@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ static void wpa_group_get(struct wpa_authenticator *wpa_auth,
struct wpa_group *group);
static void wpa_group_put(struct wpa_authenticator *wpa_auth,
struct wpa_group *group);
+static u8 * ieee80211w_kde_add(struct wpa_state_machine *sm, u8 *pos);
static const u32 dot11RSNAConfigGroupUpdateCount = 4;
static const u32 dot11RSNAConfigPairwiseUpdateCount = 4;
@@ -2255,6 +2256,133 @@ int fils_decrypt_assoc(struct wpa_state_machine *sm, const u8 *fils_session,
return left - AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+int fils_encrypt_assoc(struct wpa_state_machine *sm, u8 *buf,
+ size_t current_len, size_t max_len)
+ u8 *end = buf + max_len;
+ u8 *pos = buf + current_len;
+ struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt;
+ struct wpabuf *plain;
+ u8 *len, *tmp, *tmp2;
+ u8 hdr[2];
+ u8 *gtk, dummy_gtk[32];
+ size_t gtk_len;
+ struct wpa_group *gsm;
+ const u8 *aad[5];
+ size_t aad_len[5];
+ if (!sm || !sm->PTK_valid)
+ return -1;
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG,
+ "FILS: Association Response frame before FILS processing",
+ buf, current_len);
+ mgmt = (struct ieee80211_mgmt *) buf;
+ /* AES-SIV AAD vectors */
+ /* The AP's BSSID */
+ aad[0] = mgmt->sa;
+ aad_len[0] = ETH_ALEN;
+ /* The STA's MAC address */
+ aad[1] = mgmt->da;
+ aad_len[1] = ETH_ALEN;
+ /* The AP's nonce */
+ aad[2] = sm->ANonce;
+ aad_len[2] = FILS_NONCE_LEN;
+ /* The STA's nonce */
+ aad[3] = sm->SNonce;
+ aad_len[3] = FILS_NONCE_LEN;
+ /*
+ * The (Re)Association Response frame from the Capability Information
+ * field (the same offset in both Association and Reassociation
+ * Response frames) to the FILS Session element (both inclusive).
+ */
+ aad[4] = (const u8 *) &mgmt->u.assoc_resp.capab_info;
+ aad_len[4] = pos - aad[4];
+ /* The following elements will be encrypted with AES-SIV */
+ plain = wpabuf_alloc(1000);
+ if (!plain)
+ return -1;
+ /* TODO: FILS Public Key */
+ /* FILS Key Confirmation */
+ wpabuf_put_u8(plain, WLAN_EID_EXTENSION); /* Element ID */
+ wpabuf_put_u8(plain, 1 + sm->fils_key_auth_len); /* Length */
+ /* Element ID Extension */
+ wpabuf_put_u8(plain, WLAN_EID_EXT_FILS_KEY_CONFIRM);
+ wpabuf_put_data(plain, sm->fils_key_auth_ap, sm->fils_key_auth_len);
+ /* TODO: FILS HLP Container */
+ /* TODO: FILS IP Address Assignment */
+ /* Key Delivery */
+ gsm = sm->group;
+ wpabuf_put_u8(plain, WLAN_EID_EXTENSION); /* Element ID */
+ len = wpabuf_put(plain, 1);
+ wpabuf_put_u8(plain, WLAN_EID_EXT_KEY_DELIVERY);
+ wpa_auth_get_seqnum(sm->wpa_auth, NULL, gsm->GN,
+ wpabuf_put(plain, WPA_KEY_RSC_LEN));
+ /* GTK KDE */
+ gtk = gsm->GTK[gsm->GN - 1];
+ gtk_len = gsm->GTK_len;
+ if (sm->wpa_auth->conf.disable_gtk) {
+ /*
+ * Provide unique random GTK to each STA to prevent use
+ * of GTK in the BSS.
+ */
+ if (random_get_bytes(dummy_gtk, gtk_len) < 0) {
+ wpabuf_free(plain);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ gtk = dummy_gtk;
+ }
+ hdr[0] = gsm->GN & 0x03;
+ hdr[1] = 0;
+ tmp = wpabuf_put(plain, 0);
+ tmp2 = wpa_add_kde(tmp, RSN_KEY_DATA_GROUPKEY, hdr, 2,
+ gtk, gtk_len);
+ wpabuf_put(plain, tmp2 - tmp);
+ /* IGTK KDE */
+ tmp = wpabuf_put(plain, 0);
+ tmp2 = ieee80211w_kde_add(sm, tmp);
+ wpabuf_put(plain, tmp2 - tmp);
+ *len = (u8 *) wpabuf_put(plain, 0) - len - 1;
+ if (pos + wpabuf_len(plain) + AES_BLOCK_SIZE > end) {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
+ "FILS: Not enough room for FILS elements");
+ wpabuf_free(plain);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ wpa_hexdump_buf_key(MSG_DEBUG, "FILS: Association Response plaintext",
+ plain);
+ if (aes_siv_encrypt(sm->PTK.kek, sm->PTK.kek_len,
+ wpabuf_head(plain), wpabuf_len(plain),
+ 5, aad, aad_len, pos) < 0) {
+ wpabuf_free(plain);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG,
+ "FILS: Encrypted Association Response elements",
+ pos, AES_BLOCK_SIZE + wpabuf_len(plain));
+ current_len += wpabuf_len(plain) + AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+ wpabuf_free(plain);
+ return current_len;
#endif /* CONFIG_FILS */