@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+set -e
+echo -e "\n\e[97mOkcash Blockchain Uploader v$version ($date)\e[0m"
+echo -e "wareck : wareck@gmail.com"
+echo -e ""
+echo -e "\e[93mArchive size \e[0m: $split_size Mo"
+sleep 2
+function init {
+if ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep okcashd >/dev/null
+echo -e "\n\e[93mStopping Okcashd :\e[0m"
+okcashd stop 2>/dev/null || true && sudo /etc/init.d/cron stop 2>/dev/null || true
+sleep 2
+if ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep okcashd >/dev/null ; then killall -9 okcashd; fi
+sleep 2
+if [ -f /usr/local/bin/okcashd ];then sudo mv /usr/local/bin/okcashd /usr/local/bin/okcashd_old |true ;fi
+if ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep okcashd >/dev/null ; then killall -9 okcashd; fi
+echo "Done."
+if [ "`systemctl is-active watchdog.service`" = "active" ]
+echo -e "\n\e[93mStopping watchdog :\e[0m"
+sudo systemctl stop watchdog >/dev/null
+echo "Done."
+if [ -d /home/$USER/scripts/ledstatus/ ];then sudo python /home/pi/scripts/ledstatus/led_off.py; fi
+if [ -f /var/swap ]
+echo -e "\n\e[93mStopping Swap :\e[0m"
+sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff /var/swap
+sudo rm /var/swap
+echo "Done."
+function check_software_ {
+echo -e "\n\e[95mChecking Softwares :\e[0m"
+echo -e -n "Check PIXZ installed : "
+if ! [ -x "$(command -v pixz)" ]; then pixz_i="pixz" && echo -e "[\e[91m NO \e[0m]"; else pixz_i="" && echo -e "[\e[92m OK \e[0m]"; fi
+echo -e -n "Check PIGZ installed : "
+if ! [ -x "$(command -v pigz)" ]; then pigz_i="pigz" && echo -e "[\e[91m NO \e[0m]"; else pigz_i="" && echo -e "[\e[92m OK \e[0m]"; fi
+echo -e -n "Check LFTP installed : "
+if ! [ -x "$(command -v lftp)" ]; then ftp_i="lftp" && echo -e "[\e[91m NO \e[0m]"; else ftp_i="" && echo -e "[\e[92m OK \e[0m]"; fi
+echo -e -n "Check PV installed : "
+if ! [ -x "$(command -v pv)" ]; then pv_i="pv" && echo -e "[\e[91m NO \e[0m]"; else pv_i="" && echo -e "[\e[92m OK \e[0m]"; fi
+if [[ ! $ftp_i = "" || ! $pixz_i = "" || ! $pv_i = "" || ! $pigz_i = "" ]]
+echo -e "\n\e[95mSoftwares update & install :\e[0m"
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt install $pixz_i $ftp_i $pv_i $lrzip_i $pigz_i -y
+sleep 1
+echo -e "Done."
+function freeze_on {
+if [ -f /home/$USER/scripts/run-fan.py ]
+echo -e "\n\e[95mEnable \e[38;5;196mF\e[38;5;202mr\e[38;5;208me\e[38;5;214me\e[38;5;220mz\e[38;5;226mi\e[38;5;227mn\e[38;5;229mg\e[0m \e[95m:\e[0m"
+sudo systemctl stop run-fan.service
+if ! [ -f /home/$USER/freeze.txt ]
+if grep "# Author: Andreas Spiess" /home/$USER/scripts/run-fan.py >/dev/null
+grep -i "desiredTemp = " /home/$USER/scripts/run-fan.py |awk 'NR==1 {print$3;exit}' >/home/$USER/freeze.txt
+grep -i "self.startTemperature = " /home/$USER/scripts/run-fan.py |awk 'NR==1 {print$3;exit}' >/home/$USER/freeze.txt
+OLD_FAN=`cat /home/$USER/freeze.txt| awk '{print $1}'`
+echo "Fan PWM value : $OLD_FAN => $NEW_FAN"
+if grep "# Author: Andreas Spiess" ~/scripts/run-fan.py >/dev/null
+sed -i -e "s/desiredTemp = "$OLD_FAN"/desiredTemp = "$NEW_FAN"/g" /home/$USER/scripts/run-fan.py
+sed -i -e "s/self.startTemperature = "$OLD_FAN"/self.startTemperature = "$NEW_FAN"/g" /home/$USER/scripts/run-fan.py
+sudo systemctl restart run-fan.service
+echo -e "Done."
+sleep 1
+function freeze_off {
+echo -e -n ""
+if [ -f /home/$USER/scripts/run-fan.py ]
+echo -e "\n\e[95mDisable Freezing :\e[0m"
+OLD_FAN=`cat /home/$USER/freeze.txt| awk '{print $1}'`
+if grep "# Author: Andreas Spiess" ~/scripts/run-fan.py >/dev/null
+echo "Fan PWM value : $NEW_FAN => $OLD_FAN"
+echo "Fan value: $NEW_FAN =>$OLD_FAN"
+sudo systemctl stop run-fan.service
+if grep "# Author: Andreas Spiess" ~/scripts/run-fan.py >/dev/null
+sed -i -e "s/desiredTemp = "$NEW_FAN"/desiredTemp = "$OLD_FAN"/g" /home/$USER/scripts/run-fan.py
+sed -i -e "s/self.startTemperature = "$NEW_FAN"/self.startTemperature = "$OLD_FAN"/g" /home/$USER/scripts/run-fan.py
+sudo systemctl restart run-fan.service
+if [ -f /home/$USER/freeze.txt ];then rm /home/$USER/freeze.txt;fi
+echo -e "Done."
+function packit {
+echo -e "\n\e[95mPacking & Compressing Files :\e[0m"
+cd /home/$USER
+SIZE1=`du -sk /home/$USER/.okcash/blk0001.dat | cut -f 1`
+SIZE2=`du -sk /home/$USER/.okcash/txleveldb/ | cut -f 1`
+echo -e "\e[97mTar & PiXz :\e[0m"
+tar cf - .okcash/txleveldb/* .okcash/blk0001.dat | pv -s ${SIZE}k | pixz > bootstrap.tar.xz
+sleep 1
+echo -e "\n\e[95mSplitting Files (${split_size}M):\e[0m"
+split --verbose -b ${split_size}M bootstrap.tar.xz "bootstrap.part"
+rm bootstrap.tar.xz
+sleep 1
+echo "Done."
+echo -e "\n\e[95mRename Files:\e[0m"
+if [ -f bootstrap.partaa ]; then mv bootstrap.partaa bootstrap.part01 && echo "bootstrap.partaa >> bootstrap.part01" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partab ]; then mv bootstrap.partab bootstrap.part02 && echo "bootstrap.partab >> bootstrap.part02" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partac ]; then mv bootstrap.partac bootstrap.part03 && echo "bootstrap.partac >> bootstrap.part03" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partad ]; then mv bootstrap.partad bootstrap.part04 && echo "bootstrap.partad >> bootstrap.part04" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partae ]; then mv bootstrap.partae bootstrap.part05 && echo "bootstrap.partae >> bootstrap.part05" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partaf ]; then mv bootstrap.partaf bootstrap.part06 && echo "bootstrap.partaf >> bootstrap.part06" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partag ]; then mv bootstrap.partag bootstrap.part07 && echo "bootstrap.partag >> bootstrap.part07" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partah ]; then mv bootstrap.partah bootstrap.part08 && echo "bootstrap.partah >> bootstrap.part08" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partai ]; then mv bootstrap.partai bootstrap.part09 && echo "bootstrap.partai >> bootstrap.part09" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partaj ]; then mv bootstrap.partaj bootstrap.part10 && echo "bootstrap.partaj >> bootstrap.part10" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partak ]; then mv bootstrap.partak bootstrap.part11 && echo "bootstrap.partak >> bootstrap.part11" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partal ]; then mv bootstrap.partal bootstrap.part12 && echo "bootstrap.partal >> bootstrap.part12" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partam ]; then mv bootstrap.partam bootstrap.part13 && echo "bootstrap.partam >> bootstrap.part13" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partan ]; then mv bootstrap.partan bootstrap.part14 && echo "bootstrap.partan >> bootstrap.part14" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partao ]; then mv bootstrap.partao bootstrap.part15 && echo "bootstrap.partao >> bootstrap.part15" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partap ]; then mv bootstrap.partap bootstrap.part16 && echo "bootstrap.partap >> bootstrap.part16" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partaq ]; then mv bootstrap.partaq bootstrap.part17 && echo "bootstrap.partaq >> bootstrap.part17" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partar ]; then mv bootstrap.partar bootstrap.part18 && echo "bootstrap.partar >> bootstrap.part18" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partas ]; then mv bootstrap.partas bootstrap.part19 && echo "bootstrap.partas >> bootstrap.part19" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partat ]; then mv bootstrap.partat bootstrap.part20 && echo "bootstrap.partat >> bootstrap.part20" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partau ]; then mv bootstrap.partau bootstrap.part21 && echo "bootstrap.partau >> bootstrap.part21" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partav ]; then mv bootstrap.partav bootstrap.part22 && echo "bootstrap.partav >> bootstrap.part22" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partaw ]; then mv bootstrap.partaw bootstrap.part23 && echo "bootstrap.partaw >> bootstrap.part23" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partax ]; then mv bootstrap.partax bootstrap.part24 && echo "bootstrap.partax >> bootstrap.part24" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partay ]; then mv bootstrap.partay bootstrap.part25 && echo "bootstrap.partay >> bootstrap.part25" ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.partaz ]; then mv bootstrap.partay bootstrap.part26 && echo "bootstrap.partaz >> bootstrap.part26" ;fi
+echo "Done."
+echo -e "\n\e[95mMake bootstrap_v.txt:\e[0m"
+Raw_date="`date +%d%m%Y`"
+YYYY=`ls -l bootstrap*.part* | wc -l`
+cat <<'EOF'>> bootstrap_v.txt
+Bootstrap : XXXX
+Parts: YYYY
+Compressed by : tar / xz
+sed -i -e "s/XXXX/$Raw_date/g" bootstrap_v.txt
+sed -i -e "s/YYYY/$YYYY/g" bootstrap_v.txt
+echo "Done."
+echo -e "\n\e[95mMd5sum Files:\e[0m"
+if [ -f bootstrap.part01 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part01: " && md5sum bootstrap.part01 > bootstrap01.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part02 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part02: " && md5sum bootstrap.part02 > bootstrap02.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part03 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part03: " && md5sum bootstrap.part03 > bootstrap03.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part04 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part04: " && md5sum bootstrap.part04 > bootstrap04.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part05 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part05: " && md5sum bootstrap.part05 > bootstrap05.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part06 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part06: " && md5sum bootstrap.part06 > bootstrap06.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part07 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part07: " && md5sum bootstrap.part07 > bootstrap07.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part08 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part08: " && md5sum bootstrap.part08 > bootstrap08.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part09 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part09: " && md5sum bootstrap.part09 > bootstrap09.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part10 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part10: " && md5sum bootstrap.part10 > bootstrap10.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part11 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part11: " && md5sum bootstrap.part11 > bootstrap11.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part12 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part12: " && md5sum bootstrap.part12 > bootstrap12.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part13 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part13: " && md5sum bootstrap.part13 > bootstrap13.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part14 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part14: " && md5sum bootstrap.part14 > bootstrap14.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part15 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part15: " && md5sum bootstrap.part15 > bootstrap15.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part16 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part16: " && md5sum bootstrap.part16 > bootstrap16.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part17 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part17: " && md5sum bootstrap.part17 > bootstrap17.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part18 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part18: " && md5sum bootstrap.part18 > bootstrap18.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part19 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part19: " && md5sum bootstrap.part19 > bootstrap19.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part20 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part20: " && md5sum bootstrap.part20 > bootstrap20.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part21 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part21: " && md5sum bootstrap.part21 > bootstrap21.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part22 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part22: " && md5sum bootstrap.part22 > bootstrap22.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part23 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part23: " && md5sum bootstrap.part23 > bootstrap23.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part24 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part24: " && md5sum bootstrap.part24 > bootstrap24.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part25 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part25: " && md5sum bootstrap.part25 > bootstrap25.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part26 ]; then echo -e -n "md5sum Bootstrap.part26: " && md5sum bootstrap.part26 > bootstrap26.md5 && echo -e "\e[1mDone.\e[0m"; fi
+touch /home/$USER/bootstrap_uploadpass
+function ftp_check {
+FTP_SUCCESS_MSG="226 Transfer complete"
+if fgrep "$FTP_SUCCESS_MSG" $Ftp_LOG ;then
+ echo "ftp transfer : OK"
+ echo ""
+ rm $Ftp_LOG
+ echo "ftp transfer Error: $ftp_file"
+ rm $Ftp_LOG
+ echo ""
+ ftp_loop
+function ftp_loop {
+lftp -u wareck,zorn692611 ftpperso.free.fr <<EOF
+put $ftp_file -o /crypto/okcash/bootstrap/$ftp_file
+echo -n $ftp_file && echo -e ": \e[1mDone.\e[0m";
+function upload {
+cd /home/$USER
+echo -e "\n\e[95mUpload files to server :\e[0m"
+if [ -f bootstrap_v.txt ];then ftp_file=bootstrap_v.txt && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part01 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part01 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part02 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part02 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part03 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part03 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part04 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part04 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part05 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part05 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part06 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part06 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part07 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part07 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part08 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part08 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part09 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part09 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part10 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part10 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part11 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part11 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part12 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part12 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part13 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part13 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part14 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part14 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part15 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part15 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part16 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part16 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part17 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part17 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part18 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part18 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part19 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part19 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part20 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part20 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part21 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part21 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part22 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part22 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part23 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part23 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part24 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part24 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part25 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part25 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap.part26 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap.part26 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap01.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap01.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap02.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap02.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap03.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap03.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap04.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap04.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap05.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap05.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap06.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap06.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap07.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap07.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap08.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap08.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap09.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap09.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap10.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap10.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap11.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap11.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap12.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap12.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap13.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap13.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap14.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap14.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap15.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap15.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap16.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap16.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap17.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap17.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap18.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap18.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap19.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap19.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap20.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap20.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap21.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap21.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap22.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap22.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap23.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap23.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap24.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap24.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap25.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap25.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+if [ -f bootstrap26.md5 ];then ftp_file=bootstrap26.md5 && ftp_loop ;fi
+echo -e "\n\e[92mUpload Done ...\n\e[0m"
+function end_restart {
+if [ -f /usr/local/bin/okcashd_old ]
+sudo mv /usr/local/bin/okcashd_old /usr/local/bin/okcashd | true
+function retry {
+if [ -f /home/$USER/bootstrap_uploadpass ]; then retry_flag=1 ;fi
+if [ $retry_flag = "1" ]
+echo -e "\n\e[95mRetry Upload to server :\e[0m"
+echo -e "Old files are still present."
+echo -e "If you want to force restart build/upload"
+echo -e "remove files by using this command:"
+echo -e ""
+echo -e "rm -r -f /home/$USER/bootstrap.part* /home/$USER/bootstrap_v.txt /home/$USER/bootstrap*.md5 /home/$USER/bootstrap_uploadpass"
+sleep 5
+if ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep okcashd >/dev/null
+echo -e "\n\e[38;5;166mOKcash daemon is working => shutdown and restart during this process !...\e[0m"
+while true; do
+read -p "Do you want to start processing (y/n) ? " yn
+ case $yn in
+ [Yy]* ) init ; check_software_; freeze_on ; retry ; packit ; upload ; end_restart ; break;;
+ [Nn]* ) exit;;
+ * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";;
+ esac
+if [ $retry_flag = "1" ]
+if [ swap_was = 1 ]
+echo -e "\n\e[95mRestart Swap:\e[0m"
+sudo dphys-swapfile setup
+sudo dphys-swapfile swapon
+echo "Done."
+if [ -f /home/$USER/bootstrap_uploadpass ]; then rm /home/$USER/bootstrap_uploadpass;fi
+if [ $daemon_on = 1 ]
+echo -e "\n\e[38;5;166mOKcash daemon is restarting ...\e[0m"
+if [ -f /usr/local/bin/okcashd_old ]
+sudo mv /usr/local/bin/okcashd_old /usr/local/bin/okcashd | true
+echo ""