@@ -2408,6 +2408,98 @@ def test_eap_proto_psk(dev, apdev):
+def test_eap_proto_psk_errors(dev, apdev):
+ """EAP-PSK local error cases"""
+ check_eap_capa(dev[0], "PSK")
+ params = hostapd.wpa2_eap_params(ssid="eap-test")
+ hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0]['ifname'], params)
+ for i in range(1, 6):
+ with alloc_fail(dev[0], i, "eap_psk_init"):
+ dev[0].connect("eap-test", key_mgmt="WPA-EAP", scan_freq="2412",
+ eap="PSK", identity="psk.user@example.com",
+ password_hex="0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
+ wait_connect=False)
+ ev = dev[0].wait_event(["EAP: Failed to initialize EAP method"],
+ timeout=15)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Timeout on EAP start")
+ dev[0].request("REMOVE_NETWORK all")
+ dev[0].wait_disconnected()
+ tests = [ (1, "=eap_psk_process_1"),
+ (2, "=eap_psk_process_1"),
+ (1, "eap_msg_alloc;eap_psk_process_1"),
+ (1, "=eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (2, "=eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (1, "eap_msg_alloc;eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (1, "aes_128_encrypt_block;eap_psk_derive_keys;eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (2, "aes_128_encrypt_block;eap_psk_derive_keys;eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (3, "aes_128_encrypt_block;eap_psk_derive_keys;eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (4, "aes_128_encrypt_block;eap_psk_derive_keys;eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (5, "aes_128_encrypt_block;eap_psk_derive_keys;eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (6, "aes_128_encrypt_block;eap_psk_derive_keys;eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (7, "aes_128_encrypt_block;eap_psk_derive_keys;eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (8, "aes_128_encrypt_block;eap_psk_derive_keys;eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (9, "aes_128_encrypt_block;eap_psk_derive_keys;eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (10, "aes_128_encrypt_block;eap_psk_derive_keys;eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (1, "aes_128_ctr_encrypt;aes_128_eax_decrypt;eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (1, "aes_128_ctr_encrypt;aes_128_eax_encrypt;eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (1, "eap_psk_getKey"),
+ (1, "eap_psk_get_session_id"),
+ (1, "eap_psk_get_emsk") ]
+ for count, func in tests:
+ with alloc_fail(dev[0], count, func):
+ dev[0].connect("eap-test", key_mgmt="WPA-EAP", scan_freq="2412",
+ eap="PSK", identity="psk.user@example.com",
+ password_hex="0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
+ erp="1", wait_connect=False)
+ ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-EAP-PROPOSED-METHOD"],
+ timeout=15)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Timeout on EAP start")
+ ok = False
+ for j in range(10):
+ state = dev[0].request('GET_ALLOC_FAIL')
+ if state.startswith('0:'):
+ ok = True
+ break
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ if not ok:
+ raise Exception("No allocation failure seen for %d:%s" % (count, func))
+ dev[0].request("REMOVE_NETWORK all")
+ dev[0].wait_disconnected()
+ tests = [ (1, "os_get_random;eap_psk_process_1"),
+ (1, "omac1_aes_128;eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (1, "aes_128_eax_decrypt;eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (2, "aes_128_eax_decrypt;eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (3, "aes_128_eax_decrypt;eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (1, "aes_128_eax_encrypt;eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (2, "aes_128_eax_encrypt;eap_psk_process_3"),
+ (3, "aes_128_eax_encrypt;eap_psk_process_3") ]
+ for count, func in tests:
+ with fail_test(dev[0], count, func):
+ dev[0].connect("eap-test", key_mgmt="WPA-EAP", scan_freq="2412",
+ eap="PSK", identity="psk.user@example.com",
+ password_hex="0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
+ wait_connect=False)
+ ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-EAP-PROPOSED-METHOD"],
+ timeout=15)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Timeout on EAP start")
+ ok = False
+ for j in range(10):
+ state = dev[0].request('GET_FAIL')
+ if state.startswith('0:'):
+ ok = True
+ break
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ if not ok:
+ raise Exception("No failure seen for %d:%s" % (count, func))
+ dev[0].request("REMOVE_NETWORK all")
+ dev[0].wait_disconnected()