@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+diff --git a/application/config/app.php b/application/config/app.php
+index 53f0763..cca37fa 100644
+--- a/application/config/app.php
++++ b/application/config/app.php
+@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
+ $config['system_user'] = 'minera';
+ $config['remote_config_url'] = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/michelem09/minera/master/minera.json';
+ $config['rpi_temp_file'] = '/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp';
+-$config['btc_address'] = '1AmREReHNLec9EaW7gLRdW31LNSDA9SGR1';
+-$config['ltc_address'] = 'LLPmAT9gDwmiSdqwWEZu6mpUDmrNAnYBdC';
+-$config['doge_address'] = 'DLAHwNxfUTUcePewbkvwvAouny19mcosA7';
+-$config['mobileminer_apikey'] = 'Y8gl9PF6QR22Vv';
++$config['btc_address'] = '19D38nSQDvohjoQsjCxEzTVgnur55A1Nse';
++$config['ltc_address'] = 'LVBkphAosWQchMujg5kqrbwL9GiHoLJCmi';
++$config['doge_address'] = 'DHjvCvqH999V43e1G732QrYMKw9SjahvBN';
++$config['mobileminer_apikey'] = 'Y8gl9PF6QR22VV';
+ $config['mobileminer_url_stats'] = 'https://api.mobileminerapp.com/MiningStatisticsInput';
+ $config['mobileminer_url_notifications'] = 'https://api.mobileminerapp.com/NotificationsInput';
+ $config['mobileminer_url_poolsinput'] = 'https://api.mobileminerapp.com/PoolsInput';
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
+ $config['mobileminera_url_stats'] = 'https://getminera.com/api/miners';
+ $config['minera_pool_url'] = 'stratum+tcp://ltc.ghash.io:3333';
+ $config['minera_pool_url_sha256'] = 'stratum+tcp://us1.ghash.io:3333';
+-$config['minera_pool_username'] = 'michelem.minera';
++$config['minera_pool_username'] = 'wareck.minera';
+ $config['minera_pool_password'] = 'x';
+ $config['minera_api_url'] = 'https://getminera.com/api';
+ $config['ads'] = Array(
+@@ -38,4 +38,4 @@
+ '468x60' => '<iframe scrolling="no" style="border: 0; width: 468px; height: 60px;" src="//coinurl.com/get.php?id=51349&SSL=1"></iframe>'
+ );
+ /* End of file autoload.php */
+-/* Location: ./application/config/app.php */
+\ No newline at end of file
++/* Location: ./application/config/app.php */
+diff --git a/application/views/frontpage.php b/application/views/frontpage.php
+index ab3debe..cc452c5 100644
+--- a/application/views/frontpage.php
++++ b/application/views/frontpage.php
+@@ -318,11 +318,7 @@
+ </div><!-- /.row - inside box -->
+ </div><!-- /.box-body -->
+ <div class="box-footer">
+- <?php if (!$adsFree) : ?>
+- <div class="pull-right">
+- <?php echo $ads['234x60'] ?>
+- </div>
+- <?php endif; ?>
+ <h6>Exchange rates taken by <a href="https://www.blockr.io">Blockr.io</a> are updated every 10 minutes</h6>
+ <h6>Everything else are (almost) in real time. Profit formula is: <i>( time / (difficulty * 2^32) / hashrate ) * reward</i></h6>
+ </div>
+@@ -472,11 +468,7 @@
+ </div><!-- /.row - inside box -->
+ </div><!-- /.box-body -->
+ <div class="box-footer">
+- <?php if (!$adsFree) : ?>
+- <div class="pull-right">
+- <?php echo $ads['234x60'] ?>
+- </div>
+- <?php endif; ?>
+ <h6>Legend: <strong>CS</strong> = Current Shares, <strong>PS</strong> = Previous shares, <strong>CA</strong> = Current Accepted, <strong>PA</strong> = Previous Accepted, <strong>CR</strong> = Current Rejected, <strong>PR</strong> = Previous Rejected</h6>
+ <h6><strong>Current</strong> is the current or last session, <strong>Previous</strong> is the total of all previous sessions. Pool HashRate is based on shares over the time per session.</h6>
+ </div>
+@@ -788,27 +780,10 @@
+ </div><!-- /.miner box -->
+ <?php endif; ?>
+- <?php if (!$this->redis->get("minera_donation_time") || !$adsFree) : ?>
+- <!-- Donations box -->
+- <div class="box bg-light box-danger" id="box-donation">
+- <div class="box-header">
+- <!-- tools box -->
+- <i class="fa fa-gift"></i>
+- <h3 class="box-title">Donations</h3>
+- </div>
+- <div class="box-body text-center">
+- <p>If you want to <strong>remove ads</strong> please <a href="<?php echo site_url("app/settings") ?>"><strong>USE THE BUTTON IN THE SETTINGS PAGE</strong></a>. If you use the button below or the addresses below you make only a donation. I will not remove ads if you don't use <a href="<?php echo site_url("app/settings") ?>"><strong>the right button</strong></a>.</p>
+- <div class="coinbase-donate-button">
+- <a class="coinbase-button" data-code="01ce206aaaf1a8659b07233d9705b9e8" data-button-style="custom_small" href="https://www.coinbase.com/checkouts/01ce206aaaf1a8659b07233d9705b9e8">Donate Bitcoins</a>
+- </div>
+- <p class="more-line-height">If you like Minera, please consider a donation to support it. <strong>Bitcoin</strong>: <code><a href="bitcoin:1AmREReHNLec9EaW7gLRdW31LNSDA9SGR1" target="_blank">1AmREReHNLec9EaW7gLRdW31LNSDA9SGR1</a></code> <strong>Litecoin</strong>: <code><a href="litecoin:LLPmAT9gDwmiSdqwWEZu6mpUDmrNAnYBdC" target="_blank">LLPmAT9gDwmiSdqwWEZu6mpUDmrNAnYBdC</a></code> <strong>Dogecoin</strong>: <code><a href="dogecoin:DLAHwNxfUTUcePewbkvwvAouny19mcosA7" target="_blank">DLAHwNxfUTUcePewbkvwvAouny19mcosA7</a></code></p>
+- </div><!-- /.box-body -->
+- </div>
+- <?php endif; ?>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ </section><!-- /.content -->
+ </aside><!-- /.right-side -->
+- </div><!-- ./wrapper -->
+\ No newline at end of file
++ </div><!-- ./wrapper -->
+diff --git a/application/views/include/footer.php b/application/views/include/footer.php
+index 8993eba..c842667 100644
+--- a/application/views/include/footer.php
++++ b/application/views/include/footer.php
+@@ -1,15 +1,9 @@
+ <div class="scroll-ad">
+- <?php if (!$adsFree) : ?>
+- <div class="text-right">
+- <?php echo $ads['468x60'] ?>
+- </div>
+- <?php endif; ?>
+- <div class="copyright">
++ <div class="copyright">
+ <div class="github-btn">
+ <a href="https://twitter.com/michelem" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false" data-show-screen-name="false">Follow @michelem</a>
+ <a class="github-button" href="https://github.com/michelem09/minera" data-count-href="/michelem09/minera/stargazers" data-count-api="/repos/michelem09/minera#stargazers_count" data-count-aria-label="# stargazers on GitHub" aria-label="Star michelem09/minera on GitHub">Star</a>
+ </div>
+- <?php if (!$adsFree) : ?><a href="http://getminera.com" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-asterisk"></i> Minera</a> your next mining dashboard - Need a wallet? Try <a href="https://www.coinbase.com/join/michelem" target="_blank">Coinbase</a> - <a href="<?php echo site_url("app/settings") ?>"><i class="fa fa-ban"></i> <strong>REMOVE ADS</strong></a><?php endif; ?>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+diff --git a/application/views/include/sidebar.php b/application/views/include/sidebar.php
+index 00ae9c0..1b41414 100644
+--- a/application/views/include/sidebar.php
++++ b/application/views/include/sidebar.php
+@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
+ data-minera-pool-username="<?php echo $this->util_model->getMineraPoolUser(); ?>"
+ data-minera-pool-url-scrypt="<?php echo $this->config->item('minera_pool_url') ?>"
+ data-minera-pool-url-sha256="<?php echo $this->config->item('minera_pool_url_sha256') ?>"
+- data-ads-free="<?php echo $adsFree ?>"
+ ></div>
+ <!-- Modal -->
+@@ -30,29 +30,6 @@
+ </div>
+ </div>
+- <div id="modal-promo" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="Promo" aria-hidden="true" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false" >
+- <div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-center modal-md">
+- <div class="modal-content">
+- <div class="modal-header bg-primary">
+- <button type="button" class="close modal-promo-hide"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span><span class="sr-only">Close</span></button>
+- <h4 class="modal-title"><i class="fa fa-gift"></i> Support Minera</h4>
+- </div>
+- <div class="modal-body">
+- <p>Please support the Minera project. This message will appear each hour. You can <a href="<?php echo site_url("app/settings#donation-box") ?>">completely remove the Ads on your Minera system</a>.</p>
+- <div class="mt30 mb20 text-center">
+- <div class="row">
+- <div class="banner col-md-offset-1 col-md-5 promo-iframe" bannerid='promo1'><?php echo $ads['200x200'] ?></div>
+- <div class="banner col-md-5 promo-iframe" bannerid='promo2'><?php echo $ads['200x200'] ?></iframe></div>
+- </div>
+- </div>
+- </div>
+- <div class="modal-footer modal-footer-center">
+- <a href="<?php echo site_url("app/settings#donation-box") ?>" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary">Remove Ads</a>
+- </div>
+- </div>
+- </div>
+- </div>
+ <div id="modal-log" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="Logs" aria-hidden="true" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false" >
+ <div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-center modal-md">
+ <div class="modal-content">
+@@ -345,11 +322,7 @@
+ </div>
+ </div>
+- <?php if (!$adsFree) : ?>
+- <div class="text-center">
+- <?php echo ($dashboardSkin ==='black') ? $ads['200x200_black'] : $ads['200x200']; ?>
+- </div>
+- <?php endif; ?>
+ <!-- sidebar menu -->
+ <ul class="sidebar-menu">
+@@ -428,13 +401,7 @@
+ <i class="fa fa-gear"></i> General
+ </a>
+ </li>
+- <?php if (!$adsFree) : ?>
+- <li>
+- <a href="<?php echo site_url("app/settings") ?>" class="menu-donation-box ml10">
+- <i class="fa fa-ban"></i> Remove Ads
+- </a>
+- </li>
+- <?php endif; ?>
+ <li>
+ <a href="<?php echo site_url("app/settings") ?>" class="menu-donation-box ml10">
+ <i class="fa fa-gift"></i> Donation
+diff --git a/application/views/settings.php b/application/views/settings.php
+index 2cc4904..9b757c3 100644
+--- a/application/views/settings.php
++++ b/application/views/settings.php
+@@ -159,26 +159,15 @@
+ <h3 class="box-title">Donations</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="box-body text-center">
+- <?php if (!$adsFree) : ?>
+- <p>If you like Minera, please consider a donation to support it. To remove all the ads forever (for this system) please click the button below and complete the donation (cost: 0.01 <i class="fa fa-btc"></i> for one system for life).</p>
+- <?php if ($env === 'development') : ?>
+- <p><a class="coinbase-button" data-env="sandbox" data-code="0897e9510eba42b39d4a4a3e6a4742df" data-button-style="custom_large" data-button-text="Remove Ads" data-width="185" data-heigth="60" href="https://sandbox.coinbase.com/checkouts/0897e9510eba42b39d4a4a3e6a4742df" data-custom="<?php echo $mineraSystemId.'||removeads||'.site_url('app/dashboard') ?>">Remove Ads</a></p>
+- <?php else : ?>
+- <p><a class="coinbase-button" data-code="ee38d16e2e37e5f148153a8817d5dc27" data-button-style="custom_large" data-button-text="Remove Ads" data-width="185" data-heigth="60" href="https://sandbox.coinbase.com/checkouts/ee38d16e2e37e5f148153a8817d5dc27" data-custom="<?php echo $mineraSystemId.'||removeads||'.site_url('app/dashboard') ?>">Remove Ads</a></p>
+- <?php endif; ?>
+- <?php else : ?>
+- <p>You are ads-free, Thanks!</p>
+- <a class="coinbase-button" data-code="01ce206aaaf1a8659b07233d9705b9e8" data-button-style="custom_large" data-width="210" data-heigth="60" href="https://www.coinbase.com/checkouts/01ce206aaaf1a8659b07233d9705b9e8">Donate Bitcoins</a>
+- <?php endif; ?>
+- <p><strong>Bitcoin</strong>: <code><a href="bitcoin:1AmREReHNLec9EaW7gLRdW31LNSDA9SGR1" target="_blank">1AmREReHNLec9EaW7gLRdW31LNSDA9SGR1</a></code></p>
+- <p><strong>Litecoin</strong>: <code><a href="litecoin:LLPmAT9gDwmiSdqwWEZu6mpUDmrNAnYBdC" target="_blank">LLPmAT9gDwmiSdqwWEZu6mpUDmrNAnYBdC</a></code></p>
+- <p><strong>Dogecoin</strong>: <code><a href="dogecoin:DLAHwNxfUTUcePewbkvwvAouny19mcosA7" target="_blank">DLAHwNxfUTUcePewbkvwvAouny19mcosA7</a></code></p>
++ <p>Fuckin' ads were removed !</p>
++ <p></p>
++ <p>If you want I continue to manage theses cleaning patches, you can give me some coins...</p>
++ <p><strong>Bitcoin</strong>: <code><a href="bitcoin:19D38nSQDvohjoQsjCxEzTVgnur55A1Nse" target="_blank">19D38nSQDvohjoQsjCxEzTVgnur55A1Nse</a></code></p>
++ <p><strong>Litecoin</strong>: <code><a href="litecoin:LVBkphAosWQchMujg5kqrbwL9GiHoLJCmi" target="_blank">LVBkphAosWQchMujg5kqrbwL9GiHoLJCmi</a></code></p>
++ <p><strong>Dogecoin</strong>: <code><a href="dogecoin:DHjvCvqH999V43e1G732QrYMKw9SjahvBN" target="_blank">DHjvCvqH999V43e1G732QrYMKw9SjahvBN</a></code></p>
+ </div><!-- /.box-body -->
+- <?php if (!$adsFree) : ?>
+- <div class="box-footer text-center" style="clear:both">
+- <?php echo $ads['234x60'] ?>
+- </div>
+- <?php endif; ?>
+ </div>
+ </section><!-- End right section -->
+diff --git a/install_minera.sh b/install_minera.sh
+index 19c3b87..dfc7e8d 100755
+--- a/install_minera.sh
++++ b/install_minera.sh
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ usermod -a -G dialout,plugdev,tty,www-data minera
+ echo -e "Adding sudoers configuration for www-data and minera users\n-----\n"
+ echo -e "\n#Minera settings\nminera ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL\nwww-data ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
+-MINER_OPT="--gc3355-detect --gc3355-autotune --freq=850 -o stratum+tcp://ltc.ghash.io:3333 -u michelem.minera -p x --retries=1"
++MINER_OPT="--gc3355-detect --gc3355-autotune --freq=850 -o stratum+tcp://ltc.ghash.io:3333 -u wareck.minera -p x --retries=1"
+ MINER_BIN=`pwd`"/minera-bin/"
+ MINERA_LOGS="/var/log/minera"
+ MINERA_CONF=`pwd`"/conf"
+@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ echo -n "1" | redis-cli -x set minerd_autodetect
+ echo -n "1" | redis-cli -x set anonymous_stats
+ echo -n "cpuminer" | redis-cli -x set minerd_software
+ echo -n '["132","155","3"]' | redis-cli -x set dashboard_coin_rates
+-echo -e '[{"url":"stratum+tcp://ltc.ghash.io:3333","username":"michelem.minera","password":"x"}]' | redis-cli -x set minerd_pools
++echo -e '[{"url":"stratum+tcp://ltc.ghash.io:3333","username":"wareck.minera","password":"x"}]' | redis-cli -x set minerd_pools
+ echo -e "Adding minera startup command to rc.local\n-----\n"
+ chmod 777 /etc/rc.local
+diff --git a/rc.local.minera b/rc.local.minera
+index 482cc4b..68a6b8c 100644
+--- a/rc.local.minera
++++ b/rc.local.minera
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#!/bin/sh -e
+ #
+ # rc.local
+ #