eapol_test.sgml 6.2 KB

  1. <!doctype refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN">
  2. <refentry>
  3. <refmeta>
  4. <refentrytitle>eapol_test</refentrytitle>
  5. <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
  6. </refmeta>
  7. <refnamediv>
  8. <refname>eapol_test</refname>
  9. <refpurpose>EAP peer and RADIUS client testing</refpurpose>
  10. </refnamediv>
  11. <refsynopsisdiv>
  12. <cmdsynopsis>
  13. <command>eapol_test</command>
  14. <arg>-nWS</arg>
  15. <arg>-c<replaceable>config file</replaceable></arg>
  16. <arg>-a<replaceable>server IP address</replaceable></arg>
  17. <arg>-A<replaceable>client IP address</replaceable></arg>
  18. <arg>-p<replaceable>UDP port</replaceable></arg>
  19. <arg>-s<replaceable>shared secret</replaceable></arg>
  20. <arg>-r<replaceable>re-authentications</replaceable></arg>
  21. <arg>-t<replaceable>timeout</replaceable></arg>
  22. <arg>-C<replaceable>Connect-Info</replaceable></arg>
  23. <arg>-M<replaceable>MAC address</replaceable></arg>
  24. <arg>-o<replaceable>file</replaceable></arg>
  25. <arg>-N<replaceable>attr spec</replaceable></arg>
  26. </cmdsynopsis>
  27. <cmdsynopsis>
  28. <command>eapol_test scard</command>
  29. </cmdsynopsis>
  30. <cmdsynopsis>
  31. <command>eapol_test sim</command>
  32. <arg>PIN</arg>
  33. <arg>num triplets</arg>
  34. </cmdsynopsis>
  35. </refsynopsisdiv>
  36. <refsect1>
  37. <title>Overview</title>
  38. <para>eapol_test is a program that links together the same EAP
  39. peer implementation that wpa_supplicant is using and the RADIUS
  40. authentication client code from hostapd. In addition, it has
  41. minimal glue code to combine these two components in similar
  42. ways to IEEE 802.1X/EAPOL Authenticator state machines. In other
  43. words, it integrates IEEE 802.1X Authenticator (normally, an
  44. access point) and IEEE 802.1X Supplicant (normally, a wireless
  45. client) together to generate a single program that can be used to
  46. test EAP methods without having to setup an access point and a
  47. wireless client.</para>
  48. <para>The main uses for eapol_test are in interoperability testing
  49. of EAP methods against RADIUS servers and in development testing
  50. for new EAP methods. It can be easily used to automate EAP testing
  51. for interoperability and regression since the program can be run
  52. from shell scripts without require additional test components apart
  53. from a RADIUS server. For example, the automated EAP tests described
  54. in eap_testing.txt are implemented with eapol_test. Similarly,
  55. eapol_test could be used to implement an automated regression
  56. test suite for a RADIUS authentication server.</para>
  57. <para>As an example:</para>
  58. <blockquote><programlisting>
  59. eapol_test -ctest.conf -a127.0.0.1 -p1812 -ssecret -r1
  60. </programlisting></blockquote>
  61. <para>tries to complete EAP authentication based on the network
  62. configuration from test.conf against the RADIUS server running
  63. on the local host. A re-authentication is triggered to test fast
  64. re-authentication. The configuration file uses the same format for
  65. network blocks as wpa_supplicant.</para>
  66. </refsect1>
  67. <refsect1>
  68. <title>Command Arguments</title>
  69. <variablelist>
  70. <varlistentry>
  71. <term>-c configuration file path</term>
  72. <listitem><para>A configuration to use. The configuration should
  73. use the same format for network blocks as wpa_supplicant.
  74. </para></listitem>
  75. </varlistentry>
  76. <varlistentry>
  77. <term>-a AS address</term>
  78. <listitem><para>IP address of the authentication server. The
  79. default is ''.</para></listitem>
  80. </varlistentry>
  81. <varlistentry>
  82. <term>-A client address</term>
  83. <listitem><para>IP address of the client. The default is to
  84. select an address automatically.</para></listitem>
  85. </varlistentry>
  86. <varlistentry>
  87. <term>-p AS port</term>
  88. <listitem><para>UDP port of the authentication server. The
  89. default is '1812'.</para></listitem>
  90. </varlistentry>
  91. <varlistentry>
  92. <term>-s AS secret</term>
  93. <listitem><para>Shared secret with the authentication server.
  94. The default is 'radius'.</para></listitem>
  95. </varlistentry>
  96. <varlistentry>
  97. <term>-r count</term>
  98. <listitem><para>Number of reauthentications.</para></listitem>
  99. </varlistentry>
  100. <varlistentry>
  101. <term>-t timeout</term>
  102. <listitem><para>Timeout in seconds. The default is 30.</para></listitem>
  103. </varlistentry>
  104. <varlistentry>
  105. <term>-C info</term>
  106. <listitem><para>RADIUS Connect-Info. The default is
  107. 'CONNECT 11Mbps 802.11b'.</para></listitem>
  108. </varlistentry>
  109. <varlistentry>
  110. <term>-M mac address</term>
  111. <listitem><para>Client MAC address (Calling-Station-Id). The
  112. default is '02:00:00:00:00:01'.</para></listitem>
  113. </varlistentry>
  114. <varlistentry>
  115. <term>-o file</term>
  116. <listitem><para>Location to write out server certificate.
  117. </para></listitem>
  118. </varlistentry>
  119. <varlistentry>
  120. <term>-N attr spec</term>
  121. <listitem><para>Send arbitrary attribute specific by
  122. attr_id:syntax:value, or attr_id alone. attr_id should be the numeric
  123. ID of the attribute, and syntax should be one of 's' (string),
  124. 'd' (integer), or 'x' (octet string). The value is the attribute value
  125. to send. When attr_id is given alone, NULL is used as the attribute
  126. value. Multiple attributes can be specified by using the option
  127. several times.</para></listitem>
  128. </varlistentry>
  129. <varlistentry>
  130. <term>-n</term>
  131. <listitem><para>Indicates that no MPPE keys are expected.
  132. </para></listitem>
  133. </varlistentry>
  134. <varlistentry>
  135. <term>-W</term>
  136. <listitem><para>Wait for a control interface monitor before starting.
  137. </para></listitem>
  138. </varlistentry>
  139. <varlistentry>
  140. <term>-S</term>
  141. <listitem><para>Save configuration after authentication.
  142. </para></listitem>
  143. </varlistentry>
  144. </variablelist>
  145. </refsect1>
  146. <refsect1>
  147. <title>See Also</title>
  148. <para>
  149. <citerefentry>
  150. <refentrytitle>wpa_supplicant</refentrytitle>
  151. <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
  152. </citerefentry>
  153. </para>
  154. </refsect1>
  155. <refsect1>
  156. <title>Legal</title>
  157. <para>wpa_supplicant is copyright (c) 2003-2014,
  158. Jouni Malinen <email>j@w1.fi</email> and
  159. contributors.
  160. All Rights Reserved.</para>
  161. <para>This program is licensed under the BSD license (the one with
  162. advertisement clause removed).</para>
  163. </refsect1>
  164. </refentry>