@@ -1571,6 +1571,101 @@ def run_sigma_dut_dpp_proto_responder(dev, step, frame, attr, result, fail):
+def test_sigma_dut_dpp_proto_stop_at_initiator(dev, apdev):
+ """sigma_dut DPP protocol testing - Stop at RX on Initiator"""
+ check_dpp_capab(dev[0])
+ check_dpp_capab(dev[1])
+ tests = [ ("AuthenticationResponse",
+ "BootstrapResult,OK,AuthResult,Errorsent",
+ None),
+ ("ConfigurationRequest",
+ "BootstrapResult,OK,AuthResult,OK,ConfResult,Errorsent",
+ None)]
+ for frame, result, fail in tests:
+ dev[0].request("FLUSH")
+ dev[1].request("FLUSH")
+ sigma = start_sigma_dut(dev[0].ifname)
+ try:
+ run_sigma_dut_dpp_proto_stop_at_initiator(dev, frame, result, fail)
+ finally:
+ stop_sigma_dut(sigma)
+def run_sigma_dut_dpp_proto_stop_at_initiator(dev, frame, result, fail):
+ addr = dev[1].own_addr().replace(':', '')
+ cmd = "DPP_BOOTSTRAP_GEN type=qrcode chan=81/6 mac=" + addr
+ res = dev[1].request(cmd)
+ if "FAIL" in res:
+ raise Exception("Failed to generate bootstrapping info")
+ id0 = int(res)
+ uri0 = dev[1].request("DPP_BOOTSTRAP_GET_URI %d" % id0)
+ cmd = "DPP_LISTEN 2437 role=enrollee"
+ if "OK" not in dev[1].request(cmd):
+ raise Exception("Failed to start listen operation")
+ res = sigma_dut_cmd("dev_exec_action,program,DPP,DPPActionType,SetPeerBootstrap,DPPBootstrappingdata,%s,DPPBS,QR" % uri0.encode('hex'))
+ if "status,COMPLETE" not in res:
+ raise Exception("dev_exec_action did not succeed: " + res)
+ res = sigma_dut_cmd("dev_exec_action,program,DPP,DPPActionType,AutomaticDPP,DPPAuthRole,Initiator,DPPAuthDirection,Single,DPPProvisioningRole,Configurator,DPPConfIndex,1,DPPSigningKeyECC,P-256,DPPConfEnrolleeRole,STA,DPPBS,QR,DPPTimeout,6,DPPStep,Timeout,DPPFrameType,%s" % (frame))
+ if result not in res:
+ raise Exception("Unexpected result: " + res)
+ if fail:
+ ev = dev[1].wait_event(["DPP-FAIL"], timeout=5)
+ if ev is None or fail not in ev:
+ raise Exception("Failure not reported correctly: " + str(ev))
+ dev[1].request("DPP_STOP_LISTEN")
+ dev[0].dump_monitor()
+ dev[1].dump_monitor()
+def test_sigma_dut_dpp_proto_stop_at_responder(dev, apdev):
+ """sigma_dut DPP protocol testing - Stop at RX on Responder"""
+ check_dpp_capab(dev[0])
+ check_dpp_capab(dev[1])
+ tests = [ ("AuthenticationRequest",
+ "BootstrapResult,OK,AuthResult,Errorsent",
+ None),
+ ("AuthenticationConfirm",
+ "BootstrapResult,OK,AuthResult,Errorsent",
+ None) ]
+ for frame, result, fail in tests:
+ dev[0].request("FLUSH")
+ dev[1].request("FLUSH")
+ sigma = start_sigma_dut(dev[0].ifname)
+ try:
+ run_sigma_dut_dpp_proto_stop_at_responder(dev, frame, result, fail)
+ finally:
+ stop_sigma_dut(sigma)
+def run_sigma_dut_dpp_proto_stop_at_responder(dev, frame, result, fail):
+ res = sigma_dut_cmd("dev_exec_action,program,DPP,DPPActionType,GetLocalBootstrap,DPPCryptoIdentifier,P-256,DPPBS,QR")
+ if "status,COMPLETE" not in res:
+ raise Exception("dev_exec_action did not succeed: " + res)
+ hex = res.split(',')[3]
+ uri = hex.decode('hex')
+ logger.info("URI from sigma_dut: " + uri)
+ res = dev[1].request("DPP_QR_CODE " + uri)
+ if "FAIL" in res:
+ raise Exception("Failed to parse QR Code URI")
+ id1 = int(res)
+ t = threading.Thread(target=dpp_proto_init, args=(dev[1], id1))
+ t.start()
+ res = sigma_dut_cmd("dev_exec_action,program,DPP,DPPActionType,AutomaticDPP,DPPAuthRole,Responder,DPPAuthDirection,Single,DPPProvisioningRole,Enrollee,DPPConfIndex,1,DPPSigningKeyECC,P-256,DPPConfEnrolleeRole,STA,DPPBS,QR,DPPTimeout,6,DPPStep,Timeout,DPPFrameType,%s" % (frame), timeout=10)
+ t.join()
+ if result not in res:
+ raise Exception("Unexpected result: " + res)
+ if fail:
+ ev = dev[1].wait_event(["DPP-FAIL"], timeout=5)
+ if ev is None or fail not in ev:
+ raise Exception("Failure not reported correctly:" + str(ev))
+ dev[1].request("DPP_STOP_LISTEN")
+ dev[0].dump_monitor()
+ dev[1].dump_monitor()
def dpp_proto_init_pkex(dev):
logger.info("Starting DPP PKEX initiator/configurator in a thread")