example-setup.txt 6.4 KB

  1. Step-by-step guide for setting up hostapd/wpa_supplicant test framework
  2. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. This document can be used as a quick guide for getting started with
  4. hostapd/wpa_supplicant test framework with mac80211_hwsim. While the
  5. example here uses Ubuntu 14.04.1 server to have a list of exact steps,
  6. there are no requirements for using that specific distribution in the
  7. testing setup.
  8. The steps here describe how to run a full Linux installation in a
  9. virtual machine with any host system (e.g., Linux, Windows, or OS X as
  10. the host and using kvm, VirtualBox, etc. for running the virtual guest
  11. system). For more advanced (and significantly faster and with more
  12. testing coverage) configuration on a Linux host system, parallel virtual
  13. machines can be used as an alternative setup. See tests/hwsim/vm/README
  14. for more details on that.
  15. Install Ubuntu Server 14.04.1 in the virtual machine
  16. - download installation image, e.g.,
  17. http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04.1/ubuntu-14.04.1-server-amd64.iso
  18. - use virtualization software specific steps to create a new VM and
  19. install the the guest system with default settings (i.e., no need to
  20. select any extra packages during initial installation)
  21. - if the host system has multiple CPU cores, it is likely a good idea to
  22. enabled at least two CPUs in the guest; 1024 MB of RAM should be enough
  23. for testing purposes
  24. - 8 GB of virtual hard driver should be fine for this purpose
  25. - boot to the installed operating system
  26. Install the prerequisite packages that may not have been installed by default
  27. sudo apt-get install build-essential git libpcap-dev libsqlite3-dev binutils-dev libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev libnl-route-3-dev libssl-dev libiberty-dev libdbus-1-dev iw bridge-utils python-pyrad python-crypto tshark
  28. optional:
  29. sudo apt-get install python-netifaces
  30. Install a recent kernel wireless components (mac80211_hwsim, mac80211,
  31. cfg80211)
  32. For this step, the kernel version may be updated, but the simpler option
  33. is to install the latest version of Backports package. For example:
  34. wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/projects/backports/stable/v3.19-rc1/backports-3.19-rc1-1.tar.xz
  35. tar xJf backports-3.19-rc1-1.tar.xz
  36. cd backports-3.19-rc1-1
  37. cat > defconfigs/mac80211_hwsim <<EOF
  38. CPTCFG_CFG80211=m
  39. CPTCFG_CFG80211_WEXT=y
  40. CPTCFG_MAC80211=m
  41. CPTCFG_MAC80211_LEDS=y
  42. CPTCFG_MAC80211_MESH=y
  44. CPTCFG_MAC80211_HWSIM=m
  45. EOF
  46. make defconfig-mac80211_hwsim
  47. make
  48. sudo make install
  49. cd ..
  50. Update iw based on custom iw.git build
  51. Couple of the test cases expect iw to have support for requesting
  52. cfg80211 scan results to be flushed. That functionality is not included
  53. in the version that Ubuntu 14.04.1 includes (iw v3.4). Following steps
  54. can be used to replace that version with a custom build. This is
  55. optional, i.e., most test cases will work with the old iw version, but
  56. some test cases are skipped and some are more likely to fail if iw does
  57. not get updated.
  58. wget https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/network/iw/iw-3.17.tar.gz
  59. tar xf iw-3.17.tar.gz
  60. cd iw-3.17
  61. make
  62. sudo mv /sbin/iw{,-distro}
  63. sudo cp iw /sbin/iw
  64. cd ..
  65. Update wireless-regdb
  66. Number of VHT and DFS test cases are skipped if the old wireless-regdb
  67. version from Ubuntu 14.04 (2013.02.13) is used. Following steps can
  68. optionally be used to update wireless-regdb to a newer snapshot to
  69. enable additional test cases:
  70. wget http://kernel.org/pub/software/network/wireless-regdb/wireless-regdb-2014.10.07.tar.xz
  71. tar xJf wireless-regdb-2014.10.07.tar.xz
  72. sudo mv /lib/crda/regulatory.bin{,-distro}
  73. sudo cp wireless-regdb-2014.10.07/regulatory.bin /lib/crda/regulatory.bin
  74. # following command can be used to verify that the new version is trusted
  75. regdbdump /lib/crda/regulatory.bin
  76. Download a snapshot of the hostap.git repository and build the programs
  77. git clone git://w1.fi/hostap.git
  78. cd hostap/tests/hwsim
  79. ./build.sh
  80. Setup is now ready for testing. You can run a quick test to confirm that
  81. things work as expected:
  82. # load mac80211_hwsim and start test software
  83. ./start.sh
  84. # run a single test case ap_open
  85. sudo ./run-tests.py ap_open
  86. This should print out following style results:
  87. DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
  88. DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
  89. DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
  90. APDEV: wlan3
  91. APDEV: wlan4
  92. START ap_open 1/1
  93. Test: AP with open mode (no security) configuration
  94. Starting AP wlan3
  95. Connect STA wlan0 to AP
  96. PASS ap_open 0.175895 2015-01-17 20:12:07.486006
  97. passed all 1 test case(s)
  98. (If that "PASS ap_open" line does not show up, something unexpected has
  99. happened and the setup is not in working condition.)
  100. # to stop test software and unload mac80211_hwsim
  101. ./stop.sh
  102. To run all available test cases (about thousand or so), you can run following:
  103. ./run-all.sh
  104. This will take about half an hour to hour to run (if that sounds long, see
  105. vm/README for information on how parallel VMs can be used to speed this
  106. up; e.g., a 4-core i7-4770K can run these in under 10 minutes with 7
  107. parallel VMs).
  108. The results may look something like this:
  109. START grpform_goneg_fail_with_group_iface 1/981
  110. PASS grpform_goneg_fail_with_group_iface 0.371424 2015-01-17 22:17:16.659803
  111. START grpform2 2/981
  112. PASS grpform2 1.476142 2015-01-17 22:17:18.136539
  113. ...
  114. START ext_password_psk_not_found 981/981
  115. PASS ext_password_psk_not_found 1.544709 2015-01-17 22:46:56.489764
  116. failed tests: wext_wpa2_psk wext_wep_open_auth wext_open wext_rfkill wext_scan_hidden wext_pmksa_cache wext_wep_shared_key_auth
  117. In this example, about 860 test cases passed and about 100 were skipped.
  118. Most of the skipped test cases are in following categories:
  119. - D-Bus (requires kvm-based test run, see vm/README)
  120. - VHT 80 and 160 MHz channels (requires wireless-regdb update)
  121. - DFS (requires wireless-regdb updates)
  122. The following test failed every time (i.e., other failed cases could be
  123. passed on second attempt):
  124. wext_pmf wext_wpa2_psk wext_wep_open_auth wext_open wext_rfkill wext_scan_hidden wext_pmksa_cache wext_wep_shared_key_auth
  125. WEXT failures are due to the specific cfg80211/mac80211 version from
  126. Backports not allowing WEXT support to be enabled. A newer build
  127. addresses that and these WEXT test cases pass, e.g., with this snapshot
  128. build:
  129. http://buildbot.w1.fi/backports-wireless-testing/backports-wireless-testing-2015-01-18-ba3f765.tar.bz2
  130. With that version, ibss_rsn is failing due to a known cfg80211
  131. regression in the specific snapshot build. All other test cases passed
  132. at least on retry or were skipped due to missing testing capability.