3.0 KB

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. # mount all kinds of things
  3. mount tmpfs -t tmpfs /etc
  4. # we need our own /dev/rfkill, and don't want device access
  5. mount tmpfs -t tmpfs /dev
  6. mount tmpfs -t tmpfs /tmp
  7. # some sockets go into /var/run, and / is read-only
  8. mount tmpfs -t tmpfs /var/run
  9. mount proc -t proc /proc
  10. mount sysfs -t sysfs /sys
  11. # needed for tracing
  12. mount debugfs -t debugfs /sys/kernel/debug
  13. # reboot on any sort of crash
  14. sysctl kernel.panic_on_oops=1
  15. sysctl kernel.panic=1
  16. # get extra command line variables from /proc/cmdline
  17. TESTDIR=$(sed 's/.*testdir=\([^ ]*\) .*/\1/' /proc/cmdline)
  18. TIMEWARP=$(sed 's/.*timewarp=\([^ ]*\) .*/\1/' /proc/cmdline)
  19. EPATH=$(sed 's/.*EPATH=\([^ ]*\) .*/\1/' /proc/cmdline)
  20. ARGS=$(sed 's/.*ARGS=//' /proc/cmdline)
  21. # create /dev entries we need
  22. mknod -m 660 /dev/ttyS0 c 4 64
  23. mknod -m 660 /dev/random c 1 8
  24. mknod -m 660 /dev/urandom c 1 9
  25. mknod -m 666 /dev/null c 1 3
  26. test -f /sys/class/misc/rfkill/dev && \
  27. mknod -m 660 /dev/rfkill c $(cat /sys/class/misc/rfkill/dev | tr ':' ' ')
  28. ln -s /proc/self/fd/0 /dev/stdin
  29. ln -s /proc/self/fd/1 /dev/stdout
  30. ln -s /proc/self/fd/2 /dev/stderr
  31. # create dummy sudo - everything runs as uid 0
  32. mkdir /tmp/bin
  33. cat > /tmp/bin/sudo << EOF
  34. #!/bin/bash
  35. exec "\$@"
  36. EOF
  37. chmod +x /tmp/bin/sudo
  38. # and put it into $PATH, as well as our extra-$PATH
  39. export PATH=/tmp/bin:$EPATH:$PATH
  40. # some tests assume adm/admin group(s) exist(s)
  41. cat > /etc/group <<EOF
  42. adm:x:0:
  43. admin:x:0:
  44. messagebus:x:106:
  45. EOF
  46. # root should exist
  47. cat > /etc/passwd <<EOF
  48. root:x:0:0:root:/tmp:/bin/bash
  49. messagebus:x:102:106::/var/run/dbus:/bin/false
  50. EOF
  51. cat > /etc/ethertypes <<EOF
  52. IPv4 0800 ip ip4
  53. ARP 0806 ether-arp
  54. IPv6 86DD ip6
  55. EOF
  56. cat > /etc/protocols <<EOF
  57. ip 0 IP
  58. icmp 1 ICMP
  59. tcp 6 TCP
  60. udp 17 UDP
  61. ipv6-icmp 58 IPv6-ICMP
  62. EOF
  63. # local network is needed for some tests
  64. ip link set lo up
  65. # create logs mountpoint and mount the logshare
  66. mkdir /tmp/logs
  67. mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio,rw logshare /tmp/logs
  68. if [ "$TIMEWARP" = "1" ] ; then
  69. (
  70. while sleep 1 ; do
  71. date --set "@$(($(date +%s) + 19))"
  72. done
  73. ) &
  74. fi
  75. # check if we're rebooting due to a kernel panic ...
  76. if grep -q 'Kernel panic' /tmp/logs/console ; then
  77. echo "KERNEL CRASHED!" >/dev/ttyS0
  78. else
  79. # finally run the tests
  80. export USER=0
  81. export LOGDIR=/tmp/logs
  82. export DBFILE=$LOGDIR/results.db
  83. export PREFILL_DB=y
  84. # some tests need CRDA, install a simple uevent helper
  85. # and preload the 00 domain it will have asked for already
  86. echo $TESTDIR/vm/ > /sys/kernel/uevent_helper
  87. COUNTRY=00 crda
  88. mkdir -p /var/run/dbus
  89. touch /var/run/dbus/hwsim-test
  90. chown messagebus.messagebus /var/run/dbus
  91. dbus-daemon --config-file=$TESTDIR/vm/dbus.conf --fork
  92. cd $TESTDIR
  93. ./ $ARGS </dev/ttyS0 >/dev/ttyS0 2>&1
  94. if test -d /sys/kernel/debug/gcov ; then
  95. cp -ar /sys/kernel/debug/gcov /tmp/logs/
  96. # these are broken as they're updated while being read ...
  97. find /tmp/logs/gcov/ -wholename '*kernel/gcov/*' -print0 | xargs -0 rm
  98. fi
  99. #bash </dev/ttyS0 >/dev/ttyS0 2>&1
  100. fi
  101. # and shut down the machine again
  102. halt -f -p