@@ -0,0 +1,1959 @@
+ * UPnP WPS Device - Web connections
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sony Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Atheros Communications
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi>
+ *
+ * See wps_upnp.c for more details on licensing and code history.
+ */
+#include "includes.h"
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include "common.h"
+#include "base64.h"
+#include "eloop.h"
+#include "uuid.h"
+#include "httpread.h"
+#include "wps_i.h"
+#include "wps_upnp.h"
+#include "wps_upnp_i.h"
+ * Web connections (we serve pages of info about ourselves, handle
+ * requests, etc. etc.).
+ **************************************************************************/
+#define WEB_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_SEC 30 /* Drop web connection after t.o. */
+#define WEB_CONNECTION_MAX_READ 8000 /* Max we'll read for TCP request */
+#define MAX_WEB_CONNECTIONS 10 /* max simultaneous web connects */
+static const char *urn_wfawlanconfig =
+ "urn:schemas-wifialliance-org:service:WFAWLANConfig:1";
+static const char *http_server_hdr =
+ "Server: unspecified, UPnP/1.0, unspecified\r\n";
+static const char *http_connection_close =
+ "Connection: close\r\n";
+ * Incoming web connections are recorded in this struct.
+ * A web connection is a TCP connection to us, the server;
+ * it is called a "web connection" because we use http and serve
+ * data that looks like web pages.
+ * State information is need to track the connection until we figure
+ * out what they want and what we want to do about it.
+ */
+struct web_connection {
+ /* double linked list */
+ struct web_connection *next;
+ struct web_connection *prev;
+ struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm; /* parent */
+ int sd; /* socket to read from */
+ int sd_registered; /* nonzero if we must cancel registration */
+ struct httpread *hread; /* state machine for reading socket */
+ int n_rcvd_data; /* how much data read so far */
+ int done; /* internal flag, set when we've finished */
+ * XML parsing and formatting
+ *
+ * XML is a markup language based on unicode; usually (and in our case,
+ * always!) based on utf-8. utf-8 uses a variable number of bytes per
+ * character. utf-8 has the advantage that all non-ASCII unicode characters are
+ * represented by sequences of non-ascii (high bit set) bytes, whereas ASCII
+ * characters are single ascii bytes, thus we can use typical text processing.
+ *
+ * (One other interesting thing about utf-8 is that it is possible to look at
+ * any random byte and determine if it is the first byte of a character as
+ * versus a continuation byte).
+ *
+ * The base syntax of XML uses a few ASCII punctionation characters; any
+ * characters that would appear in the payload data are rewritten using
+ * sequences, e.g., & for ampersand(&) and < for left angle bracket (<).
+ * Five such escapes total (more can be defined but that does not apply to our
+ * case). Thus we can safely parse for angle brackets etc.
+ *
+ * XML describes tree structures of tagged data, with each element beginning
+ * with an opening tag <label> and ending with a closing tag </label> with
+ * matching label. (There is also a self-closing tag <label/> which is supposed
+ * to be equivalent to <label></label>, i.e., no payload, but we are unlikely
+ * to see it for our purpose).
+ *
+ * Actually the opening tags are a little more complicated because they can
+ * contain "attributes" after the label (delimited by ascii space or tab chars)
+ * of the form attribute_label="value" or attribute_label='value'; as it turns
+ * out we do not have to read any of these attributes, just ignore them.
+ *
+ * Labels are any sequence of chars other than space, tab, right angle bracket
+ * (and ?), but may have an inner structure of <namespace><colon><plain_label>.
+ * As it turns out, we can ignore the namespaces, in fact we can ignore the
+ * entire tree hierarchy, because the plain labels we are looking for will be
+ * unique (not in general, but for this application). We do however have to be
+ * careful to skip over the namespaces.
+ *
+ * In generating XML we have to be more careful, but that is easy because
+ * everything we do is pretty canned. The only real care to take is to escape
+ * any special chars in our payload.
+ */
+ * xml_next_tag - Advance to next tag
+ * @in: Input
+ * @out: OUT: start of tag just after '<'
+ * @out_tagname: OUT: start of name of tag, skipping namespace
+ * @end: OUT: one after tag
+ * Returns: 0 on success, 1 on failure
+ *
+ * A tag has form:
+ * <left angle bracket><...><right angle bracket>
+ * Within the angle brackets, there is an optional leading forward slash (which
+ * makes the tag an ending tag), then an optional leading label (followed by
+ * colon) and then the tag name itself.
+ *
+ * Note that angle brackets present in the original data must have been encoded
+ * as < and > so they will not trouble us.
+ */
+static int xml_next_tag(char *in, char **out, char **out_tagname,
+ char **end)
+ while (*in && *in != '<')
+ in++;
+ if (*in != '<')
+ return 1;
+ *out = ++in;
+ if (*in == '/')
+ in++;
+ *out_tagname = in; /* maybe */
+ while (isalnum(*in) || *in == '-')
+ in++;
+ if (*in == ':')
+ *out_tagname = ++in;
+ while (*in && *in != '>')
+ in++;
+ if (*in != '>')
+ return 1;
+ *end = ++in;
+ return 0;
+/* xml_data_encode -- format data for xml file, escaping special characters.
+ *
+ * Note that we assume we are using utf8 both as input and as output!
+ * In utf8, characters may be classed as follows:
+ * 0xxxxxxx(2) -- 1 byte ascii char
+ * 11xxxxxx(2) -- 1st byte of multi-byte char w/ unicode value >= 0x80
+ * 110xxxxx(2) -- 1st byte of 2 byte sequence (5 payload bits here)
+ * 1110xxxx(2) -- 1st byte of 3 byte sequence (4 payload bits here)
+ * 11110xxx(2) -- 1st byte of 4 byte sequence (3 payload bits here)
+ * 10xxxxxx(2) -- extension byte (6 payload bits per byte)
+ * Some values implied by the above are however illegal because they
+ * do not represent unicode chars or are not the shortest encoding.
+ * Actually, we can almost entirely ignore the above and just do
+ * text processing same as for ascii text.
+ *
+ * XML is written with arbitrary unicode characters, except that five
+ * characters have special meaning and so must be escaped where they
+ * appear in payload data... which we do here.
+ */
+static void xml_data_encode(struct wpabuf *buf, const char *data, int len)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ u8 c = ((u8 *) data)[i];
+ if (c == '<') {
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "<");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (c == '>') {
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, ">");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (c == '&') {
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "&");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (c == '\'') {
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "'");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (c == '"') {
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, """);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * We could try to represent control characters using the
+ * sequence: &#x; where x is replaced by a hex numeral, but not
+ * clear why we would do this.
+ */
+ wpabuf_put_u8(buf, c);
+ }
+/* xml_add_tagged_data -- format tagged data as a new xml line.
+ *
+ * tag must not have any special chars.
+ * data may have special chars, which are escaped.
+ */
+static void xml_add_tagged_data(struct wpabuf *buf, const char *tag,
+ const char *data)
+ wpabuf_printf(buf, "<%s>", tag);
+ xml_data_encode(buf, data, os_strlen(data));
+ wpabuf_printf(buf, "</%s>\n", tag);
+/* A POST body looks something like (per upnp spec):
+ * <?xml version="1.0"?>
+ * <s:Envelope
+ * xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
+ * s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
+ * <s:Body>
+ * <u:actionName xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:serviceType:v">
+ * <argumentName>in arg value</argumentName>
+ * other in args and their values go here, if any
+ * </u:actionName>
+ * </s:Body>
+ * </s:Envelope>
+ *
+ * where :
+ * s: might be some other namespace name followed by colon
+ * u: might be some other namespace name followed by colon
+ * actionName will be replaced according to action requested
+ * schema following actionName will be WFA scheme instead
+ * argumentName will be actual argument name
+ * (in arg value) will be actual argument value
+ */
+static int
+upnp_get_first_document_item(char *doc, const char *item, char **value)
+ const char *match = item;
+ int match_len = os_strlen(item);
+ char *tag;
+ char *tagname;
+ char *end;
+ *value = NULL; /* default, bad */
+ /*
+ * This is crude: ignore any possible tag name conflicts and go right
+ * to the first tag of this name. This should be ok for the limited
+ * domain of UPnP messages.
+ */
+ for (;;) {
+ if (xml_next_tag(doc, &tag, &tagname, &end))
+ return 1;
+ doc = end;
+ if (!os_strncasecmp(tagname, match, match_len) &&
+ *tag != '/' &&
+ (tagname[match_len] == '>' ||
+ !isgraph(tagname[match_len]) )) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ end = doc;
+ while (*end && *end != '<')
+ end++;
+ *value = os_zalloc(1 + (end - doc));
+ if (*value == NULL)
+ return 1;
+ os_memcpy(*value, doc, end - doc);
+ return 0;
+ * "Files" that we serve via HTTP. The format of these files is given by
+ * WFA WPS specifications. Extra white space has been removed to save space.
+ */
+static const char wps_scpd_xml[] =
+"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
+"<scpd xmlns=\"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service-1-0\">\n"
+"<stateVariable sendEvents=\"no\">\n"
+"<stateVariable sendEvents=\"no\">\n"
+"<stateVariable sendEvents=\"no\">\n"
+"<stateVariable sendEvents=\"no\">\n"
+"<stateVariable sendEvents=\"no\">\n"
+"<stateVariable sendEvents=\"yes\">\n"
+"<stateVariable sendEvents=\"no\">\n"
+"<stateVariable sendEvents=\"yes\">\n"
+"<stateVariable sendEvents=\"yes\">\n"
+"<stateVariable sendEvents=\"no\">\n"
+"<stateVariable sendEvents=\"no\">\n"
+"<stateVariable sendEvents=\"no\">\n"
+static const char *wps_device_xml_prefix =
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
+ "<root xmlns=\"urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0\">\n"
+ "<specVersion>\n"
+ "<major>1</major>\n"
+ "<minor>0</minor>\n"
+ "</specVersion>\n"
+ "<device>\n"
+ "<deviceType>urn:schemas-wifialliance-org:device:WFADevice:1"
+ "</deviceType>\n";
+static const char *wps_device_xml_postfix =
+ "<serviceList>\n"
+ "<service>\n"
+ "<serviceType>urn:schemas-wifialliance-org:service:WFAWLANConfig:1"
+ "</serviceType>\n"
+ "<serviceId>urn:wifialliance-org:serviceId:WFAWLANConfig1</serviceId>"
+ "\n"
+ "<controlURL>" UPNP_WPS_DEVICE_CONTROL_FILE "</controlURL>\n"
+ "<eventSubURL>" UPNP_WPS_DEVICE_EVENT_FILE "</eventSubURL>\n"
+ "</service>\n"
+ "</serviceList>\n"
+ "</device>\n"
+ "</root>\n";
+/* format_wps_device_xml -- produce content of "file" wps_device.xml
+ */
+static void format_wps_device_xml(struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm,
+ struct wpabuf *buf)
+ const char *s;
+ char uuid_string[80];
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, wps_device_xml_prefix);
+ /*
+ * Add required fields with default values if not configured. Add
+ * optional and recommended fields only if configured.
+ */
+ s = sm->wps->friendly_name;
+ s = ((s && *s) ? s : "WPS Access Point");
+ xml_add_tagged_data(buf, "friendlyName", s);
+ s = sm->wps->dev.manufacturer;
+ s = ((s && *s) ? s : "");
+ xml_add_tagged_data(buf, "manufacturer", s);
+ if (sm->wps->manufacturer_url)
+ xml_add_tagged_data(buf, "manufacturerURL",
+ sm->wps->manufacturer_url);
+ if (sm->wps->model_description)
+ xml_add_tagged_data(buf, "modelDescription",
+ sm->wps->model_description);
+ s = sm->wps->dev.model_name;
+ s = ((s && *s) ? s : "");
+ xml_add_tagged_data(buf, "modelName", s);
+ if (sm->wps->dev.model_number)
+ xml_add_tagged_data(buf, "modelNumber",
+ sm->wps->dev.model_number);
+ if (sm->wps->model_url)
+ xml_add_tagged_data(buf, "modelURL", sm->wps->model_url);
+ if (sm->wps->dev.serial_number)
+ xml_add_tagged_data(buf, "serialNumber",
+ sm->wps->dev.serial_number);
+ uuid_bin2str(sm->wps->uuid, uuid_string, sizeof(uuid_string));
+ s = uuid_string;
+ /* Need "uuid:" prefix, thus we can't use xml_add_tagged_data()
+ * easily...
+ */
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "<UDN>uuid:");
+ xml_data_encode(buf, s, os_strlen(s));
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "</UDN>\n");
+ if (sm->wps->upc)
+ xml_add_tagged_data(buf, "UPC", sm->wps->upc);
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, wps_device_xml_postfix);
+void web_connection_stop(struct web_connection *c)
+ struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm = c->sm;
+ httpread_destroy(c->hread);
+ c->hread = NULL;
+ close(c->sd);
+ c->sd = -1;
+ if (c->next == c) {
+ sm->web_connections = NULL;
+ } else {
+ if (sm->web_connections == c)
+ sm->web_connections = c->next;
+ c->next->prev = c->prev;
+ c->prev->next = c->next;
+ }
+ os_free(c);
+ sm->n_web_connections--;
+static void http_put_reply_code(struct wpabuf *buf, enum http_reply_code code)
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "HTTP/1.1 ");
+ switch (code) {
+ case HTTP_OK:
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "200 OK\r\n");
+ break;
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "400 Bad request\r\n");
+ break;
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "412 Precondition failed\r\n");
+ break;
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "501 Unimplemented\r\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "500 Internal server error\r\n");
+ break;
+ }
+static void http_put_date(struct wpabuf *buf)
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "Date: ");
+ format_date(buf);
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "\r\n");
+static void http_put_empty(struct wpabuf *buf, enum http_reply_code code)
+ http_put_reply_code(buf, code);
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, http_server_hdr);
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, http_connection_close);
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "Content-Length: 0\r\n"
+ "\r\n");
+/* Given that we have received a header w/ GET, act upon it
+ *
+ * Format of GET (case-insensitive):
+ *
+ * First line must be:
+ * GET /<file> HTTP/1.1
+ * Since we don't do anything fancy we just ignore other lines.
+ *
+ * Our response (if no error) which includes only required lines is:
+ * HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+ * Connection: close
+ * Content-Type: text/xml
+ * Date: <rfc1123-date>
+ *
+ * Header lines must end with \r\n
+ * Per RFC 2616, content-length: is not required but connection:close
+ * would appear to be required (given that we will be closing it!).
+ */
+static void web_connection_parse_get(struct web_connection *c, char *filename)
+ struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm = c->sm;
+ struct wpabuf *buf; /* output buffer, allocated */
+ char *put_length_here;
+ char *body_start;
+ enum {
+ } req;
+ size_t extra_len = 0;
+ int body_length;
+ char len_buf[10];
+ /*
+ * It is not required that filenames be case insensitive but it is
+ * allowed and cannot hurt here.
+ */
+ if (filename == NULL)
+ filename = "(null)"; /* just in case */
+ if (os_strcasecmp(filename, UPNP_WPS_DEVICE_XML_FILE) == 0) {
+ extra_len = 3000;
+ if (sm->wps->friendly_name)
+ extra_len += os_strlen(sm->wps->friendly_name);
+ if (sm->wps->manufacturer_url)
+ extra_len += os_strlen(sm->wps->manufacturer_url);
+ if (sm->wps->model_description)
+ extra_len += os_strlen(sm->wps->model_description);
+ if (sm->wps->model_url)
+ extra_len += os_strlen(sm->wps->model_url);
+ if (sm->wps->upc)
+ extra_len += os_strlen(sm->wps->upc);
+ } else if (!os_strcasecmp(filename, UPNP_WPS_SCPD_XML_FILE)) {
+ extra_len = os_strlen(wps_scpd_xml);
+ } else {
+ /* File not found */
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "WPS UPnP: File not found: %s",
+ filename);
+ buf = wpabuf_alloc(200);
+ if (buf == NULL)
+ return;
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf,
+ "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n"
+ "Connection: close\r\n");
+ http_put_date(buf);
+ /* terminating empty line */
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "\r\n");
+ goto send_buf;
+ }
+ buf = wpabuf_alloc(1000 + extra_len);
+ if (buf == NULL)
+ return;
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf,
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"\r\n");
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "Server: Unspecified, UPnP/1.0, Unspecified\r\n");
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "Connection: close\r\n");
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "Content-Length: ");
+ /*
+ * We will paste the length in later, leaving some extra whitespace.
+ * HTTP code is supposed to be tolerant of extra whitespace.
+ */
+ put_length_here = wpabuf_put(buf, 0);
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, " \r\n");
+ http_put_date(buf);
+ /* terminating empty line */
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "\r\n");
+ body_start = wpabuf_put(buf, 0);
+ switch (req) {
+ format_wps_device_xml(sm, buf);
+ break;
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, wps_scpd_xml);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Now patch in the content length at the end */
+ body_length = (char *) wpabuf_put(buf, 0) - body_start;
+ os_snprintf(len_buf, 10, "%d", body_length);
+ os_memcpy(put_length_here, len_buf, os_strlen(len_buf));
+ send_wpabuf(c->sd, buf);
+ wpabuf_free(buf);
+static struct wpabuf * web_get_item(char *data, const char *name,
+ enum http_reply_code *ret)
+ char *msg;
+ struct wpabuf *buf;
+ unsigned char *decoded;
+ size_t len;
+ if (upnp_get_first_document_item(data, name, &msg)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ decoded = base64_decode((unsigned char *) msg, os_strlen(msg), &len);
+ os_free(msg);
+ if (decoded == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ buf = wpabuf_alloc_ext_data(decoded, len);
+ if (buf == NULL) {
+ os_free(decoded);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return buf;
+static enum http_reply_code
+web_process_get_device_info(struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm,
+ struct wpabuf **reply, const char **replyname)
+ static const char *name = "NewDeviceInfo";
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "WPS UPnP: GetDeviceInfo");
+ if (sm->ctx->rx_req_get_device_info == NULL)
+ *reply = sm->ctx->rx_req_get_device_info(sm->priv, &sm->peer);
+ if (*reply == NULL) {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "WPS UPnP: Failed to get DeviceInfo");
+ }
+ *replyname = name;
+ return HTTP_OK;
+static enum http_reply_code
+web_process_put_message(struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm, char *data,
+ struct wpabuf **reply, const char **replyname)
+ struct wpabuf *msg;
+ static const char *name = "NewOutMessage";
+ enum http_reply_code ret;
+ /*
+ * PutMessage is used by external UPnP-based Registrar to perform WPS
+ * operation with the access point itself; as compared with
+ * PutWLANResponse which is for proxying.
+ */
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "WPS UPnP: PutMessage");
+ if (sm->ctx->rx_req_put_message == NULL)
+ msg = web_get_item(data, "NewInMessage", &ret);
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ return ret;
+ *reply = sm->ctx->rx_req_put_message(sm->priv, &sm->peer, msg);
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ if (*reply == NULL)
+ *replyname = name;
+ return HTTP_OK;
+static enum http_reply_code
+web_process_get_ap_settings(struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm, char *data,
+ struct wpabuf **reply, const char **replyname)
+ struct wpabuf *msg;
+ static const char *name = "NewAPSettings";
+ enum http_reply_code ret;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "WPS UPnP: GetAPSettings");
+ if (sm->ctx->rx_req_get_ap_settings == NULL)
+ msg = web_get_item(data, "NewMessage", &ret);
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ return ret;
+ *reply = sm->ctx->rx_req_get_ap_settings(sm->priv, msg);
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ if (*reply == NULL)
+ *replyname = name;
+ return HTTP_OK;
+static enum http_reply_code
+web_process_set_ap_settings(struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm, char *data,
+ struct wpabuf **reply, const char **replyname)
+ struct wpabuf *msg;
+ enum http_reply_code ret;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "WPS UPnP: SetAPSettings");
+ msg = web_get_item(data, "NewAPSettings", &ret);
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ return ret;
+ if (!sm->ctx->rx_req_set_ap_settings ||
+ sm->ctx->rx_req_set_ap_settings(sm->priv, msg)) {
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ }
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ *replyname = NULL;
+ *reply = NULL;
+ return HTTP_OK;
+static enum http_reply_code
+web_process_del_ap_settings(struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm, char *data,
+ struct wpabuf **reply, const char **replyname)
+ struct wpabuf *msg;
+ enum http_reply_code ret;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "WPS UPnP: DelAPSettings");
+ msg = web_get_item(data, "NewAPSettings", &ret);
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ return ret;
+ if (!sm->ctx->rx_req_del_ap_settings ||
+ sm->ctx->rx_req_del_ap_settings(sm->priv, msg)) {
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ }
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ *replyname = NULL;
+ *reply = NULL;
+ return HTTP_OK;
+static enum http_reply_code
+web_process_get_sta_settings(struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm, char *data,
+ struct wpabuf **reply, const char **replyname)
+ struct wpabuf *msg;
+ static const char *name = "NewSTASettings";
+ enum http_reply_code ret;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "WPS UPnP: GetSTASettings");
+ if (sm->ctx->rx_req_get_sta_settings == NULL)
+ msg = web_get_item(data, "NewMessage", &ret);
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ return ret;
+ *reply = sm->ctx->rx_req_get_sta_settings(sm->priv, msg);
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ if (*reply == NULL)
+ *replyname = name;
+ return HTTP_OK;
+static enum http_reply_code
+web_process_set_sta_settings(struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm, char *data,
+ struct wpabuf **reply, const char **replyname)
+ struct wpabuf *msg;
+ enum http_reply_code ret;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "WPS UPnP: SetSTASettings");
+ msg = web_get_item(data, "NewSTASettings", &ret);
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ return ret;
+ if (!sm->ctx->rx_req_set_sta_settings ||
+ sm->ctx->rx_req_set_sta_settings(sm->priv, msg)) {
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ }
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ *replyname = NULL;
+ *reply = NULL;
+ return HTTP_OK;
+static enum http_reply_code
+web_process_del_sta_settings(struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm, char *data,
+ struct wpabuf **reply, const char **replyname)
+ struct wpabuf *msg;
+ enum http_reply_code ret;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "WPS UPnP: DelSTASettings");
+ msg = web_get_item(data, "NewSTASettings", &ret);
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ return ret;
+ if (!sm->ctx->rx_req_del_sta_settings ||
+ sm->ctx->rx_req_del_sta_settings(sm->priv, msg)) {
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ }
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ *replyname = NULL;
+ *reply = NULL;
+ return HTTP_OK;
+static enum http_reply_code
+web_process_put_wlan_response(struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm, char *data,
+ struct wpabuf **reply, const char **replyname)
+ struct wpabuf *msg;
+ enum http_reply_code ret;
+ u8 macaddr[ETH_ALEN];
+ int ev_type;
+ char *val;
+ /*
+ * External UPnP-based Registrar is passing us a message to be proxied
+ * over to a Wi-Fi -based client of ours.
+ */
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "WPS UPnP: PutWLANResponse");
+ msg = web_get_item(data, "NewMessage", &ret);
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ return ret;
+ if (upnp_get_first_document_item(data, "NewWLANEventType", &val)) {
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ }
+ ev_type = atol(val);
+ os_free(val);
+ val = NULL;
+ if (upnp_get_first_document_item(data, "NewWLANEventMAC", &val) ||
+ hwaddr_aton(val, macaddr)) {
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ os_free(val);
+ }
+ os_free(val);
+ if (ev_type == UPNP_WPS_WLANEVENT_TYPE_EAP) {
+ struct wps_parse_attr attr;
+ int type;
+ if (wps_parse_msg(msg, &attr) < 0 ||
+ attr.msg_type == NULL)
+ type = -1;
+ else
+ type = *attr.msg_type;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "WPS UPnP: Message Type %d", type);
+ }
+ if (!sm->ctx->rx_req_put_wlan_event_response ||
+ sm->ctx->rx_req_put_wlan_event_response(sm->priv, ev_type,
+ macaddr, msg)) {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "WPS UPnP: Fail: sm->ctx->"
+ "rx_req_put_wlan_event_response");
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ }
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ *replyname = NULL;
+ *reply = NULL;
+ return HTTP_OK;
+static enum http_reply_code
+web_process_set_selected_registrar(struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm, char *data,
+ struct wpabuf **reply,
+ const char **replyname)
+ struct wpabuf *msg;
+ enum http_reply_code ret;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "WPS UPnP: SetSelectedRegistrar");
+ msg = web_get_item(data, "NewMessage", &ret);
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ return ret;
+ if (!sm->ctx->rx_req_set_selected_registrar ||
+ sm->ctx->rx_req_set_selected_registrar(sm->priv, msg)) {
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ }
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ *replyname = NULL;
+ *reply = NULL;
+ return HTTP_OK;
+static enum http_reply_code
+web_process_reboot_ap(struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm, char *data,
+ struct wpabuf **reply, const char **replyname)
+ struct wpabuf *msg;
+ enum http_reply_code ret;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "WPS UPnP: RebootAP");
+ msg = web_get_item(data, "NewAPSettings", &ret);
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ return ret;
+ if (!sm->ctx->rx_req_reboot_ap ||
+ sm->ctx->rx_req_reboot_ap(sm->priv, msg)) {
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ }
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ *replyname = NULL;
+ *reply = NULL;
+ return HTTP_OK;
+static enum http_reply_code
+web_process_reset_ap(struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm, char *data,
+ struct wpabuf **reply, const char **replyname)
+ struct wpabuf *msg;
+ enum http_reply_code ret;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "WPS UPnP: ResetAP");
+ msg = web_get_item(data, "NewMessage", &ret);
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ return ret;
+ if (!sm->ctx->rx_req_reset_ap ||
+ sm->ctx->rx_req_reset_ap(sm->priv, msg)) {
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ }
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ *replyname = NULL;
+ *reply = NULL;
+ return HTTP_OK;
+static enum http_reply_code
+web_process_reboot_sta(struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm, char *data,
+ struct wpabuf **reply, const char **replyname)
+ struct wpabuf *msg;
+ enum http_reply_code ret;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "WPS UPnP: RebootSTA");
+ msg = web_get_item(data, "NewSTASettings", &ret);
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ return ret;
+ if (!sm->ctx->rx_req_reboot_sta ||
+ sm->ctx->rx_req_reboot_sta(sm->priv, msg)) {
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ }
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ *replyname = NULL;
+ *reply = NULL;
+ return HTTP_OK;
+static enum http_reply_code
+web_process_reset_sta(struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm, char *data,
+ struct wpabuf **reply, const char **replyname)
+ struct wpabuf *msg;
+ enum http_reply_code ret;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "WPS UPnP: ResetSTA");
+ msg = web_get_item(data, "NewMessage", &ret);
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ return ret;
+ if (!sm->ctx->rx_req_reset_sta ||
+ sm->ctx->rx_req_reset_sta(sm->priv, msg)) {
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ }
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ *replyname = NULL;
+ *reply = NULL;
+ return HTTP_OK;
+static const char *soap_prefix =
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
+ "<s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" "
+ "s:encodingStyle=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\">\n"
+ "<s:Body>\n";
+static const char *soap_postfix =
+ "</s:Body>\n</s:Envelope>\n";
+static const char *soap_error_prefix =
+ "<s:Fault>\n"
+ "<faultcode>s:Client</faultcode>\n"
+ "<faultstring>UPnPError</faultstring>\n"
+ "<detail>\n"
+ "<UPnPError xmlns=\"urn:schemas-upnp-org:control-1-0\">\n";
+static const char *soap_error_postfix =
+ "<errorDescription>Error</errorDescription>\n"
+ "</UPnPError>\n"
+ "</detail>\n"
+ "</s:Fault>\n";
+static void web_connection_send_reply(struct web_connection *c,
+ enum http_reply_code ret,
+ const char *action, int action_len,
+ const struct wpabuf *reply,
+ const char *replyname)
+ struct wpabuf *buf;
+ char *replydata;
+ char *put_length_here = NULL;
+ char *body_start = NULL;
+ if (reply) {
+ size_t len;
+ replydata = (char *) base64_encode(wpabuf_head(reply),
+ wpabuf_len(reply), &len);
+ } else
+ replydata = NULL;
+ /* Parameters of the response:
+ * action(action_len) -- action we are responding to
+ * replyname -- a name we need for the reply
+ * replydata -- NULL or null-terminated string
+ */
+ buf = wpabuf_alloc(1000 + (replydata ? os_strlen(replydata) : 0U) +
+ (action_len > 0 ? action_len * 2 : 0));
+ if (buf == NULL) {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "WPS UPnP: Cannot allocate reply to "
+ "POST");
+ wpabuf_free(buf);
+ os_free(replydata);
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Assuming we will be successful, put in the output header first.
+ * Note: we do not keep connections alive (and httpread does
+ * not support it)... therefore we must have Connection: close.
+ */
+ if (ret == HTTP_OK) {
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf,
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/xml; "
+ "charset=\"utf-8\"\r\n");
+ } else {
+ wpabuf_printf(buf, "HTTP/1.1 %d Error\r\n", ret);
+ }
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, http_connection_close);
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "Content-Length: ");
+ /*
+ * We will paste the length in later, leaving some extra whitespace.
+ * HTTP code is supposed to be tolerant of extra whitespace.
+ */
+ put_length_here = wpabuf_put(buf, 0);
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, " \r\n");
+ http_put_date(buf);
+ /* terminating empty line */
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "\r\n");
+ body_start = wpabuf_put(buf, 0);
+ if (ret == HTTP_OK) {
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, soap_prefix);
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "<u:");
+ wpabuf_put_data(buf, action, action_len);
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "Response xmlns:u=\"");
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, urn_wfawlanconfig);
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "\">\n");
+ if (replydata && replyname) {
+ /* TODO: might possibly need to escape part of reply
+ * data? ...
+ * probably not, unlikely to have ampersand(&) or left
+ * angle bracket (<) in it...
+ */
+ wpabuf_printf(buf, "<%s>", replyname);
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, replydata);
+ wpabuf_printf(buf, "</%s>\n", replyname);
+ }
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "</u:");
+ wpabuf_put_data(buf, action, action_len);
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "Response>\n");
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, soap_postfix);
+ } else {
+ /* Error case */
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, soap_prefix);
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, soap_error_prefix);
+ wpabuf_printf(buf, "<errorCode>%d</errorCode>\n", ret);
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, soap_error_postfix);
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, soap_postfix);
+ }
+ os_free(replydata);
+ /* Now patch in the content length at the end */
+ if (body_start && put_length_here) {
+ int body_length = (char *) wpabuf_put(buf, 0) - body_start;
+ char len_buf[10];
+ os_snprintf(len_buf, sizeof(len_buf), "%d", body_length);
+ os_memcpy(put_length_here, len_buf, os_strlen(len_buf));
+ }
+ send_wpabuf(c->sd, buf);
+ wpabuf_free(buf);
+static const char * web_get_action(struct web_connection *c,
+ const char *filename, size_t *action_len)
+ const char *match;
+ int match_len;
+ char *b;
+ char *action;
+ *action_len = 0;
+ if (os_strcasecmp(filename, UPNP_WPS_DEVICE_CONTROL_FILE)) {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "WPS UPnP: Invalid POST filename %s",
+ filename);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* The SOAPAction line of the header tells us what we want to do */
+ b = httpread_hdr_line_get(c->hread, "SOAPAction:");
+ if (b == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (*b == '"')
+ b++;
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ match = urn_wfawlanconfig;
+ match_len = os_strlen(urn_wfawlanconfig) - 1;
+ if (os_strncasecmp(b, match, match_len))
+ return NULL;
+ b += match_len;
+ /* skip over version */
+ while (isgraph(*b) && *b != '#')
+ b++;
+ if (*b != '#')
+ return NULL;
+ b++;
+ /* Following the sharp(#) should be the action and a double quote */
+ action = b;
+ while (isgraph(*b) && *b != '"')
+ b++;
+ if (*b != '"')
+ return NULL;
+ *action_len = b - action;
+ return action;
+/* Given that we have received a header w/ POST, act upon it
+ *
+ * Format of POST (case-insensitive):
+ *
+ * First line must be:
+ * POST /<file> HTTP/1.1
+ * Since we don't do anything fancy we just ignore other lines.
+ *
+ * Our response (if no error) which includes only required lines is:
+ * HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+ * Connection: close
+ * Content-Type: text/xml
+ * Date: <rfc1123-date>
+ *
+ * Header lines must end with \r\n
+ * Per RFC 2616, content-length: is not required but connection:close
+ * would appear to be required (given that we will be closing it!).
+ */
+static void web_connection_parse_post(struct web_connection *c,
+ const char *filename)
+ enum http_reply_code ret;
+ struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm = c->sm;
+ char *data = httpread_data_get(c->hread); /* body of http msg */
+ const char *action;
+ size_t action_len;
+ const char *replyname = NULL; /* argument name for the reply */
+ struct wpabuf *reply = NULL; /* data for the reply */
+ action = web_get_action(c, filename, &action_len);
+ if (action == NULL)
+ goto bad;
+ /*
+ * There are quite a few possible actions. Although we appear to
+ * support them all here, not all of them are necessarily supported by
+ * callbacks at higher levels.
+ */
+ if (!os_strncasecmp("GetDeviceInfo", action, action_len))
+ ret = web_process_get_device_info(sm, &reply, &replyname);
+ else if (!os_strncasecmp("PutMessage", action, action_len))
+ ret = web_process_put_message(sm, data, &reply, &replyname);
+ else if (!os_strncasecmp("GetAPSettings", action, action_len))
+ ret = web_process_get_ap_settings(sm, data, &reply,
+ &replyname);
+ else if (!os_strncasecmp("SetAPSettings", action, action_len))
+ ret = web_process_set_ap_settings(sm, data, &reply,
+ &replyname);
+ else if (!os_strncasecmp("DelAPSettings", action, action_len))
+ ret = web_process_del_ap_settings(sm, data, &reply,
+ &replyname);
+ else if (!os_strncasecmp("GetSTASettings", action, action_len))
+ ret = web_process_get_sta_settings(sm, data, &reply,
+ &replyname);
+ else if (!os_strncasecmp("SetSTASettings", action, action_len))
+ ret = web_process_set_sta_settings(sm, data, &reply,
+ &replyname);
+ else if (!os_strncasecmp("DelSTASettings", action, action_len))
+ ret = web_process_del_sta_settings(sm, data, &reply,
+ &replyname);
+ else if (!os_strncasecmp("PutWLANResponse", action, action_len))
+ ret = web_process_put_wlan_response(sm, data, &reply,
+ &replyname);
+ else if (!os_strncasecmp("SetSelectedRegistrar", action, action_len))
+ ret = web_process_set_selected_registrar(sm, data, &reply,
+ &replyname);
+ else if (!os_strncasecmp("RebootAP", action, action_len))
+ ret = web_process_reboot_ap(sm, data, &reply, &replyname);
+ else if (!os_strncasecmp("ResetAP", action, action_len))
+ ret = web_process_reset_ap(sm, data, &reply, &replyname);
+ else if (!os_strncasecmp("RebootSTA", action, action_len))
+ ret = web_process_reboot_sta(sm, data, &reply, &replyname);
+ else if (!os_strncasecmp("ResetSTA", action, action_len))
+ ret = web_process_reset_sta(sm, data, &reply, &replyname);
+ else
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "WPS UPnP: Unknown POST type");
+ if (ret != HTTP_OK)
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "WPS UPnP: POST failure ret=%d", ret);
+ web_connection_send_reply(c, ret, action, action_len, reply,
+ replyname);
+ wpabuf_free(reply);
+/* Given that we have received a header w/ SUBSCRIBE, act upon it
+ *
+ * Format of SUBSCRIBE (case-insensitive):
+ *
+ * First line must be:
+ * SUBSCRIBE /wps_event HTTP/1.1
+ *
+ * Our response (if no error) which includes only required lines is:
+ * HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+ * Server: xx, UPnP/1.0, xx
+ * SID: uuid:xxxxxxxxx
+ * Timeout: Second-<n>
+ * Content-Length: 0
+ * Date: xxxx
+ *
+ * Header lines must end with \r\n
+ * Per RFC 2616, content-length: is not required but connection:close
+ * would appear to be required (given that we will be closing it!).
+ */
+static void web_connection_parse_subscribe(struct web_connection *c,
+ const char *filename)
+ struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm = c->sm;
+ struct wpabuf *buf;
+ char *b;
+ char *hdr = httpread_hdr_get(c->hread);
+ char *h;
+ char *match;
+ int match_len;
+ char *end;
+ int len;
+ int got_nt = 0;
+ u8 uuid[UUID_LEN];
+ int got_uuid = 0;
+ char *callback_urls = NULL;
+ struct subscription *s = NULL;
+ enum http_reply_code ret = HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
+ buf = wpabuf_alloc(1000);
+ if (buf == NULL)
+ return;
+ /* Parse/validate headers */
+ h = hdr;
+ /* First line: SUBSCRIBE /wps_event HTTP/1.1
+ * has already been parsed.
+ */
+ if (os_strcasecmp(filename, UPNP_WPS_DEVICE_EVENT_FILE) != 0) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ end = os_strchr(h, '\n');
+ for (; end != NULL; h = end + 1) {
+ /* Option line by option line */
+ h = end + 1;
+ end = os_strchr(h, '\n');
+ if (end == NULL)
+ break; /* no unterminated lines allowed */
+ /* NT assures that it is our type of subscription;
+ * not used for a renewl.
+ **/
+ match = "NT:";
+ match_len = os_strlen(match);
+ if (os_strncasecmp(h, match, match_len) == 0) {
+ h += match_len;
+ while (*h == ' ' || *h == '\t')
+ h++;
+ match = "upnp:event";
+ match_len = os_strlen(match);
+ if (os_strncasecmp(h, match, match_len) != 0) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ got_nt = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* HOST should refer to us */
+#if 0
+ match = "HOST:";
+ match_len = os_strlen(match);
+ if (os_strncasecmp(h, match, match_len) == 0) {
+ h += match_len;
+ while (*h == ' ' || *h == '\t')
+ h++;
+ .....
+ }
+ /* CALLBACK gives one or more URLs for NOTIFYs
+ * to be sent as a result of the subscription.
+ * Each URL is enclosed in angle brackets.
+ */
+ match = "CALLBACK:";
+ match_len = os_strlen(match);
+ if (os_strncasecmp(h, match, match_len) == 0) {
+ h += match_len;
+ while (*h == ' ' || *h == '\t')
+ h++;
+ len = end - h;
+ os_free(callback_urls);
+ callback_urls = os_malloc(len + 1);
+ if (callback_urls == NULL) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ os_memcpy(callback_urls, h, len);
+ callback_urls[len] = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* SID is only for renewal */
+ match = "SID:";
+ match_len = os_strlen(match);
+ if (os_strncasecmp(h, match, match_len) == 0) {
+ h += match_len;
+ while (*h == ' ' || *h == '\t')
+ h++;
+ match = "uuid:";
+ match_len = os_strlen(match);
+ if (os_strncasecmp(h, match, match_len) != 0) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ h += match_len;
+ while (*h == ' ' || *h == '\t')
+ h++;
+ if (uuid_str2bin(h, uuid)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ got_uuid = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* TIMEOUT is requested timeout, but apparently we can
+ * just ignore this.
+ */
+ }
+ if (got_uuid) {
+ /* renewal */
+ if (callback_urls) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ s = subscription_renew(sm, uuid);
+ if (s == NULL) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ } else if (callback_urls) {
+ if (!got_nt) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ s = subscription_start(sm, callback_urls);
+ if (s == NULL) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ callback_urls = NULL; /* is now owned by subscription */
+ } else {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* success */
+ http_put_reply_code(buf, HTTP_OK);
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, http_server_hdr);
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, http_connection_close);
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "Content-Length: 0\r\n");
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "SID: uuid:");
+ /* subscription id */
+ b = wpabuf_put(buf, 0);
+ uuid_bin2str(s->uuid, b, 80);
+ wpabuf_put(buf, os_strlen(b));
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "\r\n");
+ wpabuf_printf(buf, "Timeout: Second-%d\r\n", UPNP_SUBSCRIBE_SEC);
+ http_put_date(buf);
+ /* And empty line to terminate header: */
+ wpabuf_put_str(buf, "\r\n");
+ wpa_hexdump_ascii(MSG_MSGDUMP, "WPS UPnP SUBSCRIBE response",
+ wpabuf_head(buf), wpabuf_len(buf));
+ send_wpabuf(c->sd, buf);
+ wpabuf_free(buf);
+ os_free(callback_urls);
+ return;
+ /* Per UPnP spec:
+ * Errors
+ * Incompatible headers
+ * 400 Bad Request. If SID header and one of NT or CALLBACK headers
+ * are present, the publisher must respond with HTTP error
+ * 400 Bad Request.
+ * Missing or invalid CALLBACK
+ * 412 Precondition Failed. If CALLBACK header is missing or does not
+ * contain a valid HTTP URL, the publisher must respond with HTTP
+ * error 412 Precondition Failed.
+ * Invalid NT
+ * 412 Precondition Failed. If NT header does not equal upnp:event,
+ * the publisher must respond with HTTP error 412 Precondition
+ * Failed.
+ * [For resubscription, use 412 if unknown uuid].
+ * Unable to accept subscription
+ * 5xx. If a publisher is not able to accept a subscription (such as
+ * due to insufficient resources), it must respond with a
+ * HTTP 500-series error code.
+ * 599 Too many subscriptions (not a standard HTTP error)
+ */
+ http_put_empty(buf, ret);
+ send_wpabuf(c->sd, buf);
+ wpabuf_free(buf);
+/* Given that we have received a header w/ UNSUBSCRIBE, act upon it
+ *
+ * Format of UNSUBSCRIBE (case-insensitive):
+ *
+ * First line must be:
+ * UNSUBSCRIBE /wps_event HTTP/1.1
+ *
+ * Our response (if no error) which includes only required lines is:
+ * HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+ * Content-Length: 0
+ *
+ * Header lines must end with \r\n
+ * Per RFC 2616, content-length: is not required but connection:close
+ * would appear to be required (given that we will be closing it!).
+ */
+static void web_connection_parse_unsubscribe(struct web_connection *c,
+ const char *filename)
+ struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm = c->sm;
+ struct wpabuf *buf;
+ char *hdr = httpread_hdr_get(c->hread);
+ char *h;
+ char *match;
+ int match_len;
+ char *end;
+ u8 uuid[UUID_LEN];
+ int got_uuid = 0;
+ struct subscription *s = NULL;
+ enum http_reply_code ret = HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
+ /* Parse/validate headers */
+ h = hdr;
+ /* First line: UNSUBSCRIBE /wps_event HTTP/1.1
+ * has already been parsed.
+ */
+ if (os_strcasecmp(filename, UPNP_WPS_DEVICE_EVENT_FILE) != 0) {
+ goto send_msg;
+ }
+ end = os_strchr(h, '\n');
+ for (; end != NULL; h = end + 1) {
+ /* Option line by option line */
+ h = end + 1;
+ end = os_strchr(h, '\n');
+ if (end == NULL)
+ break; /* no unterminated lines allowed */
+ /* HOST should refer to us */
+#if 0
+ match = "HOST:";
+ match_len = os_strlen(match);
+ if (os_strncasecmp(h, match, match_len) == 0) {
+ h += match_len;
+ while (*h == ' ' || *h == '\t')
+ h++;
+ .....
+ }
+ /* SID is only for renewal */
+ match = "SID:";
+ match_len = os_strlen(match);
+ if (os_strncasecmp(h, match, match_len) == 0) {
+ h += match_len;
+ while (*h == ' ' || *h == '\t')
+ h++;
+ match = "uuid:";
+ match_len = os_strlen(match);
+ if (os_strncasecmp(h, match, match_len) != 0) {
+ goto send_msg;
+ }
+ h += match_len;
+ while (*h == ' ' || *h == '\t')
+ h++;
+ if (uuid_str2bin(h, uuid)) {
+ goto send_msg;
+ }
+ got_uuid = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (got_uuid) {
+ s = subscription_find(sm, uuid);
+ if (s) {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "WPS UPnP: Unsubscribing %p %s",
+ s,
+ (s && s->addr_list &&
+ s->addr_list->domain_and_port) ?
+ s->addr_list->domain_and_port : "-null-");
+ subscription_unlink(s);
+ subscription_destroy(s);
+ }
+ } else {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "WPS UPnP: Unsubscribe fails (not "
+ "found)");
+ goto send_msg;
+ }
+ ret = HTTP_OK;
+ buf = wpabuf_alloc(200);
+ if (buf == NULL)
+ return;
+ http_put_empty(buf, ret);
+ send_wpabuf(c->sd, buf);
+ wpabuf_free(buf);
+/* Send error in response to unknown requests */
+static void web_connection_unimplemented(struct web_connection *c)
+ struct wpabuf *buf;
+ buf = wpabuf_alloc(200);
+ if (buf == NULL)
+ return;
+ http_put_empty(buf, HTTP_UNIMPLEMENTED);
+ send_wpabuf(c->sd, buf);
+ wpabuf_free(buf);
+/* Called when we have gotten an apparently valid http request.
+ */
+static void web_connection_check_data(struct web_connection *c)
+ struct httpread *hread = c->hread;
+ enum httpread_hdr_type htype = httpread_hdr_type_get(hread);
+ /* char *data = httpread_data_get(hread); */
+ char *filename = httpread_uri_get(hread);
+ c->done = 1;
+ if (!filename) {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "WPS UPnP: Could not get HTTP URI");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Trim leading slashes from filename */
+ while (*filename == '/')
+ filename++;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "WPS UPnP: Got HTTP request type %d", htype);
+ switch (htype) {
+ web_connection_parse_get(c, filename);
+ break;
+ web_connection_parse_post(c, filename);
+ break;
+ web_connection_parse_subscribe(c, filename);
+ break;
+ web_connection_parse_unsubscribe(c, filename);
+ break;
+ /* We are not required to support M-POST; just plain
+ * POST is supposed to work, so we only support that.
+ * If for some reason we need to support M-POST, it is
+ * mostly the same as POST, with small differences.
+ */
+ default:
+ /* Send 501 for anything else */
+ web_connection_unimplemented(c);
+ break;
+ }
+/* called back when we have gotten request */
+static void web_connection_got_file_handler(struct httpread *handle,
+ void *cookie,
+ enum httpread_event en)
+ struct web_connection *c = cookie;
+ web_connection_check_data(c);
+ web_connection_stop(c);
+/* web_connection_start - Start web connection
+ * @sm: WPS UPnP state machine from upnp_wps_device_init()
+ * @sd: Socket descriptor
+ * @ip_addr: of client, in host byte order
+ * @ip_port: of client, in native byte order
+ *
+ * The socket descriptor sd is handed over for ownership by the WPs UPnP
+ * state machine.
+ */
+static void web_connection_start(struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm,
+ int sd, unsigned ip_addr, unsigned ip_port)
+ struct web_connection *c = NULL;
+ /* if too many connections, bail */
+ if (sm->n_web_connections >= MAX_WEB_CONNECTIONS) {
+ close(sd);
+ return;
+ }
+ c = os_zalloc(sizeof(*c));
+ if (c == NULL)
+ return;
+ c->sm = sm;
+ c->sd = sd;
+#if 0
+ /*
+ * Setting non-blocking should not be necessary for read, and can mess
+ * up sending where blocking might be better.
+ */
+ if (fcntl(sd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) != 0)
+ break;
+ c->hread = httpread_create(c->sd, web_connection_got_file_handler,
+ c /* cookie */,
+ if (c->hread == NULL)
+ goto fail;
+ if (sm->web_connections) {
+ c->next = sm->web_connections;
+ c->prev = c->next->prev;
+ c->prev->next = c;
+ c->next->prev = c;
+ } else {
+ sm->web_connections = c->next = c->prev = c;
+ }
+ sm->n_web_connections++;
+ return;
+ if (c)
+ web_connection_stop(c);
+ * Listening for web connections
+ * We have a single TCP listening port, and hand off connections as we get
+ * them.
+ */
+void web_listener_stop(struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm)
+ if (sm->web_sd_registered) {
+ sm->web_sd_registered = 0;
+ eloop_unregister_sock(sm->web_sd, EVENT_TYPE_READ);
+ }
+ if (sm->web_sd >= 0)
+ close(sm->web_sd);
+ sm->web_sd = -1;
+static void web_listener_handler(int sd, void *eloop_ctx, void *sock_ctx)
+ struct sockaddr_in addr;
+ socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(addr);
+ struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm = sock_ctx;
+ int new_sd;
+ /* Create state for new connection */
+ /* Remember so we can cancel if need be */
+ new_sd = accept(sm->web_sd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &addr_len);
+ if (new_sd < 0) {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "WPS UPnP: web listener accept "
+ "errno=%d (%s) web_sd=%d",
+ errno, strerror(errno), sm->web_sd);
+ return;
+ }
+ web_connection_start(sm, new_sd, addr.sin_addr.s_addr,
+ htons(addr.sin_port));
+int web_listener_start(struct upnp_wps_device_sm *sm)
+ struct sockaddr_in addr;
+ int port;
+ sm->web_sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+ if (sm->web_sd < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ if (fcntl(sm->web_sd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) != 0)
+ goto fail;
+ port = 49152; /* first non-reserved port */
+ for (;;) {
+ os_memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
+ addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ addr.sin_addr.s_addr = sm->ip_addr;
+ addr.sin_port = htons(port);
+ if (bind(sm->web_sd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr,
+ sizeof(addr)) == 0)
+ break;
+ if (errno == EADDRINUSE) {
+ /* search for unused port */
+ if (++port == 65535)
+ goto fail;
+ continue;
+ }
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (listen(sm->web_sd, 10 /* max backlog */) != 0)
+ goto fail;
+ if (fcntl(sm->web_sd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) != 0)
+ goto fail;
+ if (eloop_register_sock(sm->web_sd, EVENT_TYPE_READ,
+ web_listener_handler, NULL, sm))
+ goto fail;
+ sm->web_sd_registered = 1;
+ sm->web_port = port;
+ return 0;
+ /* Error */
+ web_listener_stop(sm);
+ return -1;