@@ -54,3 +54,53 @@ def test_p2p_go_invite(dev):
logger.info("Terminate group")
logger.info("Terminate group")
+def test_p2p_go_invite_auth(dev):
+ """P2P GO inviting a client to join (authorized invitation)"""
+ addr0 = dev[0].p2p_dev_addr()
+ addr1 = dev[1].p2p_dev_addr()
+ logger.info("Generate BSS table entry for old group")
+ # this adds more coverage to testing by forcing the GO to be found with an
+ # older entry in the BSS table and with that entry having a different
+ # operating channel.
+ dev[0].p2p_start_go(freq=2432)
+ dev[1].scan()
+ dev[0].remove_group()
+ dev[0].dump_monitor()
+ dev[1].dump_monitor()
+ logger.info("Discover peer")
+ dev[1].p2p_listen()
+ if not dev[0].discover_peer(addr1, social=True):
+ raise Exception("Peer " + addr1 + " not found")
+ dev[0].p2p_listen()
+ if not dev[1].discover_peer(addr0, social=True):
+ raise Exception("Peer " + addr0 + " not found")
+ dev[1].p2p_listen()
+ logger.info("Authorize invitation")
+ pin = dev[1].wps_read_pin()
+ dev[1].global_request("P2P_CONNECT " + addr0 + " " + pin + " join auth")
+ logger.info("Start GO on non-social channel")
+ res = dev[0].p2p_start_go(freq=2427)
+ logger.debug("res: " + str(res))
+ logger.info("Invite peer to join the group")
+ dev[0].p2p_go_authorize_client(pin)
+ dev[0].global_request("P2P_INVITE group=" + dev[0].group_ifname + " peer=" + addr1)
+ ev = dev[1].wait_global_event(["P2P-INVITATION-RECEIVED",
+ "P2P-GROUP-STARTED"], timeout=20)
+ if ev is None:
+ raise Exception("Timeout on invitation on peer")
+ raise Exception("Unexpected request to accept pre-authorized invitaton")
+ dev[0].dump_monitor()
+ logger.info("Client connected")
+ hwsim_utils.test_connectivity_p2p(dev[0], dev[1])
+ logger.info("Terminate group")
+ dev[0].remove_group()
+ dev[1].wait_go_ending_session()