# # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # # Copyright (C) 2014 Joakim Söderberg # # This is intended to be run by a custom target in a CMake project like this. # 0. Compile program with coverage support. # 1. Clear coverage data. (Recursively delete *.gcda in build dir) # 2. Run the unit tests. # 3. Run this script specifying which source files the coverage should be performed on. # # This script will then use gcov to generate .gcov files in the directory specified # via the COV_PATH var. This should probably be the same as your cmake build dir. # # It then parses the .gcov files to convert them into the Coveralls JSON format: # https://coveralls.io/docs/api # # Example for running as standalone CMake script from the command line: # (Note it is important the -P is at the end...) # $ cmake -DCOV_PATH=$(pwd) # -DCOVERAGE_SRCS="catcierge_rfid.c;catcierge_timer.c" # -P ../cmake/CoverallsGcovUpload.cmake # CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.8) # # Make sure we have the needed arguments. # if (NOT COVERALLS_OUTPUT_FILE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Coveralls: No coveralls output file specified. Please set COVERALLS_OUTPUT_FILE") endif() if (NOT COV_PATH) message(FATAL_ERROR "Coveralls: Missing coverage directory path where gcov files will be generated. Please set COV_PATH") endif() if (NOT COVERAGE_SRCS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Coveralls: Missing the list of source files that we should get the coverage data for COVERAGE_SRCS") endif() if (NOT PROJECT_ROOT) message(FATAL_ERROR "Coveralls: Missing PROJECT_ROOT.") endif() # Since it's not possible to pass a CMake list properly in the # "1;2;3" format to an external process, we have replaced the # ";" with "*", so reverse that here so we get it back into the # CMake list format. string(REGEX REPLACE "\\*" ";" COVERAGE_SRCS ${COVERAGE_SRCS}) find_program(GCOV_EXECUTABLE gcov) if (NOT GCOV_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "gcov not found! Aborting...") endif() find_package(Git) # TODO: Add these git things to the coveralls json. if (GIT_FOUND) # Branch. execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_BRANCH OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) macro (git_log_format FORMAT_CHARS VAR_NAME) execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} log -1 --pretty=format:%${FORMAT_CHARS} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE ${VAR_NAME} OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) endmacro() git_log_format(an GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL) git_log_format(ae GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL) git_log_format(cn GIT_COMMITTER_NAME) git_log_format(ce GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL) git_log_format(B GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE) message("Git exe: ${GIT_EXECUTABLE}") message("Git branch: ${GIT_BRANCH}") message("Git author: ${GIT_AUTHOR_NAME}") message("Git e-mail: ${GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL}") message("Git commiter name: ${GIT_COMMITTER_NAME}") message("Git commiter e-mail: ${GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL}") message("Git commit message: ${GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE}") endif() ############################# Macros ######################################### # # This macro converts from the full path format gcov outputs: # # /path/to/project/root/build/#path#to#project#root#subdir#the_file.c.gcov # # to the original source file path the .gcov is for: # # /path/to/project/root/subdir/the_file.c # macro(get_source_path_from_gcov_filename _SRC_FILENAME _GCOV_FILENAME) # /path/to/project/root/build/#path#to#project#root#subdir#the_file.c.gcov # -> # #path#to#project#root#subdir#the_file.c.gcov get_filename_component(_GCOV_FILENAME_WEXT ${_GCOV_FILENAME} NAME) # #path#to#project#root#subdir#the_file.c.gcov -> /path/to/project/root/subdir/the_file.c string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.gcov$" "" SRC_FILENAME_TMP ${_GCOV_FILENAME_WEXT}) string(REGEX REPLACE "\#" "/" SRC_FILENAME_TMP ${SRC_FILENAME_TMP}) set(${_SRC_FILENAME} "${SRC_FILENAME_TMP}") endmacro() ############################################################################## # Get the coverage data. file(GLOB_RECURSE GCDA_FILES "${COV_PATH}/*.gcda") message("GCDA files:") # Get a list of all the object directories needed by gcov # (The directories the .gcda files and .o files are found in) # and run gcov on those. foreach(GCDA ${GCDA_FILES}) message("Process: ${GCDA}") message("------------------------------------------------------------------------------") get_filename_component(GCDA_DIR ${GCDA} PATH) # # The -p below refers to "Preserve path components", # This means that the generated gcov filename of a source file will # keep the original files entire filepath, but / is replaced with #. # Example: # # /path/to/project/root/build/CMakeFiles/the_file.dir/subdir/the_file.c.gcda # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # File '/path/to/project/root/subdir/the_file.c' # Lines executed:68.34% of 199 # /path/to/project/root/subdir/the_file.c:creating '#path#to#project#root#subdir#the_file.c.gcov' # # If -p is not specified then the file is named only "the_file.c.gcov" # execute_process( COMMAND ${GCOV_EXECUTABLE} -p -o ${GCDA_DIR} ${GCDA} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${COV_PATH} ) endforeach() # TODO: Make these be absolute path file(GLOB ALL_GCOV_FILES ${COV_PATH}/*.gcov) # Get only the filenames to use for filtering. #set(COVERAGE_SRCS_NAMES "") #foreach (COVSRC ${COVERAGE_SRCS}) # get_filename_component(COVSRC_NAME ${COVSRC} NAME) # message("${COVSRC} -> ${COVSRC_NAME}") # list(APPEND COVERAGE_SRCS_NAMES "${COVSRC_NAME}") #endforeach() # # Filter out all but the gcov files we want. # # We do this by comparing the list of COVERAGE_SRCS filepaths that the # user wants the coverage data for with the paths of the generated .gcov files, # so that we only keep the relevant gcov files. # # Example: # COVERAGE_SRCS = # /path/to/project/root/subdir/the_file.c # # ALL_GCOV_FILES = # /path/to/project/root/build/#path#to#project#root#subdir#the_file.c.gcov # /path/to/project/root/build/#path#to#project#root#subdir#other_file.c.gcov # # Result should be: # GCOV_FILES = # /path/to/project/root/build/#path#to#project#root#subdir#the_file.c.gcov # set(GCOV_FILES "") #message("Look in coverage sources: ${COVERAGE_SRCS}") message("\nFilter out unwanted GCOV files:") message("===============================") set(COVERAGE_SRCS_REMAINING ${COVERAGE_SRCS}) foreach (GCOV_FILE ${ALL_GCOV_FILES}) # # /path/to/project/root/build/#path#to#project#root#subdir#the_file.c.gcov # -> # /path/to/project/root/subdir/the_file.c get_source_path_from_gcov_filename(GCOV_SRC_PATH ${GCOV_FILE}) # Is this in the list of source files? # TODO: We want to match against relative path filenames from the source file root... list(FIND COVERAGE_SRCS ${GCOV_SRC_PATH} WAS_FOUND) if (NOT WAS_FOUND EQUAL -1) message("YES: ${GCOV_FILE}") list(APPEND GCOV_FILES ${GCOV_FILE}) # We remove it from the list, so we don't bother searching for it again. # Also files left in COVERAGE_SRCS_REMAINING after this loop ends should # have coverage data generated from them (no lines are covered). list(REMOVE_ITEM COVERAGE_SRCS_REMAINING ${GCOV_SRC_PATH}) else() message("NO: ${GCOV_FILE}") endif() endforeach() # TODO: Enable setting these set(JSON_SERVICE_NAME "travis-ci") set(JSON_SERVICE_JOB_ID $ENV{TRAVIS_JOB_ID}) set(JSON_TEMPLATE "{ \"service_name\": \"\@JSON_SERVICE_NAME\@\", \"service_job_id\": \"\@JSON_SERVICE_JOB_ID\@\", \"source_files\": \@JSON_GCOV_FILES\@ }" ) set(SRC_FILE_TEMPLATE "{ \"name\": \"\@GCOV_SRC_REL_PATH\@\", \"source\": \"\@GCOV_FILE_SOURCE\@\", \"coverage\": \@GCOV_FILE_COVERAGE\@ }" ) message("\nGenerate JSON for files:") message("=========================") set(JSON_GCOV_FILES "[") # Read the GCOV files line by line and get the coverage data. foreach (GCOV_FILE ${GCOV_FILES}) get_source_path_from_gcov_filename(GCOV_SRC_PATH ${GCOV_FILE}) file(RELATIVE_PATH GCOV_SRC_REL_PATH "${PROJECT_ROOT}" "${GCOV_SRC_PATH}") # Loads the gcov file as a list of lines. file(STRINGS ${GCOV_FILE} GCOV_LINES) # Instead of trying to parse the source from the # gcov file, simply read the file contents from the source file. # (Parsing it from the gcov is hard because C-code uses ; in many places # which also happens to be the same as the CMake list delimeter). file(READ ${GCOV_SRC_PATH} GCOV_FILE_SOURCE) string(REPLACE "\\" "\\\\" GCOV_FILE_SOURCE "${GCOV_FILE_SOURCE}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\"" "\\\\\"" GCOV_FILE_SOURCE "${GCOV_FILE_SOURCE}") string(REPLACE "\t" "\\\\t" GCOV_FILE_SOURCE "${GCOV_FILE_SOURCE}") string(REPLACE "\r" "\\\\r" GCOV_FILE_SOURCE "${GCOV_FILE_SOURCE}") string(REPLACE "\n" "\\\\n" GCOV_FILE_SOURCE "${GCOV_FILE_SOURCE}") # According to http://json.org/ these should be escaped as well. # Don't know how to do that in CMake however... #string(REPLACE "\b" "\\\\b" GCOV_FILE_SOURCE "${GCOV_FILE_SOURCE}") #string(REPLACE "\f" "\\\\f" GCOV_FILE_SOURCE "${GCOV_FILE_SOURCE}") #string(REGEX REPLACE "\u([a-fA-F0-9]{4})" "\\\\u\\1" GCOV_FILE_SOURCE "${GCOV_FILE_SOURCE}") # We want a json array of coverage data as a single string # start building them from the contents of the .gcov set(GCOV_FILE_COVERAGE "[") foreach (GCOV_LINE ${GCOV_LINES}) # Example of what we're parsing: # Hitcount |Line | Source # " 8: 26: if (!allowed || (strlen(allowed) == 0))" string(REGEX REPLACE "^([^:]*):([^:]*):(.*)$" "\\1;\\2;\\3" RES "${GCOV_LINE}") list(LENGTH RES RES_COUNT) if (RES_COUNT GREATER 2) list(GET RES 0 HITCOUNT) list(GET RES 1 LINE) list(GET RES 2 SOURCE) string(STRIP ${HITCOUNT} HITCOUNT) string(STRIP ${LINE} LINE) # Lines with 0 line numbers are metadata and can be ignored. if (NOT ${LINE} EQUAL 0) # Translate the hitcount into valid JSON values. if (${HITCOUNT} STREQUAL "#####") set(GCOV_FILE_COVERAGE "${GCOV_FILE_COVERAGE}0, ") elseif (${HITCOUNT} STREQUAL "-") set(GCOV_FILE_COVERAGE "${GCOV_FILE_COVERAGE}null, ") else() set(GCOV_FILE_COVERAGE "${GCOV_FILE_COVERAGE}${HITCOUNT}, ") endif() # TODO: Look for LCOV_EXCL_LINE in SOURCE to get rid of false positives. endif() else() message(WARNING "Failed to properly parse line --> ${GCOV_LINE}") endif() endforeach() # Advanced way of removing the trailing comma in the JSON array. # "[1, 2, 3, " -> "[1, 2, 3" string(REGEX REPLACE ",[ ]*$" "" GCOV_FILE_COVERAGE ${GCOV_FILE_COVERAGE}) # Append the trailing ] to complete the JSON array. set(GCOV_FILE_COVERAGE "${GCOV_FILE_COVERAGE}]") # Generate the final JSON for this file. message("Generate JSON for file: ${GCOV_SRC_REL_PATH}...") string(CONFIGURE ${SRC_FILE_TEMPLATE} FILE_JSON) set(JSON_GCOV_FILES "${JSON_GCOV_FILES}${FILE_JSON}, ") endforeach() # Loop through all files we couldn't find any coverage for # as well, and generate JSON for those as well with 0% coverage. foreach(NOT_COVERED_SRC ${COVERAGE_SRCS_REMAINING}) # Loads the source file as a list of lines. file(STRINGS ${NOT_COVERED_SRC} SRC_LINES) set(GCOV_FILE_COVERAGE "[") set(GCOV_FILE_SOURCE "") foreach (SOURCE ${SRC_LINES}) set(GCOV_FILE_COVERAGE "${GCOV_FILE_COVERAGE}0, ") string(REPLACE "\\" "\\\\" SOURCE "${SOURCE}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\"" "\\\\\"" SOURCE "${SOURCE}") string(REPLACE "\t" "\\\\t" SOURCE "${SOURCE}") string(REPLACE "\r" "\\\\r" SOURCE "${SOURCE}") set(GCOV_FILE_SOURCE "${GCOV_FILE_SOURCE}${SOURCE}\\n") endforeach() # Remove trailing comma, and complete JSON array with ] string(REGEX REPLACE ",[ ]*$" "" GCOV_FILE_COVERAGE ${GCOV_FILE_COVERAGE}) set(GCOV_FILE_COVERAGE "${GCOV_FILE_COVERAGE}]") # Generate the final JSON for this file. message("Generate JSON for non-gcov file: ${NOT_COVERED_SRC}...") string(CONFIGURE ${SRC_FILE_TEMPLATE} FILE_JSON) set(JSON_GCOV_FILES "${JSON_GCOV_FILES}${FILE_JSON}, ") endforeach() # Get rid of trailing comma. string(REGEX REPLACE ",[ ]*$" "" JSON_GCOV_FILES ${JSON_GCOV_FILES}) set(JSON_GCOV_FILES "${JSON_GCOV_FILES}]") # Generate the final complete JSON! message("Generate final JSON...") string(CONFIGURE ${JSON_TEMPLATE} JSON) file(WRITE "${COVERALLS_OUTPUT_FILE}" "${JSON}") message("###########################################################################") message("Generated coveralls JSON containing coverage data:") message("${COVERALLS_OUTPUT_FILE}") message("###########################################################################")