@@ -804,14 +804,19 @@ def _test_p2p_go_move_scm(dev, apdev):
dev[0].global_request("P2P_SET disallow_freq ")
dev[0].global_request("SET p2p_go_freq_change_policy 2")
-def test_p2p_go_move_scm_peer_supports(dev, apdev, params):
- """P2P GO move due to SCM operation preference (peer supports) [long]"""
- if dev[0].get_mcc() <= 1:
- raise HwsimSkip("Skip due to MCC not being enabled")
+def test_p2p_go_move_scm_peer_supports(dev, apdev):
+ """P2P GO move due to SCM operation preference (peer supports)"""
+ with HWSimRadio(n_channels=2) as (radio, iface):
+ wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
+ wpas.interface_add(iface)
- if not params['long']:
- raise HwsimSkip("Skip test case with long duration due to --long not specified")
+ if wpas.get_mcc() < 2:
+ raise Exception("New radio does not support MCC")
+ ndev = [ wpas, dev[1] ]
+ _test_p2p_go_move_scm_peer_supports(ndev, apdev)
+def _test_p2p_go_move_scm_peer_supports(dev, apdev):
dev[0].global_request("SET p2p_go_freq_change_policy 1")
set_country("US", dev[0])