@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+## GUIDE-amdgpu-mining-Ubuntu-Server-LTS-18.04.5--04/2021-UPDATED
+Guide to set all up for amdgpu's mining in Ubuntu Server LTS environnement; with Vega10 exemple (RX Vega 56 Pulse) files that you can easily adapt to your config/username!
+I spent a lot of times in learning, trickering, testing, improving tools and configs to write this guide for beginners level understanding.
+If it's ok for you (i'm sure it will be..:)..) please consider donation, it would be very appreciated!
+BTC: 3DMFX97J1iz65xJRwyiMNNFFWr9qgn4PP3
+ETH: 0x2A2Ae71baE7EefFB21B3430e488a55f555cb9430
+XMR: 86sXqcNXaq3UBG9oMAfst1fXRLicKWE6QKzecf7eooiCa6iQkBC4SUFKkS8zJ1nCSkCEUGUncgYHG8csZead83wu9LeZAZB
+## Install
+#### Burn it on USB Key then boot and follow the installer instructions.
+**[Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS ISO](https://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04/ubuntu-18.04.5-live-server-amd64.iso)**
+1- Preferred Boot USB mode : UEFI
+2-Choose "Boot and install wit HWE Kernel"
+3-Install Disc:
+-a Install Ubuntu Server LTS using "entire disc" (only if dedicated disc)
+Install Ubuntu Server with Ext4 Partition or XFS (fast I/O Capability) and auto-swap creation (file).
+-b Choose to create custom install on an existing partitions disc
+UEFI and Legacy creation will differ refer: **[Install Ubuntu 18.04 UEFI/Legacy mode](https://www.itzgeek.com/how-tos/linux/ubuntu-how-tos/how-to-install-ubuntu-18-04-lts-bionic-beaver-on-uefi-and-legacy-bios-system.html)**
+Also feel free to enable openssh deamon install for remote control of your RIG, see further for config...
+4-Wait install process & update finish and reboot to new environnement
+## Ubuntu Config
+Sudoers file, enable NOPASSWD for user, all commands
+sudo visudo
+%sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
+Locales fix, adapt to your localisation
+sudo ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris /etc/localtime
+sudo locale-gen fr_FR fr_FR.UTF-8
+timedatectl set-local-rtc 1
+sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
+sudo apt install libnuma-dev
+### AMD tweaks, fall back to ethX network interface naming
+Edit the grub configuration file:
+sudo nano /etc/default/grub
+GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text amdgpu.ppfeaturemask=0xffffffff amdgpu.vm_fragment_size=9"
+GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0"
+amdgpu.ppfeaturemask=0xffffffff kernel boot option allows control of GPU power states (GPU / VRAM clocks and voltages)
+Update grub configuration
+sudo update-grub && sudo update-grub2 && sudo update-initramfs -u -k all
+### Network Configuration:
+Edit network configuration file:
+ls /etc/netplan/
+Replace enpXsX to eth0 in *.yamllibnuma-dev
+sudo nano /etc/netplan/*.yaml
+EDIT *.yaml as below, also you can check how to config netplan.[Read more here](https://documentation.online.net/fr/dedicated-server/network/network-configuration-with-netplan)
+ ethernets:
+ eth0:
+ dhcp4: true
+ version: 2
+Apply Config:
+sudo netplan apply && sudo reboot
+### Install AMDGPU Driver + OpenCL
+Download amdgpu-drivers with rocm-libs, on 04/21 >=20.40 recommended due to "large alloc memory" possibility!
+sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
+sudo apt install wget gnupg2
+wget -q -O - https://repo.radeon.com/rocm/rocm.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -
+echo 'deb [arch=amd64] https://repo.radeon.com/rocm/apt/debian/ ubuntu main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rocm.list
+sudo apt update
+sudo apt install rocm-smi-lib4.2.0
+wget https://drivers.amd.com/drivers/linux/amdgpu-pro-20.40-1147287-ubuntu-18.04.tar.xz --referer https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-amdgpu-unified-linux-20-40
+tar -Jxvf amdgpu-pro-20.40-1147287-ubuntu-18.04.tar.xz
+cd amdgpu-pro-20.40-1147287-ubuntu-18.04
+./amdgpu-pro-install -y --opencl=pal,legacy,rocm --headless
+Add yourself to the video group
+sudo usermod -aG video $LOGNAME
+### Upgrade and install tools (usefull only; no deep shits!)
+sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
+sudo apt install build-essential cmake git libuv1-dev libssl-dev libhwloc-dev libmicrohttpd-dev lm-sensors htop opencl-amdgpu-pro-dev opencl-amdgpu-pro ocl-icd-opencl-dev clinfo
+sudo reboot
+## RainbowMiner Installation
+RainbowMiner is for me, the best multipool mining manager ever coded; feel free to install or choose to mine without!
+[More Here](https://github.com/RainbowMiner/RainbowMiner)
+sudo apt-get update
+git clone https://github.com/rainbowminer/RainbowMiner
+cd RainbowMiner
+chmod +x *.sh
+sudo ./install.sh
+./start.sh ### Will start RainbowMiner; insure all is ready for it!
+### SSH Remote Control
+If you didn't check openssh installation during Ubuntu install:
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt-get install openssh-server
+You are ready to log into your remote machine type on another computer to access:
+ssh username@public_IP
+I Recommend to change port in /etc/ssh/sshd_config to something like "2009" or other! then add "-p portnumber"
+If you do not know the IP address, you can quickly identify it through the terminal by typing the command:
+ip a
+If you want to improve security and ssh config (non standard port, or encrypt access) see: [SSH Security](https://anansewaa.com/quick-tips-to-harden-ssh-on-ubuntu/)
+### Use [Tmux](http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/tmux.1.html)
+Terminal multiplexer to prevent mining activities to be stopped when SSH session is closed, you find full config file in my tools, just copy to home folder as .tmux.conf
+For exemple: if your SSH session number 0 ends and you want to get back existing Tmux session when reconnecting
+tmux attach -t 0
+#### Autostart Miners
+Create a script using tmux to start miners (this is an exemple for 2 sessions in parallel)
+tmux new-session -d -s Session1
+tmux new-session -d -s Session2
+tmux send-keys -t Session1 "cd ~/teamredminer-v0.8.4-linux && sudo ./start_eth.sh" C-m
+tmux send-keys -t Session2 "cd RainbowMiner && ./start.sh" C-m
+Make it executable
+chmod +x *.sh
+Use Crontab to execute autostart script
+crontab -e
+Then add full path to your script
+EDIT: you can edit your /etc/crontab as root (sudo) to run as specific user, not as root. Very important for RainbowMiner !!!
+## Tools
+Here is my ultimate collection of tools to Overclock and Mine over Linux. Download and make it able to run.
+git clone https://github.com/ArSd-g/anytech-mining
+cd anytech-mining
+chmod +x *.sh && chmod +x amd*
+#### Atiflash
+Ati flash allow you to dump, save and flash bios on AMD cards, you will find them here:[TechpowerUp](https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios)
+chmod +x amdflash
+sudo cp amdflash /usr/bin
+sudo amdflash -h
+Save Bios
+sudo ./amdflash -s 0 CARD-NAME.rom ##Not Working? Use -f flag to force"
+Flash Bios
+sudo ./amdflash -p 0 CARD-NAME.rom ##Not Working? Use "-f" flag to force"
+#### HugePages
+Set recommended nbr of hugepages to 4096 per numa node.
+sudo nano /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages
+## Overclocking
+- Write Power Play Table, in this exemple for GPU number 1 write the content of V56V1PPT (Ethash-Algo Vega56-Pulse-P2-1000Mhz-850Mv/Mem-950Mhz-850Mv).!!reset on every reboot!!
+sudo ./setPPT.sh 1 V56V1PPT
+- Install amdgpu-clocks to overclock GPU and select P-States; Simply place the script in /usr/bin/amdgpu-clocks:
+sudo cp amdgpu-clocks /usr/bin/
+Then copy exemple to or save/edit:
+cp amdgpu-custom-states.card1 /etc/default/
+If you want your GPU to be overclocked at boot time; place 'amdgpu-clocks.service' in systemd services, remember to edit it to work with your paths/files:
+cp amdgpu-clocks.service /lib/systemd/system/
+sudo systemctl enable --now amdgpu-clocks
+sudo reboot
+After reboot check if Overclocking service is ok by:
+sudo systemctl status amdgpu-clocks
+#### AMD Memory Tweak
+sudo cp amdmemtweak /usr/bin
+Apply memory strap on AMD Cards to improve hashrates, This is a 'Stock-Bios-Vega56-Pulse-Hynix-Memory' exemple on GPU 0 and 1 for ETHASH:
+sudo ./amdmemtweak --i 0,1 --cl 20 --ras 23 --rcdrd 15 --rcdwr 11 --rc 36 --rp 13 --rrds 3 --rrdl 5 --rtp 6 --faw 12 --cwl 7 --wtrs 4 --wtrl 9 --wr 13 --rfc 248 --REF 65535
+#### Monitor GPU
+In this exemple it will monitor GPU number 1 and print infos checking every 5s
+sudo ./moniterGPU.sh 5 1
+## Process Explained
+Here is an exemple of my 'amdgpu-clocks.service' and 'oc.sh' and how things work on my machine:
+NOTE: As you can see above tools don't use the same way to detect GPU's GPU-1 with 'amdgpuclocks' reading is GPU-0 with amdmemtweak, so beware!
+1-System-D calls 'oc.sh' script at every boot which will:
+ a-Write PPT to Linux GPU PPT (make sure that all required files are in the directory you are working in)
+ b-Apply AMD-Memory Timings Straps
+2-System-D calls amdgpu-clocks script which will applied: 'amdgpu-custom-states.card1, amdgpu-custom-states.card2...
+sudo ./setPPT.sh 1 V56V3PPT
+sudo ./setPPT.sh 2 V56V3PPT
+sudo ./setPPT.sh 3 V56V3PPT
+sudo ./amdmemtweak --i 0,1 --cl 20 --ras 23 --rcdrd 15 --rcdwr 11 --rc 36 --rp 13 --rrds 3 --rrdl 5 --rtp 6 --faw 12 --cwl 7 --wtrs 4 --wtrl 9 --wr 13 --rfc 248 --REF 65535
+GNU nano 4.8
+Description=Set custom amdgpu clocks & voltages
+After=multi-user.target rc-local.service systemd-user-sessions.service
+ExecStop=/usr/bin/amdgpu-clocks restore
+### You are READY!
+Take a deep breath and get ready to configure RainbowMiner
+I hope this guide was clear and precise, feel free to contact me for suggestions, questions, corrections or just to say thanks!
+### Donate:
+BTC: 3DMFX97J1iz65xJRwyiMNNFFWr9qgn4PP3
+ETH: 0x2A2Ae71baE7EefFB21B3430e488a55f555cb9430
+XMR: 86sXqcNXaq3UBG9oMAfst1fXRLicKWE6QKzecf7eooiCa6iQkBC4SUFKkS8zJ1nCSkCEUGUncgYHG8csZead83wu9LeZAZB
+### SRCs
+Special thanks for they awesome job and wonderfull tools and guides to:
+- **https://github.com/xmrminer01102018/VegaToolsNConfigs**
+- **https://github.com/RainbowMiner/RainbowMiner**
+- **https://github.com/czombos/AMDGPU-XMR-ETH-Mining-Ubuntu**
+- **https://github.com/patrickschur/amdvbflash**
+### Links&Docs
+- **https://releases.ubuntu.com**
+- **https://documentation.online.net/fr/dedicated-server/network/network-configuration-with-netplan**
+- **https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMDGPU-Driver**
+- **https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack**
+- **https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-lin-19-50-unified**
+- **https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-swap-space.html**
+- **https://xmrig.com/docs/miner/hugepages**
+- **https://anansewaa.com/quick-tips-to-harden-ssh-on-ubuntu/**
+- **https://www.itzgeek.com/how-tos/linux/ubuntu-how-tos/how-to-install-ubuntu-18-04-lts-bionic-beaver-on-uefi-and-legacy-bios-system.html**
+- **https://www.techpowerup.com**