ibrdtn.uci 4.3 KB

  1. #####################################
  2. # IBR-DTN daemon #
  3. #####################################
  4. config 'daemon' 'main'
  5. # The local eid of the dtn node. Default is the hostname.
  6. # option uri dtn://node.dtn
  7. # logfile for standard output
  8. option logfile /tmp/ibrdtn.log
  9. option errfile /tmp/ibrdtn.err
  10. # debug level
  11. # option debug 20
  12. # block size limit
  13. # option blocksize 512M
  14. # option foreign_blocksize 128M
  15. #
  16. # If something bad happened, the safe mode will be activated.
  17. # These are the restrictions for safe mode only.
  18. #
  19. config 'daemon' 'safemode'
  20. option forwarding no
  21. option storage 64M
  22. option maxblock 16M
  23. # option wait_mount /dev/sda1
  24. #####################################
  25. # storage configuration #
  26. #####################################
  27. config 'daemon' 'storage'
  28. # possible engines are: simple, sqlite
  29. option engine simple
  30. option blobs /tmp/ibrdtn/blobs
  31. option bundles /tmp/ibrdtn/bundles
  32. # option container /tmp/ibrdtn/container.img
  33. # option path /tmp/ibrdtn/container
  34. # option limit 1G
  35. #####################################
  36. # routing configuration #
  37. #####################################
  38. #
  39. # In the "default" the daemon only delivers bundles to neighbors and static
  40. # available nodes. The alternative module "epidemic" spread all bundles to
  41. # all available neighbors.
  42. #
  43. config 'daemon' 'main'
  44. # values: none | default | epidemic | flooding | prophet
  45. option routing prophet
  46. # option forwarding no
  47. # option fragmentation yes
  48. #
  49. # static routing rules
  50. # - a rule is a regex pattern
  51. # - format is <target-scheme> <routing-node>
  52. #
  53. #config 'static-route'
  54. # list pattern ^dtn://[[:alpha:]].moon.dtn/[[:alpha:]]
  55. # option destination dtn://router.dtn
  56. #####################################
  57. # static connections
  58. #####################################
  59. #config 'static-connection'
  60. # option uri dtn://node-five.dtn
  61. # option address
  62. # option port 4556
  63. # option protocol tcp
  64. # option immediately yes
  65. #config 'static-connection'
  66. # option uri dtn://node-ten
  67. # option address
  68. # option port 4556
  69. # option protocol udp
  70. # option immediately no
  71. #####################################
  72. # convergence layer configuration #
  73. #####################################
  74. #
  75. # You can specify an multicast address to listen to for discovery announcements.
  76. # If no address is specified the multicast equivalent of broadcast is used.
  77. #
  78. config 'daemon' 'discovery'
  79. # option address
  80. # option timeout 5
  81. # option crosslayer yes
  82. config 'daemon' 'tcptuning'
  83. # option 'idle_timeout' 120
  84. # option 'nodelay' yes
  85. # option 'chunksize' 4096
  86. config 'network'
  87. option type tcp
  88. option interface eth0
  89. option port 4556
  90. option global yes
  91. #config 'network'
  92. # option type tcp
  93. # option interface wlan0
  94. # option port 4556
  95. #####################################
  96. # bundle security protocol #
  97. #####################################
  98. #
  99. # the level specifies the security constains
  100. #
  101. # 0 = no constrains (default)
  102. # 1 = accept only BAB authenticated bundles
  103. # 2 = accept only encrypted bundles
  104. # 3 = accept only BAB authenticated and encrypted bundles
  105. #
  106. #config 'daemon' 'security'
  107. # option level 0
  108. # option bab_key /path/to/default-bab-key.mac
  109. # option key_path /path/to/security-keys
  110. # option generate_dh yes
  111. #config 'daemon' 'tls'
  112. # option certificate /path/to/tls-cert.crt
  113. # option key /path/to/tls-key.key
  114. # option trustedpath /path/to/tls-ca
  115. # option required no
  116. # option noencryption no
  117. #####################################
  118. # time synchronization #
  119. #####################################
  120. #config 'daemon' 'timesync'
  121. # option reference yes
  122. # option synchronize yes
  123. # option discovery_announcement yes
  124. # option sigma 1.001
  125. # option psi 0.9
  126. # option sync_level 0.1
  127. #####################################
  128. # DHT #
  129. #####################################
  130. config 'daemon' 'dht'
  131. # option 'enabled' 'yes'
  132. # option 'id' '<enter your unique id here>'
  133. option 'bootstrap' 'yes'
  134. # option 'nodesfile' '/tmp/dht_nodes.dat'
  135. option 'port' '9999'
  136. option 'enable_ipv6' 'no'
  137. # option 'enable_ipv4' 'no'
  138. # option 'bind_ipv4' ''
  139. # option 'bind_ipv6' '::1'
  140. option 'ignore_neighbour_informations' 'yes'
  141. option 'allow_neighbours_to_announce_me' 'no'
  142. option 'allow_neighbour_announcement' 'no'