@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+# Test cases for FILS
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.
+# This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
+# See README for more details.
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger()
+import time
+import hostapd
+from wpasupplicant import WpaSupplicant
+import hwsim_utils
+from utils import HwsimSkip
+from test_erp import check_erp_capa, start_erp_as
+def check_fils_capa(dev):
+ capa = dev.get_capability("fils")
+ if capa is None or "FILS" not in capa:
+ raise HwsimSkip("FILS not supported")
+def test_fils_sk_full_auth(dev, apdev):
+ """FILS SK full authentication"""
+ check_fils_capa(dev[0])
+ check_erp_capa(dev[0])
+ start_erp_as(apdev[1])
+ bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']
+ params = hostapd.wpa2_eap_params(ssid="fils")
+ params['wpa_key_mgmt'] = "FILS-SHA256"
+ params['auth_server_port'] = "18128"
+ params['erp_send_reauth_start'] = '1'
+ params['erp_domain'] = 'example.com'
+ params['wpa_group_rekey'] = '1'
+ hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0]['ifname'], params)
+ dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid, freq=2412)
+ bss = dev[0].get_bss(bssid)
+ logger.debug("BSS: " + str(bss))
+ if "[FILS]" not in bss['flags']:
+ raise Exception("[FILS] flag not indicated")
+ if "[WPA2-FILS-SHA256-CCMP]" not in bss['flags']:
+ raise Exception("[WPA2-FILS-SHA256-CCMP] flag not indicated")
+ res = dev[0].request("SCAN_RESULTS")
+ logger.debug("SCAN_RESULTS: " + res)
+ if "[FILS]" not in res:
+ raise Exception("[FILS] flag not indicated")
+ if "[WPA2-FILS-SHA256-CCMP]" not in res:
+ raise Exception("[WPA2-FILS-SHA256-CCMP] flag not indicated")
+ dev[0].request("ERP_FLUSH")
+ dev[0].connect("fils", key_mgmt="FILS-SHA256",
+ eap="PSK", identity="psk.user@example.com",
+ password_hex="0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
+ erp="1", scan_freq="2412")
+ hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
+ ev = dev[0].wait_event(["WPA: Group rekeying completed"], timeout=2)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("GTK rekey timed out")
+ hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
+def test_fils_sk_sha384_full_auth(dev, apdev):
+ """FILS SK full authentication (SHA384)"""
+ check_fils_capa(dev[0])
+ check_erp_capa(dev[0])
+ start_erp_as(apdev[1])
+ bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']
+ params = hostapd.wpa2_eap_params(ssid="fils")
+ params['wpa_key_mgmt'] = "FILS-SHA384"
+ params['auth_server_port'] = "18128"
+ params['erp_send_reauth_start'] = '1'
+ params['erp_domain'] = 'example.com'
+ params['wpa_group_rekey'] = '1'
+ hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0]['ifname'], params)
+ dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid, freq=2412)
+ bss = dev[0].get_bss(bssid)
+ logger.debug("BSS: " + str(bss))
+ if "[FILS]" not in bss['flags']:
+ raise Exception("[FILS] flag not indicated")
+ if "[WPA2-FILS-SHA384-CCMP]" not in bss['flags']:
+ raise Exception("[WPA2-FILS-SHA384-CCMP] flag not indicated")
+ res = dev[0].request("SCAN_RESULTS")
+ logger.debug("SCAN_RESULTS: " + res)
+ if "[FILS]" not in res:
+ raise Exception("[FILS] flag not indicated")
+ if "[WPA2-FILS-SHA384-CCMP]" not in res:
+ raise Exception("[WPA2-FILS-SHA384-CCMP] flag not indicated")
+ dev[0].request("ERP_FLUSH")
+ dev[0].connect("fils", key_mgmt="FILS-SHA384",
+ eap="PSK", identity="psk.user@example.com",
+ password_hex="0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
+ erp="1", scan_freq="2412")
+ hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
+ ev = dev[0].wait_event(["WPA: Group rekeying completed"], timeout=2)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("GTK rekey timed out")
+ hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
+def test_fils_sk_pmksa_caching(dev, apdev):
+ """FILS SK and PMKSA caching"""
+ check_fils_capa(dev[0])
+ check_erp_capa(dev[0])
+ start_erp_as(apdev[1])
+ bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']
+ params = hostapd.wpa2_eap_params(ssid="fils")
+ params['wpa_key_mgmt'] = "FILS-SHA256"
+ params['auth_server_port'] = "18128"
+ params['erp_domain'] = 'example.com'
+ hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0]['ifname'], params)
+ dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid, freq=2412)
+ dev[0].request("ERP_FLUSH")
+ id = dev[0].connect("fils", key_mgmt="FILS-SHA256",
+ eap="PSK", identity="psk.user@example.com",
+ password_hex="0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
+ erp="1", scan_freq="2412")
+ pmksa = dev[0].get_pmksa(bssid)
+ if pmksa is None:
+ raise Exception("No PMKSA cache entry created")
+ dev[0].request("DISCONNECT")
+ dev[0].wait_disconnected()
+ dev[0].dump_monitor()
+ dev[0].select_network(id, freq=2412)
+ ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-EAP-STARTED",
+ "CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED"], timeout=10)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Connection using PMKSA caching timed out")
+ raise Exception("Unexpected EAP exchange")
+ hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
+ pmksa2 = dev[0].get_pmksa(bssid)
+ if pmksa2 is None:
+ raise Exception("No PMKSA cache entry found")
+ if pmksa['pmkid'] != pmksa2['pmkid']:
+ raise Exception("Unexpected PMKID change")
+ # Verify EAPOL reauthentication after FILS authentication
+ hapd.request("EAPOL_REAUTH " + dev[0].own_addr())
+ ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-EAP-STARTED"], timeout=5)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("EAP authentication did not start")
+ ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-EAP-SUCCESS"], timeout=5)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("EAP authentication did not succeed")
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
+def test_fils_sk_erp(dev, apdev):
+ """FILS SK using ERP"""
+ check_fils_capa(dev[0])
+ check_erp_capa(dev[0])
+ start_erp_as(apdev[1])
+ bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']
+ params = hostapd.wpa2_eap_params(ssid="fils")
+ params['wpa_key_mgmt'] = "FILS-SHA256"
+ params['auth_server_port'] = "18128"
+ params['erp_domain'] = 'example.com'
+ params['disable_pmksa_caching'] = '1'
+ hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0]['ifname'], params)
+ dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid, freq=2412)
+ dev[0].request("ERP_FLUSH")
+ id = dev[0].connect("fils", key_mgmt="FILS-SHA256",
+ eap="PSK", identity="psk.user@example.com",
+ password_hex="0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
+ erp="1", scan_freq="2412")
+ dev[0].request("DISCONNECT")
+ dev[0].wait_disconnected()
+ dev[0].dump_monitor()
+ dev[0].select_network(id, freq=2412)
+ ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-EAP-STARTED",
+ "CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED"], timeout=10)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Connection using FILS/ERP timed out")
+ raise Exception("Unexpected EAP exchange")
+ if "EVENT-ASSOC-REJECT" in ev:
+ raise Exception("Association failed")
+ hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)