@@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Richard Hull and contributors
+# See LICENSE.rst for details.
+Collection of serial interfaces to LED matrix devices.
+# Example usage:
+# from luma.core.interface.serial import spi, noop
+# from luma.core.render import canvas
+# from luma.led_matrix.device import max7219
+# serial = spi(port=0, device=0, gpio=noop())
+# device = max7219(serial, width=8, height=8)
+# with canvas(device) as draw:
+# draw.rectangle(device.bounding_box, outline="white", fill="black")
+# As soon as the with-block scope level is complete, the graphics primitives
+# will be flushed to the device.
+# Creating a new canvas is effectively 'carte blanche': If you want to retain
+# an existing canvas, then make a reference like:
+# c = canvas(device)
+# for X in ...:
+# with c as draw:
+# draw.rectangle(...)
+# As before, as soon as the with block completes, the canvas buffer is flushed
+# to the device
+import luma.core.error
+import luma.led_matrix.const
+from luma.core.interface.serial import noop
+from luma.core.device import device
+from luma.core.render import canvas
+from luma.core.util import observable
+from luma.core.virtual import sevensegment
+from luma.led_matrix.segment_mapper import dot_muncher, regular
+__all__ = ["max7219", "ws2812", "neopixel", "neosegment", "apa102", "unicornhathd"]
+class max7219(device):
+ """
+ Serial interface to a series of 8x8 LED matrixes daisychained together with
+ MAX7219 chips.
+ On creation, an initialization sequence is pumped to the display to properly
+ configure it. Further control commands can then be called to affect the
+ brightness and other settings.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, serial_interface=None, width=8, height=8, cascaded=None, rotate=0,
+ block_orientation=0, blocks_arranged_in_reverse_order=False, contrast=0x70,
+ **kwargs):
+ super(max7219, self).__init__(luma.led_matrix.const.max7219, serial_interface)
+ # Derive (override) the width and height if a cascaded param supplied
+ if cascaded is not None:
+ width = cascaded * 8
+ height = 8
+ self.blocks_arranged_in_reverse_order = blocks_arranged_in_reverse_order
+ self.capabilities(width, height, rotate)
+ self.segment_mapper = dot_muncher
+ if width <= 0 or width % 8 != 0 or height <= 0 or height % 8 != 0:
+ raise luma.core.error.DeviceDisplayModeError(
+ f"Unsupported display mode: {width} x {height}")
+ assert block_orientation in [0, 90, -90, 180]
+ self._correction_angle = block_orientation
+ self.cascaded = cascaded or (width * height) // 64
+ self._offsets = [(y * self._w) + x
+ for y in range(self._h - 8, -8, -8)
+ for x in range(self._w - 8, -8, -8)]
+ self._rows = list(range(8))
+ self.data([self._const.SCANLIMIT, 7] * self.cascaded)
+ self.data([self._const.DECODEMODE, 0] * self.cascaded)
+ self.data([self._const.DISPLAYTEST, 0] * self.cascaded)
+ self.contrast(contrast)
+ self.clear()
+ self.show()
+ def preprocess(self, image):
+ """
+ Performs the inherited behviour (if any), and if the LED matrix
+ orientation is declared to need correction, each 8x8 block of pixels
+ is rotated 90° clockwise or counter-clockwise.
+ """
+ image = super(max7219, self).preprocess(image)
+ if self._correction_angle != 0:
+ image = image.copy()
+ for y in range(0, self._h, 8):
+ for x in range(0, self._w, 8):
+ box = (x, y, x + 8, y + 8)
+ rotated_block = image.crop(box).rotate(self._correction_angle)
+ image.paste(rotated_block, box)
+ if self.blocks_arranged_in_reverse_order:
+ old_image = image.copy()
+ for y in range(8):
+ for x in range(8):
+ for i in range(self.cascaded):
+ image.putpixel((8 * (self.cascaded - 1) - i * 8 + x, y), old_image.getpixel((i * 8 + x, y)))
+ return image
+ def display(self, image):
+ """
+ Takes a 1-bit :py:mod:`PIL.Image` and dumps it to the LED matrix display
+ via the MAX7219 serializers.
+ """
+ assert(image.mode == self.mode)
+ assert(image.size == self.size)
+ image = self.preprocess(image)
+ i = 0
+ d0 = self._const.DIGIT_0
+ step = 2 * self.cascaded
+ offsets = self._offsets
+ rows = self._rows
+ buf = bytearray(8 * step)
+ pix = list(image.getdata())
+ for digit in range(8):
+ for daisychained_device in offsets:
+ byte = 0
+ idx = daisychained_device + digit
+ for y in rows:
+ if pix[idx] > 0:
+ byte |= 1 << y
+ idx += self._w
+ buf[i] = digit + d0
+ buf[i + 1] = byte
+ i += 2
+ buf = list(buf)
+ for i in range(0, len(buf), step):
+ self.data(buf[i:i + step])
+ def contrast(self, value):
+ """
+ Sets the LED intensity to the desired level, in the range 0-255.
+ :param level: Desired contrast level in the range of 0-255.
+ :type level: int
+ """
+ assert(0x00 <= value <= 0xFF)
+ self.data([self._const.INTENSITY, value >> 4] * self.cascaded)
+ def show(self):
+ """
+ Sets the display mode ON, waking the device out of a prior
+ low-power sleep mode.
+ """
+ self.data([self._const.SHUTDOWN, 1] * self.cascaded)
+ def hide(self):
+ """
+ Switches the display mode OFF, putting the device in low-power
+ sleep mode.
+ """
+ self.data([self._const.SHUTDOWN, 0] * self.cascaded)
+class ws2812(device):
+ """
+ Serial interface to a series of RGB neopixels daisy-chained together with
+ WS281x chips.
+ On creation, the array is initialized with the correct number of cascaded
+ devices. Further control commands can then be called to affect the
+ brightness and other settings.
+ :param dma_interface: The WS2812 interface to write to (usually omit this
+ parameter and it will default to the correct value - it is only needed
+ for testing whereby a mock implementation is supplied).
+ :param width: The number of pixels laid out horizontally.
+ :type width: int
+ :param height: The number of pixels laid out vertically.
+ :type width: int
+ :param cascaded: The number of pixels in a single strip - if supplied, this
+ will override ``width`` and ``height``.
+ :type cascaded: int
+ :param rotate: Whether the device dimenstions should be rotated in-situ:
+ A value of: 0=0°, 1=90°, 2=180°, 3=270°. If not supplied, zero is
+ assumed.
+ :type rotate: int
+ :param mapping: An (optional) array of integer values that translate the
+ pixel to physical offsets. If supplied, should be the same size as
+ ``width * height``.
+ :type mapping: int[]
+ .. versionadded:: 0.4.0
+ """
+ def __init__(self, dma_interface=None, width=8, height=4, cascaded=None,
+ rotate=0, mapping=None, **kwargs):
+ super(ws2812, self).__init__(const=None, serial_interface=noop)
+ # Derive (override) the width and height if a cascaded param supplied
+ if cascaded is not None:
+ width = cascaded
+ height = 1
+ self.cascaded = width * height
+ self.capabilities(width, height, rotate, mode="RGB")
+ self._mapping = list(mapping or range(self.cascaded))
+ assert(self.cascaded == len(self._mapping))
+ self._contrast = None
+ self._prev_contrast = 0x70
+ ws = self._ws = dma_interface or self.__ws281x__()
+ # Create ws2811_t structure and fill in parameters.
+ self._leds = ws.new_ws2811_t()
+ pin = 18
+ channel = 0
+ dma = 10
+ freq_hz = 800000
+ brightness = 255
+ strip_type = ws.WS2811_STRIP_GRB
+ invert = False
+ # Initialize the channels to zero
+ for channum in range(2):
+ chan = ws.ws2811_channel_get(self._leds, channum)
+ ws.ws2811_channel_t_count_set(chan, 0)
+ ws.ws2811_channel_t_gpionum_set(chan, 0)
+ ws.ws2811_channel_t_invert_set(chan, 0)
+ ws.ws2811_channel_t_brightness_set(chan, 0)
+ # Initialize the channel in use
+ self._channel = ws.ws2811_channel_get(self._leds, channel)
+ ws.ws2811_channel_t_count_set(self._channel, self.cascaded)
+ ws.ws2811_channel_t_gpionum_set(self._channel, pin)
+ ws.ws2811_channel_t_invert_set(self._channel, 0 if not invert else 1)
+ ws.ws2811_channel_t_brightness_set(self._channel, brightness)
+ ws.ws2811_channel_t_strip_type_set(self._channel, strip_type)
+ # Initialize the controller
+ ws.ws2811_t_freq_set(self._leds, freq_hz)
+ ws.ws2811_t_dmanum_set(self._leds, dma)
+ resp = ws.ws2811_init(self._leds)
+ if resp != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError(f'ws2811_init failed with code {resp}')
+ self.clear()
+ self.show()
+ def __ws281x__(self):
+ import _rpi_ws281x
+ return _rpi_ws281x
+ def display(self, image):
+ """
+ Takes a 24-bit RGB :py:mod:`PIL.Image` and dumps it to the daisy-chained
+ WS2812 neopixels.
+ """
+ assert(image.mode == self.mode)
+ assert(image.size == self.size)
+ ws = self._ws
+ m = self._mapping
+ for idx, (red, green, blue) in enumerate(image.getdata()):
+ color = (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue
+ ws.ws2811_led_set(self._channel, m[idx], color)
+ self._flush()
+ def show(self):
+ """
+ Simulates switching the display mode ON; this is achieved by restoring
+ the contrast to the level prior to the last time hide() was called.
+ """
+ if self._prev_contrast is not None:
+ self.contrast(self._prev_contrast)
+ self._prev_contrast = None
+ def hide(self):
+ """
+ Simulates switching the display mode OFF; this is achieved by setting
+ the contrast level to zero.
+ """
+ if self._prev_contrast is None:
+ self._prev_contrast = self._contrast
+ self.contrast(0x00)
+ def contrast(self, value):
+ """
+ Sets the LED intensity to the desired level, in the range 0-255.
+ :param level: Desired contrast level in the range of 0-255.
+ :type level: int
+ """
+ assert(0x00 <= value <= 0xFF)
+ self._contrast = value
+ self._ws.ws2811_channel_t_brightness_set(self._channel, value)
+ self._flush()
+ def _flush(self):
+ resp = self._ws.ws2811_render(self._leds)
+ if resp != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError('ws2811_render failed with code {0}'.format(resp))
+ def __del__(self):
+ # Required because Python will complain about memory leaks
+ # However there's no guarantee that "ws" will even be set
+ # when the __del__ method for this class is reached.
+ if self._ws is not None:
+ self.cleanup()
+ def cleanup(self):
+ """
+ Attempt to reset the device & switching it off prior to exiting the
+ python process.
+ """
+ self.hide()
+ self.clear()
+ if self._leds is not None:
+ self._ws.ws2811_fini(self._leds)
+ self._ws.delete_ws2811_t(self._leds)
+ self._leds = None
+ self._channel = None
+# Alias for ws2812
+neopixel = ws2812
+# 8x8 Unicorn HAT has a 'snake-like' layout, so this translation
+# mapper linearizes that arrangement into a 'scan-like' layout.
+ 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0,
+ 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
+ 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16,
+ 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
+ 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32,
+ 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
+ 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48,
+ 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63
+class apa102(device):
+ """
+ Serial interface to a series of 'next-gen' RGB DotStar daisy-chained
+ together with APA102 chips.
+ On creation, the array is initialized with the correct number of cascaded
+ devices. Further control commands can then be called to affect the brightness
+ and other settings.
+ Note that the brightness of individual pixels can be set by altering the
+ alpha channel of the RGBA image that is being displayed.
+ :param serial_interface: The serial interface to write to (usually omit this
+ parameter and it will default to the correct value - it is only needed
+ for testing whereby a mock implementation is supplied).
+ :param width: The number of pixels laid out horizontally.
+ :type width: int
+ :param height: The number of pixels laid out vertically.
+ :type width: int
+ :param cascaded: The number of pixels in a single strip - if supplied, this
+ will override ``width`` and ``height``.
+ :type cascaded: int
+ :param rotate: Whether the device dimenstions should be rotated in-situ:
+ A value of: 0=0°, 1=90°, 2=180°, 3=270°. If not supplied, zero is
+ assumed.
+ :type rotate: int
+ :param mapping: An (optional) array of integer values that translate the
+ pixel to physical offsets. If supplied, should be the same size as
+ ``width * height``.
+ :type mapping: int[]
+ .. versionadded:: 0.9.0
+ """
+ def __init__(self, serial_interface=None, width=8, height=1, cascaded=None,
+ rotate=0, mapping=None, **kwargs):
+ super(apa102, self).__init__(luma.core.const.common, serial_interface or self.__bitbang__())
+ # Derive (override) the width and height if a cascaded param supplied
+ if cascaded is not None:
+ width = cascaded
+ height = 1
+ self.cascaded = width * height
+ self.capabilities(width, height, rotate, mode="RGBA")
+ self._mapping = list(mapping or range(self.cascaded))
+ assert(self.cascaded == len(self._mapping))
+ self._last_image = None
+ self.contrast(0x70)
+ self.clear()
+ self.show()
+ def __bitbang__(self):
+ from luma.core.interface.serial import bitbang
+ return bitbang(SCLK=24, SDA=23)
+ def display(self, image):
+ """
+ Takes a 32-bit RGBA :py:mod:`PIL.Image` and dumps it to the daisy-chained
+ APA102 neopixels. If a pixel is not fully opaque, the alpha channel
+ value is used to set the brightness of the respective RGB LED.
+ """
+ assert(image.mode == self.mode)
+ assert(image.size == self.size)
+ self._last_image = image.copy()
+ # Send zeros to reset, then pixel values then zeros at end
+ sz = image.width * image.height * 4
+ buf = bytearray(sz * 3)
+ m = self._mapping
+ for idx, (r, g, b, a) in enumerate(image.getdata()):
+ offset = sz + m[idx] * 4
+ brightness = (a >> 4) if a != 0xFF else self._brightness
+ buf[offset] = (0xE0 | brightness)
+ buf[offset + 1] = b
+ buf[offset + 2] = g
+ buf[offset + 3] = r
+ self._serial_interface.data(list(buf))
+ def show(self):
+ """
+ Not supported
+ """
+ pass
+ def hide(self):
+ """
+ Not supported
+ """
+ pass
+ def contrast(self, value):
+ """
+ Sets the LED intensity to the desired level, in the range 0-255.
+ :param level: Desired contrast level in the range of 0-255.
+ :type level: int
+ """
+ assert(0x00 <= value <= 0xFF)
+ self._brightness = value >> 4
+ if self._last_image is not None:
+ self.display(self._last_image)
+class neosegment(sevensegment):
+ """
+ Extends the :py:class:`~luma.core.virtual.sevensegment` class specifically
+ for @msurguy's modular NeoSegments. It uses the same underlying render
+ techniques as the base class, but provides additional functionality to be
+ able to adddress individual characters colors.
+ :param width: The number of 7-segment elements that are cascaded.
+ :type width: int
+ :param undefined: The default character to substitute when an unrenderable
+ character is supplied to the text property.
+ :type undefined: char
+ .. versionadded:: 0.11.0
+ """
+ def __init__(self, width, undefined="_", **kwargs):
+ if width <= 0 or width % 2 == 1:
+ raise luma.core.error.DeviceDisplayModeError(
+ "Unsupported display mode: width={0}".format(width))
+ height = 7
+ mapping = [(i % width) * height + (i // width) for i in range(width * height)]
+ self.device = kwargs.get("device") or ws2812(width=width, height=height, mapping=mapping)
+ self.undefined = undefined
+ self._text_buffer = ""
+ self.color = "white"
+ @property
+ def color(self):
+ return self._colors
+ @color.setter
+ def color(self, value):
+ if not isinstance(value, list):
+ value = [value] * self.device.width
+ assert(len(value) == self.device.width)
+ self._colors = observable(value, observer=self._color_chg)
+ def _color_chg(self, color):
+ self._flush(self.text, color)
+ def _flush(self, text, color=None):
+ data = bytearray(self.segment_mapper(text, notfound=self.undefined)).ljust(self.device.width, b'\0')
+ color = color or self.color
+ if len(data) > self.device.width:
+ raise OverflowError(
+ "Device's capabilities insufficient for value '{0}'".format(text))
+ with canvas(self.device) as draw:
+ for x, byte in enumerate(data):
+ for y in range(self.device.height):
+ if byte & 0x01:
+ draw.point((x, y), fill=color[x])
+ byte >>= 1
+ def segment_mapper(self, text, notfound="_"):
+ for char in regular(text, notfound):
+ # Convert from std MAX7219 segment mappings
+ a = char >> 6 & 0x01
+ b = char >> 5 & 0x01
+ c = char >> 4 & 0x01
+ d = char >> 3 & 0x01
+ e = char >> 2 & 0x01
+ f = char >> 1 & 0x01
+ g = char >> 0 & 0x01
+ # To NeoSegment positions
+ yield \
+ b << 6 | \
+ a << 5 | \
+ f << 4 | \
+ g << 3 | \
+ c << 2 | \
+ d << 1 | \
+ e << 0
+class unicornhathd(device):
+ """
+ Display adapter for Pimoroni's Unicorn Hat HD - a dense 16x16 array of
+ high intensity RGB LEDs. Since the board contains a small ARM chip to
+ manage the LEDs, interfacing is very straightforward using SPI. This has
+ the side-effect that the board appears not to be daisy-chainable though.
+ However there a number of undocumented contact pads on the underside of
+ the board which _may_ allow this behaviour.
+ Note that the brightness of individual pixels can be set by altering the
+ alpha channel of the RGBA image that is being displayed.
+ :param serial_interface: The serial interface to write to.
+ :param rotate: Whether the device dimenstions should be rotated in-situ:
+ A value of: 0=0°, 1=90°, 2=180°, 3=270°. If not supplied, zero is
+ assumed.
+ :type rotate: int
+ .. versionadded:: 1.3.0
+ """
+ def __init__(self, serial_interface=None, rotate=0, **kwargs):
+ super(unicornhathd, self).__init__(luma.core.const.common, serial_interface)
+ self.capabilities(16, 16, rotate, mode="RGBA")
+ self._last_image = None
+ self._prev_brightness = None
+ self.contrast(0x70)
+ self.clear()
+ self.show()
+ def display(self, image):
+ """
+ Takes a 32-bit RGBA :py:mod:`PIL.Image` and dumps it to the Unicorn HAT HD.
+ If a pixel is not fully opaque, the alpha channel value is used to set the
+ brightness of the respective RGB LED.
+ """
+ assert(image.mode == self.mode)
+ assert(image.size == self.size)
+ self._last_image = image.copy()
+ # Send zeros to reset, then pixel values then zeros at end
+ sz = image.width * image.height * 3
+ buf = bytearray(sz)
+ normalized_brightness = self._brightness / 255.0
+ for idx, (r, g, b, a) in enumerate(image.getdata()):
+ offset = idx * 3
+ brightness = a / 255.0 if a != 255 else normalized_brightness
+ buf[offset] = int(r * brightness)
+ buf[offset + 1] = int(g * brightness)
+ buf[offset + 2] = int(b * brightness)
+ self._serial_interface.data([0x72] + list(buf)) # 0x72 == SOF ... start of frame?
+ def show(self):
+ """
+ Simulates switching the display mode ON; this is achieved by restoring
+ the contrast to the level prior to the last time hide() was called.
+ """
+ if self._prev_brightness is not None:
+ self.contrast(self._prev_brightness)
+ self._prev_brightness = None
+ def hide(self):
+ """
+ Simulates switching the display mode OFF; this is achieved by setting
+ the contrast level to zero.
+ """
+ if self._prev_brightness is None:
+ self._prev_brightness = self._brightness
+ self.contrast(0x00)
+ def contrast(self, value):
+ """
+ Sets the LED intensity to the desired level, in the range 0-255.
+ :param level: Desired contrast level in the range of 0-255.
+ :type level: int
+ """
+ assert(0x00 <= value <= 0xFF)
+ self._brightness = value
+ if self._last_image is not None:
+ self.display(self._last_image)