HLR/AuC testing gateway for hostapd EAP-SIM/AKA database/authenticator hlr_auc_gw is an example implementation of the EAP-SIM/AKA/AKA' database/authentication gateway interface to HLR/AuC. It could be replaced with an implementation of SS7 gateway to GSM/UMTS authentication center (HLR/AuC). hostapd will send SIM/AKA authentication queries over a UNIX domain socket to and external program, e.g., hlr_auc_gw. hlr_auc_gw can be configured with GSM and UMTS authentication data with text files: GSM triplet file (see hostapd.sim_db) and Milenage file (see hlr_auc_gw.milenage_db). Milenage parameters can be used to generate dynamic authentication data for EAP-SIM, EAP-AKA, and EAP-AKA' while the GSM triplet data is used for a more static configuration (e.g., triplets extracted from a SIM card). Alternatively, hlr_auc_gw can be built with support for an SQLite database for more dynamic operations. This is enabled by adding "CONFIG_SQLITE=y" into hostapd/.config before building hlr_auc_gw ("make clean; make hlr_auc_gw" in this directory). hostapd is configured to use hlr_auc_gw with the eap_sim_db parameter in hostapd.conf (e.g., "eap_sim_db=unix:/tmp/hlr_auc_gw.sock"). hlr_auc_gw is configured with command line parameters: hlr_auc_gw [-hu] [-s<socket path>] [-g<triplet file>] [-m<milenage file>] \ [-D<DB file>] [-i<IND len in bits>] options: -h = show this usage help -u = update SQN in Milenage file on exit -s<socket path> = path for UNIX domain socket (default: /tmp/hlr_auc_gw.sock) -g<triplet file> = path for GSM authentication triplets -m<milenage file> = path for Milenage keys -D<DB file> = path to SQLite database -i<IND len in bits> = IND length for SQN (default: 5) The SQLite database can be initialized with sqlite, e.g., by running following commands in "sqlite3 /path/to/hlr_auc_gw.db": CREATE TABLE milenage( imsi INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, ki CHAR(32) NOT NULL, opc CHAR(32) NOT NULL, amf CHAR(4) NOT NULL, sqn CHAR(12) NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO milenage(imsi,ki,opc,amf,sqn) VALUES( 232010000000000, '90dca4eda45b53cf0f12d7c9c3bc6a89', 'cb9cccc4b9258e6dca4760379fb82581', '61df', '000000000000' ); INSERT INTO milenage(imsi,ki,opc,amf,sqn) VALUES( 555444333222111, '5122250214c33e723a5dd523fc145fc0', '981d464c7c52eb6e5036234984ad0bcf', 'c3ab', '16f3b3f70fc1' ); "hlr_auc_gw -D /path/to/hlr_auc_gw.db" can then be used to fetch Milenage parameters based on IMSI from the database. The database can be updated dynamically while hlr_auc_gw is running to add/remove/modify entries. Example configuration files for hostapd to operate as a RADIUS authentication server for EAP-SIM/AKA/AKA': hostapd.conf: driver=none radius_server_clients=hostapd.radius_clients eap_server=1 eap_user_file=hostapd.eap_user eap_sim_db=unix:/tmp/hlr_auc_gw.sock eap_sim_aka_result_ind=1 hostapd.radius_clients: radius hostapd.eap_user: "0"* AKA "1"* SIM "2"* AKA "3"* SIM "4"* AKA "5"* SIM "6"* AKA' "7"* AKA' "8"* AKA'