@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# P2P persistent group test cases
+# Copyright (c) 2013, Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi>
+# This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
+# See README for more details.
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+import hwsim_utils
+def go_neg_pin_authorized_persistent(i_dev, r_dev, i_intent=None, r_intent=None, i_method='enter', r_method='display'):
+ r_dev.p2p_listen()
+ i_dev.p2p_listen()
+ pin = r_dev.wps_read_pin()
+ logger.info("Start GO negotiation " + i_dev.ifname + " -> " + r_dev.ifname)
+ r_dev.p2p_go_neg_auth(i_dev.p2p_dev_addr(), pin, r_method,
+ go_intent=r_intent, persistent=True)
+ i_res = i_dev.p2p_go_neg_init(r_dev.p2p_dev_addr(), pin, i_method,
+ timeout=20, go_intent=i_intent,
+ persistent=True)
+ r_res = r_dev.p2p_go_neg_auth_result()
+ logger.debug("i_res: " + str(i_res))
+ logger.debug("r_res: " + str(r_res))
+ r_dev.dump_monitor()
+ i_dev.dump_monitor()
+ logger.info("Group formed")
+ hwsim_utils.test_connectivity_p2p(r_dev, i_dev)
+ return [i_res, r_res]
+def test_persistent_group(dev):
+ """P2P persistent group formation and re-invocation"""
+ addr0 = dev[0].p2p_dev_addr()
+ addr1 = dev[1].p2p_dev_addr()
+ logger.info("Form a persistent group")
+ [i_res, r_res] = go_neg_pin_authorized_persistent(i_dev=dev[0], i_intent=15,
+ r_dev=dev[1], r_intent=0)
+ if not i_res['persistent'] or not r_res['persistent']:
+ raise Exception("Formed group was not persistent")
+ logger.info("Terminate persistent group")
+ dev[0].remove_group()
+ ev = dev[1].wait_event(["P2P-GROUP-REMOVED"], timeout=3)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Group removal event timed out")
+ if "reason=GO_ENDING_SESSION" not in ev:
+ raise Exception("Unexpected group removal reason")
+ logger.info("Re-invoke persistent group from client")
+ dev[0].request("SET persistent_reconnect 1")
+ dev[0].p2p_listen()
+ if not dev[1].discover_peer(addr0, social=True):
+ raise Exception("Peer " + peer + " not found")
+ dev[1].dump_monitor()
+ peer = dev[1].get_peer(addr0)
+ dev[1].global_request("P2P_INVITE persistent=" + peer['persistent'] + " peer=" + addr0)
+ ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-GROUP-STARTED"], timeout=30)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Timeout on group re-invocation (on GO)")
+ go_res = dev[0].group_form_result(ev)
+ if go_res['role'] != 'GO':
+ raise Exception("Persistent group GO did not become GO")
+ if not go_res['persistent']:
+ raise Exception("Persistent group not re-invoked as persistent (GO)")
+ ev = dev[1].wait_global_event(["P2P-GROUP-STARTED"], timeout=30)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Timeout on group re-invocation (on client)")
+ cli_res = dev[1].group_form_result(ev)
+ if cli_res['role'] != 'client':
+ raise Exception("Persistent group client did not become client")
+ if not cli_res['persistent']:
+ raise Exception("Persistent group not re-invoked as persistent (cli)")
+ hwsim_utils.test_connectivity_p2p(dev[0], dev[1])
+ logger.info("Terminate persistent group")
+ dev[0].remove_group()
+ ev = dev[1].wait_event(["P2P-GROUP-REMOVED"], timeout=3)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Group removal event timed out")
+ if "reason=GO_ENDING_SESSION" not in ev:
+ raise Exception("Unexpected group removal reason")
+ logger.info("Re-invoke persistent group from GO")
+ dev[1].request("SET persistent_reconnect 1")
+ dev[1].p2p_listen()
+ if not dev[0].discover_peer(addr1, social=True):
+ raise Exception("Peer " + peer + " not found")
+ dev[0].dump_monitor()
+ peer = dev[0].get_peer(addr1)
+ dev[0].global_request("P2P_INVITE persistent=" + peer['persistent'] + " peer=" + addr1)
+ ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-GROUP-STARTED"], timeout=30)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Timeout on group re-invocation (on GO)")
+ go_res = dev[0].group_form_result(ev)
+ if go_res['role'] != 'GO':
+ raise Exception("Persistent group GO did not become GO")
+ if not go_res['persistent']:
+ raise Exception("Persistent group not re-invoked as persistent (GO)")
+ ev = dev[1].wait_global_event(["P2P-GROUP-STARTED"], timeout=30)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Timeout on group re-invocation (on client)")
+ cli_res = dev[1].group_form_result(ev)
+ if cli_res['role'] != 'client':
+ raise Exception("Persistent group client did not become client")
+ if not cli_res['persistent']:
+ raise Exception("Persistent group not re-invoked as persistent (cli)")
+ hwsim_utils.test_connectivity_p2p(dev[0], dev[1])
+ logger.info("Terminate persistent group")
+ dev[0].remove_group()
+ ev = dev[1].wait_event(["P2P-GROUP-REMOVED"], timeout=3)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Group removal event timed out")
+ if "reason=GO_ENDING_SESSION" not in ev:
+ raise Exception("Unexpected group removal reason")
+def test_persistent_group_per_sta_psk(dev):
+ """P2P persistent group formation and re-invocation using per-client PSK"""
+ addr0 = dev[0].p2p_dev_addr()
+ addr1 = dev[1].p2p_dev_addr()
+ addr2 = dev[2].p2p_dev_addr()
+ dev[0].request("P2P_SET per_sta_psk 1")
+ logger.info("Form a persistent group")
+ [i_res, r_res] = go_neg_pin_authorized_persistent(i_dev=dev[0], i_intent=15,
+ r_dev=dev[1], r_intent=0)
+ if not i_res['persistent'] or not r_res['persistent']:
+ raise Exception("Formed group was not persistent")
+ logger.info("Join another client to the group")
+ pin = dev[2].wps_read_pin()
+ dev[0].p2p_go_authorize_client(pin)
+ c_res = dev[2].p2p_connect_group(addr0, pin, timeout=60)
+ if not c_res['persistent']:
+ raise Exception("Joining client did not recognize persistent group")
+ if r_res['psk'] == c_res['psk']:
+ raise Exception("Same PSK assigned for both clients")
+ hwsim_utils.test_connectivity_p2p_sta(dev[1], dev[2])
+ logger.info("Leave persistent group and rejoin it")
+ dev[2].remove_group()
+ ev = dev[2].wait_event(["P2P-GROUP-REMOVED"], timeout=3)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Group removal event timed out")
+ if not dev[2].discover_peer(addr0, social=True):
+ raise Exception("Peer " + peer + " not found")
+ dev[2].dump_monitor()
+ peer = dev[2].get_peer(addr0)
+ dev[2].global_request("P2P_GROUP_ADD persistent=" + peer['persistent'])
+ ev = dev[2].wait_global_event(["P2P-GROUP-STARTED"], timeout=30)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Timeout on group restart (on client)")
+ cli_res = dev[2].group_form_result(ev)
+ if not cli_res['persistent']:
+ raise Exception("Persistent group not restarted as persistent (cli)")
+ hwsim_utils.test_connectivity_p2p(dev[1], dev[2])
+ logger.info("Remove one of the clients from the group")
+ dev[0].global_request("P2P_REMOVE_CLIENT " + addr2)
+ ev = dev[2].wait_event(["P2P-GROUP-REMOVED"], timeout=3)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Group removal event timed out")
+ if "reason=GO_ENDING_SESSION" not in ev:
+ raise Exception("Unexpected group removal reason")
+ logger.info("Try to reconnect after having been removed from group")
+ if not dev[2].discover_peer(addr0, social=True):
+ raise Exception("Peer " + peer + " not found")
+ dev[2].dump_monitor()
+ peer = dev[2].get_peer(addr0)
+ dev[2].global_request("P2P_GROUP_ADD persistent=" + peer['persistent'])
+ ev = dev[2].wait_global_event(["P2P-GROUP-STARTED","WPA: 4-Way Handshake failed"], timeout=30)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Timeout on group restart (on client)")
+ if "P2P-GROUP-STARTED" in ev:
+ raise Exception("Client managed to connect after being removed")
+ logger.info("Remove the remaining client from the group")
+ dev[0].global_request("P2P_REMOVE_CLIENT " + addr1)
+ ev = dev[1].wait_event(["P2P-GROUP-REMOVED"], timeout=3)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Group removal event timed out")
+ if "reason=GO_ENDING_SESSION" not in ev:
+ raise Exception("Unexpected group removal reason")
+ logger.info("Terminate persistent group")
+ dev[0].remove_group()
+ dev[0].dump_monitor()
+ logger.info("Try to re-invoke persistent group from client")
+ dev[0].request("SET persistent_reconnect 1")
+ dev[0].p2p_listen()
+ if not dev[1].discover_peer(addr0, social=True):
+ raise Exception("Peer " + peer + " not found")
+ dev[1].dump_monitor()
+ peer = dev[1].get_peer(addr0)
+ dev[1].global_request("P2P_INVITE persistent=" + peer['persistent'] + " peer=" + addr0)
+ ev = dev[1].wait_global_event(["P2P-GROUP-STARTED","WPA: 4-Way Handshake failed"], timeout=30)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Timeout on group restart (on client)")
+ if "P2P-GROUP-STARTED" in ev:
+ raise Exception("Client managed to re-invoke after being removed")
+ dev[0].dump_monitor()
+ logger.info("Terminate persistent group")
+ dev[0].remove_group()
+ dev[0].dump_monitor()