ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+ elif bad_scenario_type == bad_scenario_ack_req_bad_fsts_id:
+ initiator.send_test_ack_request('-1')
+ responder.wait_for_session_event(5, ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+ elif bad_scenario_type == bad_scenario_ack_resp_bad_fsts_id:
+ initiator.send_test_ack_response('-1')
+ responder.wait_for_session_event(5, ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+ elif bad_scenario_type == bad_scenario_ack_resp_no_ack_req:
+ actual_fsts_id = initiator.get_fsts_id_by_sid(sid)
+ initiator.send_test_ack_response(str(actual_fsts_id))
+ responder.wait_for_session_event(5, ["EVENT_FST_SESSION_STATE"])
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Unknown bad scenario identifier")
+ except Exception, e:
+ if e.args[0].startswith("No FST-EVENT-SESSION received"):
+ bad_parameter_detected = True
+ if not bad_parameter_detected:
+ # The exception was unexpected
+ logger.info(e)
+ exception_already_raised = True
+ raise
+ finally:
+ fst_module_aux.disconnect_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+ if not exception_already_raised:
+ if bad_parameter_detected:
+ logger.info("Success. Bad scenario was handled correctly (%s)" % bad_scenario_names[bad_scenario_type])
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Failure. Bad scenario was handled incorrectly (%s)" % bad_scenario_names[bad_scenario_type])
+ else:
+ print "Failure. Unexpected exception"
+def test_fst_sta_connect_to_non_fst_ap(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA connecting to non-FST AP"""
+ ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+ with HWSimRadio() as (radio, iface):
+ non_fst_ap = hostapd.add_ap(iface, { "ssid": "non_fst_11g" })
+ try:
+ orig_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+ orig_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+ vals = sta2.scan()
+ freq = vals['freq']
+ sta2.connect_to_external_ap(non_fst_ap, ssid="non_fst_11g",
+ key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=freq)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ res_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+ res_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+ if (orig_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ orig_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ not res_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ not res_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL")):
+ raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs have not been removed on the stations")
+ except Exception, e:
+ logger.info(e)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+ fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_sta_connect_to_fst_ap(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA connecting to FST AP"""
+ ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+ try:
+ orig_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+ vals = sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ sta1.connect(ap1, key_mgmt="NONE",
+ scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ res_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+ if res_sta2_mbies == orig_sta2_mbies:
+ raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs have not been updated")
+ except Exception, e:
+ logger.info(e)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ sta1.disconnect()
+ fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_ap_connect_to_fst_sta(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP connecting to FST STA"""
+ ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+ try:
+ orig_ap_mbies = ap1.get_local_mbies()
+ vals = sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ sta1.connect(ap1, key_mgmt="NONE",
+ scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ res_ap_mbies = ap1.get_local_mbies()
+ if res_ap_mbies != orig_ap_mbies:
+ raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs have been unexpectedly updated on the AP")
+ except Exception, e:
+ logger.info(e)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ sta1.disconnect()
+ fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_ap_connect_to_non_fst_sta(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP connecting to non-FST STA"""
+ ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+ try:
+ orig_ap_mbies = ap2.get_local_mbies()
+ vals = dev[0].scan(None, fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_g)
+ fst_module_aux.external_sta_connect(dev[0], ap2, key_mgmt="NONE",
+ scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_g)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ res_ap_mbies = ap2.get_local_mbies()
+ if res_ap_mbies != orig_ap_mbies:
+ raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs have been unexpectedly updated on the AP")
+ except Exception, e:
+ logger.info(e)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ fst_module_aux.disconnect_external_sta(dev[0], ap2)
+ fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_second_sta_connect_to_non_fst_ap(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA 2nd connecting to non-FST AP"""
+ fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+ with HWSimRadio() as (radio, iface):
+ non_fst_ap = hostapd.add_ap(iface, { "ssid": "non_fst_11g" })
+ try:
+ vals = sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ sta1.connect(fst_ap1, key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ orig_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+ orig_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+ vals = sta2.scan()
+ freq = vals['freq']
+ sta2.connect_to_external_ap(non_fst_ap, ssid="non_fst_11g", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=freq)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ res_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+ res_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+ if (orig_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ orig_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ not res_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ not res_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL")):
+ raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs have not been removed on the stations")
+ except Exception, e:
+ logger.info(e)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ sta1.disconnect()
+ sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+ fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_second_sta_connect_to_fst_ap(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA 2nd connecting to FST AP"""
+ fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+ with HWSimRadio() as (radio, iface):
+ non_fst_ap = hostapd.add_ap(iface, { "ssid": "non_fst_11g" })
+ try:
+ vals = sta2.scan()
+ freq = vals['freq']
+ sta2.connect_to_external_ap(non_fst_ap, ssid="non_fst_11g", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=freq)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ orig_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+ orig_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+ vals = sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ sta1.connect(fst_ap1, key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ res_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+ res_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+ if (not orig_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ not orig_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ not res_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ not res_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL")):
+ raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs should have stayed non-present on the stations")
+ except Exception, e:
+ logger.info(e)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ sta1.disconnect()
+ sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+ fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_disconnect_1_of_2_stas_from_non_fst_ap(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST disconnect 1 of 2 STAs from non-FST AP"""
+ fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+ with HWSimRadio() as (radio, iface):
+ non_fst_ap = hostapd.add_ap(iface, { "ssid": "non_fst_11g" })
+ try:
+ vals = sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ sta1.connect(fst_ap1, key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ vals = sta2.scan()
+ freq = vals['freq']
+ sta2.connect_to_external_ap(non_fst_ap, ssid="non_fst_11g", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=freq)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ orig_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+ orig_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+ sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+ time.sleep(2)
+ res_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+ res_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+ if (not orig_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ not orig_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ res_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ res_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL")):
+ raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs haven't reappeared on the stations")
+ except Exception, e:
+ logger.info(e)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ sta1.disconnect()
+ sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+ fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_disconnect_1_of_2_stas_from_fst_ap(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST disconnect 1 of 2 STAs from FST AP"""
+ fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+ with HWSimRadio() as (radio, iface):
+ non_fst_ap = hostapd.add_ap(iface, { "ssid": "non_fst_11g" })
+ try:
+ vals = sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ sta1.connect(fst_ap1, key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ vals = sta2.scan()
+ freq = vals['freq']
+ sta2.connect_to_external_ap(non_fst_ap, ssid="non_fst_11g", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=freq)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ orig_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+ orig_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+ sta1.disconnect()
+ time.sleep(2)
+ res_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+ res_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+ if (not orig_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ not orig_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ not res_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ not res_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL")):
+ raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs should have stayed non-present on the stations")
+ except Exception, e:
+ logger.info(e)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ sta1.disconnect()
+ sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+ fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_disconnect_2_of_2_stas_from_non_fst_ap(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST disconnect 2 of 2 STAs from non-FST AP"""
+ fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+ with HWSimRadio() as (radio, iface):
+ non_fst_ap = hostapd.add_ap(iface, { "ssid": "non_fst_11g" })
+ try:
+ vals = sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ sta1.connect(fst_ap1, key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ vals = sta2.scan()
+ freq = vals['freq']
+ sta2.connect_to_external_ap(non_fst_ap, ssid="non_fst_11g", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=freq)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ sta1.disconnect()
+ time.sleep(2)
+ orig_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+ orig_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+ sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+ time.sleep(2)
+ res_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+ res_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+ if (not orig_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ not orig_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ res_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ res_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL")):
+ raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs haven't reappeared on the stations")
+ except Exception, e:
+ logger.info(e)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ sta1.disconnect()
+ sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+ fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_disconnect_2_of_2_stas_from_fst_ap(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST disconnect 2 of 2 STAs from FST AP"""
+ fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+ with HWSimRadio() as (radio, iface):
+ non_fst_ap = hostapd.add_ap(iface, { "ssid": "non_fst_11g"})
+ try:
+ vals = sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ sta1.connect(fst_ap1, key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ vals = sta2.scan()
+ freq = vals['freq']
+ sta2.connect_to_external_ap(non_fst_ap, ssid="non_fst_11g", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=freq)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+ time.sleep(2)
+ orig_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+ orig_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+ sta1.disconnect()
+ time.sleep(2)
+ res_sta1_mbies = sta1.get_local_mbies()
+ res_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+ if (orig_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ orig_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ res_sta1_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ res_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL")):
+ raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs should have stayed present on both stations")
+ # Mandatory part of Multi-band element is 24 bytes = 48 hex chars
+ basic_sta1_mbies = res_sta1_mbies[0:48] + res_sta1_mbies[60:108]
+ basic_sta2_mbies = res_sta2_mbies[0:48] + res_sta2_mbies[60:108]
+ if (basic_sta1_mbies != basic_sta2_mbies):
+ raise Exception("Failure. Basic MB IEs should have become identical on both stations")
+ addr_sta1_str = sta1.get_own_mac_address().replace(":", "")
+ addr_sta2_str = sta2.get_own_mac_address().replace(":", "")
+ # Mandatory part of Multi-band element is followed by STA MAC Address field (6 bytes = 12 hex chars)
+ addr_sta1_mbie1 = res_sta1_mbies[48:60]
+ addr_sta1_mbie2 = res_sta1_mbies[108:120]
+ addr_sta2_mbie1 = res_sta2_mbies[48:60]
+ addr_sta2_mbie2 = res_sta2_mbies[108:120]
+ if (addr_sta1_mbie1 != addr_sta1_mbie2 or
+ addr_sta1_mbie1 != addr_sta2_str or
+ addr_sta2_mbie1 != addr_sta2_mbie2 or
+ addr_sta2_mbie1 != addr_sta1_str):
+ raise Exception("Failure. STA Address in MB IEs should have been same as the other STA's")
+ except Exception, e:
+ logger.info(e)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ sta1.disconnect()
+ sta2.disconnect_from_external_ap()
+ fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(fst_ap1, fst_ap2, sta1, sta2)
+def test_fst_disconnect_non_fst_sta(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST disconnect non-FST STA"""
+ ap1, ap2, fst_sta1, fst_sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+ external_sta_connected = False
+ try:
+ vals = fst_sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ fst_sta1.connect(ap1, key_mgmt="NONE",
+ scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ vals = dev[0].scan(None, fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_g)
+ fst_module_aux.external_sta_connect(dev[0], ap2, key_mgmt="NONE",
+ scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_g)
+ external_sta_connected = True
+ time.sleep(2)
+ fst_sta1.disconnect()
+ time.sleep(2)
+ orig_ap_mbies = ap2.get_local_mbies()
+ fst_module_aux.disconnect_external_sta(dev[0], ap2)
+ external_sta_connected = False
+ time.sleep(2)
+ res_ap_mbies = ap2.get_local_mbies()
+ if res_ap_mbies != orig_ap_mbies:
+ raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs have been unexpectedly updated on the AP")
+ except Exception, e:
+ logger.info(e)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ fst_sta1.disconnect()
+ if external_sta_connected:
+ fst_module_aux.disconnect_external_sta(dev[0], ap2)
+ fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, fst_sta1, fst_sta2)
+def test_fst_disconnect_fst_sta(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST disconnect FST STA"""
+ ap1, ap2, fst_sta1, fst_sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
+ external_sta_connected = False;
+ try:
+ vals = fst_sta1.scan(freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ fst_sta1.connect(ap1, key_mgmt="NONE",
+ scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_a)
+ vals = dev[0].scan(None, fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_g)
+ fst_module_aux.external_sta_connect(dev[0], ap2, key_mgmt="NONE",
+ scan_freq=fst_test_common.fst_test_def_freq_g)
+ external_sta_connected = True
+ time.sleep(2)
+ fst_module_aux.disconnect_external_sta(dev[0], ap2)
+ external_sta_connected = False
+ time.sleep(2)
+ orig_ap_mbies = ap2.get_local_mbies()
+ fst_sta1.disconnect()
+ time.sleep(2)
+ res_ap_mbies = ap2.get_local_mbies()
+ if res_ap_mbies != orig_ap_mbies:
+ raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs have been unexpectedly updated on the AP")
+ except Exception, e:
+ logger.info(e)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ fst_sta1.disconnect()
+ if external_sta_connected:
+ fst_module_aux.disconnect_external_sta(dev[0], ap2)
+ fst_module_aux.stop_two_ap_sta_pairs(ap1, ap2, fst_sta1, fst_sta2)
+def test_fst_dynamic_iface_attach(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST dynamic interface attach"""
+ ap1 = fst_module_aux.FstAP(apdev[0]['ifname'], 'fst_11a', 'a',
+ fst_test_common.fst_test_def_chan_a,
+ fst_test_common.fst_test_def_group,
+ fst_test_common.fst_test_def_prio_low,
+ fst_test_common.fst_test_def_llt)
+ ap1.start()
+ ap2 = fst_module_aux.FstAP(apdev[1]['ifname'], 'fst_11g', 'b',
+ fst_test_common.fst_test_def_chan_g,
+ '', '', '')
+ ap2.start()
+ sta1 = fst_module_aux.FstSTA('wlan5',
+ fst_module_aux.fst_test_common.fst_test_def_group,
+ fst_test_common.fst_test_def_prio_low,
+ fst_test_common.fst_test_def_llt)
+ sta1.start()
+ sta2 = fst_module_aux.FstSTA('wlan6', '', '', '')
+ sta2.start()
+ try:
+ orig_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+ orig_ap2_mbies = ap2.get_local_mbies()
+ sta2.send_iface_attach_request(sta2.ifname(),
+ fst_module_aux.fst_test_common.fst_test_def_group,
+ '52', '27')
+ event = sta2.wait_for_iface_event(5)
+ if event['event_type'] != 'attached':
+ raise Exception("Failure. Iface was not properly attached")
+ ap2.send_iface_attach_request(ap2.ifname(),
+ fst_module_aux.fst_test_common.fst_test_def_group,
+ '102', '77')
+ event = ap2.wait_for_iface_event(5)
+ if event['event_type'] != 'attached':
+ raise Exception("Failure. Iface was not properly attached")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ res_sta2_mbies = sta2.get_local_mbies()
+ res_ap2_mbies = ap2.get_local_mbies()
+ sta2.send_iface_detach_request(sta2.ifname())
+ event = sta2.wait_for_iface_event(5)
+ if event['event_type'] != 'detached':
+ raise Exception("Failure. Iface was not properly detached")
+ ap2.send_iface_detach_request(ap2.ifname())
+ event = ap2.wait_for_iface_event(5)
+ if event['event_type'] != 'detached':
+ raise Exception("Failure. Iface was not properly detached")
+ if (not orig_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ not orig_ap2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ res_sta2_mbies.startswith("FAIL") or
+ res_ap2_mbies.startswith("FAIL")):
+ raise Exception("Failure. MB IEs should have appeared on the station and on the AP")
+ except Exception, e:
+ logger.info(e)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ ap1.stop()
+ ap2.stop()
+ sta1.stop()
+ sta2.stop()
+# AP side FST module tests
+def test_fst_ap_start_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP start session"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_none, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_no_add_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP start session - no add params"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_session_add_no_params, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_bad_group_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP start session - bad group id"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_group_id, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_no_set_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP start session - no set params"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_session_set_no_params, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_set_unknown_param(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP start session - set unknown param"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_session_set_unknown_param,
+ True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_bad_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP start session - bad session id"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_session_id, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_bad_new_iface(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP start session - bad new iface"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_new_iface, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_bad_old_iface(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP start session - bad old iface"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_old_iface, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_negative_llt(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP start session - negative llt"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_negative_llt, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_zero_llt(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP start session - zero llt"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_zero_llt, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_llt_too_big(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP start session - llt too large"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_llt_too_big, True)
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_invalid_peer_addr(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP start session - invalid peer address"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_peer_addr, True,
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_multicast_peer_addr(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP start session - multicast peer address"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_peer_addr, True,
+ '01:00:11:22:33:44')
+def test_fst_ap_start_session_broadcast_peer_addr(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP start session - broadcast peer address"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_peer_addr, True,
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP initiate session"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_none, True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_no_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP initiate session - no params"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_initiate_no_params, True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_invalid_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP initiate session - invalid session id"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_initiate_bad_session_id, True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_no_new_iface(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP initiate session - no new iface"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_initiate_with_no_new_iface_set, True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_bad_peer_addr(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP initiate session - bad peer address"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_initiate_with_bad_peer_addr_set,
+ True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_request_with_bad_stie(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP initiate session - request with bad stie"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_initiate_request_with_bad_stie, True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_response_with_reject(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP initiate session - response with reject"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_reject, True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_response_with_bad_stie(dev, apdev,
+ test_params):
+ """FST AP initiate session - response with bad stie"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_bad_stie,
+ True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_response_with_zero_llt(dev, apdev,
+ test_params):
+ """FST AP initiate session - zero llt"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_zero_llt,
+ True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_stt_no_response(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP initiate session - stt no response"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_initiate_stt_no_response, True)
+def test_fst_ap_initiate_session_concurrent_setup_request(dev, apdev,
+ test_params):
+ """FST AP initiate session - concurrent setup request"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_initiate_concurrent_setup_request,
+ True)
+def test_fst_ap_session_request_with_no_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP session request with no session"""
+ fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_session_request,
+ True)
+def test_fst_ap_session_response_accept_with_no_session(dev, apdev,
+ test_params):
+ """FST AP session response accept with no session"""
+ fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_session_response,
+ True, "accept")
+def test_fst_ap_session_response_reject_with_no_session(dev, apdev,
+ test_params):
+ """FST AP session response reject with no session"""
+ fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_session_response,
+ True, "reject")
+def test_fst_ap_ack_request_with_no_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP ack request with no session"""
+ fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_ack_request, True)
+def test_fst_ap_ack_response_with_no_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP ack response with no session"""
+ fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_ack_response, True)
+def test_fst_ap_tear_down_response_with_no_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP tear down response with no session"""
+ fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_tear_down, True)
+def test_fst_ap_transfer_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP transfer session"""
+ fst_transfer_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_none, True)
+def test_fst_ap_transfer_session_no_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP transfer session - no params"""
+ fst_transfer_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_transfer_no_params, True)
+def test_fst_ap_transfer_session_bad_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP transfer session - bad session id"""
+ fst_transfer_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_transfer_bad_session_id, True)
+def test_fst_ap_transfer_session_setup_skipped(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP transfer session - setup skipped"""
+ fst_transfer_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_transfer_setup_skipped, True)
+def test_fst_ap_ack_request_with_session_not_set_up(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP ack request with session not set up"""
+ fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_set_up, True)
+def test_fst_ap_ack_request_with_session_not_established_init_side(dev, apdev,
+ test_params):
+ """FST AP ack request with session not established init side"""
+ fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_init_side,
+ True)
+def test_fst_ap_ack_request_with_session_not_established_resp_side(dev, apdev,
+ test_params):
+ """FST AP ack request with session not established resp side"""
+ fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_resp_side,
+ True)
+def test_fst_ap_ack_request_with_bad_fsts_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP ack request with bad fsts id"""
+ fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params, bad_scenario_ack_req_bad_fsts_id, True)
+def test_fst_ap_ack_response_with_session_not_set_up(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP ack response with session not set up"""
+ fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_set_up, True)
+def test_fst_ap_ack_response_with_session_not_established_init_side(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP ack response with session not established init side"""
+ fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_init_side,
+ True)
+def test_fst_ap_ack_response_with_session_not_established_resp_side(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP ack response with session not established resp side"""
+ fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_resp_side,
+ True)
+def test_fst_ap_ack_response_with_no_ack_request(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP ack response with no ack request"""
+ fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params, bad_scenario_ack_resp_no_ack_req, True)
+def test_fst_ap_tear_down_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP tear down session"""
+ fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_none, True)
+def test_fst_ap_tear_down_session_no_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP tear down session - no params"""
+ fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_teardown_no_params, True)
+def test_fst_ap_tear_down_session_bad_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP tear down session - bad session id"""
+ fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_teardown_bad_session_id, True)
+def test_fst_ap_tear_down_session_setup_skipped(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP tear down session - setup skipped"""
+ fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_teardown_setup_skipped, True)
+def test_fst_ap_tear_down_session_bad_fsts_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP tear down session - bad fsts id"""
+ fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_teardown_bad_fsts_id, True)
+def test_fst_ap_remove_session_not_established(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP remove session - not established"""
+ fst_remove_session(apdev, test_params,
+ remove_scenario_non_established_session, True)
+def test_fst_ap_remove_session_established(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP remove session - established"""
+ fst_remove_session(apdev, test_params,
+ remove_scenario_established_session, True)
+def test_fst_ap_remove_session_no_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP remove session - no params"""
+ fst_remove_session(apdev, test_params, remove_scenario_no_params, True)
+def test_fst_ap_remove_session_bad_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST AP remove session - bad session id"""
+ fst_remove_session(apdev, test_params, remove_scenario_bad_session_id, True)
+# STA side FST module tests
+def test_fst_sta_start_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA start session"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_none, False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_no_add_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA start session - no add params"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_session_add_no_params,
+ False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_bad_group_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA start session - bad group id"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_group_id, False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_no_set_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA start session - no set params"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_session_set_no_params,
+ False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_set_unknown_param(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA start session - set unknown param"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_session_set_unknown_param,
+ False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_bad_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA start session - bad session id"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_session_id, False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_bad_new_iface(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA start session - bad new iface"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_new_iface, False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_bad_old_iface(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA start session - bad old iface"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_old_iface, False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_negative_llt(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA start session - negative llt"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_negative_llt, False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_zero_llt(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA start session - zero llt"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_zero_llt, False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_llt_too_big(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA start session - llt too large"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_llt_too_big, False)
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_invalid_peer_addr(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA start session - invalid peer address"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_peer_addr, False,
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_multicast_peer_addr(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA start session - multicast peer address"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_peer_addr, False,
+ '11:00:11:22:33:44')
+def test_fst_sta_start_session_broadcast_peer_addr(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA start session - broadcast peer addr"""
+ fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_peer_addr, False,
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA initiate session"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_none, False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_no_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA initiate session - no params"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_initiate_no_params, False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_invalid_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA initiate session - invalid session id"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_initiate_bad_session_id, False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_no_new_iface(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA initiate session - no new iface"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_initiate_with_no_new_iface_set,
+ False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_bad_peer_addr(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA initiate session - bad peer address"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_initiate_with_bad_peer_addr_set,
+ False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_request_with_bad_stie(dev, apdev,
+ test_params):
+ """FST STA initiate session - request with bad stie"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_initiate_request_with_bad_stie,
+ False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_response_with_reject(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA initiate session - response with reject"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_reject, False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_response_with_bad_stie(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA initiate session - response with bad stie"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_bad_stie,
+ False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_response_with_zero_llt(dev, apdev,
+ test_params):
+ """FST STA initiate session - response with zero llt"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_initiate_response_with_zero_llt,
+ False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_stt_no_response(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA initiate session - stt no response"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_initiate_stt_no_response, False)
+def test_fst_sta_initiate_session_concurrent_setup_request(dev, apdev,
+ test_params):
+ """FST STA initiate session - concurrent setup request"""
+ fst_initiate_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_initiate_concurrent_setup_request,
+ False)
+def test_fst_sta_session_request_with_no_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA session request with no session"""
+ fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_session_request,
+ False)
+def test_fst_sta_session_response_accept_with_no_session(dev, apdev,
+ test_params):
+ """FST STA session response accept with no session"""
+ fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_session_response,
+ False, "accept")
+def test_fst_sta_session_response_reject_with_no_session(dev, apdev,
+ test_params):
+ """FST STA session response reject with no session"""
+ fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_session_response,
+ False, "reject")
+def test_fst_sta_ack_request_with_no_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA ack request with no session"""
+ fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_ack_request, False)
+def test_fst_sta_ack_response_with_no_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA ack response with no session"""
+ fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_ack_response,
+ False)
+def test_fst_sta_tear_down_response_with_no_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA tear down response with no session"""
+ fst_send_unexpected_frame(apdev, test_params, frame_type_tear_down, False)
+def test_fst_sta_transfer_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA transfer session"""
+ fst_transfer_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_none, False)
+def test_fst_sta_transfer_session_no_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA transfer session - no params"""
+ fst_transfer_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_transfer_no_params, False)
+def test_fst_sta_transfer_session_bad_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA transfer session - bad session id"""
+ fst_transfer_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_transfer_bad_session_id, False)
+def test_fst_sta_transfer_session_setup_skipped(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA transfer session - setup skipped"""
+ fst_transfer_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_transfer_setup_skipped, False)
+def test_fst_sta_ack_request_with_session_not_set_up(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA ack request with session not set up"""
+ fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_set_up, False)
+def test_fst_sta_ack_request_with_session_not_established_init_side(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA ack request with session not established init side"""
+ fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_init_side,
+ False)
+def test_fst_sta_ack_request_with_session_not_established_resp_side(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA ack request with session not established resp side"""
+ fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_scenario_ack_req_session_not_established_resp_side,
+ False)
+def test_fst_sta_ack_request_with_bad_fsts_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA ack request with bad fsts id"""
+ fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params, bad_scenario_ack_req_bad_fsts_id,
+ False)
+def test_fst_sta_ack_response_with_session_not_set_up(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA ack response with session not set up"""
+ fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_set_up, False)
+def test_fst_sta_ack_response_with_session_not_established_init_side(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA ack response with session not established init side"""
+ fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_init_side,
+ False)
+def test_fst_sta_ack_response_with_session_not_established_resp_side(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA ack response with session not established resp side"""
+ fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_established_resp_side,
+ False)
+def test_fst_sta_ack_response_with_no_ack_request(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA ack response with no ack request"""
+ fst_bad_transfer(apdev, test_params, bad_scenario_ack_resp_no_ack_req,
+ False)
+def test_fst_sta_tear_down_session(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA tear down session"""
+ fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_none, False)
+def test_fst_sta_tear_down_session_no_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA tear down session - no params"""
+ fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_teardown_no_params, False)
+def test_fst_sta_tear_down_session_bad_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA tear down session - bad session id"""
+ fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_teardown_bad_session_id, False)
+def test_fst_sta_tear_down_session_setup_skipped(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA tear down session - setup skipped"""
+ fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_teardown_setup_skipped, False)
+def test_fst_sta_tear_down_session_bad_fsts_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA tear down session - bad fsts id"""
+ fst_tear_down_session(apdev, test_params,
+ bad_param_session_teardown_bad_fsts_id, False)
+def test_fst_sta_remove_session_not_established(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA tear down session - not established"""
+ fst_remove_session(apdev, test_params,
+ remove_scenario_non_established_session, False)
+def test_fst_sta_remove_session_established(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA remove session - established"""
+ fst_remove_session(apdev, test_params,
+ remove_scenario_established_session, False)
+def test_fst_sta_remove_session_no_params(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA remove session - no params"""
+ fst_remove_session(apdev, test_params, remove_scenario_no_params, False)
+def test_fst_sta_remove_session_bad_session_id(dev, apdev, test_params):
+ """FST STA remove session - bad session id"""
+ fst_remove_session(apdev, test_params, remove_scenario_bad_session_id,
+ False)