@@ -245,14 +245,14 @@ ignore_broadcast_ssid=0
-# 802.1D Tag to AC mappings
+# 802.1D Tag (= UP) to AC mappings
# WMM specifies following mapping of data frames to different ACs. This mapping
# can be configured using Linux QoS/tc and sch_pktpri.o module.
# 802.1D Tag 802.1D Designation Access Category WMM Designation
# 1 BK AC_BK Background
# 2 - AC_BK Background
# 0 BE AC_BE Best Effort
-# 3 EE AC_VI Video
+# 3 EE AC_BE Best Effort
# 4 CL AC_VI Video
# 5 VI AC_VI Video
# 6 VO AC_VO Voice