@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+# Utils
+# Copyright (c) 2016, Tieto Corporation
+# This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
+# See README for more details.
+import time
+from remotehost import Host
+import hostapd
+import config
+class TestSkip(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, reason):
+ self.reason = reason
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.reason
+# get host based on name
+def get_host(devices, dev_name):
+ dev = config.get_device(devices, dev_name)
+ host = Host(host = dev['hostname'],
+ ifname = dev['ifname'],
+ port = dev['port'],
+ name = dev['name'])
+ host.dev = dev
+ return host
+# run setup_hw - hw specyfic
+def setup_hw(hosts, setup_params):
+ for host in hosts:
+ setup_hw_host(host, setup_params)
+def setup_hw_host(host, setup_params):
+ try:
+ setup_hw = setup_params['setup_hw']
+ restart = ""
+ try:
+ if setup_params['restart_device'] == True:
+ restart = " -R "
+ except:
+ pass
+ host.execute([setup_hw, "-I", host.ifname, restart])
+ except:
+ pass
+# get traces - hw specific
+def trace_start(hosts, setup_params):
+ for host in hosts:
+ trace_start_stop(host, setup_params, start=True)
+def trace_stop(hosts, setup_params):
+ for host in hosts:
+ trace_start_stop(host, setup_params, start=False)
+def trace_start_stop(host, setup_params, start):
+ if setup_params['trace'] == False:
+ return
+ try:
+ start_trace = setup_params['trace_start']
+ stop_trace = setup_params['trace_stop']
+ if start:
+ cmd = start_trace
+ else:
+ cmd = stop_trace
+ trace_dir = setup_params['log_dir'] + host.ifname + "/remote_traces"
+ host.logs.append(trace_dir + "/*")
+ host.execute([cmd, "-I", host.ifname, "-D", trace_dir])
+ except:
+ pass
+# get perf
+def perf_start(hosts, setup_params):
+ for host in hosts:
+ perf_start_stop(host, setup_params, start=True)
+def perf_stop(hosts, setup_params):
+ for host in hosts:
+ perf_start_stop(host, setup_params, start=False)
+def perf_start_stop(host, setup_params, start):
+ if setup_params['perf'] == False:
+ return
+ try:
+ perf_start = setup_params['perf_start']
+ perf_stop = setup_params['perf_stop']
+ if start:
+ cmd = perf_start
+ else:
+ cmd = perf_stop
+ perf_dir = setup_params['log_dir'] + host.ifname + "/remote_perf"
+ host.logs.append(perf_dir + "/*")
+ host.execute([cmd, "-I", host.ifname, "-D", perf_dir])
+ except:
+ pass
+# hostapd/wpa_supplicant helpers
+def run_hostapd(host, setup_params):
+ log_file = None
+ try:
+ tc_name = setup_params['tc_name']
+ log_dir = setup_params['log_dir']
+ log_file = log_dir + tc_name + "_hostapd_" + host.name + "_" + host.ifname + ".log"
+ host.execute(["rm", log_file])
+ log = " -f " + log_file
+ except:
+ log = ""
+ if log_file:
+ host.logs.append(log_file)
+ status, buf = host.execute([setup_params['hostapd'], "-B", "-ddt", "-g", "udp:" + host.port, log])
+ if status != 0:
+ raise Exception("Could not run hostapd: " + buf)
+def run_wpasupplicant(host, setup_params):
+ log_file = None
+ try:
+ tc_name = setup_params['tc_name']
+ log_dir = setup_params['log_dir']
+ log_file = log_dir + tc_name + "_wpa_supplicant_" + host.name + "_" + host.ifname + ".log"
+ host.execute(["rm", log_file])
+ log = " -f " + log_file
+ except:
+ log = ""
+ if log_file:
+ host.logs.append(log_file)
+ status, buf = host.execute([setup_params['wpa_supplicant'], "-B", "-ddt", "-g", "udp:" + host.port, log])
+ if status != 0:
+ raise Exception("Could not run wpa_supplicant: " + buf)
+def get_ap_params(channel="1", bw="HT20", country="US", security="open", ht_capab=None, vht_capab=None):
+ ssid = "test_" + channel + "_" + security + "_" + bw
+ if bw == "b_only":
+ params = hostapd.b_only_params(channel, ssid, country)
+ elif bw == "g_only":
+ params = hostapd.g_only_params(channel, ssid, country)
+ elif bw == "g_only_wmm":
+ params = hostapd.g_only_params(channel, ssid, country)
+ params['wmm_enabled'] = "1"
+ elif bw == "a_only":
+ params = hostapd.a_only_params(channel, ssid, country)
+ elif bw == "a_only_wmm":
+ params = hostapd.a_only_params(channel, ssid, country)
+ params['wmm_enabled'] = "1"
+ elif bw == "HT20":
+ params = hostapd.ht20_params(channel, ssid, country)
+ if ht_capab:
+ try:
+ params['ht_capab'] = params['ht_capab'] + ht_capab
+ except:
+ params['ht_capab'] = ht_capab
+ elif bw == "HT40+":
+ params = hostapd.ht40_plus_params(channel, ssid, country)
+ if ht_capab:
+ params['ht_capab'] = params['ht_capab'] + ht_capab
+ elif bw == "HT40-":
+ params = hostapd.ht40_minus_params(channel, ssid, country)
+ if ht_capab:
+ params['ht_capab'] = params['ht_capab'] + ht_capab
+ elif bw == "VHT80":
+ params = hostapd.ht40_plus_params(channel, ssid, country)
+ if ht_capab:
+ params['ht_capab'] = params['ht_capab'] + ht_capab
+ if vht_capab:
+ try:
+ params['vht_capab'] = params['vht_capab'] + vht_capab
+ except:
+ params['vht_capab'] = vht_capab
+ params['ieee80211ac'] = "1"
+ params['vht_oper_chwidth'] = "1"
+ params['vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx'] = str(int(channel) + 6)
+ else:
+ params = {}
+ # now setup security params
+ if security == "tkip":
+ sec_params = hostapd.wpa_params(passphrase="testtest")
+ elif security == "ccmp":
+ sec_params = hostapd.wpa2_params(passphrase="testtest")
+ elif security == "mixed":
+ sec_params = hostapd.wpa_mixed_params(passphrase="testtest")
+ elif security == "wep":
+ sec_params = { "wep_key0" : "123456789a",
+ "wep_default_key" : "0",
+ "auth_algs" : "1"}
+ elif security == "wep_shared":
+ sec_params = { "wep_key0" : "123456789a",
+ "wep_default_key" : "0",
+ "auth_algs" : "2" }
+ else:
+ sec_params = {}
+ params.update(sec_params)
+ return params
+# ip helpers
+def get_ipv4(client, ifname=None):
+ if ifname is None:
+ ifname = client.ifname
+ status, buf = client.execute(["ifconfig", ifname])
+ lines = buf.splitlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ res = line.find("inet addr:")
+ if res != -1:
+ break
+ if res != -1:
+ words = line.split()
+ addr = words[1].split(":")
+ return addr[1]
+ return "unknown"
+def get_ipv6(client, ifname=None):
+ res = -1
+ if ifname is None:
+ ifname = client.ifname
+ status, buf = client.execute(["ifconfig", ifname])
+ lines = buf.splitlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ res = line.find("Scope:Link")
+ if res != -1:
+ break
+ if res != -1:
+ words = line.split()
+ if words[0] == "inet6" and words[1] == "addr:":
+ addr_mask = words[2]
+ addr = addr_mask.split("/")
+ return addr[0]
+ return "unknown"
+def get_ip(client, addr_type="ipv6", iface=None):
+ if addr_type == "ipv6":
+ return get_ipv6(client, iface)
+ elif addr_type == "ipv4":
+ return get_ipv4(client, iface)
+ else:
+ return "unknown addr_type: " + addr_type
+def get_ipv4_addr(setup_params, number):
+ try:
+ ipv4_base = setup_params['ipv4_test_net']
+ except:
+ ipv4_base = ""
+ parts = ipv4_base.split('.')
+ ipv4 = parts[0] + "." + parts[1] + "." + parts[2] + "." + str(number)
+ return ipv4
+def get_mac_addr(host, iface=None):
+ if iface == None:
+ iface = host.ifname
+ status, buf = host.execute(["ifconfig", iface])
+ if status != 0:
+ raise Exception("ifconfig " + iface)
+ words = buf.split()
+ found = 0
+ for word in words:
+ if found == 1:
+ return word
+ if word == "HWaddr":
+ found = 1
+ raise Exception("Could not find HWaddr")
+# connectivity/ping helpers
+def get_ping_packet_loss(ping_res):
+ loss_line = ""
+ lines = ping_res.splitlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.find("packet loss") != -1:
+ loss_line = line
+ break;
+ if loss_line == "":
+ return "100%"
+ sections = loss_line.split(",")
+ for section in sections:
+ if section.find("packet loss") != -1:
+ words = section.split()
+ return words[0]
+ return "100%"
+def ac_to_ping_ac(qos):
+ if qos == "be":
+ qos_param = "0x00"
+ elif qos == "bk":
+ qos_param = "0x20"
+ elif qos == "vi":
+ qos_param = "0xA0"
+ elif qos == "vo":
+ qos_param = "0xE0"
+ else:
+ qos_param = "0x00"
+ return qos_param
+def ping_run(host, ip, result, ifname=None, addr_type="ipv4", deadline="5", qos=None):
+ if ifname is None:
+ ifname = host.ifname
+ if addr_type == "ipv6":
+ ping = ["ping6"]
+ else:
+ ping = ["ping"]
+ ping = ping + ["-w", deadline, "-I", ifname]
+ if qos:
+ ping = ping + ["-Q", ac_to_ping_ac(qos)]
+ ping = ping + [ip]
+ flush_arp_cache(host)
+ thread = host.execute_run(ping, result)
+ return thread
+def ping_wait(host, thread, timeout=None):
+ host.wait_execute_complete(thread, timeout)
+ if thread.isAlive():
+ raise Exception("ping thread still alive")
+def flush_arp_cache(host):
+ host.execute(["ip", "-s", "-s", "neigh", "flush", "all"])
+def check_connectivity(a, b, addr_type = "ipv4", deadline="5", qos=None):
+ addr_a = get_ip(a, addr_type)
+ addr_b = get_ip(b, addr_type)
+ if addr_type == "ipv4":
+ ping = ["ping"]
+ else:
+ ping = ["ping6"]
+ ping_a_b = ping + ["-w", deadline, "-I", a.ifname]
+ ping_b_a = ping + ["-w", deadline, "-I", b.ifname]
+ if qos:
+ ping_a_b = ping_a_b + ["-Q", ac_to_ping_ac(qos)]
+ ping_b_a = ping_b_a + ["-Q", ac_to_ping_ac(qos)]
+ ping_a_b = ping_a_b + [addr_b]
+ ping_b_a = ping_b_a + [addr_a]
+ # Clear arp cache
+ flush_arp_cache(a)
+ flush_arp_cache(b)
+ status, buf = a.execute(ping_a_b)
+ if status == 2 and ping == "ping6":
+ # tentative possible for a while, try again
+ time.sleep(3)
+ status, buf = a.execute(ping_a_b)
+ if status != 0:
+ raise Exception("ping " + a.name + "/" + a.ifname + " >> " + b.name + "/" + b.ifname)
+ a_b = get_ping_packet_loss(buf)
+ # Clear arp cache
+ flush_arp_cache(a)
+ flush_arp_cache(b)
+ status, buf = b.execute(ping_b_a)
+ if status != 0:
+ raise Exception("ping " + b.name + "/" + b.ifname + " >> " + a.name + "/" + a.ifname)
+ b_a = get_ping_packet_loss(buf)
+ if int(a_b[:-1]) > 40:
+ raise Exception("Too high packet lost: " + a_b)
+ if int(b_a[:-1]) > 40:
+ raise Exception("Too high packet lost: " + b_a)
+ return a_b, b_a
+# iperf helpers
+def get_iperf_speed(iperf_res, pattern="Mbits/sec"):
+ lines = iperf_res.splitlines()
+ sum_line = ""
+ last_line = ""
+ count = 0
+ res = -1
+ # first find last SUM line
+ for line in lines:
+ res = line.find("[SUM]")
+ if res != -1:
+ sum_line = line
+ # next check SUM status
+ if sum_line != "":
+ words = sum_line.split()
+ for word in words:
+ res = word.find(pattern)
+ if res != -1:
+ return words[count - 1] + " " + pattern
+ count = count + 1
+ # no SUM - one thread - find last line
+ for line in lines:
+ res = line.find(pattern)
+ if res != -1:
+ last_line = line
+ if last_line == "":
+ return "0 " + pattern
+ count = 0
+ words = last_line.split()
+ for word in words:
+ res = word.find(pattern)
+ if res != -1:
+ return words[count - 1] + " " + pattern
+ break;
+ count = count + 1
+ return "0 " + pattern
+def ac_to_iperf_ac(qos):
+ if qos == "be":
+ qos_param = "0x00"
+ elif qos == "bk":
+ qos_param = "0x20"
+ elif qos == "vi":
+ qos_param = "0xA0"
+ elif qos == "vo":
+ qos_param = "0xE0"
+ else:
+ qos_param = "0x00"
+ return qos_param
+def iperf_run(server, client, server_ip, client_res, server_res,
+ l4="udp", bw="30M", test_time="30", parallel="5",
+ qos="be", param=" -i 5 ", ifname=None, l3="ipv4",
+ port="5001", iperf="iperf"):
+ if ifname == None:
+ ifname = client.ifname
+ if iperf == "iperf":
+ iperf_server = [iperf]
+ elif iperf == "iperf3":
+ iperf_server = [iperf, "-1"]
+ if l3 == "ipv4":
+ iperf_client = [iperf, "-c", server_ip, "-p", port]
+ iperf_server = iperf_server + ["-p", port]
+ elif l3 == "ipv6":
+ iperf_client = [iperf, "-V", "-c", server_ip + "%" + ifname, "-p", port]
+ iperf_server = iperf_server + ["-V", "-p", port]
+ else:
+ return -1, -1
+ iperf_server = iperf_server + ["-s", "-f", "m", param]
+ iperf_client = iperf_client + ["-f", "m", "-t", test_time]
+ if parallel != "1":
+ iperf_client = iperf_client + ["-P", parallel]
+ if l4 == "udp":
+ if iperf != "iperf3":
+ iperf_server = iperf_server + ["-u"]
+ iperf_client = iperf_client + ["-u", "-b", bw]
+ if qos:
+ iperf_client = iperf_client + ["-Q", ac_to_iperf_ac(qos)]
+ flush_arp_cache(server)
+ flush_arp_cache(client)
+ server_thread = server.execute_run(iperf_server, server_res)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ client_thread = client.execute_run(iperf_client, client_res)
+ return server_thread, client_thread
+def iperf_wait(server, client, server_thread, client_thread, timeout=None, iperf="iperf"):
+ client.wait_execute_complete(client_thread, timeout)
+ if client_thread.isAlive():
+ raise Exception("iperf client thread still alive")
+ server.wait_execute_complete(server_thread, 5)
+ if server_thread.isAlive():
+ server.execute(["killall", "-s", "INT", iperf])
+ time.sleep(1)
+ server.wait_execute_complete(server_thread, 5)
+ if server_thread.isAlive():
+ raise Execption("iperf server thread still alive")
+ return
+def run_tp_test(server, client, l3="ipv4", iperf="iperf", l4="tcp", test_time="10", parallel="5",
+ qos="be", bw="30M", ifname=None, port="5001"):
+ client_res = []
+ server_res = []
+ server_ip = get_ip(server, l3)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ server_thread, client_thread = iperf_run(server, client, server_ip, client_res, server_res,
+ l3=l3, iperf=iperf, l4=l4, test_time=test_time,
+ parallel=parallel, qos=qos, bw=bw, ifname=ifname,
+ port=port)
+ iperf_wait(server, client, server_thread, client_thread, iperf=iperf, timeout=int(test_time) + 10)
+ if client_res[0] != 0:
+ raise Exception(iperf + " client: " + client_res[1])
+ if server_res[0] != 0:
+ raise Exception(iperf + " server: " + server_res[1])
+ if client_res[1] is None:
+ raise Exception(iperf + " client result issue")
+ if server_res[1] is None:
+ raise Exception(iperf + " server result issue")
+ if iperf == "iperf":
+ result = server_res[1]
+ if iperf == "iperf3":
+ result = client_res[1]
+ speed = get_iperf_speed(result)
+ return speed
+def get_iperf_bw(bw, parallel, spacial_streams=2):
+ if bw == "b_only":
+ max_tp = 11
+ elif bw == "g_only" or bw == "g_only_wmm" or bw == "a_only" or bw == "a_only_wmm":
+ max_tp = 54
+ elif bw == "HT20":
+ max_tp = 72 * spacial_streams
+ elif bw == "HT40+" or bw == "HT40-":
+ max_tp = 150 * spacial_streams
+ elif bw == "VHT80":
+ max_tp = 433 * spacial_streams
+ else:
+ max_tp = 150
+ max_tp = 1.2 * max_tp
+ return str(int(max_tp/int(parallel))) + "M"