@@ -133,6 +133,12 @@
/* Edit History: */
/* */
/* Jan 2012: */
+/* 4.4 WestfW: use attribute OS_main instead of naked for */
+/* main(). This allows optimizations that we */
+/* count on, which are prohibited in naked */
+/* functions due to PR42240. (keeps us less */
+/* than 512 bytes when compiler is gcc4.5 */
+/* (code from 4.3.2 remains the same.) */
/* 4.4 WestfW and Maniacbug: Add m1284 support. This */
/* does not change the 328 binary, so the */
/* version number didn't change either. (?) */
@@ -239,7 +245,7 @@ asm(" .section .version\n"
/* The main function is in init9, which removes the interrupt vector table */
/* we don't need. It is also 'naked', which means the compiler does not */
/* generate any entry or exit code itself. */
-int main(void) __attribute__ ((naked)) __attribute__ ((section (".init9")));
+int main(void) __attribute__ ((OS_main)) __attribute__ ((section (".init9")));
void putch(char);
uint8_t getch(void);
static inline void getNch(uint8_t); /* "static inline" is a compiler hint to reduce code size */