/* * wpa_gui - Peers class * Copyright (c) 2009, Atheros Communications * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * Alternatively, this software may be distributed under the terms of BSD * license. * * See README and COPYING for more details. */ #include <cstdio> #include <QImageReader> #include <QMessageBox> #include "wpa_ctrl.h" #include "wpagui.h" #include "stringquery.h" #include "peers.h" enum { peer_role_address = Qt::UserRole + 1, peer_role_type, peer_role_uuid, peer_role_details, peer_role_pri_dev_type, peer_role_ssid, peer_role_config_methods, peer_role_dev_passwd_id }; /* * TODO: * - add current AP info (e.g., from WPS) in station mode */ enum peer_type { PEER_TYPE_ASSOCIATED_STATION, PEER_TYPE_AP, PEER_TYPE_AP_WPS, PEER_TYPE_WPS_PIN_NEEDED, PEER_TYPE_WPS_ER_AP, PEER_TYPE_WPS_ER_AP_UNCONFIGURED, PEER_TYPE_WPS_ER_ENROLLEE }; Peers::Peers(QWidget *parent, const char *, bool, Qt::WFlags) : QDialog(parent) { setupUi(this); if (QImageReader::supportedImageFormats().contains(QByteArray("svg"))) { default_icon = new QIcon(":/icons/wpa_gui.svg"); ap_icon = new QIcon(":/icons/ap.svg"); laptop_icon = new QIcon(":/icons/laptop.svg"); } else { default_icon = new QIcon(":/icons/wpa_gui.png"); ap_icon = new QIcon(":/icons/ap.png"); laptop_icon = new QIcon(":/icons/laptop.png"); } peers->setModel(&model); peers->setResizeMode(QListView::Adjust); peers->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(peers, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)), this, SLOT(context_menu(const QPoint &))); wpagui = NULL; } void Peers::setWpaGui(WpaGui *_wpagui) { wpagui = _wpagui; update_peers(); } Peers::~Peers() { delete default_icon; delete ap_icon; delete laptop_icon; } void Peers::languageChange() { retranslateUi(this); } QString Peers::ItemType(int type) { QString title; switch (type) { case PEER_TYPE_ASSOCIATED_STATION: title = tr("Associated station"); break; case PEER_TYPE_AP: title = tr("AP"); break; case PEER_TYPE_AP_WPS: title = tr("WPS AP"); break; case PEER_TYPE_WPS_PIN_NEEDED: title = tr("WPS PIN needed"); break; case PEER_TYPE_WPS_ER_AP: title = tr("ER: WPS AP"); break; case PEER_TYPE_WPS_ER_AP_UNCONFIGURED: title = tr("ER: WPS AP (Unconfigured)"); break; case PEER_TYPE_WPS_ER_ENROLLEE: title = tr("ER: WPS Enrollee"); break; } return title; } void Peers::context_menu(const QPoint &pos) { QMenu *menu = new QMenu; if (menu == NULL) return; QModelIndex idx = peers->indexAt(pos); if (idx.isValid()) { ctx_item = model.itemFromIndex(idx); int type = ctx_item->data(peer_role_type).toInt(); menu->addAction(Peers::ItemType(type))->setEnabled(false); menu->addSeparator(); int config_methods = -1; QVariant var = ctx_item->data(peer_role_config_methods); if (var.isValid()) config_methods = var.toInt(); if ((type == PEER_TYPE_ASSOCIATED_STATION || type == PEER_TYPE_AP_WPS || type == PEER_TYPE_WPS_PIN_NEEDED || type == PEER_TYPE_WPS_ER_ENROLLEE) && (config_methods == -1 || (config_methods & 0x010c))) { menu->addAction(tr("Enter WPS PIN"), this, SLOT(enter_pin())); } if (type == PEER_TYPE_AP_WPS) { menu->addAction(tr("Connect (PBC)"), this, SLOT(connect_pbc())); } if ((type == PEER_TYPE_ASSOCIATED_STATION || type == PEER_TYPE_WPS_ER_ENROLLEE) && config_methods >= 0 && (config_methods & 0x0080)) { menu->addAction(tr("Enroll (PBC)"), this, SLOT(connect_pbc())); } if (type == PEER_TYPE_WPS_ER_AP) { menu->addAction(tr("Learn Configuration"), this, SLOT(learn_ap_config())); } menu->addAction(tr("Properties"), this, SLOT(properties())); } else { ctx_item = NULL; menu->addAction(QString("Refresh"), this, SLOT(ctx_refresh())); } menu->exec(peers->mapToGlobal(pos)); } void Peers::enter_pin() { if (ctx_item == NULL) return; int peer_type = ctx_item->data(peer_role_type).toInt(); QString uuid; QString addr; if (peer_type == PEER_TYPE_WPS_ER_ENROLLEE) uuid = ctx_item->data(peer_role_uuid).toString(); else addr = ctx_item->data(peer_role_address).toString(); StringQuery input(tr("PIN:")); input.setWindowTitle(tr("PIN for ") + ctx_item->text()); if (input.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; char cmd[100]; char reply[100]; size_t reply_len; if (peer_type == PEER_TYPE_WPS_ER_ENROLLEE) { snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "WPS_ER_PIN %s %s", uuid.toAscii().constData(), input.get_string().toAscii().constData()); } else { snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "WPS_PIN %s %s", addr.toAscii().constData(), input.get_string().toAscii().constData()); } reply_len = sizeof(reply) - 1; if (wpagui->ctrlRequest(cmd, reply, &reply_len) < 0) { QMessageBox msg; msg.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); msg.setText("Failed to set the WPS PIN."); msg.exec(); } } void Peers::ctx_refresh() { update_peers(); } void Peers::add_station(QString info) { QStringList lines = info.split(QRegExp("\\n")); QString name; for (QStringList::Iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); it++) { int pos = (*it).indexOf('=') + 1; if (pos < 1) continue; if ((*it).startsWith("wpsDeviceName=")) name = (*it).mid(pos); } if (name.isEmpty()) name = lines[0]; QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(*laptop_icon, name); if (item) { item->setData(lines[0], peer_role_address); item->setData(PEER_TYPE_ASSOCIATED_STATION, peer_role_type); item->setData(info, peer_role_details); item->setToolTip(ItemType(PEER_TYPE_ASSOCIATED_STATION)); model.appendRow(item); } } void Peers::add_stations() { char reply[2048]; size_t reply_len; char cmd[30]; int res; reply_len = sizeof(reply) - 1; if (wpagui->ctrlRequest("STA-FIRST", reply, &reply_len) < 0) return; do { reply[reply_len] = '\0'; QString info(reply); char *txt = reply; while (*txt != '\0' && *txt != '\n') txt++; *txt++ = '\0'; if (strncmp(reply, "FAIL", 4) == 0 || strncmp(reply, "UNKNOWN", 7) == 0) break; add_station(info); reply_len = sizeof(reply) - 1; snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "STA-NEXT %s", reply); res = wpagui->ctrlRequest(cmd, reply, &reply_len); } while (res >= 0); } void Peers::add_single_station(const char *addr) { char reply[2048]; size_t reply_len; char cmd[30]; reply_len = sizeof(reply) - 1; snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "STA %s", addr); if (wpagui->ctrlRequest(cmd, reply, &reply_len) < 0) return; reply[reply_len] = '\0'; QString info(reply); char *txt = reply; while (*txt != '\0' && *txt != '\n') txt++; *txt++ = '\0'; if (strncmp(reply, "FAIL", 4) == 0 || strncmp(reply, "UNKNOWN", 7) == 0) return; add_station(info); } void Peers::add_scan_results() { char reply[2048]; size_t reply_len; int index; char cmd[20]; index = 0; while (wpagui) { snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "BSS %d", index++); if (index > 1000) break; reply_len = sizeof(reply) - 1; if (wpagui->ctrlRequest(cmd, reply, &reply_len) < 0) break; reply[reply_len] = '\0'; QString bss(reply); if (bss.isEmpty() || bss.startsWith("FAIL")) break; QString ssid, bssid, flags, wps_name, pri_dev_type; QStringList lines = bss.split(QRegExp("\\n")); for (QStringList::Iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); it++) { int pos = (*it).indexOf('=') + 1; if (pos < 1) continue; if ((*it).startsWith("bssid=")) bssid = (*it).mid(pos); else if ((*it).startsWith("flags=")) flags = (*it).mid(pos); else if ((*it).startsWith("ssid=")) ssid = (*it).mid(pos); else if ((*it).startsWith("wps_device_name=")) wps_name = (*it).mid(pos); else if ((*it).startsWith("wps_primary_device_type=")) pri_dev_type = (*it).mid(pos); } QString name = wps_name; if (name.isEmpty()) name = ssid + "\n" + bssid; QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(*ap_icon, name); if (item) { item->setData(bssid, peer_role_address); int type; if (flags.contains("[WPS")) type = PEER_TYPE_AP_WPS; else type = PEER_TYPE_AP; item->setData(type, peer_role_type); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i].length() > 60) { lines[i].remove( 60, lines[i].length()); lines[i] += ".."; } } item->setToolTip(ItemType(type)); item->setData(lines.join("\n"), peer_role_details); if (!pri_dev_type.isEmpty()) item->setData(pri_dev_type, peer_role_pri_dev_type); if (!ssid.isEmpty()) item->setData(ssid, peer_role_ssid); model.appendRow(item); } } } void Peers::update_peers() { model.clear(); if (wpagui == NULL) return; char reply[20]; size_t replylen = sizeof(reply) - 1; wpagui->ctrlRequest("WPS_ER_START", reply, &replylen); add_stations(); add_scan_results(); } QStandardItem * Peers::find_addr(QString addr) { if (model.rowCount() == 0) return NULL; QModelIndexList lst = model.match(model.index(0, 0), peer_role_address, addr); if (lst.size() == 0) return NULL; return model.itemFromIndex(lst[0]); } QStandardItem * Peers::find_uuid(QString uuid) { if (model.rowCount() == 0) return NULL; QModelIndexList lst = model.match(model.index(0, 0), peer_role_uuid, uuid); if (lst.size() == 0) return NULL; return model.itemFromIndex(lst[0]); } void Peers::event_notify(WpaMsg msg) { QString text = msg.getMsg(); if (text.startsWith(WPS_EVENT_PIN_NEEDED)) { /* * WPS-PIN-NEEDED 5a02a5fa-9199-5e7c-bc46-e183d3cb32f7 * 02:2a:c4:18:5b:f3 * [Wireless Client|Company|cmodel|123|12345|1-0050F204-1] */ QStringList items = text.split(' '); QString uuid = items[1]; QString addr = items[2]; QString name = ""; QStandardItem *item = find_addr(addr); if (item) return; int pos = text.indexOf('['); if (pos >= 0) { int pos2 = text.lastIndexOf(']'); if (pos2 >= pos) { items = text.mid(pos + 1, pos2 - pos - 1). split('|'); name = items[0]; items.append(addr); } } item = new QStandardItem(*laptop_icon, name); if (item) { item->setData(addr, peer_role_address); item->setData(PEER_TYPE_WPS_PIN_NEEDED, peer_role_type); item->setToolTip(ItemType(PEER_TYPE_WPS_PIN_NEEDED)); item->setData(items.join("\n"), peer_role_details); item->setData(items[5], peer_role_pri_dev_type); model.appendRow(item); } return; } if (text.startsWith(AP_STA_CONNECTED)) { /* AP-STA-CONNECTED 02:2a:c4:18:5b:f3 */ QStringList items = text.split(' '); QString addr = items[1]; QStandardItem *item = find_addr(addr); if (item == NULL || item->data(peer_role_type).toInt() != PEER_TYPE_ASSOCIATED_STATION) add_single_station(addr.toAscii().constData()); return; } if (text.startsWith(AP_STA_DISCONNECTED)) { /* AP-STA-DISCONNECTED 02:2a:c4:18:5b:f3 */ QStringList items = text.split(' '); QString addr = items[1]; if (model.rowCount() == 0) return; QModelIndexList lst = model.match(model.index(0, 0), peer_role_address, addr); for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { QStandardItem *item = model.itemFromIndex(lst[i]); if (item && item->data(peer_role_type).toInt() == PEER_TYPE_ASSOCIATED_STATION) model.removeRow(lst[i].row()); } return; } if (text.startsWith(WPS_EVENT_ER_AP_ADD)) { /* * WPS-ER-AP-ADD 87654321-9abc-def0-1234-56789abc0002 * 02:11:22:33:44:55 pri_dev_type=6-0050F204-1 wps_state=1 * |Very friendly name|Company|Long description of the model| * WAP|http://w1.fi/|http://w1.fi/hostapd/ */ QStringList items = text.split(' '); if (items.size() < 5) return; QString uuid = items[1]; QString addr = items[2]; QString pri_dev_type = items[3].mid(13); int wps_state = items[4].mid(10).toInt(); int pos = text.indexOf('|'); if (pos < 0) return; items = text.mid(pos + 1).split('|'); if (items.size() < 1) return; QStandardItem *item = find_uuid(uuid); if (item) return; item = new QStandardItem(*ap_icon, items[0]); if (item) { item->setData(uuid, peer_role_uuid); item->setData(addr, peer_role_address); int type = wps_state == 2 ? PEER_TYPE_WPS_ER_AP: PEER_TYPE_WPS_ER_AP_UNCONFIGURED; item->setData(type, peer_role_type); item->setToolTip(ItemType(type)); item->setData(pri_dev_type, peer_role_pri_dev_type); item->setData(items.join(QString("\n")), peer_role_details); model.appendRow(item); } return; } if (text.startsWith(WPS_EVENT_ER_AP_REMOVE)) { /* WPS-ER-AP-REMOVE 87654321-9abc-def0-1234-56789abc0002 */ QStringList items = text.split(' '); if (items.size() < 2) return; if (model.rowCount() == 0) return; QModelIndexList lst = model.match(model.index(0, 0), peer_role_uuid, items[1]); for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { QStandardItem *item = model.itemFromIndex(lst[i]); if (item && (item->data(peer_role_type).toInt() == PEER_TYPE_WPS_ER_AP || item->data(peer_role_type).toInt() == PEER_TYPE_WPS_ER_AP_UNCONFIGURED)) model.removeRow(lst[i].row()); } return; } if (text.startsWith(WPS_EVENT_ER_ENROLLEE_ADD)) { /* * WPS-ER-ENROLLEE-ADD 2b7093f1-d6fb-5108-adbb-bea66bb87333 * 02:66:a0:ee:17:27 M1=1 config_methods=0x14d dev_passwd_id=0 * pri_dev_type=1-0050F204-1 * |Wireless Client|Company|cmodel|123|12345| */ QStringList items = text.split(' '); if (items.size() < 3) return; QString uuid = items[1]; QString addr = items[2]; QString pri_dev_type = items[6].mid(13); int config_methods = -1; int dev_passwd_id = -1; for (int i = 3; i < items.size(); i++) { int pos = items[i].indexOf('=') + 1; if (pos < 1) continue; QString val = items[i].mid(pos); if (items[i].startsWith("config_methods=")) { config_methods = val.toInt(0, 0); } else if (items[i].startsWith("dev_passwd_id=")) { dev_passwd_id = val.toInt(); } } int pos = text.indexOf('|'); if (pos < 0) return; items = text.mid(pos + 1).split('|'); if (items.size() < 1) return; QString name = items[0]; if (name.length() == 0) name = addr; remove_enrollee_uuid(uuid); QStandardItem *item; item = new QStandardItem(*laptop_icon, name); if (item) { item->setData(uuid, peer_role_uuid); item->setData(addr, peer_role_address); item->setData(PEER_TYPE_WPS_ER_ENROLLEE, peer_role_type); item->setToolTip(ItemType(PEER_TYPE_WPS_ER_ENROLLEE)); item->setData(items.join(QString("\n")), peer_role_details); item->setData(pri_dev_type, peer_role_pri_dev_type); if (config_methods >= 0) item->setData(config_methods, peer_role_config_methods); if (dev_passwd_id >= 0) item->setData(dev_passwd_id, peer_role_dev_passwd_id); model.appendRow(item); } return; } if (text.startsWith(WPS_EVENT_ER_ENROLLEE_REMOVE)) { /* * WPS-ER-ENROLLEE-REMOVE 2b7093f1-d6fb-5108-adbb-bea66bb87333 * 02:66:a0:ee:17:27 */ QStringList items = text.split(' '); if (items.size() < 2) return; remove_enrollee_uuid(items[1]); return; } } void Peers::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *) { if (wpagui) { char reply[20]; size_t replylen = sizeof(reply) - 1; wpagui->ctrlRequest("WPS_ER_STOP", reply, &replylen); } } void Peers::done(int r) { QDialog::done(r); close(); } void Peers::remove_enrollee_uuid(QString uuid) { if (model.rowCount() == 0) return; QModelIndexList lst = model.match(model.index(0, 0), peer_role_uuid, uuid); for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { QStandardItem *item = model.itemFromIndex(lst[i]); if (item && item->data(peer_role_type).toInt() == PEER_TYPE_WPS_ER_ENROLLEE) model.removeRow(lst[i].row()); } } void Peers::properties() { if (ctx_item == NULL) return; QMessageBox msg(this); msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); msg.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Ok); msg.setEscapeButton(QMessageBox::Ok); msg.setWindowTitle(tr("Peer Properties")); int type = ctx_item->data(peer_role_type).toInt(); QString title = Peers::ItemType(type); msg.setText(title + QString("\n") + tr("Name: ") + ctx_item->text()); QVariant var; QString info; var = ctx_item->data(peer_role_address); if (var.isValid()) info += tr("Address: ") + var.toString() + QString("\n"); var = ctx_item->data(peer_role_uuid); if (var.isValid()) info += tr("UUID: ") + var.toString() + QString("\n"); var = ctx_item->data(peer_role_pri_dev_type); if (var.isValid()) info += tr("Primary Device Type: ") + var.toString() + QString("\n"); var = ctx_item->data(peer_role_ssid); if (var.isValid()) info += tr("SSID: ") + var.toString() + QString("\n"); var = ctx_item->data(peer_role_config_methods); if (var.isValid()) { int methods = var.toInt(); info += tr("Configuration Methods: "); if (methods & 0x0001) info += tr("[USBA]"); if (methods & 0x0002) info += tr("[Ethernet]"); if (methods & 0x0004) info += tr("[Label]"); if (methods & 0x0008) info += tr("[Display]"); if (methods & 0x0010) info += tr("[Ext. NFC Token]"); if (methods & 0x0020) info += tr("[Int. NFC Token]"); if (methods & 0x0040) info += tr("[NFC Interface]"); if (methods & 0x0080) info += tr("[Push Button]"); if (methods & 0x0100) info += tr("[Keypad]"); info += "\n"; } var = ctx_item->data(peer_role_dev_passwd_id); if (var.isValid()) { info += tr("Device Password ID: ") + var.toString(); switch (var.toInt()) { case 0: info += tr(" (Default PIN)"); break; case 1: info += tr(" (User-specified PIN)"); break; case 2: info += tr(" (Machine-specified PIN)"); break; case 3: info += tr(" (Rekey)"); break; case 4: info += tr(" (Push Button)"); break; case 5: info += tr(" (Registrar-specified)"); break; } info += "\n"; } msg.setInformativeText(info); var = ctx_item->data(peer_role_details); if (var.isValid()) msg.setDetailedText(var.toString()); msg.exec(); } void Peers::connect_pbc() { if (ctx_item == NULL) return; char cmd[100]; char reply[100]; size_t reply_len; int peer_type = ctx_item->data(peer_role_type).toInt(); if (peer_type == PEER_TYPE_WPS_ER_ENROLLEE) { snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "WPS_ER_PBC %s", ctx_item->data(peer_role_uuid).toString().toAscii(). constData()); } else { snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "WPS_PBC"); } reply_len = sizeof(reply) - 1; if (wpagui->ctrlRequest(cmd, reply, &reply_len) < 0) { QMessageBox msg; msg.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); msg.setText("Failed to start WPS PBC."); msg.exec(); } } void Peers::learn_ap_config() { if (ctx_item == NULL) return; QString uuid = ctx_item->data(peer_role_uuid).toString(); StringQuery input(tr("AP PIN:")); input.setWindowTitle(tr("AP PIN for ") + ctx_item->text()); if (input.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; char cmd[100]; char reply[100]; size_t reply_len; snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "WPS_ER_LEARN %s %s", uuid.toAscii().constData(), input.get_string().toAscii().constData()); reply_len = sizeof(reply) - 1; if (wpagui->ctrlRequest(cmd, reply, &reply_len) < 0) { QMessageBox msg; msg.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); msg.setText(tr("Failed to start learning AP configuration.")); msg.exec(); } }